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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
June 5, 1985
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300620008-7 EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA P. 0. Box 199 Mbabane, Swaziland 5 June 1985 MMB-5006 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, FBIS THROUGH: Chief, Operations Group SUBJECT: Monthly Report -- Swaziland Bureau -- May 1985 I. GENERAL New Charge Named -- Charge Charles Lahiguera will be leaving post in early July to attend the Industrial College of the Armed Forces. His replacement is Gerald Scott, who is currently serving at the United Nations. No word has been received on a candidate for the ambassadorial post which has been vacant since last September. II. OPERATIONS A. Editorial/Monitorial 1. On 23 May Luanda radio announced that a group of South African "saboteurs" had been captured on the 21st while attempting to blow up the partially U.S.-owned oil facilities at Cabinda. After an initial South African denial, Defense Forces commander Viljoen admitted the operation had taken place but said it was an intelligence mission to gather information on the ANC and SWAPO. On the 28th the Angolans held a press conference at which the captured RSA commando appeared, claiming that the raid was indeed directed at the oil facilities. The bureau remained open all night to process the press conference and then processed additional information from a broadcast the following day. The bureau also remained open late on the 30th to process an Angolan statement and an ANGOP commentary on the RSA raid. Political officer Tim Carney in Cape Town requested a number of items relating to the issue be refiled to Assistant Secretary Crocker in Paris as well as a number of other embassied.. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300620008-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300620008-7 III. ADMINISTRATION A. Personnel PSI's-- Afrikaans/African Languages monitor -aiven a PSI effective 12 May to FBN 8/2. Teletype operator was given a PSI on 26 May to 3/9. Chief, FBIS, Swaziland Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300620008-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300620008-7 SWAZILAND BUREAU PRODUCTION REPORT FOR MAY 1985 I. TOTALS FROM ALL SOURCES: TOTAL PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MONTH 244,200 TOTAL NON-PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MONTH TOTAL NUMBER OF PUBLISHABLE ITEMS FILED DURING MONTH : 10,773 673 BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS II. INPUT OF REGULAR COVERAGE: minutes or issues per week) III. OUTPUT FROM ALL SOURCES: .5,515 8,040 (publishable words per month) 186,760 38,240 19,200 ANGOLA Luanda Domestic Service in Portuguese Luanda ANGOP in English Luanda ANGOP in French BOTSWANA Gaborone Domestic Service in English Gaborone BOTSWANA DAILY NEWS in English CLANDESTINE (Clandestine) Radio Truth in English to Zimbabwe (Clandestine) Radio Truth in Ndebele to Zimbabwe (Clandestine) Voice of Resistance of the Black Cockerel in Portuguese to Angola (Clandestine) KUP in Portuguese to Southern & Central Africa (Clandestine) KUP in English to Southern & Central AFrica (Clandestine) KUP in French to Southern & Central Africa (Clandestine) Voice of Truth in Portuguese to Angola LESOTHO Maseru Domestic Service in English Maseru Domestic Service in seSotho Maseru LESOTHO WEEKLY in English 29,840 8,600 1,290 3,420 1,190 1,360 350 200 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300620008-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300620008-7 MADAGASCAR Antananarivo Domestic Service in French MALAWI Blantyre Domestic Service in English Blantyre DAILY TIMES in English Blantyre MALAWI NEWS in English MAURITIUS Port Louis Domestic Service in English Port Louis Domestic Service in French MOCAMBIQUE Maputo Domestic Service in Portuguese Maputo in English to Southern Africa Beira DIARIO DE MOCAMBIQUE in Portuguese Maputo NOTICIAS in Portuguese Maputo TEMPO in Portuguese NAMIBIA Windhoek Domestic Service in Afrikaans Windhoek DIE REPUBLIKEIN in Afrikaans Windhoek THE WINDHOEK ADVERTISER in English Windhoek WINDHOEK OBSERVER in English Windhoek-'DIE SUIDWESTER in Afrikaans SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg Domestic Service in Afrikaans Johannesburg Domestic Service in English Johannesburg International Service in English Johannesburg Television Service in Afrikaans Johannesburg Television Service in English BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS 390 2,360 21,680 7,650 200 1,470 27,020 9,080 11,780 13,320 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300620008-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300620008-7 Umtata Capital Radio in English Johannesburg SAPA in English Durban ILANGA in Zulu Johannesburg BEELD in Afrikaans Johannesburg CITY PRESS in English Johannesburg RAPPORT in Afrikaans Johannesburg SOWETAN in English Johannesburg SUNDAY STAR in English Johannesburg SUNDAY TIMES in English Johannesburg THE CITIZEN in English Johannesburg THE STAR in English Pretoria DIE TRANSVALER in Afrikaans SWAZILAND Mbabane Domestic Service in English Mbabane Domestic in Siswati Mbabane Television Service in English Mbabane Television Service in English Mbabane THE SWAZI NEWS in English Mbabane THE SWAZI OBSERVER in English Mbabane THE TIMES OF SWAZILAND in English BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS 8,490 34,150 640 510 3,920 1,560 2,330 UNITED KINGDOM London BBC World Service in 18,610 English USSR Moscow in Ndebele to Zimbabwe Moscow in Zulu to Southern Africa 1,440 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300620008-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300620008-7 BROAD- I Kt55 F'UFiLl- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS ZAMBIA Lusaka Domestic Service in English Lusaka Voice of Namibia in English Lusaka Voice of Freedom in English to Southern AFrica Lusaka SUNDAY TIMES OF ZAMBIA in English Lusaka TIMES OF ZAMBIA in English Lusaka ZAMBIA DAILY MAIL in English ZIMBABWE Harare Domestic Service in English Harare Domestic Service in Ndebele Harare Voice of Namibia in English Harare THE HERALD in English Harare THE SUNDAY MAIL in English Harare The Financial Gazette in English 4,280 3,070 1,740 9,460 1,080 7,380 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300620008-7