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1 I--- 1 ~.!. __ 1 11 1 n..iI 1 -1- a '. 7 -ILIA 1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A042700080001-9 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.B.C. Seca. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person 18 prohibited by law. C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L NOFORN North Korea 1. Production Plan for Farm DATE DISTR. June 1958 Cooperatives 2. Songbuk Farm Cooperative, Kangwon-do NO. PAGES 1 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L NOFORN ni, Ich'on-gun, Kangwon-d.o deports, one dealing with the preparation and execution of a production plan for a North Korean farm cooperative, and one describing the organization and activities of Songbuk Farm Cooperative, at Songbang- STATE ARMY ate: Washington distril NAVY AIR LX1 AEC 0 0 { Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A042700080001-9 i i Nei , -1111111 I I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42700080001-9 I. Det s a):V.r Ii) OFORf Preparation of P ction Plan Farm Coo r tive 1. Personnel Responsible for Preparing Production Plan: In a farm coopera- tive, the preparation of a production plan is usually the responsibility of its" bookkeeper, who begins it for the coming year immediately follow- ing the distribution of products, normally extending from December to January of the next year. However, this varies with individual cooperatives depending upon their existin' ctnndi +i nnc _ F-- I the bookkeeper, less capable of the job., used to se arge his responsibility with the help of the management committee chairman and members by collecting necessary data on certain matters given by the chairman. In fact, the wide scope and intricate nature of a Production plan makes it impossible to leave the Job solely to the book-- keeper, 2. Approval of Production Plan: When a comprehensive production plan for the managenent of the entire fain area and farmers during the caning year has been prepared by the bookkeeper in cooperation with the chairman and members of the management committee,, it will be sent to the district people's cormittee, which, in turn, exenlines it before approving to see that production quotas contained in the plan meet the requirements of its L00111 NT: Self-Planned Quota & .:utual Competes: These terns in common use by farm cooperatives are derived frcr, the facts that produc- tion quotas allocated by the.government tc each province are distributed to . sub..)rdinate counties, which, in turn, further divide their quota to each district under their control. The production quota assigned by the county people's committee is called the "national plan" by the district people's committee personnel, actually refers,ing the production goal set forth by the county people's committee for a district people's ccan- mitteeo On the basis of this production quota, the district people's committee prepares its own production plan, whose production goal is usually set further ahead of the national plan, i.e., the production quota assigned by the county people's committee. By doing this, the district people's committee commits itself to the mutual production competition with other districts under the same county people's committee and engages various farm cooperatives in competition. The production goal set` forth by the district people's committee is called the "self-planned quota".) Then, the production plan, upon being approved by the district people's committee will be sent to the county people's committee, which examines every detail of the plan for statistical soundness d Is a in the light of general conditions in the count When approved by the.county people's C) FID. 'NTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42700080001-9 I >~ _ I N111I III I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42700080001-9 CONFIDENTIAL corsni ttee, the plan will be discussed at a series of Meeting within the/ faxm cooperative, i.e., joint-meetings of management committees and Party and social organization leaders and ' general meetings of the cooperative. Since farm activities during the next year are to be based upon the pro- duction plan, it goes without saying that the plan should reflect every opinion of the pertinent Party, Youth League, and Women's League in the district. Therefore, the production plan will be presented before the joint meetings and then discussed by the members of the cooperative for final approval. 3. Methods of Planning: In preparing a production plan, detailed calculations are made for various items such a 1) the area balance, 2) animal pourer balance, 3) seed balance, 4) farming tool balance, 5) fertilizer balance, and 6) crop allocation. 1) Area Balance: This is a terra used by workers of farm cooperatives and means a correct measurement of actual sown areas. There are times when the management acerage and sown areas of a farm cooperative differ. Therefore, it is necessary to make a correct measurement of the actual sown areas. For instance, a conversion from cultivated land to a housing site or the clearing of a forest area for farming area may cause a difference between the actual cultivated area and the acerage shown in the cadastral records. 2) Animal Power Balance: This is an calculation in which the number of oxen possessed by the cooperative and the total acerage of the farm land to be plowed are properly coordinated for optimum use in farming. 3) Seed Balance: This is the method of determining the difference between the exact amount of seed grains in stock and the required amount for the next year. 4) 5) Farming Tool Balance: In this method, the number of farrain tools and implements possessed by the cooperative and its members are examined for the caning year. Fertilizer Balance: This method is used in calculating the total amount of self-made fertilizers, I.e., compost required for the next fariLing year, further divided into the amount of fertilizer remaining from the preceding year and the amount of compost to be prepared during the coring year. 6) Crop Allocation Plan: The selection of types of crop to be planted on a certain farm is called the crop allocation plan,, in which the soil quality of each fam section is considered for the best-suited cro. Especially in North Korea, the following types of crops are recommended by the government for plantation: Cv _,FIDt1,TIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42700080001-9 1_ _ 9T i 11 11111 11 1 1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42700080001-9 COITID1 TIAL A) Field rice B) Barley or wheat C) Corn On the basis of the above basic calculations, further detailed plans for each of the above items are prepared. For instance, in calculating the animal power balance, an ox is considered to be capable of plowing an area of about 70 to 90 "ChOngbo" a year and other miscellaneous farm works. As for the seed grains, the following basic data are used per "Ch~ngbo": 1) Rice 600 - 700 Kilograms 2) Barley 700 - 800 Kilograms 3) Wheat 700 Kilograms 4) Corn 400 Kilograms In calculating the amount of fertilizer required, rice paddies and dry fields are treated differently. For rice paddies, the standard amount of fertilizer is two (2) tons of compost and nine (9) kilograms of chemical fertilizer for One (1) "Tanbo" (0.245 acre). In determining the required amount of fertilizer for dry fields., another factor, i.e., the types of grain to be planted is also taken into account. For corn fields, each "Chongbo" is felt to require 1.5 tons of compost and seven (7) kilograms of chemical fertilizer, while other types of grains require one (1) ton of compost and seven (7) kilograms of che:ical fertilizer for the same acreage. On the basis of the required amount of fertilizer thus calculated, the self-made fertilizer production plan is prepared. At the same time, the total number of work-hands required for the plan is determined. With the above details settled, the cooperative begins its ,,reparation of a general one (1)-year production plan as a whole. In accordance with this plan, detailed production plans for various types of farm, land are prepared. For instance, the lst Farm has an average of 1,230 "Plying". First, types of crops to be planted on each section of it are to be selected. Then, the number of work-hands required for cultivation should be determined. After this, the production plan for the farm land will be prepared. (NOTE: Basic figures used in calculating production amounts for each farm area by type will be covered later under the "Execution Plan".) Planned production amounts are indicated in terms of tons per "Ch$ngbo". For instance, the production goal for rice of the Hasa Farm Cooperative was an 25X1 Ar"T.Anq "07% " bo" a yearly production plan: the following figures appeared in CONFIUEt TIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42700080001-9 _ ~. _ loin Ill 111 I I Jill 111 1 1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42700080001-9 i OFOR CO11FI DENTIAL Total Amount 172 Tons Total Acerage 65 Ch'ngbo Total Amount of Required Work-Hands 27,000 Hands Number of Lenbers 120 ?iembor Households 58 A production plan prepared in the above manners is carried in accordance with its execution plan to be covered in the following section of this report. Rate: 3 4. The main objective of an execution plan is to achieve or surpass the planned production amount. Therefore, it is a plan supporting the production plan, in which the total available power of farming produc- tivity is deliberately scheduled for the optimum use. In preparing the plan, basic figures obtained from experiences are used for each type of farm work. For instance,, the amount of compost to be hauled by a farmer with an "A"-frame for a day is designated to be 15 hauls weighing 300 kilograms. In this case, an ox can haul two (2) tons of compost a day. As such, the above figures are used in calculating the nmrber of hands and animals to be employed for the hauling of compost. An execution plan may be divided into sowing, plantation, and fertili- zation. 1) Sowing: This is a broad tea in general use by farm cooperatives, encompassing various farming activities involved in plowing and sowing. Therefore, the sowing activities may be broken down into the following: A) Soil Relocation: no experience] T3) Plowin : The first thing to be considered in preparing a plan for plowing, is t1e coordination of animal power, in which the total number of oxen available to the cooperative, the acerage of farm land to be plowed, and the number of days required for the job when an ox is capable of plowing 800 "Plying" a day, are calculated. After determining the total number of oxen required for plowing, a plowing schedule will be prepared, assigning each work tear. dates and the number of head for using 00NFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42700080001-9 _ 1{ JL~_I J L I UIll I III Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42700080001-9 rfOFORff 00111FIIE NTIAL 411' I I animal power. The standard acerage for an ox to plow a day is 800 P I yf ng of rice paddy and 1,000 I' ! y$ng of dry field with the help of two (2) work hands. From these figures, the Hasa Farm Cooperative once made the following schedule for plowing: Type of Farm Acerage Days Required Rice Paddies 51,600 Dry Fields 1000 Total 195,600 Work Hands Recuired 65 130 !: L. 288 209 4;16 P n) for Ox Work As seen above, an ox would take 209 days to plow the entire farm land with the help of two (2) work hands. The eight (8) oxen available to the cooperative will do the same job within a period of 26 days. In this manner, each work team will be designated for the dates and period of using oxen and the number of oxen to be used. So detailed is an execution plan that it is usually carried out as prescribed. C) Fertilization: In a strict sense, this means fertilizing activi- ties between plowing and sowing. Fertilization work may be divided into two (2) parts, i.e., the hauling of compost and the spreading of compost and fertilizer. The compost hauling may be done by animal powers or of man power. The followin basic figures are used in preparing a schedule for the haulage; an ox is regarded to make 16 trips a day to haul two (2) tons of compost while a work hand requires 15 trips to haul 300 kilograms. By using these figures, the cooperative assigns the required number of oxen to each work team. Besides that, each work tear: is required to prepare another schedule to haul any amount of compost remain- ing after the use of oxen. Seeding: This is the actual sprinkling of seeds, consisting of the following four (4) parts: a) Furrowing b) Seeding c) Spreading oefco mpost or fertilizer d) Covering. The entire job of seeding is usually done by a group of four (4) hands, each performing one of the above parts. It is prescribed such a group to do the same work over an area of 300 Plying for a day. ? ?~c~6~ic Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42700080001-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42700080001-9 JOORiN 2) Plantation: In planning for the plantation of rice, the following basic figures are used: A) Shovelling by a team of three (3) hands for a day 304 P' Y ng B) Plowing by a team of one (1) ox and one (1) hand 800 " C) Grading by a hand 1,000 D) Plantation by one (1) hand on dry field 80 E) Plantation by one (1) hand on rice paddy 120 3) Fertilization: The fertilization work consists of two (2) rain parts; of fertilizer and weeding. However, the latter the actual spreading is chiefly handled in an execution plan. Basic figures for weeding vary with the types of crops planted. A) Corn: For corn, weeding is done four following manner: let weeding 15 days after sprouting 2nd weeding in mid-Lay 3rd weeding in mid--June 4th weeding; in late June B) Wheat & Barley: (4) times a year in the 400 Plying per day per hand 300 P' yi~ng par day per hand 250 P'yj6ng per day per hand 400 P'y~ng per day per hand 400 P' 1#ng per day per hand 400 F'yidng per day per hand let weeding in early '_ay 400 Plying per day per hand 2nd weeding around 20 1-lay 300 Plying pax day per hand 3rd weeding around 10 June 300 P'yOng per day per hand 4th weeding in late June 300 P' y~ng per day per hand 1st weeding in early April 2nd weeding in late April C) 1-'fillets: D) Cotton: 1st weeding around 20 hay 400 Plying per day per hand 2nd weeding in late hay or early June 300 Plying per day per hand 3rd weeding in mid-June 300 P' yit~ng per day per hand lath weeding in mid-July 300 F'; ng per day per hand The above basic figures represent some of those used in preparing an jill,111111MM in NO a prepared not oa4 tive aoav~attcn Ply as a Mhct? but alas Apr .**.,t umdW its oontni. Poo &"* o f the $ ia'? - $t tnm cat od in P690606W O1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42700080001-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO42700080001-9 25X1 I YIIII I I I . Details Smngbuk Farm Coanerative -. 1. Location & 0r ganitiation: The Sin.gbuu3c Fanii Cooperative, with its some 150 regular rnanbers and 50 related laborors livinf in the village of Pon-dong and Y$nhyOn-ni, S$ngbung-ni, is 1 oeated in S$r,g1x n ni (CT 1465), Ich' ~ a-guns Kangwon-do. The related laborers consisted of old persons and tti en with infan`;s, both working for the coop-orativc periodically. 2. Frrland: The total acfitLge under the rranagenient of the cooperative was unknown I:ovmvor, thy: ratio of rice pad(yr to dry field was 25X1 accounted ?) be about 50 percent. 3. Side-Lines: During the period of i-r.-.nter, such collateral works as twisting st,'aw rope, weaving straw bags, and t? .flowing were pursued by them eribers of the cooperative. The labor credit sy-steaff, for side lines was effecte i in this way: one (1) credit for each role of thick straw rope. yreighi:_g eight (8) kilofrars; one (1) credit for every 400 thin straw rope; and two (2) credits to a team. of two (2) members for every five (5) straw bags. Nontheless, it was unknown how the systan was carried out For the willow ng work= t_those nature was suitable for w aen and childrei alone. Labor Credit Marks Earned: By the standards of the cooperative., average wnr! rs achieved a total of 1.80 credits each during a, year. .,inLoare.: In 1956,Oreceived live (5) gre n loans from the cooperati%-. The alrrount of grain, loan for a period of one (1) month per member was eight (C) kilogrars consisting of rice and other gx'