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Publication Date: 
June 12, 1986
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Approved For Release 2010/07/26 :CIA-RDP90-005528000302490018-6 f' Lee H. Hamilton WASuIN~TON POST ~2 June 1986 Angola: Open Talk, Covert Aid The president talks openly about providing covert assistance to rebels of the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA), who oppose the Angolan government. But this policy cannot succeed or be sustained without the support of Congress, and at present the presi- dent's controversial plan does not have congressional approval. Concern about a U.S. role in the An ola conflict t when involvement in that war led .nnornna to m~a t n .lark AmPnei- ment rohibitin U.S. assistance to mi nary an par ' itar rou s in Knao a? ast year ongress rapes the Clark Amendment. The adminis- tration supported this repeal as a means of restoring the president's flexibility in foreign affairs, but it neither proposed nor supported fund- ing for UNITA at that time. It has since changed policy. Under the law the resident mmt notify the Dose and mate intelG- genre committees of_ planned covert actions. a committees' aaaroval is t r aired for the resident to ro- teed with covert actions. e a s- tration apparen y to move for- ward with a plan to provide UNITA and its leader, Jonas Savimbi, with covert assistance this year despite Congress' reservations on this issue. MY principal objection to this plan is a procedural one. Covert authori is in- tended as a necessarily secret too m administration seems to be using its covert action authority to change policy dramatically and avoid public or con- gressional debate. Aiding UNITA is funding a war, one of the powers of Congress enumerated in the Cor~stito- tion. The president should not be able to circumvent a public debate in Congress on a significant foreign policy decision by calling this aid by a different name. Moreover, no serious effort has flees made to preserve the secrecy of ttus policy change. The president, the vice president and other officials have con- firmed it and disclosed details about the number and types of weapons to be provided. Tlug action is no kx~ger "co- vest" under any reasonable definition of that term. If the administration can talk about covert action openly, so should members ~ Congress. We need to resolve this procedural issue so that important, substantive questions can be debated. How will aid to UNITA serve U.S. interests? How will it affect Angolan depen- dence on Soviet and Cuban support, possibilities for a negotiated settle- ment in Namibia and U.S. credibility as an honest broker in southern Afri- ca? How will it be viewed in black Africa? How will it affect substantial U.S. commercial ties with Angola? 'these questions shouki tat be avoided by simply notifying a handfW aE mem on mte Bence oommit~= tees. ey are among mast serious issues for U.S. policy in Africa today. They deserve to be weighed by Coq- gress as a whole. tpoi4larvn ~,;n vim come before the House which would restrict temoorarily the oresideenc's so- thori to conduct covert action in As- o an re uue o en ac gment an con on a rov o an posal to aid U ITA. The purpose of this bill is to strengthen'U.S. policy in Angola, to ensure that it reflects American vaN ues and interests. Debate in Congress can help answer many of the ques- tions concerning aid to UNITA and generate the political backing the president will need if he is to sustain any policy in Angola over time. American foreign policy is most successful when the president and Congress cooperate. While the presi- dent needs flexibility in the implemen- tation of foreign policy, Congress has a constitutional role to play in its formulation and review. That role must be respected if we are to have a sustainable policy in Angola that re- flects U.S. interests. The writer, a Dlernocratic re resents ve turn ndiana is chairman o t e Dose tnte e commtteet an ran rr mercer of the Forerarr arcs rrmi e~ Approved For Release 2010/07/26 :CIA-RDP90-005528000302490018-6