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Approved For Release 2009/08/20: CIA-RDP83-00418RO01100050009-1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT CLASSIFICATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY Hungary SUBJECT Atortic Research Institute in Iudapest PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. THIS DOCUMENT COHTAIWS IRFORMATIOII AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSU OF THE OUSTED STATES. WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 10. SECTIONS 799 AMD 794, OF THE U. S. CODE. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR RETEl. ATIOU OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT ST AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PR011181710 81 LAT/ 109 REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORC1 IS PROHIBITED. DATE DISTR. tember 1;55 NO. OF PAGES 4 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 2. The names of persons workina at the in titute were kept strictly secret. former university teacher 25X1 25X1 3. Although two or three buildings at the Szabads&ghegy construction site were completed in May 1953, the institute was then not yet in operation. Construction work was believed to have been started in early 1952 or during the summer of the same year. In May 1953 and. during the period following, some 600 workers were employed. The STATE M IIAW ARMY u _._..,_._. g AIR CLASSIFICATION ,.-._ DISTRIBUTION ------_< 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/08/20: CIA-RDP83-00418RO01100050009-1 Approved For Release 2009/08/20: CIA-RDP83-00418RO01100050009-1 diminishing number of truck shipments and workers observed in the autumn indicated that construction work was nearing completion. laboratory work was started at this time. Minor construction work and assembly operations were observed as late as 1954. 4. The institute was located on a flat plain 400 x 600 meters across, south of the Szabadslghegy Observatory and west of Konkoly Thege Miklos road. The main axis of the institute-area ran in a north-south direction. Konkoly Thege ;viiklos road was closed for civilian traffic between the Observatory and Csille- Hill. -this 25X1 road was to be abandoned altogether and to be reforested together with the adjacent strip of land. 5. A 30 x 80 meter two-storied concrete building with a concrete roof was located north of the institute's parking lot (4). The building was painted a dark drab, with green Crates before the windows of the first floor. The entrance located in the middle of the southern front was a 4-meter4pide and 3.5-meter-high oak ;ate with a small door inserted as personnel entrance. Trucks with tarpaulins were repeatedly observed parked in the gateway. Baracskayrand other irf-mation, this buildinj served as a laboratory. No further details were available. Then they passed through a corridor into a room 20 x 5 meters wide equipped with a boiler 15 meters long and 2 meters in diameter suspended from the ceiling. Four pipes of 20 cm. in diameter passed through this room above the boiler and each of the pipes was connected to the boiler by a vertical pipe 10 diameter. Four vertical pipes 10 cm. in dia!r.eter protruding from the lower L iddle of the boiler extended vertically downwards. A few centimeters above the floor these pipes bent off at a right angle to a control panel at the wall of the basement. The boiler as well as the piping system were coated with a white material, presumably asbestos. The control panel contained a large gauge in the middle with smaller eau- on either side. The dials of these gauges were in continuous oscillation. the boiler was empty and that measure-men ;s were bein deter-mine the rate of heating of the apparatus. the institute operated with electric power. After a 30-minute stay in the basement, the group returned to a large room 12 x 4 meters across located on the first floor. This room was equipped with a long table along one of its walls covered with numerous test tubes and other chemical vessels. Several microscopes were placed on a square table in the middle of the room. Seven women in white coats worked in this room. North of the described buildin, and placed at a ri,;ht angle to it were two other buildings of the size axid eastern one was painted dark green. these two buildings were also used as laborator-es. CONFIDENTIAL :.L Approved For Release 2009/08/20: CIA-RDP83-00418RO01100050009-1 Approved For Release 2009/08/20: CIA-RDP83-00418RO01100050009-1 A 1.2-rneter-vide and D -cm rdeep channel traversed the institute area. It is unknown whether :t had its origin within the compound or no 4. The channel passed under the buildirk:s. It was not perrnnareently filled and it was strictly forbidden to take any water from it. When filled, the channel carried orystalwclear -;water before en;erin,g, the southernmost baildin~-;. After eraer , ing from it. the water had attained a creamy col nd w into an. ~ndn=rnuna channel outside the compound. u. All iix;ments to the institute, either on truths or horse-da:awnn, entered the only entrance to the institute located on Kor'cdwy Phege Miklos road. The institute was connected to the Budapest electric mains. A hir, h-vroltage line suspended from 20 to 25 meter high towers entered he compound from the west. The ai.,Iount of power sup, lieu. and the Yt;r pe of current used could not be determined. 8. Loading operations from- tarpaulin-covered trucks with ionved '" ry numbering were observed at the southern laboratory building t' or three times durin the summer of 1954. 50-kg,% sacks were ur,oaded which, at least judging by the red dust covering the c,inth^e:s of the transport orkera were filled with a red dust-dike .,_ .uerisl. the sacks were sur risjr.. ly li t rk y~:reig 1t in relation to their volu,:ie. the ,Ah.ipr,ents came from . om rori. In Larch 195A, the onloading of large chests of 120 x 60 x 4.0 ctr,,cubage inscribed with Cyrillic letters was observed., In the summer of 19 5, all truck drivers were strictly disinfect their tires with an undetermined liquid before leaving the compound. Persons were ordered to disinfect their hands before .Leaving the area. In early 1954, this practice was no loner ,observed and the r_ epul .tl on was believed to have been cancelled. laboratory personnel was provided with special clothing including underwear which had to be changed before- leavIn . l0~ The work force was estimated at 120 to 15.0 persons i.ncludir, 45 to 30 percent women. Purim; the sun: er of 1954, some 300 men employed by the building maintenance service were doing construction and assembly work at the institute. The workers were conveyed by fe.ctory-owned bases to the compound between 0600 and. 0730 and _retzr?ned to town between 1530 and 1800. 11. In late April 11754 P tySs Rakosi and A4jor Genrral Janxa visiting the institute accompanied by severai nigh-ranking Hungarian and two Soviet officers. Both omen were clearly iaentifi- ec when they left the insti :ute in u=ro type-300 amerce es cars. Approved For Release 2009/08/20: CIA-RDP83-00418RO01100050009-1 Approved For Release 2009/08/20: CIA-RDP83-00418RO01100050009-1 12. The institute was surrounded by a 2-meter-high brink wall topped with 3 strands of barbed wire strung to inclined iron rods. .these wires were said to be electrically charged and to be connected to an alarm device. 'P'atch towers placed at 50-mater intervals were painted dark green and hidden by trees. These permanently guarded towers were equipped with flood lights for illumination at night. Double sentries patrolled the compound. :State Security Police were placed at the entrance to the institute area. They wore flat caps with a blue ribbon and were armed with machine guns. After ringing a bell, visitors were admitted through the electrically opened gate. In front of the guard house, located south of the rate, stood another State Security policeman who sent the visitor into the guard house. The guard house was manned by a State Security Police sergeant and a civilian employee of the Hon;rdd ministry (dressed in dark-blue uniform similar to that of the People's Army, without insignia, with WE trousers and black boots, dark-gray flat cap with black patent-leather ribbon and a gold..-stitched coat of arms of the People4 s Republic). taterial shipments were also closely checked. The driver had to present his travel order at the guard house. This order contained the car license number, the name of the driver, as well as the volume, type, and name of the supplier of the shipment. The ,driver also had to present an issue voucher in duplicate indicating the volume and type of the material supplied. These vouchers were filled out by the supplying firm, not by the shipping agency. One copy of the voucher was retained by the guard, the other copy was signed and returned to the driver to be handed back to the shipping agency. `hen the entrance permit was stamped to the ravel order, Truck personnel were not admitted to the compound and had to wait at the guard house while institute employees unloaded the shipment. The truck driver was closely guarded by State Security police and was not allowed to step out of his truck. l.. ~r.s. _ r. sent. According to press reports (it'.agyar . mzet and 25X1 Uepszava), a physics research institute with a nuclear research department was erected on an elevated plain northwest of 3,dapest. Construction work was started in I Y50; the nuclear research department was put into operation in 1953/54. The institute contains laboratories for cosmic ray research, a nuclear research department, and a radiological laboratory. The institute is equipped with a :;an-de-Graaf generator, and a 5 LIeV accelerator was under. construction in the autumn of 1954. Dr. lstvra.Kovcs was mentioned as chief of the institute. The present report is believed to apply to this institute. Approved For Release 2009/08/20: CIA-RDP83-00418RO01100050009-1 Approved For Release 2009/08/20: CIA-RDP83-00418RO01100050009-1 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Approved For Release 2009/08/20: CIA-RDP83-00418RO01100050009-1