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November 6, 1985
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300620003-2 EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA P. 0. Box 199 Mbabane, Swaziland 6 November 1985 MMB-5012 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, FBIS THROUGH Chief, Operations Group SUBJECT Monthly Report -- Swaziland Bureau -- October 1985 I. GENERAL Ambassador Harvey Nelson arrived in Swaziland on the 7th. Country team members greeted the ambassador at the airport and then attended a dinner for him on the 8th, hosted by DCM Gerald Scott and his wife. On the 10th the ambassador visited the bureau for a general tour and briefing. He had previously served as a political officer in South Africa and expressed keen interest in the bureau's coverage. He asked to receive regularly the bureau's South African press review. On the 14th Ambassador Nelson and other Embassy officers attended dinner at the bureau chief's house to meet the visiting IG team. II. OPERATIONS A. Editorial/Monitorial 1. On 30 October, South Africa held by-elections in five consti- tuencies located in various parts of the country and in both rural and urban areas. Both the government and observers regarded them as a referendum on State President P. W. Botha's reform policy. Headquarters analysts expressed interest in detailed coverage of the campaign, and the bureau filed considerable material both from the radio and SAPA; but even more from the South Africa press in the bureau's press review. On election night, 30-31 October, the bureau remained open all night to provide prompt coverage. The results trickled in all night, the last being recieved at 0615 local. Although the National Party won four out of five seats, it lost one seat it had previously the extreme right-wing Reformed National Party; and its margins of victory in the constituencies it won were ocutf r hathe lf. BBoth left band8right in interpreted the results as a vic y a post-election statement, said the results were good considering the unrest and pledged to continue reform. 2. During the month, the Commonwealth countries met and, with Prime Minister Thatcher staving off the worst sanctions, gave South Africa six months to reform or face more than the minimal sanctions imposed. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300620003-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300620003-2 In response, at a by-election meeting on the 21st, Botha warned the West that sanctions could hurt the U.S. and Europe, noting that a million Americans would lose their jobs if the RSA cut off its export of chrome. The bureau stayed open late to file this 'threat,' although Botha subsequently issued a statement claiming it was not really a threat. 3. Rioting broke out in Cape Town during the latter part of the month. Unlike much of the unrest which has been mostly confined to the black townships, much of this unrest touched white residential areas; and one incident, reported fully on SABC-TV, took place in front of a posh white shopping center in the center of the city. On the 25th, SAPA announced that Botha had extended the state of emergency to eight Cape districts, only days after he had ended it in six others. Stone throwing also took place in downtown Johannesburg on two successive Fridays, causing a considerable amount of damage. The first such disturbance came after a meeting to commemorate ANC member Benjamin Moloise, hanged on the 18th despite pleas for mercy from all over the world, including from prominent South Africans. 4. At the request of BBC, the bureau arranged with SAPA to receive an advanced text of the SABC comment normally carried by the radio at 0700 local each weekday morning. The commentary is considered to be a highly authoritative statement of government views. The advanced copy is sent priority only to BBC and the wire and bears the FOUO caveat per guidance from MOD. It is then usually sent to normal consumers the following day with a radio sourceline. BBC expressed appreciation for this service and said the commentaries were "extremely useful." 5. On the 2nd, Swazi Prime Minister Bhekimpi announced the ouster from the Liqoqo of Prince Mfanasibili and George Msibi and the firing of Commissioner of Police Majaji Simelane, which the bureau filed immediate from Mbabane, radio. Although Mfanasibili and Msibi held no high government positions, they were regarded as being the de facto rulers of the country. Subsequently, it was announced that the Liqoqo had been downgraded from being the "supreme council of state" to merely the "council of state." At the end of the month, it was announced that the Crown Prince, now attending school in England, would be crowned next year. Mfanasibili was quoted as saying cryptically: "Sometimes it thunders in Swaziland and men are swept away." At an impromptu country team meeting on the 2nd, DCM Gerald Scott highly praised the bureau for its rapid processing of the statement, which was first announced in SiSwati. The statement was also provided to the British High Commission. 6. On the 24th, the bureau provided reaction to President Reagan's speech at the United Nations proposing Soviet-American cooperation in dealing with Third World disputes, one of which is in Angola. RSA President P. W. Botha and Foreign Minister Pik Botha both Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300620003-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300620003-2 highly praised the speech and agreed with Reagan's assessment of Angola. Luanda Radio reported the speech, but failed to report the portions dealing with the conflict in the country except for noting Reagan's pledge to continue supporting "counterrevolutionary organizations" in Angola and elsewhere. B. Lateral Services 1. The director of AID in Swaziland asked to receive the bureau's file on Mozambique. USAID Swaziland is handling much of the new AID program being put into Maputo and Embassy personnel regularly travel there. III. ADMINISTRATION A. Personnel 1. Editor Headquarters. departed 11 October for PCS to 2. Portuguese monitor lone of two monitors who came to the bureau from EAU, resigned 12 October to accept a fellowship in the States. The bureau has advertised locally for a replacement and is currently testing candidates. IV. VISITS A. To the Bureau 1. Two IG Inspectors visited the bureau 13-17 October. 2. London Bureau teletypist ::Iarr7ed on the 11th to provide support to the bureau's teletype section. returned to London on the 13th. Chief, Swaziland ureau Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300620003-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300620003-2 SWAZILAND BUREAU PRODUCTION REPORT FOR OCTOBER 1985 1. TOTALS FROM ALL SOURCES: TOTAL PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MONTH TOTAL NON-PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MONTH TOTAL NUMBER OF PUBLISHABLE ITEMS FILED DURING MONTH : 1,120 BROAD- PRESS CASTS AGENCIES PUBLI- CATIONS II. INPUT OF REGULAR COVERAGE: 605 8,040 5 95 minu es or issues per week) , III. OUTPUT FROM ALL SOURCES: 190,980 219,800 64,600 (publishable words per month) Luanda Domestic Service in Portuguese 27,820 Luanda ANGOP in English 1,270 Luanda ANGOP in French 1,250 Luanda ANGOP in Spanish 1,010 Gaborone Domestic Service in English Gaborone BOTSWANA DAILY NEWS in English CLANDESTINE (Clandestine) Radio Truth in English to Zimbabwe (Clandestine) Radio Truth in Ndebele to Zimbabwe (Clandestine) Voice of Resistance of the Black Cockerel in Portuguese to Angola (Clandestine) KUP in Portuguese to Southern & Central Africa (Clandestine) KUP in English to Southern & Central Africa (Clandestine) KUP in French to Southern & Central Africa (Clandestine) Voice of Truth in Portuguese to Angola Maseru Domestic Service in English Maseru Domestic Service in seSotho 4,090 1,890 4,380 2,960 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300620003-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300620003-2 LESOTHO Maseru Domestic Service in seSotho Maseru THE NATION in English Maseru THE COMMET in English & Maseru MOCHOCHONOCHO in seSotho MADAGASCAR Antananarivo Domestic Service in French MALAWI Blantyre Domestic Service in English Blantyre DAILY TIMES in English Blantyre MALAWI NEWS in English MAURITIUS Port Louis Domestic Service in English Port Louis Domestic Service in French MOCAMBIQUE Maputo Domestic Service in Portuguese Maputo in English to Southern AFrica Beira DIARIO DE MOCAMBIQUE in Portuguese Maputo NOTICIAS in Portuguese Maputo TEMPO in Portuguese Windhoek Domestic Service in Afrikaans Windhoek DIE REPUBLIKEIN in Afrikaans Windhoek THE WINDHOEK ADVERTISER in English Windhoek WINDHOEK OBSERVER in English Windhoek DIE SUIDWESTER in Afrikaans BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS 22,330 2,580 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300620003-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300620003-2 UI'.UfU- 1 ILJJ 1 VYL1- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg Domestic Service in 1,130 Afrikaans Johannesburg Domestic Service in 25,190 English Johannesburg International Service in 6,610 English Johannesburg Television Service in 13,660 Afrikaans Johannesburg Television Service in 23,180 English Umtata Capital Radio in 13,980 English Johannesburg SAPA in English . Durban ILANGA in Zulu Johannesburg BEELD in Afrikaans Johannesburg CITY PRESS in English Johannesburg O'SECULO in Portuguese Johannesburg RAPPORT in Afrikaans Johannesburg BUSINESS DAY in English Johannesburg SOWETAN in English Johannesburg SUNDAY STAR in English Johannesburg SUNDAY TIMES in English Johannesburg THE CITIZEN in English Johannesburg THE STAR in English Johannesburg THE WEEKLY MAIL in English Pretoria DIE TRANSVALER in Afrikaans RSA Press Review SWAZILAND Mbabane Domestic Service in 1,460 English Mbabane Domestic Service in 800 Siswati Mbabane Television Service in 370 English Mbabane Television Service in Siswati Mbabane THE SWAZI NEWS in English Mbabane THE SWAZI OBSERVER in English Mbabane THE TIMES OF SWAZILAND in English 212,700 1,130 1,590 1,280 56,130 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300620003-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300620003-2 .'UBLI- ~RUY1U- 1 /EN\VJ ASTS AGENCIES CATIONS UNITED KINGDOM London BBC World Service in English USSR Moscow in Ndebele to Zimbabwe Moscow in Zulu to Southern Africa 15,370 6,620 ZAMBIA Lusaka Domestic Service in English Lusaka Voice of Namibia in English Lusaka Voice of Freedom in English to Southern Africa Lusaka SUNDAY TIMES OF ZAMBIA in English Lusaka TIMES OF ZAMBIA in English Lusaka ZAMBIA DAILY MAIL in English 7,450 2,960 1,650 ZIMBABWE Harare Domestic Service in English Harare Domestic Service in Ndebele Harare Voice of Namibia in English Harare THE HERALD in English Harare THE SUNDAY MAIL in English Harare THE FINANCIAL GAZETTE in English 7,780 1,040 1,230 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/08: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300620003-2