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STAT Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2011/01/05 : CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 F. ? CL ASS I F I CAT ION T1SNCUMENTRENNIES SPEC[AL WDLONG HANDLING PROCEDURES ? .01P. 1HIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION REGARDING A HIGHLY CLASSIFIED ACTIVITY. PERMISSION TO TRANSFER CUSTODY, OR PERMIT ACCESS TO THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE ORIGINATOR. HAND CARRY PROCEDURES WILL BE APPLIED TO ANY INTER-OFFICE OR INTRA-AGENCY MOVEMENT OF THIS DOCUMENT. REFERRED TO RECEIVED RELEASED SEEN,BY OFF ICE SIGNATURE DATE TIME DATE TIME NAME AND OFF ICE SYMBOL DATE ri : I/ AI ?f" CLASSIFICATION r-F-0 RPA I tS7 - ri3b2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 STAT STAT STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 CONTRACT SO. enc43.0 NEGOTIATED COMO! Granger Associates 966 Cmeserciel Street Palo Alto, Calliword* Contract tor: See Sehedule Amount: ta38#652.00 iilInvoices to: Performance Period: See Saba&le Atbsinistretive Dates a wed America, hereinafter milled the Government, represented by the Contracting Officer executing this eantrast, and the above named Coutraotor which is a corporation, insorporatod in the State Of California hereinafter (gelled the **tractor. The parties hereto agree that the Contrector shell furnish the realities end deliver all supplies end petters all the services set forth in the ettiehed schedule issued hereunder, for the con siderntion steted therein. The rielts end obligations of the parties to this eontract shall be subject to and governed by the ettached schedule and General Previ- sions. In the event of ay. inconeietener betimes the Salida* and the General Provisions, the Schedule shall control. 1E MUSS WHEREO,? the parties hereto have executed this acctract as of germ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 - Contract No. SE-510 I , certify that I am CistalrICATS the Assistant Secretary of the Corporation named elp Contractor herein; thatL who signed this contract on behalf of the Contractor was then President of said Corporation; that said contract was duly signed for and in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its governing body, and is within the scope of its Corporate powers. - 2 - (Corporate Seal) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 ? Colit."44 NO. Etz.slo DUX TO AMID= PARTI SCOPE or wog PANT IT ?ESZTVERT. ? ? ? 4 PART xxx UM OP RIQUIR/SOCIVS OP =ORAL PPOVISIONS.. ? * ** **** 5 PART If ? SPEOYAL SISOURTPT SNOTRICTIONS * 5 ror OOMOSSINT4URN3BISID PSOPIZTT 6 PART VX tarns COMMA= SUMMED . ? 6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 Contract No. SE-510 SCODULE PART I * SCOPE 0111 WORK Contractor shall furnish the necessary smile", services and materials to accomplish the work set forth below: Item 1 * Fabricate five (5) each of Contractor's Model 504 B receptive Repeaters with Pilots Control Box and Switch as described in Contractor's Proposal No. 59- 1148, dated October 1, 1959, incorporated herein by reference-0 at a unit price of $19,800 and a total price of $990000. Item 2 . Furnish Spare Parts for Item 1 above in accordance with Appendix I attached hereto at a total price of $340343. Item 3 . Furnish Test Equipment for support of Item 1 in accordance with Appendix II:attached hereto at a total price of $1,309. Item 4 * As a result of the reduction in spare ;arts and units called for under the Letter Contract, it is Recognized that a surplus of parts have accrued. Contractor shall make every effort to utilize these parts in the perfOrmance of this contract or other work. For all parts which cannot be utilized in the above manner, Contractor shall furnish a list and prices for such parts to the Contracting Officer. Upon approval or agreement on the prices of said parts, the list shall be made a part of this contract by amendment. A sum of $4,000.o0 is obligated under this Item 4 to cover the cost of such parts. PART rx DELIVERY (a) Contractor shall furnish the work called for under PART I above in accordance with the following schedule: Item]. - Contractor shall deliver the unite as follows: 1960 Jan Fab Mar April ?37,- 1 Item 2 - Contractor shall exert its best efforts to 4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 deliver the su.s soneurrent with rtes 1 obeys. /tea 3 Centreetor 441 deliver the test equip- en or before 31 *rah 1960. nowit - Delivery shall be in aceerdsnes with the prevision' of Dna 4. (b) tiaspe0/01 and aeseplource shall be at Zlestinition. MO": lastrtuniums will be furnished won ropnist of Cent:600r. pART 011111..vo coggPROVISZONS Notwithstendiag the requirements of any of the General Previsions of this 40101410 to the contrary, whensoever the Centreeter? in pertereance of the work under this ',outrank, shall find that the requirements of aro' of the clauses of the Oraeral Previsierur are in conflict with security inetruorticas issued to the Contractor by the Contracting Miser or by MO duly authorised reeresentattnt ter security natters, the Contractor shall cell the attention of the Contracting Officer to such vonfliet and the ***rooting Officer or' his _duly authorised representative for security natters *ban (1) andity or rescind such security roquisocants or (U) the Colaftettag Officer shall issue to the Contractor a vaiver of ;Mee with the require- ments or the Genera Provisions sontlitng with such security requirements. Any minor of oaU with?the General Previsions of this centment issued by the Coat Writer shall be in writing *zees, that the approval by the Omitrootioit Officer of any subcontract toned hereunder by the Centractne shall he deemed to constitute apprevel of tatter of any clauses of the General Provisions in sonfliet with the stipulations of such subeoetragt. PART I! The Cent ) the specific nature or any details of the verb Wag performed hereunder or(ii) any infervertion whatsoever with respect to the departmeet et the 00yeralle0 speesering this contract and the work thereunder except as the Centrastor is divested or permitted to rived, outh infersation by the Contracting %View or by his duly ***wised repreeentative tor security matters, and act withstanding ce.Y *Immo or sorties or 'this contract to the contrary, the Oentmeater shall *et istexpret any Clause or sorties of this ?entreat as requiring or pernitting divalgenee of such infOrmatien to say person, public or private, or to any officer or depertiont of the Government without the ewes* cease* of the Contracting ?Meer or his duly authorized representative for security *litters. 5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 PAX V GOVIERAM4aANTEA1ED PROMPT Di the pertoraince of the work called for under PART 2 love the C41000.10011 Is authertieed to use the Saweestof furnished X( the Goverseent under Contract We.L_EA-509. / PART VI - LITTER_OORTRACT SUPOSZEID This is the De:Unitive Conteect ecnteelated by the Letter Contract NO. Si0510 dated 14 October 1959. This Definitive **tract supersedes add Lotter Contract in its isatirety. Work peewee and moots aide wieder said Letter Contract shall be droned to be work peritearel and gosents aide wader this Definitive Contract. To the evert or confliet between this Definitive Contract and said Utter Contrast, this Definitive Contract shall. govern. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 mown n =wpm No. sz.53.0 SST =MOW Description Quaatity 1 Tecesination* WO power* hewlett 'Weird X412A 2 ea, 2 Cooler* directional Deamapaosardi 632 2 ea. 3 , MOuat, erystal detecter* eage 10133 1 ste, 4 Detector, crystal* Sylvania 33358A 3. es. 5 Teat Control Sox* Mawr CC-1016 2 ea* 6 WA** leaver, GilWier XU41039 2 at. 7 CO": WAWA priortegr ZU-IMT 2 ea. 8 CO3.** ipower* Gnaw =4018 9 *lad, sower, Groom Xt10-3.020 2 es,. 10 Ada:Vier, %tea** ReallettAistard X-2814 3 ea. 11 cyralitte, *made rtitiseareit R.920 3. is. 22 Coax Attenuotor, AitatittsAV-- 2 ets. 6thAmiect (men - (6.d& , ercoto-vt-L4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 APPENDU Mu= NO, EM43.0 SPAM Pals Description:,nttt Mover, Rottrou 464y0,11 5 es. Vanstorser, Pico Gk4599 5 es. Trenstorner? Pio* (10.41600A 5 Electron Tube, Litton 1rle36i -5 5g (3 5 is. (e)- Elec4ron Tate, Litton b-3e66-4- .6?66) 5 c $langes, Walreguirlo? GA41-2934.1 2 4.49 Modules? GA0800218201 4, Module*, Git.13C.2783.1 444. Modules, GA-130-2784.1 Modules, GA.80-2785-1 4 ea. Modules, GA4C-2786A modules, OA-so-27874 4 ea. Modules, GA-SC.27814 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 INDEX TO GENERAL PROVISIONS Article No. Page No. 1. DEFINITIONS 1 2. CHANGES 3, EXTRAS 2 L. VARIATION IN QUANTITY 2 5. INSPECTION 2 6. RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUPPLIES 3 ?. PAYMENTS 3 8. AcS1CNMENT(OF CLAIMS 4 9. ADDITIONAL B Ni) SECURITY 4 10. FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL T?)CES 4 U. DEFAULT L. 6 12. DISPUTES 8 13. SOVIET CONTROLLED AREAS 8 14. EIGHT-HOUR LAi OF 1912 9 15. ALM-HEALEY PUBLIC CONTRACTS ACT 9 16. NOACISCRICE T ION IN EMPLOYMENT 9 17. OFFICIALS NOT TO BENEFIT 10 18. COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES 10 19, TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE BF THE GOVERMENT 10 20, AUTHORIZATION AND CONSENT 15 21. NOTICE AND ASSISTANCE REGARDING PATENT- INFRINGEMENT 15 22. BUY AMERICAN ACT 15 23, FILING OF PATENT APPLICATIONS 16 24. PATENT RIGHTS 17 25. REPORTING OF ROYALTIES 21 26. RIGHTS IN DATA - UNLIMITED 23 27. MILITARY SECURITY REQUIREMENTS 24 28. UTILIZATION OF SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS 25 29, EXAMINATION OF RECORDS 25 30. GRATUITIES 26 31. CONVICT LABOR 26 32. NOTICE TO THE GOVERMENT OF LABOR DISPUTES 26 33. MATERIEL INSPECTION AND RECEIVING REPORT 26 34. SUBCONTRACTS 27 35. SUBCONTRACTS 36, AIRCRAFT IN THE OPEN 27 37, INSPECTION AND AUDIT 28 38. GOVERNMENT.FURNISBED PROPERTY 28 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 ci Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. DEFINITIONS (ASPR 7-103.1) As used throughout this contract, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below: (a) The term "Se6reta0" Means the Secretary, or any Assistant Secretary of the Department, aid the head or any assistant head of the Federal agency; and the term ."his duly authorized representative" means any person or persons or board (other than the Contracting Officer) authorized to act for the Secretary. (b) The term "Contracting Officer" means the person executing this contract on behalf of the'Government, and any other officer or civilian employee who is a properly designated Contracting Officer; and the term includes, except at otherwise provided in this contract, the authorized representative Of a Contracting Officer acting within the limits of his authority. (c) Except as otherwise provided in this contract, the term subcontracts" includes purchase orders under this contract. 2. CHANGES (ASPR 7-103.2) The Contracting Officer may at any time, by a written order, and without notice to the sureties, make changes, within the general scope of this contract, in any one or more of the following; (i) Drawings, designs, or specifications, where the supplies to be furnished are to be specially manufactured for the Go4ernment in accordance therewith; (ii) method of shipment or packing; and (iii) place of delivery. If any such .change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time required for the performance of any aprt of the work under this contract whether changed or not changed by any auch order an equitable adjustment shall be made in the contract price or delivery schedule, or both, and the contract shall be modified in writing accordingly. Any claim by the Contractor for adjustment under this clause must be asserted within 60 days from the date of receipt by the Contractor of the noti- fication of chage; PROVIDED, however, That the Contracting Officer, if he decides that the facts justify such action, may receive and act upon any such claim asserted at any time prior to final payment under this contract. Where the cost of property made obsolete or excess as result of a change is included in the Contractorls claim for adjustment, the Contracting Officer shall have the right to prescribe the manner of disposition of such property, Failure to agree to any adjustment shall be a dispute concerning a question of fact within the meaning of the clause of this contract entitled "Dispute," However, nothing in this clause shall excuse the Contractor from prodeeding with the contract as changed. BP or PR 14 July 58 -1- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 3. EXTRAS (ASR 7,4033) Except as Otherwise provided in this contract, no payment for extras shall he made unless such extras and the price therefor have been authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer. L. VARIATION IN QUANTITY No variation in the quantity of any item called for by this contract will be accepted unless such variation has been caused by conditions of loading, shipping, or packing, or allowances in manufacturing processes, and then only to the extent, if,any, specified elsewhere in this contract. 5. INSPECTION (ASPR 7-10.5) (a) all supplies Which term throughout this clause includes without limitation raw materials, components, intermediate assemblise, and end products) shall be subject to the inspection and test by the Government, to the extent practicable at all times and places including the period of manufacture, and in any event prior to acceptance. (b) In case any supplies or lots of supplies are defective in material or wcrkmanship or otherwise not in conformity with the requiremetts of this contract, the Government shall have the right eith to reject them (with or without instructions as to their (disposition) or to require their correction. Supplies or lots of supplies which have been rejected or required to be corrected shall be removed or, if permitted or required by the Gontracting-Officer,.corrected in place by and at the expense of the Contractor promptly .after notice, and shall not thereafter be tendered for acceptance unless the former rejection or requirement of correction is disclosed. If the Contractor fails promptly to remove such supplies or lots of supplies which are required to be removed, or promptly to replace or correct such supplies or lots of supplies, the Government either .((i) may by contract or otherwise replace or correct such supplies and charge to the Contractor the cost occasioned the Government thereby, or (ii) may terminate this contrPct for default as provided in the clause of this contract entitled "Default." Unless the. Contractor corrects or replaces such supplies within the delivery schedule, the Contracting Officer may require the delivery of such supplies at a reduction in price which is equitable under the circumstances. Fail.. ure to agree to such reduction of price shall be a dispute concerning a question of fact within the meaning of the clause of this contrect entitled "Disputes." (c) If any inspection or test is made by the Government on the premises of the Contractor or a subcontractor, the Contractor without additional charge shall provide all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safety and convenience of the Government inspectors in the performance of their duties. If Government inspection or test is made at a point other than the premises of the Contractor or a subcontractor) it shall be at the expense of the Government except as otherwise provided in this FP or PR 14 July 58 -2- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 contract: PROVIDED, That in case of rejection the Government shall not be liable for any reduction in: value of samples used in connection with such inspection or test. All inspections and tests by the Government shall be performedin such a manner-as not to unduly delay the work. The Government reserves the right to charge to the Contractor any additional cost of Government inspection and test when supplies are not ready at the time such inspection and test is requested by the Contractor or when rein- spection or retest is necessitated by prior rejection. Acceptance or rejection of the supplies shailbe made as promptly as practicable after delivery, except as otherwise Provided in this contract; but failure to inspect and accept or reject supplies shall neither relieve the Contractor from responsibility for such supplies as are not in accordance with the contract requirements nor impose liability on the Government therefor. (d) The inspection and test by the Government of any supplies or lots thereof does not relieve the Contractor from any responsibility regarding defects or other failures to:meet the contract requirements which may be discovered prior to acceptance. Except as otherwise provided in this contract, acceptance shall be conclusive except as regards latent defect8i fraud, or such gross mistakes as amount to fraud. (e) The Contractor shall provide and maintain an inspection system acceptabel to the Government covering the supplies hereunder. Records of all inspection work by the Contractor shall be kept complete and available to the Government during the performance of this contract and for such longer period as may be specified elsewhere in this contract. 6. RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUPPLIES (APR 7-10.6) Except as otherwise provided in this contract, (i) the Contractor shall be responsible for the supplies covered by this contract until they are delivered at the designated delivery point, regardless of the point of inspection; (ii) after delivery to the Government at the designated point and prior to acceptance by the Government or rejection and giving notice thereof by the Government, the Government shall be responsible for the loss or destruction of or damage to the supplies only if such loss, destruction, or damage results from the negligence of officers, agents, or employees of the Government acting within the scope of their employment; and (iii) the Contractor shall bear all risks as to rejected supplies after notice of rejection, except that the Government shall be responsible for the loss,or destruction of, or damage to the supplies only if such loss, destruction or damage results from the gross negligence of officers, agents, or employees of the Government acting within the scope of their employment. 7. PAYIENTS (ASPR 7-103.7) The Contractor shall be paid, upon the submission of proper invoices or vouchers, the prices stipulated herein for supplies delivered and accepted or services rendered and accepted, less deductions, if any, as herein provided. Unless otherwise specified4 payment will be made on partial FP or PR 14 July 58 -3- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 20171)01/05 : CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 deliveries accepted by the Government when the amount due on such de- liveries so warrants; or, when requested by the Contractor, payment for accepted partial deliveries shall be made whenever such payment would equal or exceed either 41,00(Yor 56 percent of the total amount of this contract. 8. ASSIGNI1E1JT OF CLAIMS (ASP. 7La03.8) (a) Pursuant to the provisions of the Assignment of Claims Act of 1940, as amended (31 U. S. Code 203,, 41 U. S. Code 15) if this contract provides for payments aggregating $10000 or more, claims for monies due or to become due the Contractor from the Government under this contract may be assigned to a bank, trust cOmpany, or other financing institution, including any Federal lending agenCy, and may thereafter be further assigned and re-assigned to any such institution. Any such assignment or reassignment shall cover all apounts payable under this contract and not 7 already paid, and shall not be; madO to more than one party, except that any such assignment or reassignment may be made to one party as agent or trustee for two or more parties participating in such financing. Notwith- standing any provisions of this contract, payments to an assignee of any monies due or to become due under this contract shall not, to the extent provided in said Act, as amended, be subject to reduction or set-off. (b) In no event shall copies of this contract or of any plans, specifications, or other similar doquments relating to work under this contract, if marked "Top Secret," "Secret," or "Confidential", be furnished to any assignee of any claim arising under this contract or to any other person not entitled to receive the same: PROVIDED, That a copy of any part or all of this contract so marked may be furnished, or any information contained therein may be disclosed, to such assignee upon the prior written authorization of the Contracting Officer (c) The Contractor shall obtain theu?itten authorization of the Contracting Officer prior to the assignment of any rights under this contract. a _ 9. ADDITIONAL BOND SECURITY (ASPR 7-103.9) If any surety upon any bond furnished in connection with this contract becomes unacceptable to the Government, or if any such surety fails to furnish reports as to his financial condition from time to time as requested by the Government, the Contractor shall promptly furnish such additional security as may be required from time to time to protect the interests of the Government and of persons supplying labor or materials in the prosecution of the work contemplated by this contract. 10. FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL TAXES (ASPR 11-401.1) (a) As used throughout this clause, the term "tax inclusive date" means the date of negotiated contracts and the date set for the opening of bids for contracts entered into through formal advertising. As to additional FP or PR .14 July 58 -14- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 supplies or services procured by modification to this contract, the term "tax inclusive date" means the date of such modification. (b) Except as may be otherwise provided in this contract, the contract price includes all Federal, State, and local taxes and duties in effect and applicable to the contract on the tax inclusive date, except taxes, (other than 'Federal transportation takes) from which tht Government, the Contractor, or the transaCtions or property covered by this Contract are then exempt. Unless speCifically excluded, duties are included in the contract price, and, if freight is included in the contract price, Federal transportation taxes are likewise included. (c) (1) If the Contractor is rehuired to pay or bear the burden (i) of any tax or duty, which either was not to be included in the contract price pursuant to thereqUirements of paragraph (b) or was specifically excluded from the contract price by a provision of this contract; or (ii) of an increase in rat,. of any tax or duty, whether or not such tax or duty was excluded from the contract price; or of any interest or penalty thereon, the contract price shall be correspondingly increased; PROVIDED, that the Contractor warrants in writing that no amount for such tax, duty, or rate increase was included in the contract price as a contin- gency reserve or otherwise; and PROVIDED further that liability for such tax, duty, rate increase, interest, or penalty tax,waz not incurred through the fault or negligence of the Contractor or its failure to follow instruc- tions of the Contracting Officer. (2) If the Contractor is not required to pay or bear the burder, or obtains a refund or drawback, in whole or in part, of any tax, duty, interest, or penalty which (i) was to be included in the contract price pursuant to the requirements of paragraph (b), (ii) was included in the contract price, or (iii) was the baits of an increase in the contract price, the contract price shall be correspondingly decreased or the amount of such relief, refund, or drawback shall'be. paid to the Government, as directed by the Contracting Officer. The contract price also shall be correspondingly decreased if the Contractor, through its fault or negli- gence or its failure to follow instructions of the Contracting Officer,is required to pay or bear the burden, or does not obtain a refund or draw- back of any such tax, duty, interest, or penalty. Interest paid or credited to the Contractor incident to a refund. of taxes shall inure to the benefit of the Government to the extent that such interest was earned after the Contractor was paid or reimbursed by the Government for such taxes. (3) Invoices or vouchers covering any adjustment of the contract price pursuant to this paragraph (c) shall set forth the amount thereof as a separate item and shall identify the particular tax involved. (4) Nothing in this paragraph, (c) shall be applicable to social security taxes; net income taxes; excess profit taxes; capital stock taxes; Federal transportation taxes, except changes in the rate thereof, in- cluding repeal; pertaining to shipments from the Contractor to the FP or FR 14 July 58 Sanitized Copy Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 Government; unemployment compensation taxes; or any State and local taxes, except those levied on or measured by the Contract or sales price of the services or completed supplies furnished under this Contract, including gross income taxes, gross receipts taxes, sales and use taxes, excise taxes, or franchise or occupation taxes measured by sales or receipts from sale. (5) No adjustment of,leSS than Sl0 shall be made in the contract price pursuant to this paragraPh. (d) Unless there does not:exist any reasonable basis to sustain an exemption, the Government agrees upon request of the Contractor, without further liability except as otherwise provided in this contract to furnish evidence appropriate to establish exemption from (i) any Federal tax, which the Contractor warrants fin writing was excluded from the contract price, or (ii) any State or local tax;. PROVIDED that evidence appropriate to establish exemption: from duties will be furnished, and Government bills of lading will be. issued only at the discretion of the Contracting Officer. In addition, the Contracting Officer may furnish evidence appropriate to establish exemption frcm any tax that may, pursuant to this clause, give rise to either an increase or decrease in the contract price. (e)(1) The Contractor shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer of all matters pertaining to Federal, State, and local taxes and duties that reasonably may result in either an increase or decrease in the contract price. (2) Whenever an increase or decrease in the contract pride may be required under this clause', the Contractor shall take action as directed by the Contracting Officer, and the ,contract price shall be equitably adjusted to cover the costs of such action, including any interest, pen- alty, and reasonable attorney's fees, 11. DEFAULT (ASPR 7,.103.11) (a) The Government may; subject to the provisions of paragraph (c) below, by written notice of default to the Contractor, terminate the whole or any part of this contract in any one of the following circum- stances: j,(i)If the Contractor fails to make delivery of the supplies or to perform the services within the time specified herein or any extension thereof; or (ii) if the Contractor fails to perform any of the other provisions of this contract, or so fails to make progress as to endanger performance of this contract in accordance with its terms, and in either of these two circumstances does not cure such failure within a period of 10 days (or such longer period as the Contracting Officer may authorize in writing) after receipt of notice from the Contracting Officer specifying such failure. FP or PR 14 July 58 - 6-, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 (b) In the event the Government trminates this contract in whole or in part as provided in paragraph (a) of this clause, the Government may procure, upon such terms and:in such manner as the Contracting Officer may deem appropriate, supplies or services similar to those so terminated, and the. Contractor shall be liable to the Government for any excess costs for such similar supplies or services: PROVIDED, That the Con- tractor shall continue the performance of this contract, to the extent not terminated under the prOVibions of this clause. (c) Except with respect to defaults of subcontractors, the Con- tractor shall not be liable f0 any excess costs if the failure to perform the contract arise S out of causes beyond the control and without the :fault or negligence of the Contractor. Such causes may include, but are not restricted to, acts ofGod Cr of the public enemy, acts of the Government in either its sovereign or contractual capacity, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, and u unusually severe weather; but in elrery case the'failure to perform must be beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor. If the failure to perform is caused by the default of a subcontractor, and if such default'ariies out of causes beyond the control of both the Contractor and subcontract6r, and without the fault or negligence of either of them, the Contractor shall not be liable for any excess costs for failure to perform, unless the supplies or Services to be furnished by the subcontractor wereobtainable from other sources in sufficient time to permit the Contr4ctor to meet the required delivery schedule. (d) If this paragraph (a) of this clause, the Government, in addition to any other rights provided in thiS clause, may require the Contractor to transfer title and deliver to the Government, in the manner and to the extent directed by the Contracting Officer, (i) any completed supplies, and (ii) such partially completed supplits and materials, parts, tools,. dies, jigs, fixtures, plans, drawings, information and contract rights (herein- after called "manufacturing materials") as the Contractor has specifi- cally produced or specifically acquired for the performance of such part of this contract as has been terminated; and the Contractor shall, upon direction of the Contracting Officer, protect and preserve property in possession of the Contractor in which the Government has an interest, Payment for completed supplies delivered to and accepted by the Government shall be at the contract price. Payment for manufacturing materials delivered to and accepted by the Government and for the protection and preservation of property shall be in an amount agreed upon by the Con- tractor and Contracting Officer; failure to agree to such amount shall be a dispute concerning a question of fact within the meaning of the clause of this contract entitled "Disputes." (e) If, after notice of termination of this contract under the provisions of paragraph (a) of this clause, it is determined that the failure to perform this contract is due to causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor or subcontractor pur- suant to to_the provisions of paragraph (c) of this clause, such notice of FP or PR 14 July 58 -7- Sanitized CODV Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05 : CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 default shall be deemed to have been issued pursuant to the clause of this contract entitled "Termination for Convenience of the Government," and the rights and obli[ations of the -parties hereto shall in such event be governed by such clause. ,Except as otherwise orovided in this contract, this paragraph (e) applies only if this contract is with a military department (f) The rights and,remOies ok the Government provided in this clause shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this contract. 12. DISPUTES 0.SPR 7-103912Y (a) Except as otherwise provided in this contract, any dispute concerning a auestion of fact arising under this contrrct which is not disposed of by agreement shall-be decided by the Contracting Officer, who shall reduce his decision to writing and mail or otherwise furnish a copy thereof to the Contractor. The decision of the Contracting Officer shallbbe final and conclusive unless, within 30 days from the date of receipt of such copy, the Contractor mails or otherwise furnishes to the Contracting Officer a written appeal addressed to the Secretary. The decision of the Secretary or his day authorized representative for the determination of such appeals shall:be final and conclusive unless determined bya court of competent jurisdiction to have been fraudulent, or capricious, or arbitrary, or so grosSly erroneous as necessarily to imply bad fiath, or not supported 13.- substantial evidence.. In connection with any appeal proceeding under this clause, the Contractor shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard and to offer evidence in support of its appeal. Pending final decision of a dispute hereunder, the Contractor shall proceed diligently, with the performance of the contract and in accordance with the Contracting Offi4erls decision. (b) This "Disputes" clause does not preclude consideration of law questions in connection with decisions provided for in paragraph (a) above: PROVIDED,'?That_.nothing in this contract shall be conStrued as making final the decision of any administrative official, representative, or board on a question of law. 13. SOVIET CONTROLLED AREAS (AS PR 6-403) (a) The Contractor shall not acquire for use in the performance of this contract any supplies or services originating from sources within Soviet-controlled areas, as listed in the Schedule of this contract, or from Hong Kong or Macao, without the written approval of the Contracting Officer. (b) The Contractor agrees to insert the provisions of this clause, including the Soviet-controlled areas listed in the Schedule and this subparagraph (b), in all subcontracts hereunder. FP or PR 14 July 58 -8- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05 : CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 14. EIGHT-HOUR LAW OF 1912 (ASPR 12-30341) This contract, to the extent that it is of a character specified in the Eight-Hour Law of 1912 as amended-(40 U. S. Code 324-326) and is not . . covered by the Walsh-Healy Pubic contracts Act (41 U. S. Code 35-45): is subject to the following provisions and exceptions of said Eight- Hour Law of 1912, as amended, And to all other provisions and exceptions of said Law: : No laborer or mechanic doing any part of the work comtemplated by this contract, in the employ of the Contractor or any subcontractor con- tracting for any part of the said Work contemplated, shall be required or permitted to work more than eight hours in any one calendar day upon such work, except upon the condition that compensation is paid to such laborer or mechanic in accordance with the provision 8 of this clause. The wages of every laborer and mechanic employed by the Contractor or any subcontractor engaged in the performante of this contract shall be computed cn a basic day rate of., eight hours per day; and work in excess of eight hours per day is permitted only upon the condition that every such laborer and mechanic shall be tompensated for all hours worked in excess of eight hours per day at not less than one and one-half times the basic rate of pay. For each vieAation of the requirements of this clause a penalty of five dollars shall be imposed for each laborer or mechanic for every calendar day in which such employee is required or permitted to labor more than eight hours upon said work without receiving compensation computed in accordance with this clause, and all penalties thus imposed shall be withheld for the use and benefit of the Government. 15. WALSH-HEALY PUBLIC CONTRACTS ACT (ASPR 12-604 mod) If this contract is for the manufacture of furnished of materials, supplies, articles or equipment in an amount which exceeds or may exceed $10,000 and is otherwise subject to the Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act, as amended (41 U. S. Code 3545), there are hereby incorporated by reference all representations and stipulations required by said Act and regulations issued thereunder by. the Secretary of Labor, such representations and stipulations being subject to all applicable rulings and interpretations of the Secretary of Labor which are now or may hereafter be in effect, "except that the Contractor shall not be required to include this clause in subcontracts issued hereunder when the inclusion of this clause in a subcontract would jeopardize or conflict with the security considerations established in connection with this contract. 16. NONDISCRIMINATION IN EIIPLOYPIENT (ASPR 12-802 mod) (a) In connection with the performance of work under this contract, the Contractor agrees not to disctiminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, or national origin. The aforesaid provision shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion/or transfer; recruitment or recruitment FP or PR -9- 14 July 58 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05 : CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 advertising, layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post hereafter in conspicuour places, available for employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the Contracting Officer setting :forth the provisions of the nondiscrimination clause. (b) The Contractor furthr agrees to insert the foregoing provision in all subcontracts hereunder, except subcontracts for standard com- mercial supplies or raw materials,"and except as insertion of the fore- going provision in a subcontract would jeopardize or conflict with the security considerations established in connection with this contract." 17. OFFICIALS NOT TO BENEFIT (ASPR 7-103.19) No member of or delegate to Congress or resident commissioner, shall be admitted to any share or partof this contraCt, or to any benefit that may arise therefrom; but this provision shall not be construed to extend to this contract if mead with a corporation for its general benefit. 18. COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES (ASPR 7-103.20) The Contractor warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed or retained to solicit or secure this contract upon an agreement or understanding for a commission, Percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee, excepting bona fide employees Or bona fide established commercial or selling agencies maintained by the Contractor for the purpose of securing business. For breach or violation of this warranty the Government shall have the right to annul this qontract without liability or in its discretion to deduct from the contract price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee. 19. TIT,'RAIT.,TAT ION FOR CONVENIENCE OF TIE GOVER1\11,ENT (AS PR 8-701) (a) The performance of work under this contract may be terminated by the Government in accordance with this clause in whole, or from time to time in part, whenever the Contracting Officer shall determine that such termination is in the best interests of the Government. Any such termination shall be effected by delivery to the Contractor of a Notice of Termination specifying the extent to which performance of work under the contract is terminated, and the date upon which such termination be- comes effective. (b) After receipt of a Notice of Termination, and except as other- wise directed by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor shall (1) stop work under the contract on the date and to the extent specified in the Notice of Termination; (2) place no further orders or subcontracts for materials, services, or facilities except as may be necessary for completion of such portion of the work under the contract as is not terminated; FP or PR 14 July 58 -10- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 -- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 _ (3) terminate all orders and subcontracts to the extent that they relate to ther performance of work terminated by the Notice of Termination; (4) assign to the Government,in.thejmanner, at the times, and to the extent directed by the Contracting OffiOer, all of the right, title and interest of the Contractor under the orders and subcontracts so terminated, in which case the Government shall Pavethe right, in its discretion, to settle or pay any or all claS arising- out of the termination of such Orders and subcontract; (5) settle all Outstanding liabilities and all claims arising out of such terMination of orders and subcontracts, with the approval or ratification of; the Contracting Officer, to the extent he may require, which approval or ratification shall be final for all the purposes of this clause; (6) transfer titled and deliver to the Govern- ment, in the manner, at the times, and to the extent, if any, directed by the Contracting Officer, (i) the fabricated or unfabricated parts, work in process, completed work, supplies, and other material produced as a part of, or acquired in connection with the performance of, the work terminated by the Notice of Termination, and (ii) the completed or partially completed. plans, drawings, information, and other property which, if the contract had been completed, would have been required to be furnished to the Government; (7) use its best efforts to sell, in the manner, at the times, to the extent, and at the price or prices directed or authorized by the Contracting Officer, any property of the types referred to in provision (6) of this paragraph, PROVIDED, however, that the Contract (i) shall not be required to extend credit to any purchaser, and (ii) may acquire any such property under the conditions prescribed by and at a price or prices approved by the Contracting Officer; and provided further that the proceeds of any such transfer or disposition shall be applied in reduction of any payments to be made by the Government to the Contractor under this Contract or shall otherwise be credited to tPe price or cost of the work covered by this contract or paid in such oth,r manner as the Contracting Officer may direct; (8) complete performance of such part of the work as shall not have been terminated by the Notice of Termination; and (9) take such action as may be necessary, or as the Contradting Officer may direct, for the pro- tection and preservation of the property related to this contract which is in the possession of the Contractor and in which the Government has or may acquire an interest. At any time after expiration of the plant clearance period, as defined in Section VIII, Armed Services Procurement Regulation, as it may be amended from time to time, the Contractor may submit to the Contracting Officer a list, certified as to quantity and quality, of any or all items of termination inventory not previously dis- posed of, exclusive of items the disposition of which has been directed or authorized by the Contracting Officer, and may request the Government to remove such items or enter into a storage agreement covering them. Not later than fifteen (15) days thereafter, the Government will accept title to such items and remove them or enter into a storage agreement covering the same, PROVIDED that the list submitted shall be subject to verification by the Contracting Officer upon removal of the items, or if the items are stored, within forty-five (45) days from the date of submission of the list, and any necessary adjustment to correct the list as submitted shall be made prior to final settlement. FP or PR 14 July 58 -11- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 (c) After receipt of a Notice of Termination, the Contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer its termination claim, in the form and with the certification prescribed by the Contracting Officer. Such claim shall be submitted promptly bit in no event later than two years from the effective date of termination i unless one or more extensions in writing are granted by the Contracting ?Meer,' upon request of the Contractor made in writing within such'tWo-year period or authorized extension thereof. However, if the Contracting Officer determines that the facts justify such action, he may receive and act upon any such termination claim at any time after such two-year peioctor any extension thereof. Upon failure of the Contractor to submit its te#mination claim within-the time allowed, the Contractinp Officer may determine, on the basis of information available to him, the amount) if any, due to the Contractor by reason of the termination and shall thereupon pay to the Contractor the amount so determined. (d) Subject to the provisions of paragragh (c), the Contractor and the Contracting Officer may agree upon the whole or any part of the amount or amounts to be paid to the ContraOtor by reason of the total or partial termination of work pursuant to thie clause) which amount or amounts may include a reasonable allowance 'or. profit on work done. The contract shall be amended accordingly, and the Contractor shall be paid the agreed amount. Nothing in paragraph (e) or this clause, prescribing the amount to be paid to the amount to be paid to the Contractor in the event of failure of the Contractor and the Qontracting Officer to agree upon the whole amount to be paid to the Contractor by reason of thetermination of work pursuant to this clause, shall be deemed to limit, restrict, or otherwise determine or affect the amount or amounts which may be agreed upon to be paid to the Contractor pursuant to this paragraph (d). c)) In the event of the failure of the Contractor and the Contracting Officer to agree as provided in paragraph (d) upon the whole amount to be paid to the Contractor by reason of the termination of work pursuant to this clause the Contracting Officer shall determine, on the basis of in- formation available to him, the amount, if any, due to the Contractor by reason of the termination and shall pay to the Contractor the amounts determined as follows: (1) For completed supplies accepted by the Government (or sold or acquired as provided in paragraph (b) (7) above) and not theretofore paid for, a sum equivalent to the aggregate price for such supplies computed in accordance with the price or prices specified in the contract, appropri- ately adjusted for any saving of freight or other charges; k2) The total of-- (i) The costs incurred in the performance of the work terminated, including initial costs and preparatory expense allocable thereto, but exclusive of any costs attributable to supplies paid or to be paid for under paragraph (e) .(1) hereof; FP or PR 14 July 58 -12- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 (ii) The cost of Settling and paying claims arising out of the termination of work under subcontractor orders, as provided in paragraph (b) (5) above, which are properly chargeable to the terminated portion of the contract (exClUsive 'ofamounts paid or payable on account of supplies or materials delivered or*rvices furnished by subcontractors or vendors prior to the effective date-of the Notice of Termination, which amounts shall be included'in.the costs payable under (i) above). (iii) A sum equal to 2% of that part of the amount determined under (i) which represents the cost of articles and materials not processed by the Contractor, plus a sum equal to. 8% of the remainder of such amount but the aggregate of such sums shall not exceed 6% of the amount determined under subdivision (i) above, which amount for the purpose of this sub- division (iii) shall exclude any charges for interest on borrowings; provided, however, that if it appears that the Contractor would have sustained a loss on the entire contract had it been completed, no profit shall be included or allowed under this subdivision (iii) and an appropri- ate adjUstment shall be made reducing the amount of the settlement to reflect the indicated rate of loss.'' (3) The reasonable costs of adittlement including accounting, legal, clerical, and other expenses reasonable necessary for the preparation of settlement claims and supporting: data with respect to the terminated portion of the contract and for the termination and settlement of sub- contracts thereunder, together with reasonable storage, transportation? and other costs incurred in connection with the protection or disposition of property allocable to this contract. The total sum to be paid to the Contractor under (1) and (2) of this paragraph (e) shall not exceed the total contract price as reduced by the amount of payments otherwise madeand as further reduced by the contract price of work not terminated, Except for normal spoilage, and except to the extent that the Government shall have otherwise expressly assumed the risk of loss, there shall be excluded from the amounts payable to the Con- tractor as provided in paragraph (e) (1) and paragraph ;e) (2) W, the fair value, as determined by the Contracting Officer, of property which is destroyed, lost, stolen, or damaged so as to become undeliverable to the Government, or to a buyer pursuant to paragraph (b)(7). (f) Any determination of costs under paragraph (c) or (e) hereof shall be governed by the Statement of Principles for Consideration of Costs set forth in Part L. of Section VIII of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation, as in effect on the date of this contract. (g) The Contractor shall have the right of appeal, under the clause of this contract entitled "Disputes," from any determination made by the Contracting Officer under paragraphs (c) or (e) above, except that if the Contractor has failed to submit its claim within the time provided in paragraph (c) above and has failed to request extension of such time, he shall have no such right of appeal. In any case where the Contracting Officer has made a determination of the amount due under paragraph (6) or (e) FP or PR 14 July 58 -13- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05 : CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 above, the Government shall pay to the Contractor the following: (i) if there is no richt of appeal here4ndet or if no timely appeal has been taken, the amount so determined by the Contracting Officer, or (ii) if an appeal has been taken, the amount finally determined on such appeal. (h) In arriving at the amount due the Contractor under this clause there shall be deducted (1) all unliquidated advance or other unliquidated payments on account theretofore made to the Contractor, (2) anY claim which the Government may have against the Contractor in connection with this contract, and (3) the agreed price for, or the proceeds of sale of, any materials, supplies, or other things acquired by the Contractor or sold, pursuant to the provisions of this clause, and not otherwise re- covered by or credited to the Government. (i) If the termination hereunder be partial, prior to the settlement of the terminated portion of this contract, the Contractor may file with the Contracting Officer a request in writing for an equitable adjustment of the price or prices specified in the contract relating to the continued portion of the contract (the portion not terminated by the Notice of Termination), and such equitable adjustment as may be agreed upon shall be made in such price or prices. (j) The Government may from time to time, under such terms and conditiens as it may prescribei. make partial payments and payments on account against costs incurred by the Contrattor in connection with the terminated portion of this contract whenever inthe opinion of the Con- tracting Officer the aggregate of such payments shall be within the amount to which the Contractor will be entitled hereunder. If the total of such payments is in excess of the amount finally agreed or determined to be due under this clause, such excess shall be payable by the Contractor to the Government upon demand, together with interest computed at the rate of per annum, for the period from the date such excess payment is received by the Contractor to the date on which such excess is repaid to the'Govern- ment; provided, however, that no interest shall be charged with respect to any such excess payment attributable to a reduction in the Contractor's claim by reason of retention or other disposition of termination inventory until ten days after the date of such retention or disposition. (k) Unless otherwise provided for in this contract, or by applicable statute, the Contractor, from the effective date of termination and for a period of six years after final settlement under this contract, shall preserve and make available to the Government at all reasonable times at the office of the Contractor but without direct charge to the Government, all its books, records, documents, and other evidence bearing on the costs and expenses of the Contractor under this contract and relating to the work terminated hereunder, or, to the extent approved by the Contracting Officer, photographs, micro-photographs, or other authentic reproductions thercof. FP or PR 14 July 58 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05: CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/05 CIA-RDP89B00709R000200460001-6 20. AUTHORIZATION AND CONSENT (APR 9.-102.1) The Government hereby gives its authorization and consent (without prejudice to its rights of indemnification, if such rights are provided for in this contract) .for all use and manufacture, in the performance of , this contract or any part hereof or any amendment hereto or any subcontract hereunder (including any lower-tier subcontract), of any patented invention (i) embodies in the structure or composition of any article the delivery of which is accepted by the Government under this contract, or (ii) utilized in the machinery, tools, or methods the use of which necessarily results from compliance by the Contractor or the using subcontractor with (a) specificstions or written proVisions now or hereafter forming a part of this contract, or (b) specific.written instructions given by the Contracting Officer directing the manner of performance: The Contractor's entire liability to the Government for patent infringement shall be determined solely by the provisions of the indemnity clause, if any, included in the contract and the Government assumes liability for all other infringement to the extent of the authorization and consent hereinabove granted. 21. NOTICE AND ASSISTANCE REGARDING PATENT LIFRINGEMENT (ASPR 9-104) The provisions of this claUse,shall be applidable only if the amolint of this contract is in excess of