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Approved For Release 2010/06/21 : CIA-RDP90-00552R000201210001-6 ARTICLE APPcARED ON PAGE fy- 1 U.S. Weighs olan Rebel Aid Resumption Is Urged Tor Show Resolve Against Communism 1 B David B. Ottawky Washington t to Writer WASHINGTON POST 16 October 1985 way to determine the Soviet role,. rhtentions and prospects in Angola, according to- intelligence and con- gressional sources. At issue is whether the United States should provide either mili- tary or humanitarian aid to the non- communist National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) led by Jonas Savimbi, whose guerrillas fighting in south- ern Angola have recently been un- der heavy pressure from the Soviet- supplied and Cuban-aided forces of the Marxist government. A subsid- iary question is whether this aid should be provided through covert or overt U.S. channels. Earlier this month, sources said The Reagan administration is in bot t e CIA and entaeon seemed the midst of a major policy review to favor covert military aid similar to decide whether to resume U.S. to ?e'aistance being given to the rebels in military aid to noncommunist guer- rillas fighting Angola's Marxist gov- Ailsa,deing studied is the possible imposi- ernment, according to congression- tioiY-ot trade embargo, affecting either U.S. al and intelligence sources. exportsto Angola, the importation of Angolan The review has touched off an oil,;or both, a step being urged on the admin- acrimonious interagency debate that pits the administration's global isb*tiolt by conservative Republican groups strategists, intent upon showing like the Conservative Caucus and the Amer- U.S. resolve against the growing ican Security Council. Soviet and Cuban military role in According to government sources, the Angola, against its "regionalists," Csmtt~ Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon who fear U.S. aid to the guerrillas, and the NSC staff all strongly support mili- will end U.S. efforts to negotiate a t* T, aid-perhaps even covert assistance- peaceful settlement to the dispute e the State Department is said to be just over Namibia, or Southwest Africa. as vehemently opposing any shift from the The debate takes place amid ad- current U.S. policy of no assistance at all. ministration preparations' for the "We still don't think providing arms is the Nov. 19-20 summit between Pres- way to 'do it," said a State Department ident Reagan and Soviet leader spokesiwpan, adding, "We think negotiations is Mikhail Gorbachev, and a number the way out." He was referring to U.S efforts of policy-makers are arguing that to resi lve through negotiations the twin now is the time for Washington to problems of the withdrawal of Cuban troops send a strong message to Moscow from Angola-now said to number as many about the U.S. resolve not only to as 35,000, up 5,000 from last year-and in- help noncommunist guerrilla forces in Angola but elsewhere in the NSmIbIieace for South African-administered world. N~' In addition, they are arguing that An.dmuustration decision to ask Congress Gorbachev is behind recent offen- fat ov t assistance is likely to touch off an- sives by Soviet-allied governments other Utter debate there similar to the one it,Afghanistan, Nicaragua and Ethi- over U,$. aid to anticommunist forces, known against noncommunists fight- as the "contras," in Nicaragua. ing i those countries and'thatAbe. A -debate over U.S. oolicv toward AngOIa United States must respond to bpl- took pace in 1975-76 after it was discovered ster its position going into the sum- that the CIA was secretly funneling more mit. than 30 million in military and other assist- At least two National Security. anre tg two rebel factions, one of them Council-chaired meetings have been' UNITA, which were then locked in a three- held, the latest last Friday. In ads way civil war and power struggle ultimately ditioe, a Special N tional._Intellia won by the now ruling Popular Movement for gel Estimate, a. quick in-depth., the Liberation of Angola (MPLA). In January study by the various branches of the ' intelligence community, is under 1976, Congress passed the Clark amend- ment, which was sponsored by then-Sen. Dick P D-Iowa banning m ary aid to Angolan rebels. That amendment was repealed by Con- gress last July, opening the way for the de- bate now going on inside the administration over whether to resume aid to UNITA. Supporters of a renewed American involve- ment on the side of UNITA say there may be less congressional opposition this time be- cause of Soviet and Cuban involvement in Angola and the fact that the United States has never had diplomatic- relations with the Marxist Angolan government. In addition, State Department efforts to negotiate a so- lution to the Namibia dispute, or a withdrawal of Cuban troops from Angola, have been un- successful. Opponents of such a policy say an open U.S. alignment with UNITA will inevitably draw Washington into a closer alliance with white-ruled South Africa, UNITA's most im- portant source of support, and undermine the administration's efforts to pressure Pretoria to reform its apartheid system. South Africa is presently the main supplier of arms and the conduit for other outside military aid to UNITA. e Rep. Claude Penner fi)-FIB, chairman of the House Rules Committee, introduced a bill earlier this month authorizing the U.S. gov- ernment to provide up to $27 million in hu- manit"n aid only to UNITA, and Sen. Steve Symms (R-Idaho) is "seriously thinking" about sponsoring a similar bill in the Senate, accord- ing to an aide. "We're waiting for word from the White House," an aide to Pepper said. "We feel there will be significant developments in a matter of days." Savimbi has asked the United States for military aid, though he has not submitted any written request to Washington yet, according to Jeremias K. Chitunda, UNITA foreign af- fairs secretary. Chitunda said in an interview that UNITA's top priority right now was antitank and an- tiaircraft weapons to counter the Angolan government's Mig fighters, Hind helicopter gunships and tanks recently supplied by the Soviet Union. He said $50 million in military aid would be more useful than $100 million in humanitar- ian aid. "Humanitarian assistance is just a way of evading ... the issue ... , " he added. Chitunda asserted that the Soviets had de- livered $2 billion worth of arms in the past 18 months. but U.S. intelligence sources said it was more like $1 billion worth since January 1984. Approved For Release 2010/06/21 : CIA-RDP90-00552R000201210001-6