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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300580007-3 UNITED STATES FORCES, JAPAN FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE OKINAWA BUREAU APO SAN FRANCISCO 96239 MOK-5015 6 June 1985 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, Foreign Broadcast Information Service THROUGH: Chief, Operations Group, FBIS FROM: Acting Chief, FBIS Okinawa Bureau SUBJECT: Monthly Report - Okinawa Bureau - May 1985 The bureau's eight-year, $4.9 million housing recapitalization program was launched one year early with Headquarters' approval of authority for $320,000.00 in FY-1985 architectural and engineering studies that had been unfunded. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has been notified of the approval so it may commit funds and resources to the project. The plan calls for demolition and reconstruction of the 16 oldest GWSK houses, major refurbishing of 23 other houses, and remodeling of the newer senior staff houses. Five bureau U.S. staffers played roles, along with more than 400 U.S. Marines and millions of dollars worth of helicopters, in simulated emergency evacuation exercises from a U.S. Embassy in "Napaj," a mock country suffering mock civil unrest and anti-U.S. demonstrations, on 30-31 May. FBIS employees were asked to play roles when the U.S. Consulate General at Naha could not spare personnel and suggested FBIS to the Second Marine Battalion, located at Camp Schwab. FBIS personnel acted as ambassador, deputy chief of mission, CIA station chief, regional security officer, and administrative counselor, giving orders, processing evacuation documents, managing security, and making requests for evacuation by a scenario devised by Marine Major Robert Heinz. The FBIS "Embassy" staffers were evacuated by large Boeing CH46E "Sea Knight" helicopters as well as a special ride for the "ambassador" in a Bell Iroquois command and control 'copter carrying 2d Marines commander Lt. Col. R.L. Jaehne, with huge Sikorsky CH53E "Super Stallion" 'copters carrying Marines and Bell "SeaCobra" gunships hovering over the Marine training area to discourage large numbers of players acting as anti-U.S. rioters and snipers. Cruiser "suffered" a mock chest wound and was evacuated by stretcher, his stretcher bearers also being mock-killed in mid-escape. FBIS has been promised a look at a video training tape taken of the whole exercise. There was no outside publicity. Efforts to improve FBIS monitoring of the Philippines' low powered, medium- wave radios believed to be carrying anti-Marcos material made headway in May. A Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300580007-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300580007-3 TDY trip to the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo produced a decision by DCM William Clark to "tell" the Japanese that FBIS planned to survey Philippines recep- tion from Ishigaki Island late this fall, and might use Ishigaki as a short- term crisis monitoring site. C/Hong Kong Bureau's report,on high costs (ca $91,000.00 yearly) for a 24-hour commercial phone line for a remote from Clark AFB to Hong Kong evoked a MOD decision to seek a Clark AFB-Okinawa autovon line for remoting from Okinawa Bureau, avoiding the Hong Kong line problems and costs. Bureau engineers are rechecking the bureau's single re- mote control unit and receiver to prepare for a future remote operation. A. Editorial/Monitorial STAT STAT 1. Recent, rapid and large increases in Okinawa's television product became clear in figures for May and April. The bureau sent out 92 tapes--a record--in May, including 37 tapes requested in 24 MOD queries that included "automatic sends" such as "I Serve the Soviet Union" and "Studio 9" as well as consolidated leadership appearance tapes for AG, 32 tapes from Japan's NHK and others under the new "cities" project, as well as nine Soviet movie training tapes for Prod Group, 13 to Okinawa's 6990th USAF Electronic Security Group, and one to the 500th MI Group, Camp Zama. In April, the first full month of the "cities" project, a total of 58 videocassettes were sent out. DHL courier costs for "cities" appear to run about $650-700 monthly. 2. All annual performance appraisals on monitors were completed during May, about half being forwarded by the 31 May Headquarters deadline and the rest, mostly awaiting signatures by monitors on leave, were to go in early June, at the same time as the bureau promotion and PSI panel was to meet. 3. Action was taken at the end of May to begin EOD processing for the last two Chinese monitor applicants on the bureau's short list, following notice from trainee[_ hat she planned to resign in August to attend journalism. graduate s pool at the Universit of Missouri. The bureau also will lose veteran monitor n August, when he resigns/retires to immigrate to the U.S. Another Chinese recruiting trip is planned this fall to build a new list. 4. Production remained at a high level of 1,302,310 publishable words in May, about 55,000 short of the April all-time record. 5. Okinawa's eight-hour time advantage over London/BBC for scheduled Moscow TV coverage paid off again on 3 May, when the bureau texted a 20-minute recorded interview with visiting Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. 6. Several developments in Chinese satellite TV and possible facsimile transmissions aroused interest at month-end: An HK-monitored item indicated Beijing would soon use an Indian Ocean INTELSAT satellite to transmit PRC tele- casts"as an emergency measure" to expand TV coverage beyond that offered by the PRC's experimental 125E bird launched 8 April 1984. Other reports indicate an overseas edition of RENNIN RIBAO, to be published from 1 July in Hong Kong and foreign cities including New York and San Francisco, will be transmitted by satellite facsimile. Okinawa will check INTELSAT TV transmissions when they Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300580007-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300580007-3 begin, but must await delivery of "adaptable fax" gear this September-October to check the newspaper.. The PRC 125E satellite may be losing power, according to very tentative and inconclusive observations at the end of May. Further checks are being made. 7. Reduced Vietnamese staffing this summer during redocumentation travel of both monitors was notified to concerned bureaus and Headquarters com- ponents. The single monitor on duty will work six evenings weekly, with some delayed processing from Sunday coverage on Mondays. B. Cruising STAT STAT 1. Lengthy change observations on seasonal frequency shifts by Moscow, Beijing, and other bureau target transmissions were reported during May, making heavy use of the cruising unit's IBM PC database. 2. MOD cruiser trainee) (departed 13 May at the end of his TDY, after compiling'a detailed report on all "pass-feed" satellite trans- missions available in Okinawa's look angle for potent' Isis and backup cover- age, again using the IBM PC database files on which had trained. 3. The bureau pouched to MOD numerous recordings on annotated cassettes of all kinds of signals encountered in normal cruising work, to support MOD's training program, as well as Soviet TV colorbars videotaped from the 140E satellite, also for MOD use. 4. Bureau proposals for summer and fall cruiser TDY and training programs involving a July Seoul training TDY, a Phuket August survey of South Asian reception with BK's local cruiser Suwat taking part, and fall MOD staff cruiser TDY training were agreed to by interested parties. OW's Mode V backup communications circuit B-252 was rehomed from Drake ASC to Yokota ASC on 23 May without incident. Two service circuits supplying KYODO press agency incoming to OW, and KCNA outgoing for Seoul Bureau, will be rehomed to Yokota on 30 June. The rehomings were unrelated to lengthy delays experienced in early May, when an unreported scheduled downtime at Hawaii--carrying the Guam ASC's traffic--caused bureau traffic to be delayed several hours. 1. Okinawa provided ad hoc special service to a U.S. Navy unit visiting Okinawa on 26 May. The Japanese team translated a newspaper item reporting a re- fueling stop at Miyako Shima, some 150 miles south of Okinawa, by two U.S. heli- copters en route from Cubi Base, Philippines, to Kadena. The request from.the commander of VC-5 was met overnight, with delivery and pickup of raw materials and the translation at the FBIS motor pool by Navy Lt. Raymond L. Cravaack. 2. BBC expressed appreciation for "swift filing" on 23 May of a XINHUA English report on a PRC-Portugal agreement to begin talks in the near future on the Macao question, arising from Portuguese President Eanes' visit to the PRC. ~......._._>_-- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300580007-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300580007-3 STAT STAT STAT 1. Parental anxiety over DODDS schooling for FBIS children next year was greatly reduced at mid-month by a letter from Okinawa DODDS Administrator Dr. Ann Bamberger assuring that all presently enrolled "space available" pupils would again be admitted in 1985-86, and that new students in the same category would be admitted on a school-by-school and class-by-class basis in "limited" spaces. Headquarters and bureaus sending PCS personnel to Okinawa this summer were advised. 2. Senior Editor) returned to Okinawa 10 May after an additional week's TDY for emergency travel staffing at Hong Kong made necessary by lack of airline return seat space on this busy route. survived the "hardships" of Hong Kong's attractive shopping lures in good spirits, if a bit poorer in pocketbook. 3. Tests were successfully conducted at Headquarters B&F request to / determine whether the bureau's IBM PC computer payrolling program could handle Contract Health Insurance deductions for TCN employees. An August start date was proposed. Some program changes in the bureau FSR/spreadsheet program were made by and forwarded to SDS on diskette. B.. Logistics STAT STAT 1. Housing renovations and refurbishings for summer PCS changes are on schedule, with work 90 percent complete at the bureau chief's house. Kitchen enlargements will be done at the chief editor's and admin officer's houses at overlap time, with walls dividing kitchen and laundry removed, permitting a larger kitchen with breakfast nook and enclosed washer/dryer cabinets as well as dishwasher installations. 2. Packouts for PCSers began the summer travel season on 28-31 May, with th on 3-4 June. family packing out 1. The eight new rhombic antenna poles covering the two rhombics scheduled for complete replacement this year were installed by the contractor in May, and Air Force personnel began installing the rhombic antenna curtains. 2. The first unofficial indication that the new digitized microwave upgrade may not start until 1989 was received during a brief visit that other- wise was devoted to locating boundary markers across the road from the Bobo Point Operations building, where the microwave site will be located. The bureau still awaits further word from Fort Huachuca, AZ, on this project. 3. The two incompatible SONY BVU-820S videocassette recorders have been returned to OWAX, and the bureau awaits a credit refund notice before initiating substitute procurement of standard SONY 5630 VCRs in their stead, as agreed by C/MOD and C/FEB. The bureau logs officer also completed the first direct pro- curement from SONY's Koza office of a budgeted 5630 VCR and RM-580 remote control ~" '- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300580007-3 - -- _ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300580007-3 unit. Direct procurement saves the 22.5% overhead charge usually levied by OWAX when it acts as middleman. V. VISITORS To the bureau: USMC Maj. Robert Heinz and Cpl. MacDonald, 16 and 28 May, to discuss FBIS staff participation in a Marine embassy emergency evacuation exercise. MSgt. Gilbert J. Stadley, Jr., Ops Sgt. of U.S. Army Asian Studies Det, 500th MI Group, Camp Zama, on 23 May for orientation and briefing. An officer of the Manila Area Telecommunications Office, 29-30 May, to audit the bureau classified communications facility. Acting bureau chief to Consulate General, Naha, on 7 May and to the USFJ Okinawa Area Coordinator Secretary, Camp Butler, and Okinawa Army Information Systems Command Battalion, both on 9 May, for consultations on possible bureau emergency monitoring of the Philippines. Administrative Officer to U.S. Embassy Tokyo, 12-15 May, for consultation. STAT STAT STAT STAT QTAT STAT STAT Acting bureau chief to U.S. Embassy Tokyo, 23-25 May, for consultation on Philippines emergency. coverage planning. Acting chief, regional engineer, administrative officer, cruising officer, and editor to the USMC Gimbaru, Camp Hansen, and Camp Schwab Marine bases and training areas on 30-31 May for part-day participation in simulated embassy evacuation exercises. (Delayed) Regional engineer to Seoul Bureau, 5-8 April, for routine consultation. speeches, sashimi, steak, and beer, many staff and non-staff employees taking part. Photos attched in lieu of 1,000 words. !~( The new FBIS "Bolo Point Garden" was dedicated on 3 May with ribbon cutting? Bureau employees including staff Cruiser as well as MLC cruiser tennis tournament 11-12 May. competed in the Naha spring ,oqk second after being defeated by An FBIS "yard sale" was held on Memorial Day, 27 May, with ten families clearing closets and filling pockets. Success led to plans for another in July, organized by 45) division and In senior doubles, the I---- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300580007-3 -- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300580007-3 STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT The extraordinary lottery luck of FBISers at the Kadena Officers Open Mess membership night continued on 29 May, when won a TV set similar to that won by his neighbor in January, when five other FBIS KOOM members won various prizes suc as -shirts, bags, caps, etc. on the same night as 0 TV set--six out of about 20 winners were FBIS. (danced on stage at the 4-5 May Key- stone Theater "Carnival of Dance 85" show t on Su-Chien Hong's International Dance Academy, the last such show, since is leaving Okinawa this summer. c ing Chief, Okinawa Bureau Engineering Monthly Report Photos Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300580007-3 "_ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300580007-3 - Photos Carimunity Activities Ribbon-cutting ceremonies for the new "Bolo Point Garden" picnic and lunch area at the front of the Bolo Operations Building grounds, held on 3 May 1985. Acting Bureau Chief and Logistics Offi- cer long with Admin Officer , cut the ribbon to launch an afternoon picnic. On right are Bolo foreman "creative idea man" on the project and MLC Adminis ative Assistant In the back roun etween and stands Bolo technician Sashimi, steaks and varied beverages were served. "Grand opening" banners decorate the new "Bolo Point Garden" prior to the ribbon cutting. In the far right background is the new FBIS shelter tent used for outdoor work in hot or inclement weather and for Bolo social and canmunity events. who won second prize trophy in the Naha 1985 Spring Tennis Tournament on 12 May, the day before leaving Okinawa, receives his certificate in the "Men's Senior" (Over 45) class competition from tournament officials. DICE cruiser won first prize and cup in the same Senior class, defeatin in straight sets. S cruiser eliminated in his first sin gle-s-match, said "Wait until next year." Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300580007-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300580007-3 Attachment Monthly Report, Okinawa Bureau May 1985 EQUIPMENT RECEIVED: SONY VCR model VO-5630, S.N. 47371 SONY Remote Control Unit model RM-580, S.N. 12771 EQUIPMENT TRANSFERRED: None --?,>...?.~-?.w-... Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300580007-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300580007-3 1. TOTALS FROM ALL SOURCES: TOTAL PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MONTH: 1,302,310 TOTAL NON-PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MONTH: 528,350 TOTAL NUMBER OF PUBLISHABLE ITEMS FILED DURING MONTH: 3,750 BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS It. INPUT OF REGULAR COVERAGE: 19,b95 39,860 175.02 (minutes or-issues per week) min. min. "issues III. OUTPUT FROM ALL SOURCES: CHINA Beijing International Service to East and South Africa in English Beijing International Service to North America in English 1,bb0 Beijing International Service in Japanese 1,600 Beijing International Service in Mandarin 1,030 Beijing to Taiwan in Mandarin 1,710 Beijing to the USSR in Russian 2,830 Beijing to Vietnam in Vietnamese 960 Beijing Domestic Service in Mandarin 27,860 Fuzhou Fujian Provincial Service in Mandarin 5,490 Hangzhou Zhejiang Provincial Service in Mandarin 3,170 Hefei Anhui Provincial Service in Mandarin 7,520 Nanchang Jiangxi Provincial Service in Mandarin 1,170 Nanjing Jiangsu Provincial Service in Mandarin b,350 Shanghai City Service in Mandarin 23,130 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-00040R000300580007-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300580007-3 Beijing XINHUA in English Beijing XINHUA Domestic Service in Chinese Fuzhou FUJIAN RIBAO in Chinese . Hefei ANHUI RIBAO in, Hangzhou ZHEJIANG RIBAO in Chinese Nanjing XINHUA RIBAO in Chinese Shanghai J IEFANG RIBAO in Chinese Shanghai WEN HUI BAO in Chinese CLANDESTINE (Clandestine) Be Yi Radio to.China in Mandarin (Clandestine) Voice of the PLA to China in Mandarin (Clandestine) Radio Spark to China in Mandarin (Clandestine) Radio October Storm to China in Mandarin (Clandestine) Contingent of Proletarian Fighters to China in JAPAN Tokyo NHK Television Network in Japanese' Tokyo JPS in English Tokyo KYODO in English Tokyo JIJI in English Tokyo AKAHATA in Japanese Tokyo ASAHI SHIMBUN in Japanese Tokyo ASAHI EVENING NEWS in English Tokyo JAPAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL in English Tokyo MAINICIHI DAILY NEWS in English BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS 13,550 397,550 137,260 2,970 18,950 7 , 030 1 , 960 14,320 5,790 5,190 158,040 10,270 680 7 , 580 13,990 7,470 18,650 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300580007-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300580007-3 Tokyo MAINICHI SHIMBUN in Japanese Tokyo NIHON KEIZAI SHIMBUN in Japanese Tokyo SANKEI SHIMBUN in Japanese Tokyo THE DAILY YOMIURI in English Tokyo THE JAPAN TIMES in English Tokyo TOKYO SHIMBUN in Japanese Tokyo YOMIURI SHIMBUN in Japanese Naha OKINAWA TIMES in Japanese Naha RYUKYU SHIMPO in Japanese KOREA (NORTH) Pyongyang KCNA in English MONGOLIA Ulaanbaatar MONTSAHE in English Ulaanbaatar HONTSAME in Russian TAIWAN Taipei. International Service in English.. Taipei Domestic Service in Mandarin Taipei CHA in English .Taipei CHINA POST in English Taipei CHING CHI JIH PAO in Chinese Taipei CHUNG KUO SHIN PAO in Chinese Taipei CHUNG YANG J IH PAO in Chinese Taipei LIEN HO PAO in Chinese Taipei LIEN HO YUEH KAN in Chinese Taipei TZU LI WAN PAO in Chinese 12,330 8,310 25,980 4 , 870 15,900 490 15,430 22,130 6,100 450 6,600 210 BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS 3,050 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300580007-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/13: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000300580007-3 BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS UN ION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS Moscow to Japan in Japanese 6,060 Moscow to Southeast Asia in Mandarin 440 Moscow to China in Mandarin 3,130 Moscow to Vietnam in Vietnamese 2,930 Moscow Radio Peace and Progress to China in Mandarin 440 Moscow Radio Peace and Progress to Southeast Asia in Mandarin --- Moscow Domestic Television Service in Russian 28,770 VIETNAM Hanoi International Service in Mandarin Hanoi Domestic Service in Vietnamese Hanoi VNA in English Hanoi VNA in French Hanoi VNA in Vietnamese Ho Chi Minh 'City VNA in Vietnamese 24,020 103,950 ....~....--,