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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A045800160001-6 INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. COUNTRY East Germany SUBJECT Action Program (Aktionsprogramm) of DATE DISTR. the Aircraft Industry ~...f~ NO. PAGES REFERENCES DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ SOURCE EVALUATIONS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TEN- TATIVE. A eproucti of ~_.. consumer goods by the aircraft industry and the implementation of the Law for the Perfection and Simplification of the Work of the State Apparatus (Gesetz zur VBrvollkommnung and Vereinfachung der Arbeit des Staats- apparates in der DDR). three objectives is given below. Objectives 4 and 5 concern +1, d five major objectives of the industry ur ng Discussion of the first 1. Makeup for plan lags in production and in research and technology overfulfillment of all parts of the plan In view of the fulfillment status as of 30 April, every effort must be made within VVB Flugzeugbau to make up all production plan lags by 30 September 1958. In addition, the individual plants have pledged to exceed the plan by the end of the year by the following amounts: Plant 801 3,000,000 DME Plant 802 1,750,000 DME Plant 804 500,000 DME Plant 805 1,120,000 DME Plant 806 20,000 DME Plant 8071 660 000 DME Pledges for additional 2,780,000 DME production of consumer goods by all plants Fulfillment of gross production as of 30 April 1958 was as follows: STATE x IARMY IX INAVY Ix lAIR (Nob: Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distributi lX 81 on by "#".) AEC Q Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A045800160001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A045800160001-6 S-E-C-R-E-T VVB2 total Plant 801 Plant 8o4 Plant 805 Plant 806 Plant 807 Fulfillment of Fulfillment of the the Plan for the Annual Plan for 1958 Period 1 Jan MILL 58 79.9 percent 24.3 percent 83.9 percent 25.1 percent 49.1 percent 15.5 percent 104.0 percent 30.9 percent 92.8 percent 27.8 percent 97.3 percent 29.9 percent Nonfulfillment of the plan for the industry as a whole is due primarily to the lag in the production of propulsion units (Triebwerksfertigung) at VEB Industriewerke Karl-Marx-Stadt (IWK), which in turnhas adversely affected output at VEB Flug- zeugwerke Dresden. The plan lag at Plant 807 is due to production difficulties in connection with propulsion unit 014. The following pledges have been made for the fulfillment or overfulfillment of the production plans: VEB Flugzeu.gwerke Dresden 1. Achieve a seven-day head start (Vorsprung) in all main construction. groups (Hauptbaugruppen) in order to complete one IL 14 above the plan by the end of the year. 2. Reduction of the reject rate by 1.2 percent in 1958. VEB Industriewerke Karl-Marx-Stadt 1. The following program has been worked out for making up plan arrears and for fulfilling the 1958 production plan: a. Make up plan arrears by 30 September 1958 in accordance with the operating plan (Operativplan) which has been drawn up. b. Fulfillment of the 1958 plant plan ( by 24 December 1958. c. Scheduled completion of equipment (Geraete) for aircraft 152. 2. Improve the quality of engine Ash 82 T and increase the life expectancy to 750 hours, with the goal of delivering engines with a life expectancy of 750 hours beginning in the second quarter of 1959. 3. The technical director has pledged to complete all type test runs (Muste ruef- 'laeufe) and type tests of licensed construction (Nachbaumusterprae.fungen) for all equipment (Geraet) of the IL 14 aircraft. Of importance in this connection is the completion of the type test (Nachbaumusterpxu;e_fung) of the Ash 84 T engine, construction phase (Bauzustand) 5. VEB Maschinen- and Apparatebau Schkeuditz 1. Complete the government aircraft (Regieru.ngsmaschine) and turn it over to the Flugbetrieb on 15 July 1958 instead of 15 September 1958 as contracted. 2. Deliver two additional IL 14 tail-units (Leitwerke) so that VEB Flugzeugwerke Dresden can meet its obligations. 3. Deliver three additional sets of Bestuhlungen for the IL 14 by 15 July 1958. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/11: CIA-RDP80T00246A045800160001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/11: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45800160001-6 4. Rebuild by 15 July 1958 one AN-2 for Deutsche Lufthansa for conducting sightseeing flights, (Rundfluege' _) . 5. Fulfill the annual plan for 1958 by 20 December 1958. 6. For 1959: increase production by about 30 percent; improve working methods; reduce the time required to repair the IL 14+ from 73 days to 58 days; and lower by 10 percent the number of hours required for each repair. VEB Indu.striewerke Ludwigsfelde 1. Complete the first TL 014 engine by 31 May 1958, and deliver the second engine ready for the test stand (prs:efstandsreif) by the time of the Fifth Party Congress. 2. In order to make up for the delay in technological preparations for t::e prototype series (0-Serie) of the TL 011, tecs~nologic,a.1 preparations are to be concluded by 31 July 1958 and, in addition, the lag caused by development work is to be made up so that the objectives set forth in the state plan can be achieved. 3. Save 360,000 DME in foreign exchange by building own special machinery for the production of TL 014, thereby insuring the plarx ed start of production. VEB Kooperationszentrale fuer die FluZz~dustrie 1. Procure 50 percent of the standard parts ordered from domestic suppliers and from imports by the time of the Fifth Party Congress. 2. Submit 328 items of equipment (Geraete) with complete documentation by 31 December 1958 for type testing. In the field of research and technology the folllow ing pledges have been made. VEB Flugzeugwerke Dresden 1. Deliver the "152" V 1 for flight testing seven days ahead of schedule (i.e., by 13 August 1958), 2. Complete the "152" V 2, sectional airframe (Bruchzelle), seven days ahead of schedule. The plant management collective has pledged to achieve the following goals for the long-range program (ferspektivprogramm). a. Completion of the 152 V 4, partially Chemisch abgetragen. and without equipment (Ausstattu ig), by 31 May 1959. b. Completion of the 152 V 5, with equipment; by 30 September 1959- c. Completion of the 152 V 6, completely Chemisch abgetragen (sectional airframe),'by 31 December 1959 d. Completion of the 152 aircraft No. 8 by 31 December 1959. e. Completion of the 152 aircraft No. 9 by 31 March 1960. f. Completion of the 152 aircraft No. 7 by 10 July 1960. S-E-C-R-E-m Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/11: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45800160001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/11: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45800160001-6 -4- 4. The development of the 153 is to be pushed forward so that the first test aircraft can be delivered factory finished (hallenklar) by 31 December 1959, VEB En.twicklungsbau Pirna 1. Deliver four units TL 014 for the 152 V 4 in the fourth quarter of 1958. 2. During the period May to December 1959 deliver another eight units TL 014 to VEB Flugzeugwerke Dresden for flight tests. 3. Complete one TL 014 by September 1958 for testing on the IL 28 airframe. 4. Take all steps necessary to assure that state acceptance (type test) for TL 014 can take place in June 1959 and for PTL 018 in August 1960. 5. Achieve fulfillment of the parameter weight on the TL 014 in the second quarter of 1958 and conclude another 150-hour endurance test in the third quarter of 1958. 6. Complete the plotting of the compressor characteristic curves (Verdichter- kennfeld) for the multiple-stage phase PTL 018 in the second quarter 1958 and for the full compressor test stand (Vollverdichterpruefstand)in the third quarter of. 1958. 7. Expedite the activation of the hydraulic brake test stand for the PTL 018 so that work can be started in the third quarter of 1958. 8. Conclude production tests and study of the results of these tests in the fourth quarter of 1958 with the goal of manufacturing compressor blades (Verdichterlaufschaufeln) in accordance with the continuous production line pressing method (Fliesspressverfahren). 9. Complete the component parts for one additional TL 014 by the end of 1958 so that any testing stoppages which may occur can be quickly overcome. 10. Fulfill the research and technology part of the 1958 plan ten days ahead of schedule. VEB Apparatebau Lommatzsch 1. Satisfy international requirements in the manufacture of gliders and start production of the Libelle 15 m and the two-seater (Doppelsitzer) 15 m cantilever construction by the first quarter of 1959- 2. Make up excess losses in the production enterprises As of 30 April 1958, plants 801 and 804 had losses totaling 4,300,000 DME in excess of plan. This alarming figure will require the institution of extraordinary measures in the series production plants in order to achieve the planned results for the year. Special emphasis must be placed on reducing rejects as well as excess work and work done over (Mehr- and Nacharbeit). As of 31 March 1958, the following amounts(in DM) had been expended inthe enterprises for extra-plan work: Plant 801 359,981 Plant 804 1,559,300 Plant 805 89, boo Plant 806 18, 300 Plant 807 138,100 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/11: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45800160001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/11: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45800160001-6 t program and fulfill the program ahead of schedule Because of various circumstances and shortcomings, the aircraft industry's export program is considerably in arrears. The fulfillment status of the export program as of 30 April 1958 was as follows; IL 14 75 percent Ash 82 T 0 percent Ground instruments 0 percent Spare parts 75 percent Remodeling and repairs to IL 14 50 percent Marx-Stadt; Plant 805 - VEB Maschinen- and Apparatebau Schkeuditz; Plant 806 - VEB Apparatebau Iommatzsch; Plant 807 - VEB Industriewerke 25X1 Ludwigsfelde. Comment: These plants have been identified Is follows: Plant 801 - VE$ Flugzeugwerke Dresden; Plant 25X1 2 - VEB Entwicklungsbau Pirna; Plant 804 - VEB Industriewerke Karl- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/11: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45800160001-6 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/11: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45800160001-6 Next 11 Page(s) In Document Denied Q0' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/11: CIA-RDP80T00246AO45800160001-6