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Document Creation Date:
December 22, 2016
Document Release Date:
June 11, 2008
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Publication Date:
January 7, 1982
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CIA-RDP89-00244R000200400032-6.pdf | 113.37 KB |
Approved For Release 2008/06/11: CIA-RDP89-00244R000200400032-6
The Honpza~lEgAJ l(' Scharf
Chana~ri i c
National Capital Planning Commission
1325 G Sty; c, NW
Washingto !, . C.
Dear Mrs. Scharf:
At the January 6th meeting of the Board of Directors
McLean Citizens Association, the proposed CIA Master Developllc,t.._ Etv a;
Plan was discussed. The MCA has serious concerns regardin(JOR:2 '-e--- HW. PRE
choice of options and we wish to express these to the Commiss
There are two major areas of concern: 1). transportation and 2).
landscaping. Other general comments have also been added.
The first area of concern is off-site transportation improve-
ments. The MCA does not support the proposed CIA off-site trans-
protation recommendations as the most appropriate alternatives
to accommodate traffic level increases made necessary by on - site
expansion plans. The MCA strongly recommends that the CIA continue
working with the County, VDH&T, and MCA to consider all reasonable
alternatives to provide necessary improvements to off - site road-
ways, including the George Washington Parkway, Route 193, the Turkey
Run Farm access road, and Route 123. The off - site road improve-
ments must provide safe access, egress, and throughfare adjacent
to the CIA. The MCA feels that the fly-overs proposed by VDH&T,
while soving a transportation problem, might create a visual
intrusion upon the rural nature of Route 123 and Route 193 entrance
area. The MCA is willing to explore the specific design of these
improvements with the CIA, the County, and VDH&T.
Any support for on-site expansion is contingent upon the CIA
securing federal funds for all off-site transportation improvements
as part of Phase I development. These transportation improvements
must be completed prior to occupancy of the new facility.
The CIA should continue its efforts to expand the use of van-
pooling and carpooling. The CIA should also expand and stagger
the number of shifts. These and other Transportation System Man-
agement measures cited in the Environmental Assessment will
supplement the off-site improvements.
Any off-site road improvements should also be coordinated
with VEPCO to ensure that adequate land is available in State
right-of-way to accommodate a transformer station in the event
that the transmission line through Evermay is placed underground.
The second area of concern is the landscaping. The MCA
recommends that the CIA coordinate with MCA on the landscaping
plans. The Savile Lane area requires both deciduous and evergreen
P. O. BOX 273
January 7, 1982
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EX. 01R. GIST. AF.___
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Approved For Release 2008/06/11: CIA-RDP89-00244R000200400032-6
Approved For Release 2008/06/11: CIA-RDP89-00244R000200400032-6
plantings to screen th nursery area. It would , 3o be helpful
if adequate clean-up provisions could be provided year round.
The landscaping along the Turkey Run Farm access road should in-
clude evergreen plantings on the outside of the fence as well as
a berm and screening on the inside of the fence. The Reception
Center should be adequately screened so that the rural nature of
the entrance is preserved.
Lastly, the Phase II development should ensure that the rural
character of the Scattergood-Thorne site is preserved. The antennae
should not be visual from off-site. The underground record
storage entrance should either be screened from the conference
house or conform to the archetectual nature of the existing struc-
Fairfax County has completed an archeological survey for the
entire Potomac River area except the CIA site.
he County archeologist, should be contacted an allowed
o comp e e the survey prior to any commencement of construction.
Thank you for the opportunity to present our views. If you
have any questions, please call me during business hours at 323-
4341 or 821-0001.
Approved For Release 2008/06/11: CIA-RDP89-00244R000200400032-6