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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/06: CIA-RDP90-00552R000201700012-0 LONDON TIMS 27 May 1980 . ?:, ' . '!..,...irviet, readers as 4 '7. victory for i aPtictes : baTrd, ? b.,, '.. ekausiii,e ; Ne bo? cites what he' now thinks"! ochloPle, i ii In the 4W d,r in ? .a , serws.,, of. reciiii.OnliC;Planning.!Aa An .exatii- ,"AfriCani, pio..ilittiicnal.b:;?614r.n.,,c3;:1,9,--f,?lonr.,:,.,,!..pgi.t.is?ive.fores .. ! _ .. _ I,,ng whole, l inteiwier&s- with- ;,, Tile Time.s,.!of. AS The Great fun F nitr isli Pisv;?-.,lans were ,put oial 'in- Dar '''' ooki at Afriea aa a Ilya Dzhirkvelov, n foriner KGBiastet.'i7 .-.;- 1.':;..{..:',.'?:.1'1'.;1.7...cls..i:,-X'?i'' !f:.;'es, Salaam, ,charged With. hiving rAfir: !:.pzhii7kveliiv sees A cafalegne.! Of: tlie oviet ,,s' for.: , S , officer and Tess correspondent , l'T.he Rusaiiiii,'adviSed :!Ptesi-"?.? conspired -,to-.; overthroW- Ahe etbacka ,?- . ,,, oho defected to Britain. Lost .dent!: Kartithe ? .th!-'diversify-'? the!'`.GoVerninent. '' !,.. . ! .On, outlines what he sees Zanzibar. ? eContiMy,?..which ? 'de- ':' !The accused - included (j :. ,,- Unibii, in (iii.:,.!' brOes of th Contrast to the,,high? mtlt e 1960s. The peaCefill the.; settlement .-1!'of ?, the . Rhodesian 'es the failure of Soviet 'strategy. Pcnds eit -the. eXport of - cloVes. s' ahsentia)'.0scar Kambona, issue waa, 'he !says, a disaster in Africa. ? , ? ? ., , e i ' Since Zanziba?r, is an island the fornier Foreign Minister.,There . - , . .. , for Moacow,, which ? had - coin. -; Soviet strategy in Africa .has. Soviet - adVitera'f proposed !!, the,,,.. was:. speculation, ;.= unconfirmed; 1.?,, ,.., failed to foresee the failed, largely. due to Moscow's constructiOn of !:a '. tuna ProecIss- i at the ! time, f: that the Soviet, P.'nelY* election of Mr Robert Mugabe, inability to coMPrehend. African Mg,- plant!' It :betame -?? knoWn, ''.."; Union had Supported i. some !of,'. as Prime Minister, and had onCe!' chndittons .and the African:Cast- however,(ithatilthe?lisliink ?Ves-',,, the - alleged ; !conapil'atera:.;!.,?,'Mr;, again backed the. wrong horse in of mind, says Mr ..Dzilirktelpv, sets -isupPlied - by ;the Rtistithis-;, Dzbirkveloi,r!liaa,;told.The,Tiinee, WOO was Tess cori-espondent in ii.:icie?ea,ri,,.!:al.. i:Mr Joshua Nkomo. were; slower'. than, the'itina figh,'!'? that !!. a . ,!!- ? Zanzibar from 1967 to 1970, And .and l!the .."ne,cessary!,,equipment ? ": Moscow ConneXion"i: and thaf Somali and Zanzibar; m61 v. . , ,.! have then for two Years', in .Sudati.!??!.? would: nave to 'lie, bought:- frbm; ',Soviet.- effiCials. ! hi -! Dar Dzhirkvelo ,points out ?::',.-; ea ,', i;?,.???.;, Itli; expelled their Soviet Ad= ( In the 1961s and' 1970S Soy- JaPan, since.Russie did net pro.' Salaam 'were? !!.extreinely ; .,1 . , risers. - Egypt,. which expelled. .strategy, according; to ? Mr duce. it.,!!!.", .i..(!!?. ! ',.!?.;!-,i! , : J, ? .: '..ried ".. that this i might.",ernerge all ,. , Dzhirkvelov, was to fake' advari- ?:- Tile cest! Of biiiidini the-new'', At ':',ithe -....trial. ?!? Some ',.: of -?,: the Soviet personnel in 1972;!. tage of anti-colonial sentinient pert, 'complex was in any: cASO ...accuSed, says, i,?,.,fr ozhirt,tiev,..,i?-was :regarded by ? Moscow. as a se ? S hi Africa and gaM political in. PrebibitivekExisting-,nort?facili--?;?': though/ not Ti; karribbriahad? af oviet domain to the last fluence over African countiik ties were hehig, used for loadittw --:,:::." cloot ties l' with .the -ItUisians.:, moment. i Sit ? months -? :before I ; ' '!. ' by ' tying ? them to the ! Soviet Spices." The,. only!?result ',',?. i'ys., ::: :.: Mt; Dihirkveliiv7;?.attended".? al-!''' President Sadat s expulsion order, a member of the polit. Union economic'any, f,,,,,:,.!,, i.i.,, t?: Mr: .0ilitrkiieloVii!Would..! hdve- most all . of ...the trial, with With: ,.? ?. ?Zanzibar was regarded as the .!been: '!that, the Fish, would :have; instructions:: , to .-:?report...s to-,,,?:;the.?! bur.o,;!,..,,Mr , Botis.---;,,l'oPolraKeYv , gateway . to Africa.".:. because '.1c,i'ae-ii tip siiiepindt ..icive!'aiia :Soviet Embassy anyl...mention!ofi 'Visited Cairo, and. wa$ impreaaed. of .the. openly ' pro-communist !,..the cloves - smelling of fish"; -.?? 1 ztls.sfr.?" , Fearing exposure; -.a,' by , what . he !!!:construed .',..as .!the which regime ? took poiver then -ft, !: IF ? has Other e?Iripio , a?',.nuM. number of KGB !agents :AO the 12,gyptians! ;'Appetito., foe mabc. al ter ? the , Zanzibar ..re.volutton .. of 1954. 'Under . its ; President, .itdriaitt." by i ivhai he eani...!econm.nic., advn. embalisy. left ::,,Tanzantnibefore,-. isin-Leninisroi despite, Warnioga the ituskiris.in East? the. trial ended,'" indirect ' proof'. front; Soviet officials ' in , Cake Abaid Karume, Zanzibar. was ' Atrice?;!- ? - :..:!. .. . ' . ,...s ,, ?1,-,, Of Soviet involvement, to which , that the. Sadat ,Goverriment was hh.stile to the. West, while re.. 1! 'In *4969 he leatnt 'from .? the the ..",, Tanzanian -..1,1autlioritiea-',going .in. an ?ilomistakably pto. ceiving vast amounts , of, aid , Sovieti thilbaSsador ,.in 'Mogacli.! turned .a blind eye,: S...!'??!..!.-;_:!. , '-,,Ipestern.,directicin.". ? . I, , ? ?? -!:-.'.! from the Soviet. Union, ?East ! AIM that the ? the,..?Russiana'.?': were 2' ? As for the Sudan, Mr. ,Dzirirk- l'i'!!The ..Soviet ?T.Inion-, -Saysf, Mc( Germany and China. , .l ' ? .' ? 'bhildirig a' huge ?dairy ',Cairn:40c yelov .recalls an even -'? greater ! DzhirkireloV, i has; spent - milliOna iIt was . partly to moderate I lin'. Somalia because ' there Were rniScaltulation, ? when - the Rus-libf iroithlea- hi ?Africa,,,with? very this Marxist radicalism on his ",:lcOWe?feeding.near the proposed scans siipported, ' and perhaps ! little. :'?!" result. ' Mr , Ki'Vaine (Doorstep that President Nyertie !?? !site.'?,- The. dairy was completed ? even ...inspired, a communist .1?Nkruinah.',ilf Ghana; :President in neighbouring. .!.Tanganyika . 'at -f.;:ebrisiderable ', 'Coat; I-. bite: by, coup against President Nirner,i i Kenneth Kuanda in. Zambia mid proposed:. ,the vatted', State 'of ? ? ?h t^ ..,,,,n there mere no ?!to WS' left. to ' in ' july!..1971,!-Mr.--Dzhirkirelov,!.1Dr! Milton !, Obote -?in -' Uganda 'llanzania-. !i? :But Zanzibar ton- die Milked, since Somali farmers'. Y"ho, was 'in Khartum., through- d 'were ail - at:!variotis. i times Alia, tamed to pursue pro -communist ' :;!/;:; :are i.notifactie. and ,the herds ii out 'tins period, foresaw. that! it l'Object (!;.?,of ,.!.., tniSpl aced Soviet pOliciei semi-independently. !rtioVed elsewhere. ,,t .-;i.,':!..!;?!!?..',--:' . 'there were, : s,uch a coup it hopes. i!'??!;:. A.:!?-i-!: !???! . !. ?::?. ? ????.! ??,-,.., I President Katume told.' Mr 1.1 But ?; the!'',!" pilliciP61;.'i Sotriet.. Would tindoubtedly be eroshed,41!Ghanaivas once thetnain KGB II.zhirkyelov , when , ! he. ,arrived, mistake:!: in .,? Africa, ?:', says :.? . Mr,' and:, the ?Sudanese - Communist': t- iJaSe its Africa hilt ;,tifi.'' inOre,1, that ? Zanzibar . was to be .. an !DzhirkvelOy,'.;.:!is `., serious. '.?:: The partY, would be. destroyed! !!',. i :4 .. 'While' Zainbia, ".'clOei not,;Watit' island of freedom ";' on," Att anti never did want"- SoViet. ahalogy. with' Cuba in the Catih- Russians, he :. argues, have ..Very:I. ! He, made this plain, he claims, ;little understanding ric erstanding of,fAfau !!.3.0q!"..,. in ...dispatches!.!for7.-Tas.si-i, help. As ? for 'Uganda, 'Moscew' bean.. The number. of . Soviet : ?. .. 7.agrariari -and : tribal- societies, ' which' were '? passed Citi f.."to tthe:y `Oen inade?What'me Dtfiiricoeloi 1 advisern .ZatizTha4r.ose dining,. and Assume that socialism on the :,,..,KGB, fiod in person:to Mr,...Y...1/...'?corisiders the " appalling error " 1 A//i.''',' Ditliikielovi ..;'tlitie :1'`fetlire,!?oviet: !model is suitable suitable o .id '1