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Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110047-8 Third United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy A/CONF.28/P/878 US 3R May 1964 Original: RUSSIAN Confidential until official release during Conference l:i:{PI f72NI1~P1'1'~+1, 1TU iJf O1'' CiiI'1'ICAi, I'.IY:J'1.'1;M:I 71I'1'II Ili 711 and Zr 111.6 MO DINRATOIf;I . V.A.I(uznelcov, Y.A'-.Prokhorov, I.I.Zalrharkin, I.lE'.:~omov, V.G.Maltsev Recently special attention has been attracted to the use of hydrides of metals as hydrogenous moderators. Hydrides of metals, containing a great amounL of hydrogen per volume unit, have a strong moderating power close to that of water. In this paper the moderating power of lithium and zirconium hydrides is considered. Since the na-currtl mixture ture cross section (6th = 71), the natural isotope mixture is neutron capture cross section of lithium isotopes has a large cap- the isotope Li7 comprising 92.5% of of particular intere st p the thermal of Li7 being 33 mb. The separation of the lithium isotopes presents no difficulty, due to the large relative difference of atomic weights (171,x). When insignificant admixture of Li7 are present des, or when small amounts of hafmium are found in lithium hydri- in zirconium hyd- ride, both moderators have a sufficiently small capture cross sec- tion. Besides the zirconium reduces the neutron moderation length due to inelastic scattering (Table I). T a b 1 e I. Moderating Properties of Li7 Hydride, Zr Hydride and 'later. Moderator Formula Density (g/cm3) Li7 hydride Li7 H 0.8 Zr hydride Zr H1 *6 5.0 Water H2 0 1.0 Macroscopic Moderating thermal neut- Power (epi- ron b sorp a ti - h l erma t new - t on cross sec- rons) t ion 0.0231 1.16 0.0458 0.99 0.0222 1.28 } formula corresponds to the zirconium hydride composition, used in the critical assemblies, described later on. 25 YEAR RE-REVIEW Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110047-8 T a b 1 e No Core and Reflector Composition of the PP--I assemblies. Element Thickness U0 2 (9096 0.48 g/om enrichment) Stainless steel Varied Reflector Reflector CRITICAL ASSEMBLIES WITH HYDRIDE MODERATORS. Lithium? hydride and zirconium hydride have been investigated as moderators on the PP-4 physical assembly (zero-power reactor). The detailed description of this assembly is to be found in [1], therefore here only its main characteristics are mentioned briefly . Our physical assemblies are a set of aluminium tubes (50mm - o.d., 1mm - wall thickness, 51mm - lattice spacing) placed into a cylindrical containing vessel and surrounded by a biological shi- elding of cast iron blocks filled with paraffin . The core and reflector components are placed inside the aluminium tubes. In the experiments described elements with a 47mm diameter assemblies with various parts of volume occupied by air. the main components of the core. These rings allow to make up are used (see Table II). Thin aluminium rings are inserted between Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110047-8 Canning Notes Steel; In assemblies 0.2 mm with Zr1I1.6 CP In assemblies 7 0.1 mm with M. 11 Al 0.1nun Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110047-8 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110047-8 ? Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110047-8 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110047-8 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110047-8 of some effects occuring in thick elements (see e.g. (i J). In our ease, however, these effects are small and the shielding factor itself is close to unity. On multiplying the experimentally obtained values of the critical load and the shielding factor, we get values for (;Cz for systems with homogenously arranged uranium. T a b 1 e IV. Values of Shielding factor (f) for Assemblies with Lithium Hydride Moderators. Assembly index Uranium Layer Thickness Shielding, factor HL - 1 HL - 2 and 113 mg/cm2 0.844 HL - 3 HL- 4 and 58 mg/cm2 0.903 HL - 5 26 mg/cm2 0.948 3). The third correction eliminates aluminium present in the form of aluminium -tubes of the core stacks (7 volume %) and spa- cing rings, indispensable for the porosity of the system. By this correction all the systems are brought to similar conditions as to the quantity of structural mate: -_al (aluminium). The introduc- tion of this correction is based on measurements of average core reactivity coefficients of aluminium and uranium. It comprises approximately-.8% of the critical load. 4). Measures have been taken that the ratio of the core height to the equivalent core diameter should be close to unity. The corrections for the form factor, evaluated according to data quoted in 14] do not exceed 1%. Table V and Fig. I present the critical parameters of the assemblies after all four corrections have been introduced. The introduction of corrections implies that the critical parameters correspond to those of homogenous cylindrical assemblies (where - 5 - 0 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110047-8 0 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110047-8 the height and diameter are equal) with similar beryllium refle o- tors whose effective thickness is 9cm. The strong dependence of the critical parameters on the porosity of the system (or on the part of volume occupied by the moderator EL;H ) should be noted. So should be the fact that the critical load decreases (when EL;H _ const.) with the decrease of H to U concentration ratios right to the ratio of 120, which is considerably lower than the optimal nuclear concentration ratio in a water moderated reactor. The last circumstance is probably due to the decreasing of the thermal utilization factor in lithium hydride systems as compared with water moderated systems, because of the large capture cross section of lithium hydride (mainly, thanks to Li 6) in comparison to that of water. T a b 1 e V. Crit:. cal Parameters of Assemblies with a Lithium hidride Moderator 1.Lattice distortion by control rods: a change of load (k of U-235) b change of volume (1) 2.Change of load due to shielding (kg of U-235) - - -0.78 -0.32 -7.4 -0.54 -0.22 -4.1 -0.40 - - -0.24 -0.08 -2.6 -0.21 3.Change of load due to eliminating of aluminium (k~, of U-235) 0.12 0.46 0.16 0.04 0.01 Critical Parameters with Corrections: Critical load (k of U-235) 4.30 5.55 3.86 4.32 3.78 Critical volume (1) 62.0 131.5 79.5 190 129 Parameters HL-1 HL-2 I1L-3 HL-4 HL-5 Composition of Assembly: .PN/ u215including shielding factor 122 245 220 445 464 Volume percentage of lithium hydride Volume percentage of Uranium 30.5 30.3 40.3 1} 0.1 50.2 Critical Parameters without Correcti- ons: Critical load (k of U235) 4.. .95 4.32 4.52 4.06 Critical volume (1) 62.0 138.9 83.6 190 131.6 Corre etions:X) The sign 10+" indicates load or volume increase after intro- s duction of correction. Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110047-8 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110047-8 1.2. Critical Assemblies with Zirconium Hydride Moderator . Assemblies with zirconium hydride moderator have a relatively hard neutron energy spectrum, being, characterized by the nuclear concentration ratios of II to U235 12./I and 24.8. The assemblies with a zirconium hydride moderator are surrounded by a beryllium ref- lector 18cm thick (with the same volume percentage of beryllium and aluminium as the lithium hydride assemblies). There is a steel layer more than 200mm thick, i.e. of practi- cally "infinite" thickness, around the beryllium reflector. Uranium oxide with steel shells have been used in these asse- mblies (see Table II). The composition of the two assemblies inves- tigated is given in Table VI. While determining the critical parameters, measures have been taken that the ratio of the core height to its equivalent diameter should be close to unity. This brings about a small critical num- ber of core stacks (see Fig.2), which in turn requires a different technique for determination of critical parameters of the assembli- es, since each core stack changes considerably the effective mul- tiplication factor. To find the critical parameters, several systems with equal co- re compositions but different in core height, that is with various amounts of elementary cells (fuel-moderator complects) in a core stack, have been assembled. Some of the assemblies are subcritical, others insignificant- ly supercritical. The multiplication factor (Keff) of the assemb- lies is determined by means of control rods, whose efficiency has been measured in these assemblies (beryllium blocks in an alumini- um tube placed in the side beryllium reflector acting as control rods). Having found Keff as the function of the core height, the latter is determined by linear interpolation for Keff=1 (see Fig-3). In the same way the corresponding load of U-235 and the core volume,, are obtained. Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110047-8 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110047-8 With the help of interpolation lines the value 11 /,&H (i.e. the relative worth of the core volume) can be determined. This term characterizes the neutron leakage from the core and shows what changes the reactivity and fuel. load will undergo on change of the height of the system. Since the ratio of height to diameter of both systems is close to unity (i.e. the form factor introduces no significant cor- rections) the term kK! HH K / AV V - The relative worth of the core volume of assemblies HZ-1 and HZr-2 turns out to be 30.2~eff and 31.0 fit , respectively (Pelf being the effective part of delayed neutrons). After obtaining critical parameters the following corrections have been introduced: 1). Correction for reactor lattice distortions (namely, dis- tortions of the reflector) by shut-down rod channels, introduced in the same manner as the analogical correction for assemblies - with a lithium hydride moderator. 2). Corrections connected with the presence of steel (uranium elements shells) and aluminium in the reflector have been introdu- ced with the aim of eliminating structural materials present in different quantities in the systems. These corrections have been deterin-1-ac l by means of experimen- tally measured steel and aluminium reactivity coefficients. Table VII brings the corrected critical parameters of the assemblies. The self-shielding effect of uranium elements due to their considerable thickness is also an important correction, influencing the critical load of the reactor. To measure the shielding effect experiments have been made 2 where specific gamma-activities of "thick" uranium dioxide opera- ting elements and "thin" ones composed of a uranyl uranate and teflon mixture (see Table II) placed close to the uranium elements have been compared. The shielding determined from the activity mea- 68 - 8 - Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110047-8 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110047-8 surements of the irradiated uranium elements by means of a scintil- lation device with a sodium iodide crystal (activated tallium) tur- ned out to equal f intern(HZ-1)=0.73? 0.02 and f intern(IIZ-2)=0.88? 0.02. As mentioned above these magnitudes do not always give the de- crease in critical load when we pass to a homogenous system. The more so that the uranium thickness in this case is considerable when compared to assemblies with lithium hydride moderators. T a b 1eVI. Core Composition of Assemblies with Zirconium Hydride Moderator. HZ - I - 268 178--27.6 ~ 41 53 A verage atomic weight of stainless steel in taken as 55.2. Tab 1 e VII. Critical Parameters of Assemblies with a Zirconium Hydride Moderator (without shielding factor). Assembly Nucleus density x-10 201/cmI index II Zr U-235 Al Steelx) HZ - 2 268 168 10.3 51 2? Parameters Assembl composition H pPZ36 12.4 24.8 Volume percentage of Zr Hydride (%) 51.0 51.0 Volume percentage of U (?%) 4.9 2.4 Critical parameters without corrections a critical load (k o -2 8.88 5.83 b critical volume (1) 11.1 14.4 CorrectionsX) 1. Reflector lattice distortion by emergency chan- nels. a AGO, k of U-235) -0.04 -0.05 b~ a v 1) -0.05 -0.13 2. Presence of Steel in Core and Reflector a a GC, k of U-235) -0.71 -0.50 b A VC (15 -0.89 -1.22 3. Presence of Aluminium in Core and Reflector a a G1, k of U-235) +0.34 +0.20 b 4 VC~, (1) +0.42 +0.119 Critical Parameters corrected a cri ica1 load tk off -23 ) 8.47 5.48 b cr it i cal volume 1 10.6 13.5 x The sign "+" indicates the increase of critical load or vo- lume ,fter introduction of correction. r, c 9 - Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110047-8 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110047-8 NEUTRON SPECTRUM ENERGY MEASUREMENTS IN ASSEMBLIES WITH A ZIRCONIUM HYDRIDE MODERATOR. Experimental study of neutron spectra in multiplying media at different moderator-fuel ratios is of considerable importance both to the moderation and diffusion theory and to reactor physics. Comparison of calculated and experimental results is of great help in many respects: we may improve models and methods of calcu- lation, correct systems of constants for multigroup calculation and have a deeper insight into the physics of processes going on in a nuclear reactor. As a rule the most interesting energy region is the thermali- zed neutron region, where various effects of chemical bonds of mo- derator atoms can be observed in the neutron spectrum behaviour. In nuclear reactors with hydrogenous moderators a comparative- ly soft neutron spectrum is obtained, even with small nuclear con- centration of hydrogen and fissile material. Therefore the great interest for the formation of the neutron spectrum of various hardness in reactors containing a zirconium hydride moderator is quite Justified. A characteristic feature of zirconium hydride as moderator is. the fact that the bond between the proton in the lattice and the zirconium atoms is rather rigid, the '?tion energy being 0.13ev. That is why the neutron, when moderated, loses its energy by 0.13ev portions and why the energy loss of a neutron with the original energy less than O.'13ev is being impeded and is rather ineffective. In consequence of this behaviour of the neutron in zirconium hydride there is a considerable deviation in the neutron density distribution from the Maxwell di-tribution at small absorption amounts per hydrogen atom. A mechanical selector operating with the critical assembly can be successfully used to investigate neutron spectra of highly enriched systems with a broad energy range. The application of a selector technique as part of a critical assembly has a number of ad- C b Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110047-8 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110047-8 vantages when compared to a subcritical assembly in the column of a powerful reactor. It is very convenient; that information on the neutron spectrum is obtained together with other experimental mate- riall that the experiments is conducted in conditions close to the real ones, that there is no need of an external neutron source, etc. The fast chopper of the PF-4 physical assembly enables us to measure neutron spectra with a broad neutron energy range. Pig. It gives the experimental set-up on neutron spectra measurements of the critical assembly under investigation. A beam of neutrons is passed from the investigated part of the assembly by means of a rectangular channel through a slit collima- tor to a mechanical chopper. The cross section of the channel clo- se to the luminous surface is 50mm x 50mm. The rotor of the chop- per is a hetinax disc 240mm in diameter in a casing of stainless steel. The four slits of the chopper have a spindle-shaped form (a 2mm slit width at the input and output and 4mm in the central part of the rotor). There are two slit systems in the rotor that are set under an angle of 900 to each other. This last condition makes it possible to get four neutron impulses per one revolution of the rotor, the recycling condition being fullfilled for the flight base up to 11m. The rotor is designed for a rotation speed up to 12000rpm, with a maximum flight base of the selector of 9m. On the rotor surface at certain intervals from the slits there are 0.1 mm grooves containing magnetic material. When rotating the magnetic reading device produce short electric pulses that are used for starting the time analyser until a neutron impulse enabling the background counting measurements appears. The backgro- und counting is measured as a function of the angle of turning of the chopper. This can prove important for a correct estimate of the background when a sufficiently, intensive, hard neutron compo- nent is present in the beam. To reach a satisfactory statistical exactness in spectrum measuring a comparatively high power level of the critical assembly is required. This is connected with fuel activation. An increased 87u - 11 - Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110047-8 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110047-8 Activity of the core stacks may sometimes hamper the setting up of other experiments. The application of sufficiently effective neutron detector and the increase of the transmission of the selector lead to a decrease of the activation effect of the core stacks. He3 at a pressure of 18 atm, similar to the one described in [5] serves as neutron detector. The spherical casing of the chamber (100mm in diameter with a well thickness of 1mm) is made of steel, the inner electrode ha- ving a 5mm' diameter. The working voltage -2.5kv. Amplified signals went after discrimination into a 256 channel time analyser. Thanks to the shielding and collimator system of the selector a rather good ratio of the measured effect to the background was obtained. By means of this mechanical selector neutron spectrum measurements of the two assemblies with zirconium hydride moderators have been accomplished. In both assemblies the beam comes from the central region, the luminous surface (50mm x 50mm) containing six elementary cells of core stacks. This brings about the averaging of the neutron spectra per cell. The axis of the beam channel coincides with the centre of the core. Fig-5 includes the experimental curves of the neutron flux vs. energy, the curve reference being chosen arbitraril, When the spectrum of the device was being treated a number of correcti- on was made: corrections for the pervicusnessfunction, for the detector effectiveness, the resolution,the distortion of the spec- trum by absorption in air and in the detector wall, the neutron flux scalar gradient and for the flux perturbation by the beam output cavity. The neutron scattering effect in air that took place in the part of the tube close to the luminous surface was calculated se- parat ely. ; 7 6 - 12 - In the assembly investigated an ionizing chamber filled with Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110047-8 Approved For The selector resolution amounted to M1 ~,mmae Additional measurements of the neutron spectrum at decreased rotation speed of the rotor was accomplished in assembly HZ-2 with the view of a more detailed insight into the flux flow in the low-energy region. The significant statistical error of experimental results is to be explained by the insignificant effect and background differe- nce in this neutron energy region. From the given flux distributions it is to be concluded that neutron density cannot be described in terms of the Maxwell dis- tribut ion. The comparatively narrow maximum flux close to the energy re- gion of 0.13ev is significant. The high absorption per hydrogen atom (-- 50b in HZ-1 and 25b in HZ-2x) gives rise to a strong display of the effect of chemical bonds. The comparatively fast decrease of the neutron flux with energies lower than 0.10ev is another characteristic feature of the results quoted. It should be noted that the experimentally measured values of the subcadmium and supercadmium fissions of U235(CdRU_ 215-1 ) are relatively high - 0.8 and 1.8 for assemblies HZ-1 and HZ-2 respectively. Nevertheless as mentioned before neutron fluxes decrease fast with energy at