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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Cllll1J l~ C( OEM PRICE=LIST D STAT _h j4 t 'J4 . 20 (L) 20B CHUNG,SHAN ROAD (E. I.) SHANGHAI, CHINA CABLE: '"SERCO, SHANGHAI" ' ' a* PHONE: 218880, 219358 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 SHANGHAI SHIP CHANDLER AND SERVICING CO. PROVISIONS -Effective from 1st July 1958 A, * 4t yo. PRICE J. M. P. APPROX. H. K. $ It STA PLE FOOD: b * Rice, 1st grade ... 0.32 0.75 b Flour, 1st grade 0.46 1.08 AA S3 Macaroni ... ... 1.12 2.62 b 0_ L Bread ... ... ... 0.45 1.05 ,`l 0- P' Brown Bread ... 0.45 1.05 BEEF: Pt kR rj Rumps & Loins ... ... 1.38 3.23 01- IT Hindquarters ... ... 1.15 2.69 *. Legs ... ... ... ... 1.40 3.28 1* Beef Steak ... ... ... 1.45 3.40 rr) Roast Beef ... ... ... 1.30 3.04 ktL knr'] T. Bone Steaks ... ... 1.10 2.58 R 'J - 44 Fillet Steak ... ... ... 1.55 3.63 Veal Carcase i ~?... 1.30 3.04 0 IJ PORK: sA + 11 Sides, Headless 1.42 3.33 A Legs ... .. 1.55 3.63 a Legs, Boneless 1.70 3.98 i4f Chop ... ... 1.70 3.98 *- lJ MUTTON: : ? Carcase ... 0.94 2.20 A Legs ... 1.05 2.46 Chop ... 1.00 2.34 .r r1 ? Saddles ... 0.90 2.11 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 It it OFFAL: i. R '' lit PRICE J. M. P. APPROX. H. K. $ 1 ) Ox Kidneys 1.00 2.34 Tongues 1.00 2.34 Ilfi '' Liver 1.00 2.34 $ Rj Pig's Liver 2.00 4.68 a " Kidneys 2.00 4.68 Hearts 1.00 2.34 Tongues 1.10 2.58 At FRESH FISH, ETC: A. Cod Fish 0.78 1.83 & Sole Fish ... 0.74 1.73 A .0, Pomf ret 0.94 2.20 Mandarin Fish 1.22 2.86 .0, Chinese Mackerel 0.78 1.83 fr .0. Mackerel ... 1.08 2.53 ,c'~. Yellow Croaker 0.60 1.41 aA M Prawns ... ... 1.60 3.75 i1 M Shrimp ... ... 1.60 3.75 t T-. Shrimp Shelled 2.50 5.85 -% EGG: 4- Hen Egg 1.10 2.58 1~ - Duck Egg 1.10 2.58 Salted Egg 0.08 0.19 Preserved Egg 0.08 0.19 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A056700410001-7 T.r .\.F Rflit PRICE J. M. P. APPROX. H. K. $ Q'93 SUNDRIES: ` 4 x 0- Ham, 1st grade, "Kin-?Hwa" 2.88 6.74 Ali, ), Chinese Sausages ... ... ... ... . 4.60 10.77 4 4VL Bacons ... ... ... ... ... ... 3.32 .7.78 b Ju A Fresh Butter "Inner Mongolian" Per lb. 1.32 3.09 b flL iii Fresh Butter "Pagoda" Per lb. 1.20 2.81 Cocao Malt "Locovo" ... ... Per bot. 375 gm. 1.00 2.34 Honey ... . ... ... ... ... ... . 437gm. 1.00 2.34 4n Baking Powder ... ... ... ... 250gm. 0.70 1.64 -'e, dt -4 Dried Yeast ... ... ... ... ... Per kg. 2.70 6.32 Fresh Yeast ... ... ... ... 1.10 2.58 fl' Gourmet Powder "Tien Chu Veetsin" 3.60 8.43 i~ Peanut Paste ... ... ... ... .... 125 gm. 0.42 0.98 iii Oyster Sauce ... ... ... ... ... 250 gm. 0.40 0.94 4t "Chinkiang" Vinegar ... ... ... 500 gm. 0.50 1.17 Lard (pork) ... ... 1.20 2.81 Soy ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.50 1.17 %rl 77i Peanut Oil ... ... ... ... ... 1.20 2.81 Bean Oil ... ... ... ... ... ... . 1.20 2.81 Refined Salt ... ... ... ... ... Per kg. 0.18 0.42 Mustard Powder ... ... ... ... Per bot. 93gm. 0.20 0.47 TEA : it f I.A?4. Black Tea "Keemen" 250 gm. 1.50 3.51 500gm. 2.60 6.09 4' LAS L- Black Tea "China" ... ... 250 gm. 1.30 3.04 500 gm. 2.30 5.39 It 4~ Green Tea "Dragon Well" ... 100gm. 1.00 2.34 250gm. 2.05 4.80 500 gm. 3.80 8.90 X i t Scented Tea ... 100 gm. 0.70 1.64 250 gm. 1.35 3.16 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 A WINE & SPIRITS: ~K.'-iti PRICE J. M. P. APPROX. H. K. $ Brandy, "3-Star Golden Leave" Per hot. 625gm. 2.40 5.62 Brandy, "5-Star Red Leave" " 625gm. 2.60 6.09 Brandy, "Golden Medal" ... 706 gm. 2.40 5.62 Grape Wine, "Chang-Pei-Shan" 500 gm. 0.70 1.64 Shanghai Beer, Export 700 g m. 0.30 0.70 Fen Wine, "Shan-Si" 550 gm. 1.60 3.75 Bamboo-Leave-Green 1.60 3.75 Wine, "Shan-Si" 600 gm. ~ o its Wine, "Mao-Tai" ... 500 gm. 1.80 4.22 Wu-Chia-Pi Wine, "Tientsin" ... 500 gm. 1.20 2.81 Kaoliang Wine, "Tientsin" ... ... 500 gm. 1.00 2.34 Green Bean Wine, "Tsong-Yuen-Dah" 500gm. 1.20 2.81 Wine, "Dai-Ch'u.. ... ... ... ... ' ' 500 gm. 1.00 2.34 Samshu ... ... ... Per jar. 24 5 kg. 21.00 49.1.8 'td CIGARETTES: #s s. 4 Cigarettes, "Red Double-Happiness" ... 0.50 1.17 er (A0 "Chunghua" Red 50 pcs. 0.50 1.17 "Chunghua" White ... ... 50 pes. 0.50 1.17 P9"r "Chien men" ... ... ... ... 50 pcs. 0.40 0.94 hm "Chunghua" ... ... ... ... Per pkt. 20 pcs. 0.10 0.23 "Red Double-Happiness" ... " 20 pcs. 0.10 0.23 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Vic. Wx POULTRY & GAME: too 4* APPROX. H. K. $ -4 Chickens (Hen) Dressed 2.00 4.68 " (Cock) 1.60 3.75 T4 Ducks Dressed ... 1.60 3.75 4h 1f Ili Peking Ducks ... 2.50 5.85 $4 Goose ... ... Per Peft kg. 1.26 2.95 44 Pigeon ... ... ... Pei"pce. 0.40 0.94 f' , Pheasants (male) 1.50 3.51 S' , (female) 1.00 2.34 Wild Ducks, Large 1.20 2.81 Medium 0.70 1.64 ~k YR, Teal Ducks ... ... 0.40 0.94 Quails 0.22 0.52 Turkey 2.40 5.62 J3 A- Hares 1.24 2.90 " * DELICATESSENS: it] _ ;o Pork Sausages 3.12 7.31 01 Beef Sausages 2.88 6.74 Prf' ;;P Liver Sausages 3.80 8.90 a*;3?3 ;4 Salami Sausages 4.32 10.12 k At Bologna Sausages 2.88 6.74 + is Vienna Sausages 2.88 6.74 . Ham, Square 3.84 8.99 Ilfl Al Ham, Roll ... 3.84 8.99 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 t It I kh e i PRICE APPROX. UNIT J.M.P. H. K. $ 19 0 91 FRESH VEGETABLES: Potato ... Tomato ... Cabbage l 10 Carrot + t tl `I Radish ... kt 59 Beetroot Asparagus Celery ... sl Red Cabbage 4l; Cauliflower *s 4k Chili ... 1. Cucumber Egg Plant 7J i French Bean Green Pea Onion ... Leek ... Lettuce ... Marrow ... Parsley ... ... ... bi It White Pea ... ... 41? Brussel Sprouts ... Artichoke ... ... 4 Fresh Mushroom If, 4. Horseradish ... ;- Ladies Finger ... Parsnip ... ... b1 Turnip ... Green Cabbage ... i b Tientsin Cabbage ~- Green Onion ... 5A Garlic ... ... ... Spinach ... ... Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 r ,v M FRESH VEGETABLES: Ginger ... ... Broad Bean ... Bamboo Shoots Taro ... ... Wild Lettuce Pumpkin ... *Affi FRESH FRUITS: Apple "Kuo Kuang " Apple " Banana" Apricot ... ... ... Banana ... ... 4~- 4)E; Cherry ... ... ... 41 Lichee ... ... ... +;) Grape ... ... ... Lemon ... ... ... Mandarin Orange Ott 4 Orange ... ... ... Pear ... ... ... Per kg. .~ R '- It PRICE J. M. P. 4- - Plum ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Of, . Loquat ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 44 Strawberry ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1i lt. Water Melon ... ... ... ... ... A .4 IC Pineapple ... ... ... ... ... Ha-Me Melon ... ... ... ... ... ... REMARKS: mia Oval 4k 51 As prices of vegetables & fruits vary from day to day, quotations will be supplied upon enquiry. (2) V'c/P~ 1 -L ? 7 ' O Provisions will be delivered on board without extra charges. APPROX. H. K. $ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 R, *it PRICE J. M. P. APPROX. H. K. $ 0 pp CANNED FOODSTUFFS: Chinese Strawberrys "Swatow" 0.40 0.94 Lichee "Amoy" .... ... ... ... 567 gm. 0.65 1.52 Pineapple "Yi-Min" ... ... ... 560 g m. 0.60 1.41 - Orange "Yi-Min" ... ... ... 312 gm. 0.40 0.94 Cherries "Kuang-Ming" ... ... 400 gm. 0.50 1.17 Years "Mating" ... 375 gm. 0.40 0.94 Loquats "Swatow" ... ... ... 420 gm. 0.40 0.94 Peaches "Tai-Kong" ... ... 400 gm. 0.60 1.41 Apple Jam "Maling" ... ... 369 gm. 0.50 1.17 Orange Jam "Maling" 312 gm. 0.40 0.94 Jam Assorted "Maling" ... ... 369 gm. 0.50 1.17 Braised Pork Slices "Maling" 397 gm. 0.95 2.22 Braised Beef Slices "Tai-Kong" 227 gm. 0.50 1.17 Curry Beef "Tai-Kong" ... 227 gm. 0.50 1.17 Braised Chicken "Maling" 369 gm. 0.85 1.99 Braised Duck "Maling" :.. ... 369 gm. 0.85 1.99 Fried Longtailed Anchovy "Tai-Kong" 198 gm. 0.90 2.11 ?14 1" Green Peas "Maling" 397 gm. 0.35 0.82 Braised Bamboo Shoots "Maling" 397 gm. 0.55 1.29 Braised Turnips "Maling" 780 gm. 0.70 1.64 Pickled Cucumber "Yi-Min" 1 kg. 1.65 3.86 Spiced Bran-Dough "Maling" 354 gm. 0.65 1.52 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 J- 4 %x All * 6-1 SHANGHAI SHIP CHANDLER AND SERVICING CO. LAUNDERING Effective from 1st July 1958 4t i- Bed Sheet ... ... ... ... 4t 4- Pillow Case ... ... ... ... eo 2 Table Cloth ... ... ... ... 4)t Quilt or Matress Cover ... i3 Sofa Cover ... ... ... Sofa Cover, Large ... ... Chair Cover ... ... ... ... L fi Turkish Towel ... ... ... Woollen Blanket, White ... Colored ... m Window Curtain ... ... jr Window Curtain, Large ... 4 Napkin ... Drying or Pantry Towel ... ?T 4) 4- Cushion Cover ... ... ... s ff Working Suit, Long ... ... r s 41 *. Short ... ... t i4 Cap ... ... ... ... ... ... t'1(, AF K- Canvas Bag ... ... ... ... Door Curtain ... ... ... P9 m Door Curtain, Large ... ... 4 Overalls ... ... ... ... ... Shorts ... ... ... ... ... 4 Trousers, Long ... ... ... A iL i Toilet Linen ... ... V~ T- It PRICE J. M. P. Rh o ifs 'L APPROX. H. K. $ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 SHANGHAI SHIP CHANDLER AND SERVICING CO. j- A TAXI SERVICE $; ,t~ Tel: 243348 A P_ AP- DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE 4~ -0 NEW MODEL CARS LOW CHARGE FARE TABLE TRIP HIRE Basis fare (5 km.) Ik I'll %t J. M. P. Over 5 km. per km. ... ... ... 0.25 1 at ? TIME WAITING (For 8 minutes or less free) For every 15 minutes (Accumu- lative) over 8 minutes ... ... ... 0.40 t/' E1 Ifl '- TIME HIRE J. M. P. -l- '1` *'#' -i- 'j_ Y-)74 'i Time within 12 hours & distance within 40 km . ... ... ... ... ... 17.00 -1- +*iC1- ?e + * Time over 12 hours. per hour ... 1.00 (Below 30 minutes free) eJ -l- ,. I iA J. -kk ~- Distance over 40 km. per km. ... 0.25 U 91 411 fkAA i ,t- (From 11.00 A.m. to 11.00 P.m.. our taxi may also be engaged through Shanghai Seamen's club, Tel: 210672) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 AIL SHANGHAI SHIP CHANDLER AND SERVICING CO. }A)1g1~ DUNNAGE & SHIP STORES Effective from 1st July 1958 Vc. - PRICE J. M. P. APPROX. H. K. $ M004 DUNNAGE MATERIALS: Rush Mats INCH SQ. INCH 43.3" x 56.4" 2442 ... 34.00 79.63 49.2" x 59.8" 2942 40.00 93.68 52.5" x 65.6" 3444 . 48.00 112.41 57.7" x 63" 3635 ... 50.00 117.10 i; Straw Mats 40" x 80" 3200 ... 28.00 65.57 40" x 85" 3400 ... 30.60 71.66 VL Dunnage Planks, Soft Wood ... ... ... Per cubic' meter 70.00 164.00 f~ Dunnage Board (Egg Stick), Soft Wood 80.00 187.00 fii * ff Square Wood, Soft Wood ... ... ... ... 70.00 163.93 ik > M. Ventilators, Soft Wood ... ... ... ... Per 100 feet 25.00 58.55 BUNKER COALS: k 1 t , k Lump Coal "Ta Tung" Per M.T. 36.00 84.31 A. ik4JA Lump Coal ... ... ... 33.00 77.28 f k 4. Bituminous Coal Mixture 30.00 70.26 t.$ u s Coal Dust ... ... .. 25.00 58.55 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 F-1 V- It A. PRICE J. M. P. APPROX. H. K. $ PAINTS: " Quick Drying Enamels "Winged Tiger" ... ' Ready Mixed Paints "Winged Tiger" ... 9 Synthetic Enamels "Winged Tiger" ? " ff Anticorrosive Paint (Red Oxide & Grey) "Winged Tiger" ... it- (tI t) Clear Insulating Air Drying Varnish "Winged Tiger" 4f i . i - Undercoating Enamels "Winged Tiger" " Flat Paints "Winged Tiger" 21.31 If fAb White Zinc Paint "AA" "Winged Tiger" ... Per keg.12.5kg. 14.60 34.19 L. lfa b if 43- White Zinc Paint "A" "Winged Tiger" ... 25.06 ' ' L T Paste Paint "A" "Winged Tiger" 22.72 " i Patent Driers "Winged Tiger" 5.90 13.82 * 4 *A A A Boiled Linseed Oil "Winged Tiger" 37.47 " R . Clear Copal Varnish "Winged Tiger" 42.62 119 "Sg ` "f ) $-. Aluminum Primer "K.M. Brand" ... .. ... 117.10 A& t ft 3- Ship Bottom Anticorrosive Paint "K.M. Brand" ... 23.00 A& jok ply i; > . Ship Bottom Antifouling Paint "K.M. Brand" ;1k s 4- Boottopping Paints "K.M Brand" ... ... ... Per tin 30.00 70.26 A& ti 4 Hull Paints "K.M. Brand" Per drum 24.00 56.20 4- Deck Paints "K.M. Brand" 26.00 60.90 COTTON WASTE : 1 st Grade ... ... Per kg 1.50 3.51 2 nd " ... ... 1.30 3.04 IS COTTON RAGS: 1 st Grade ... ... 2.40 5.62 2 nd " ... ... 1.50 3.51 SOAP: BE Soft Soap ... ... Per bot. 1 kg. 0.90 2.11 Laundry Soap ... 2 Pcs. 0.15 0.35 " Toilet Soap. "S.H " Per pee. 0.20 0.47 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 .$A # 1. 36',' In Width CANVAS:. Superior Quality. 10,OZ. 36" 4 21' Ri WORKING SUIT: .. Made. of high quality, chinese Hand- Made-Nankeen in indigo blue. Size: Waist Length 44", 46", 48", 50",-52". ... .. ... ... ... ... 1 Suit `... 1 Coat . ... ... ~- T 1, Pair of trousers TARPAULIN: Superior Quality # 636" # 7 36" -d a ' TARPAULIN, HATCH CO\ER Superior Quality # 6 361' 28'6"x24" Per yard' Per yard Per yard . Per "pce. STAT APPROX H. K. 1$ 11 11.67'. 3.91;;. 1.12 2.62; 1.021; 2.3911 2.86, 48, 10 1.12 . 11 0.88 2.06 5.50 12.88 1I 3.00 7.08 2.50 5.85 2.14 5.01 2.08' 4.87 77.00 414.52 211.55 495.43 223.45 523.30 21.65 50.70 Prices of tarpaulins of various qualities and size will be supplied .upon enquiry. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A056700410001-7 DUCK 8 OZ. 24" In Width "i 31' 6" x 26' 31' 6" x 27' 6" 11'6"x:7' R REMARKS: Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 U N I T PRICE J. M. P. 7k 59. CEMENT,:. (In Paper'Bag) 50 kgsl 2.70 . : PACKINGS: '* n . * Graphite ' Packing 3/" -1%" Per kg. 11.00 - 1/4"-11/2" I 10.30 ' . India Rubber Packing 1/8" -11/2" ... 7.70 4 0 Asbestos Dagger Packing 1/a"-11j2" 9.24 rrn ..- Flate Packing (T Thick Al Wide) 1/8" -1/4" 1/2" - 4 " ... 9.00 . Black Asbestos Packing 4.00 X . i 7 ik;, 4 0 Oil Soaked Asbestos Packing'/4-1" 4.00 Grease Packing 1/s" 2" 2.40 Nil PAINT BRUSHES. " A. *l "Anchor" Paint Brush lj2" ... Per pee. '0.14 0.16 ''0.18 31/2 4 ti p.'- Tiff 0.27. 0.44-, 0.61 0.96 1.23 1.90 2.30 li': REMARKS: it 141- i#- T- ;31 lk ff The above articles will be delivered alongside ship without extra charges. APPROX. H. K. $ 25.76 24.12 18.03 21.64 21.08 .9.37 9.37 5.62 0.33 0.37 0.42 0.63 1.03 1.43 2.25 2.88 4.45 5.39 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 J- 4 4 All 3- a7 SHANGHAI SHIP CHANDLER AND SERVICING CO. CHIPPING, SCRAPING, PAINTING & TANK/CARGOHOLD CLEANING Effective from 1st July,, 1958 CLEANING TANKS & CARGOHOLDS Cleaning tanks to surveyor's satisfaction for oil tanks more than 200 tons Cleaning to surveyor's satisfaction for oil tanks of 200 tons or under Cleaning cargoholds or water tanks and washing with cement Thorough chipping & scraping to bare metal for the facilitation of cleaning per capacity ton of 40 cubic ft. RATE OF CHARGE J.M.P. Chipping & scraping where necessary for the facilitation of cleaning Removing of debris, wood planks, etc. in tanks or cargoholds Charged according to labour involved. (1) By tanks of 200 tons it is meant the capacity of an in3ividual tank and not the aggregate capacity of several tanks. (2) Cleaning materials and oils or cement used are to be supplied by owner. (3) For work engaged but cancelled or delayed commencement at owner's request, standing- by charges may by collected at J.M.P. 5.60 per laborer per working day. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 CHIPPING, SCRAPING & PAINTING (With owner's paints) RATE OF CHARGE J.M.P. CHIPPING TO BARE METAL : Ship's Hull (above heavy load line) per 100 sq. ft. 9.00 21.08 Ship's Hull (below heavy load line) 10.00 23.42 Deck Parts 6.50 15.22 Engine Room 9.00 Funnel 10.00 SCRAPING & BRUSHING : Ship's Hull (above heavy load line) 3.00 7.03 Ship's Hull (below heavy load line) 3.50 8.20. Deck Parts 2.50 5.85 Enging Room 3.00 7.03 Funnel 3.50 8.20 PAINTING : APPLYING ONE COAT : Ship's Hull (above heavy load line) 1.00 2.34 Deck 0.70 1.64 Engine Room 1.00 2.34 Funnel 1.00 2.34 KING POSTS: Cleaning and applying 1 coat of paint MASTS : Cleaning and applying 1 coat of paint DERRICK OR DAVIT : Cleaning and applying 1 coat of paint (1) The above rates include staging. (2) For partial chipping, scraping and/or painting, charges will be collected according to labour involved. (3) For painting draft marks, plimsoll, ship's name, etc., charges will be collected according to labour involved. (4) For work engaged but cancelled or delayed commencement at owner's request, stand- ing-by charges may be collected .at J.M.P. 5.60 per laborer per working day. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 SHANGHAI SHIP CHANDLER AND SERVICING CO. 1 Aa , DRY DOCKING & BOTTOM PAINTING Effective from 1st July, 1958 DRY DOCKING GROSS RATE OF CHARGES TONNAGE J. M. P. 2000-2999 For first 24 hours 500.00 plus 20 cents per gross ton over 2000 For subsequent 24-hour periods 135.00 plus 4 cents per gross ton over 2000 3000-3999 For first 24 hours 700.00 plus 20 cents per gross ton over 3000 For subsequent 24-hour periods 175.00 plus 4 cents per gross ton over 3000 4000-4999 For first 24 hours 900.00 plus 15 cents per gross ton over 4000 For subsequent 24-hour periods 215.00 plus 3 cents per gross ton over 4000 5000-5999 For first 24 hours 1,050.00 plus 15 cents per gross ton over 5000 For subsequent 24-hour periods 245.00 plus 3 cents per gross ton over 5000 6000-6999 For first 24 hours 1,200.00 plus 15 cents per gross ton over 6000 For subsequent 24-hour periods 275.00 plus 3 cents per gross ton over 6000 7000-7999 For first 24 hours 1,350.00 plus 10 cents per gross ton over 7000 For subsequent 24-hour periods 305.00 plus 2 cents per gross ton over 7000 8000 & above For first 24 hours 1,450.00 plus 10 cents per gross ton over 8000 For subsequent 24-hour periods 325.00 plus 2 cents per gross ton over 8000 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 BOTTOM PA. TING r" Owner' ' aint GROSS TONNAGE Wash down bottom, apply 1.coat to light load line Wash down bottom, apply 2 coats to light load line Apply one coat to boottop Apply. 2 coats ? to boottop Apply 1 additional'coat.to light load linev Apply 1 additional coat to boottop Wash down bottom, apply 2 coats to light load line Wash down bottom, apply 1 coat to light -load line Apply ' 1 coat to boottop Apply 2 coats to boottop Apply. 1additional coat to light. load, line Apply' :1 additional coat to boottop RATE OF CHARGES J. M. P. plus 3.5 cents per gross ton over .2000' 170.00 . . plus 5 cents -per gross, ton, over 2000 75.00 plus ' 1.5 cents iper gross ton over 2000 105.00. .._ . plus 2.5 cents per gross ton 6ver"2000 55.001 plus 1.5 cents per gross,. ton over.2000 30.00, plus 1 cent per gross, ton over 2000 150.00 plus 3.5 cents per gross ton over 3000 220.00 plus 5 cents, per gross ton, over 3000 plus 1.5 cents per gross ton over 3000 130.00 plus 2.5 `cents per gross- ton over 3000 70.00 plus 1.5 cents per gros's ion over 3000 plus -.1 cent per gross ton over 3000 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 GROSS TONNAGE 5000-5999 Wash down bottom, apply 1 coat to light load line Wash down bottom, apply 2 coats to light load line Apply 1 coat to boottop Apply 2 coats to boottop Apply 1 additional coat to light load line Apply 1 additional coat to boottop Wash down bottom, apply 1 coat to light load line Wash down bottom, apply 2 coats to light load line Apply 1 coat to boottop Apply 2 coats to boottop Apply 1 additional coat to light load line Apply I additional coat to boottop RATE OF CHARGES J. M. P. 185.00 plus 3.5 cents per gross ton over 4000 270.00 plus 5 cents per gross ton over 4000 105.00 plus 1.5 cents per gross ton over 4000 I55.00 plus 2.5 cents per gross ton over 4000 85.00 plus 1.5 cents per gross ton over 4000 50.00 plus 1 cent per gross ton over 4000 220.00 plus 3.5 cents per gross ton over 5000 320.00 plus 5 cents per gross ton over 5000 120.00 plus 1.5 cents per gross ton over 5000 180.00 plus 2 cents per gross ton over 5000 100.00 plus 1.5 cents per gross ton over 5000 60.00 plus 0.5 cent per gross ton over 5000 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A056700410001-7 GROSS TONNAGE Wash down bottom, apply 1 coat to light load line Wash down bottom, apply 2 coats to light load line Apply 1 coat to boottop Apply 2 coats to boottop Apply 1 additional coat to light load line Apply 1 additional coat to boottop Wash down bottom, apply 1 coat to light load line Wash down bottom, apply 2 coats to light load line Apply 1 coat to boottop Apply 2 coats to boottop Apply 1 additional coat to light load line Apply 1 additional coat to boottop RATE OF CHARGES J. M. P. 255.00 plus 3.5 cents per gross ton over 6000 370.00 plus 5 cents per gross ton over 6000 135.00 plus 1.5 cents per gross ton over 6000 200.00 plus 2 cents per gross ton over 6000 115.00 plus 1.5 cents per gross ton over 6000 O 65.00 plus 0.5 cent per gross ton over 6000 290.00 plus 3.5 cents per gross ton over 7000 420.00 plus 5 cents per gross ton over 7000 150.00 plus 1 cent per gross ton over 7000 220.00 plus 1.5 cents per gross ton over 7000 130.00 plus 1.5 cents per gross ton over 7000 70.00 plus 0.5 cent per gross ton over 7000 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A056700410001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 GROSS:;. ? TONNAGE 8000 & above Wash down bottom, apply 1. coat to light load` line Wash down bottom, apply 2 coats to light load line Apply 11 coat to boottop Apply coats to boottop Apply I1 additional coat to light load line l Apply additional coat to boottop RATE OF CHARGES J. M. P. 325.00 plus 3.5 cents per gross ton over 8000 ' 470.00 plus 5 cents per gross ton over 8000 I60.00 plus ,1 cent per gross ton. over 8000 235.00 ? ' .plus 1.5 cents per gros' ton. over. 8000!r ih 145.00 plus 1.5 cents per gross ton over 8000I 75.00 plus 0.5 cent per gross ton over 8000114 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 .STEEL WORK TO RE Charges NEW Per kg. TO REMOVE, FAIR & REFIT Charges Per kg. 1. PLATES Side shell ... ... ... JMP 1.95 JMP 1.25 Bottom shell ... ... 2.05 1.30 Bunker ... ... ... 1.85 1.25 Deck... ... ... ... 1.85 1.25 Keel . ... ... ... 2.20 1.50 Accommodation casing 1.85 1.25 2. SHELL FRAMES (Exclusive of firing or setting) 3. TANKS Ends and Floors ... ... ... 2.20 1.50 Tops-in holds... ... ... ... 1.95 1.30 Tops-in machinery spaces ... 2.10 1.45 1.30 5. RIVETS To cut out and renew rivets in any given area : UNDER 20 EACH OVER 20 & UNDER 50 EACH 50 & OVER EACH Under " JMP 1.05 3" JMP 1.40 JMP 1.25 1.25 j" ? 1.70 1.55 1.40 1 " ? 2.10 1.90 1.70 Isolated rivets will be charged on cost. REMARKS : (1) The rates under 1, 2, 3 & 4 above are based on the actual weight of steel used, and include the riveting involved. (2) The above rates are for work carried out at or nearby the dockyard. A small premium may be charged for work away from the yard. Current rate of exchange : HK$ 100.00 = J.M.P. 42.70 # 100-0-0 = J.M.P. 685.90 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246AO56700410001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A056700410001-7 VESSEL-REPAIRER PROVISIONER & SUPPLIER OF..-.STORES" -GENERALL~,.SERVICE AGENCY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/18: CIA-RDP80T00246A056700410001-7