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Document Release Date: 
June 9, 2010
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Publication Date: 
October 8, 1958
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44800520001-7 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains Information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.B.O. Bees. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person Is prohibited by law. COUNTRY East Germany DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. East German Aviation Magazine: Deutsche Flugtechnik REPORT L DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES REFERENCES a photocopy of the East German The publication contains the following articles: p 95 1. "Five Trumps.of Soviet Air Transport," by Ing. H. K. Lepitre. The article deals with the turboprop passenger aircraft IL-18 "Moskva, there are technical specifications given, diagrams showing the arrangement of the interior of the plane,, and photographs of the plane. There is also a photograph of the designers, Prof. S. V. Ilyushin and N. V. Bugachevskiy. 2. "Under the Sign of the Crane: with the Deutsche Lufthansa in the Skyways," by H. Ahner. East German commercial aviation. 3. "The Anodic Oxidization of Aluminum and its Alloys," by Ing. A. Roemer. a n magazine, Deutsche Flugtechnik issue No ) Aril 1 8 4. "Tu-IOl+A on Rl. Fiiendly Visit to Dresden." On. 2 February 1958, aircraft number CCCP-L 54+40 flew from Prague to Dresden. There is a brief description of the aircraft. 5. "Aviation at the Leipzig Spring Fair 1958", by H. Ahner. STATE X ARMY (NeNs Washington distrib NAVY X--Fl" ution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "*11.) IN FOR M AT ION REPO R-T IN FORMAT ION -R-EPOR Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44800520001-7 8 OCT . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/09: CIA-RDP80T00246A044800520001-7 EUTSCHt 0 ? I'-IITTEILUNGC_r?J ZUR FACI?-ILI(.~I--IFN INFC~ORMATION FOR DIE MITARBEITER DER LUFTFAHRTiNDUSTRIE DER DEUTSCHFN DEMOKKATISCHEN REPUBLIK Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO44800520001-7 HEFT 4 APRIL 1958 2. JAHRGANG Fi of Trumpfe des sowjefischen Luffverkehrs MITTEILUNGEN ZUR FACHLICHEN INFORMATION FUR DIEM ITARBEITER DER LUFTFAHRTINDUSTRIE DER DEUTSCHEN DEMOKRATISCHEN REPUBLIK DK 629.138.5 (47) 629.1385.035.5 629. ..Zuni Flugzeugbestand dcr sou jetischen zirilen Luftllotte u:erden im jahre 196( a us.schlief3lich moderne, mit Propellerturbinen- und Strehlturbinen-l'riebiterke,t ausreriistete Verkehrsflugzeuge zi hlen.'? Da, teilte tier Chef der 11auptverwaltung der Zivil- luftflot to der Sow jetunion, Marschall Shigaretc, in einem TASS- Inter%lew mit. Die "o%jetuniuu hat rich sornit noch iur 6. Funfjahrplan das hope Ziel gesteckl, alle basher fin Luftverkehr eingesetzten Flttgzeugfiutster mat holbentriebwerken wie die bewahrten zweiruoturigeni Kurz- and 3littelstrecken-Verkehrsflugzeuge II 12 and II 14 sowic die viermoturigen Langstrecken-\'er- kehrsflugzeuge To 711 nach and nach afis dci n Luftverkehr zu zieheu find lurch neue, lei,tungesfiiIiigere find Wirtschaftliehere Strahkerkehrsflugzeuge zu crsetzen. Dabei iuteressiert natiirlich die Frage: Il elche .Slruhh?cikehrsJlugzeuge stehen der tioujetuni,m srhnn heute au 1 erfiigung? Die often angeluhrten Worte i