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This material contains information electing the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title
18, U.B.C. Secs. 790 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law.
SUBJECT Construction of a Cellulose
Industri,sl Cc 1sx in ,Rumania
21 March 1958
strnotion of the asnplose complex*
sketches showing thik p]9Fn-ROA
1l x IR # x se
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/04: CIA-RDP80T00246AO41200430001-6
COUNTRY Rumania,
$US3.CT Construction of a Cellulose
Industrial-Complex in Rumania
DATE DISTR. 28 Feb. 1958
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/04: CIA-RDP80T00246A041200430001-6
CON FiZl-. r'Q Tt Pr ~--
Table o Contents
In roduction ........................... 0 0 0 0 ....................... i.,
1. mistrial Port
a. Location and Plans for the Port Area .... .................
b. Quay and Dike ............ ..... ...........................
2. Reg Materials Storage Area ...................................
a. Storage Sheds .............O.......0...000000.000000000000
b. Service Railroads .,......'.......... ........ ..............
-co Service Roads ........o.000000000000000000000000000000000
d. Storage Area Equipment ..00009000000000000000000900000000
e. Fire Fighting Detachment ...............................
-3. The Factorr_Area .000000000000.000000000000000000000000.00000 0000009000000000000000000000000000000
a. Nitro-Cellulose Factory .......................o......... 8
b. CelloFiber Factory ........... ..............000000000000 8
co Carton Factory .......0000.000000000000.0000000000.00000000 8
d. Waste Processing Plant .. 000.00..0.00..00.0000000000000 10
e. Cellulose Factory/y.. 0 . 0. 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 000 0 0 00 0 0 0 0;0 0.0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 10
to Thermo-Electric Power Plant o.0000000000000000000000090,00 14
g. Firs Department ......... 15
4. Faotorr Sub, Arna ............................................ 16
a. Nursery ...................... 0 .. 0. 0. 0 0 0 .. 0 0 ... 0 0 .... 0 ... 16
b. Technical School ..0.. 0.0000.....0..00000000000000'00.0.. 16
o. Hotel 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000?0000000000 16
d? Restaurant . ......... 00000 16
e. Laboratory ..yam.. .~~ ........................................ 16
to Administration Building ...0...00. ... . 0. 00.000. .......... 17
g. Dispensary .'....? ............... 0.... 000.00 000 000.000000. 17
5. Housing Area
a. North Housing Area ...................................... 17
b. Northwest Housing Area ...... 17
6. Water Pumping Station ....0 .0 000 00000.0000000000 .............. 18
7. Apartment Build== 'IL* ..90900000900000...0000.000..00 i8
COMMEMS 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 18
-Annemss A through N ......0.00000.......0.......000I00......00000I00020'32-
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the construction of a cellulose industrial area was begun
10 lot south of the city of BRAILA in February 1956 and was scheduled to be com-
pleted in 1960. This was a joint enterprise established by the Comissicn of
Reciprocal Economic Aid (CAER) in MOSCOW with Rumania, East Germany, Poland, and
Cseohoslovakia participating.
This industri comp ex
was to produce cellulose and cellulose by-products processing rushes which
were readily available in their natural state on the Danube river delta. 1.
The industrial area was to be comprised of a port on the Danube ve ,,
a storage area for raw materials the factory area,, and the roads and railroads
supplying it. (See Annex A for sketch of the plans for the industrial 50X1-HUM
area. )
The following coordinates are given for cities and towns referred to in this
report. UTM grid cover
age of R
umania is not available.
ERAILA (N45-16
, Z27-59
) LACU SARAT (N45-13, 927--52)
11, E27-5
6) ONESTI (N46-15,
PITESTI (N44-51,
1. The Industrial
a. Location and Plans for the Port Area
construction of this port was begun in February
1957 and was scheduled for completion in June 1960. It was to be constructed
approximately 11 km south of BRAILA, near the village of CHISCANI. Raw materials
for the industrial area were to be transported by river vessels and unloaded at
this port. The village of CHISCANI was located on land above the high water level
of the river and the site chosen for the port was on the bank of the Danube River
approximately 800 m from CHISCANI. The high water level necessitated the con-
struction of the port on a concrete quay, the top of which was to be one meter
above tl high water level.
The flood land between the quay and the village of CHISCANI was to
be filled in with the earth removed from the excavations at the factory site.
This figod land was partially filled in in June ' 1957 and a mod~'pa village for
port,Rmployees was scheduled to be ' constructed on it. this vilUsge was to be
expanded as the flood land was filled in so that eventually it could be linked
C0 N F- D L. P~J Tl
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cry ~ l r - t z c - - T I 0's L-.
The port was to consist of the quay (which was to be joined to the
high ground by a dike), a storage platform for raw materials, and two reinforced
concrete buildings which were to house the pimps and equipment for supplying
water to the factories. (See Annex B for sketch of the plans for oan-
struotion of the port.) The factory area was to be connected with the part by
both a railroad and a highway.
b. riay and Dike
(1) Construction
the construction of the quay and of the dike
had been begun and that both were being constructed
in the same manner. The quay was -to approximately 850 m long and was to be
joined at the south and by the dike. The dike was to be approximately 950 m long
and was to connect the quay with the high ground. (See Annex B.) The quay and
the dike were being constructed in the following manner: piles were driven into
the river bed at the edge of the flood land, following which reinforced concrete
boos forms approximately 2 x 3 x 2 m in size were laid on these piles and filled
with concrete. The concrete forms were to form the base for both the quay and
the dike.
After the base had been completed, the sides of the quay and dike
were to be constructed. The side of the quay and of the dike which faced the
river was to be made of the same concrete forms as the base, but the sides away
from the river were to be made of pre-fabricated reinforced concrete blocks. The
center of both the quay and the dike was to be filled with sand to reduce the
tension on the sides the a and dike from the pressure of the river current.
(See Annex B for sketch of this construction.) 50X1-HUM
The top of the quay and dike was to be formed of reinforced con-
crete and partially covered with macadam and asphalt for the port highway surfacing.
Seven hundred meters of the quay were to be used for the unloading of raw materials
from river vessels; the remaining 150 m were to be constructed as protection for
the two water supply buildings from the river current and as a dock for shallow
draft cargo and passenger vessels.
(2) Storage Platform
A storage platform for the temporary storage of raw materials
unloaded from river vessels pending their shipment to the storage area was to be
constructed at the south and of the quay. This platform was to be constructed of
reinforced concrete and was to have a storage area of approximately 1500 square
meters. An unknown number of one-story brick buildings were to be constructed on
this platform.
(3) Port Railroad
a standard gauge railroad line was to be
constructed an the port quay and dike extending through the storage area and
factory area to the national railroad station at the village of LACU SARRAT. (See
Annex A for the railroad route,) This rail line was to be constructed to supply
the factories in the factory area with raw materials from the port and to ship-]
the finished products from the factories to the consumers. 50X1-HUM
this rail line was to be of the "4Qkg per linear minter" type.
C O t j ItD ENJ T1 P L
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In addition to this rail line, a similar railline, parallel to
it, was planned for construction sometime after 1960 when the factories were
scheduled to be operating at full capacity. When construction of the port quay
and the dike was begun, sufficient apace was allotted an top of them for this
extra rail line.
(4) Port Highway
A two-lane highway was scheduled for construction to serve the
factory area from the port. It was to extend from the port quay over the dike,
through the storage area and the factory area., and was to join with national
highway 21, a secondary road from BRAILA to VIZIRU and national highway 2b. (See
Annex A for the proposed highway route.)
The highway base was to be of crushed rock, 30 cm thick. On
the base was to be a 10 cm layer of macadam covered by a 2} cm layer of rough
asphalt. The road surface was to be made of a 2- cm layer of fine asphalt.
Source stated that the completed highway would be suitable for heavy traffic.
(5) Port Equipment
Equipment to be used at the port for unloading raw materials
was to be furnished by Poland and was to consist of two railroad cranes. These
cranes were to operate on two-meter gauge rail line on the quay., the
rail line being described as the "50 kg per linear mater" type. Each
of the cranes was to have a loading boom approximately 20 m long and a maximum
lifting capacity of 10 matrif tons.
(6) Water Supply Buildings
(a) Construction
water supply buildings had not begun
They were to be constructed of rein-
forced concrete on the flood land which was scheduled to be filled in, at the
juncture of the quay and the dike. Each of them was to be circular in shape.,
13 m in diameter and approximately 15 m high; the exact height was to be estab-
lished at the time of construction and would be determined by the consistency
of the earth upon which the foundations were to be laid. There were to be six
floors in each of them, the lower floor for the water intake pipes, the second
and third floors for the water cleaning devices, the fourth and fifth floors for
the water pumps, and the sixth (top) floor for the water control valves and
access to the building. (See Annex C for sketch of the floor
plan of these buildings.)
Water would be supplied to the pump house through three
steel pipes which were to extend from the lower floor of each building through
the dike and out into the center of the Danube River. This water was to be
pumped through one pipe from each building into a small control house approxi-
mately 15 m away, where it would be distributed into three steel pipes, each
800 = in diameter, and sent to the factory area. The steel pipes were to
extend in a direct line to the factory area and would be bar ipd under approxi-
mately 11 m of earth. (See Annex A for routps'of these pipe 4nee.) In addition
to the pipes., a concrete oval shaped culvert Approximately two' peters high was to
be laid along the same line for carrying off waste ' water, and tl? contents would
empty into the river at the north end of the quay.
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3 G_
C C) iFt
(b) Use of Water Supply
it was also planned that the buildings would supply water
to the city of BRLILA, sines the waste water draining back into the river would
eontamjnate it, making it unsafe for use. It was estimated that the buildings
would be capable of supplying water to the factory area at the rate of 4,800
liters per second.
(o) Water Pumping and Cleaning Equipment
Equipment to be used in the buildings was to be supplied
by last Germany and would consist of four specially constructed electrically
operated oentrifioal pumps and three types of water cleaning devices. Each of
the pumps was to have a maximum capacity of 1,200 liters per second and were
identified as type NZV 700/650.
The water cleaning devices were described as
follows: the first stage of cleaning was to be accomplished by screens having
100 mm openings, the screens being identified as type EKM-WD 546. The second
stage of cleaning was to be done by water deflection devices with the designa-
tion V431,/Ag 2045/55 DDT/Rapt 381/55. The openings between the deflection blades
were to be from eight to ten millimeters. The third or final stage of cleaning
was to be done by three revolving drums which bore the designation UM-WD 536.
None of this equipment had been received
Space was to be allotted within each building for the installation of two addi-
tional pumps at some unknown future date. The additional pumps, when installed,
were to be maintained as a reserve.
Emergency Water Wells
In addition to the supply of water which was to be obtained
from these two buildings, the factory area.was equipped with three water wells to
be used for an emergency water supply, each of the wells to be four maters in
diameter and two meters deep. (See Annex D for the location of these wells.)
2. jw Materi s Storage Area
Construction of the storage area was begun in June 1957 and was scheduled
to be completed in March 1960. The area was to consist of storage sheds, service
roads, and railroads, and a special fire-fighting detachment would be stationed
a. Storage Sheds
Thirty large, open-eided,sheds were to be constructed in this area
to store the rushes which would be processed by the factories. These sheds were
to be 20 m x 80 m x 20 m in size and constructed of reinforced concrete. The
framework of these sheds was to consist of 14 reinforced concrete pillars, the
roof was to be formed of prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs, and the floor
was also to be of concrete,., but only lightly reinforced. The rushes were to be
stared in these sheds in bales, each bale being 2 to 3 m in length,, approximately
80 am in diameter, and weighing approximately 75 to 100 kg.
The service railroads in the storage area were to consist of fair
trunk lines branching off the port railroad and extending through the rows of
C C) rJ Ft _E~) E J-( A L
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? 1 50X1-HUM
C O r _ 4 P I D C nl -rl tc~ L _.
storage sheds. I I the lines would be of the "26 kg per linear
meter" type. They would rejoin the port railroad on the north side of the
star a area. (See Annex A for locations of the.. rail lines in the storage
area. i
o. Service Roads
A number of service roads were scheduled for construction in the
storage area. These roads were to branch off the port highway. Each road
would be 3} m wide and would be capable of handling semi-heavy traffic. The
base of the roads was to be of crushed rook 30 an thick covered by an 8 am
thick layer of macadam. The macadam would comprise the road surfaces. (See
Annex A for the locations of these roads within the storage area.)
d. Storage Area Equipment
Equipment to be used in the storage area was to be supplied by East
Germany and was to consist of two small diesel electric switch engines and six
mobile cranes. Each switch engine would be approximately 180 hp and would be
used to transport the raw materials from the port to the storage area and from
the storage area to the factory area. The six mobile cranes were to be used to
load and unload the railroad cars and store the bales of rushes in the storage
sheds. Each at the cranes would be equipped with a telescopic loading boom
which was to have a maximum extended length of 20 m and a maximum lifting capa-
city of approximately 7.5 metric tons. None of this equipment had been received
e. Fire-Fighting Detachment
Because of the very combustible nature of the rushes which would
be stored in the area, it was necessary to plan for a special fire-fighting
detachment to protect it. This detachment was to be a branch of the main fire
department which would be located in the factory area. (See Annex D for the
location of the main fire department,)
(their main mission
in the event a tire would be to isolate it and to safeguard the other storage
sheds, since extinguishing or control of a fire would be almost impossible.
Equipment scheduled for use by this detachment was to consist of two
tank trucks equipped to spray an unknown type of foam extinguisher. In addition
to these trucks, a series of water fire hydrants, complete with fire hoses, were
to be constructed at approximately 10-m intervals throughout the storage area.
3. The Factory Area
Construction of the factory area was begun in February 1956
major portions of it were scheduled to be completed in February 1960 50X1-HUM
did not believe this schedule would be met because of the
lack of funds in Rumania, the inferior construction equipment being used, and
the non-cooperation of the other countries involved in the project. The factory 50X1-HUM
area, when completed, would cover 300 hectares and would consist of a nitro-
cellulose factory, a cello-fiber factory, a carton factory, a waste-processing
plant, a cellulose f~, a thereto-electric power plant and a factory sub-area. 2?
(See Annex D for sketch of the plans for this area.) When the project
was completed, approximately 5,000 persons would be working in the area. 3. 50X1-HUM
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a. Nitro-Cellulose Factory
Construction of the nitro-cellulose factory was to begin in the first
quarter of 1958 and was scheduled to be completed sometime after 1961. The fao-
tory building was to be two st r h, constructed of reinforced concrete,
260 a long and 40 n wide. no information on the methods to be used
in producing nitro-cellulose, quantity of nitro-cellulose to be produced, 50X1-HUM
or the number of persons who would be employed there. An equipment scheduled
for use in this factory was to be supplied by last Germany.
b. Cello-Fiber Factory
Construction of this factory was to begin in late 1957 and it was
scheduled to be completed sometime after 1961. It was to consist of a single,
irregularly shaped, reinforced concrete building 260 m long and varying in width
from 50 to 90 m, one story high. All of the equipment for use in this factory
was to be supplied by East Germany, no information on such equip. 50X1-HUM
It was planned that the factory would require approximately 600
persons for its operation and that it would produce 20,000 tons of cello-fiber
per year when it first began operating this quantity would be increased after
full production was reached.
c. Carton Factory
Construction of this factory began in January 1957 and it was sche-
duled for odmpletion in the first quarter of 1959. The factory mission was to
manufacture duplex and triplex (double and triple thickness) cardboard cartons,
with the section which was to manufacture duplex cartons beginning operations
before the section which was to make triplex cartons.
The factory was to consist of seven structuress a storage building
for paste chemicals and cartons, a temporary (transit) storage building for
various items, a storage house for a special unidentified oily a lime storage
house, the factory building, three funnel-shaped vats in which a grease-water
emulsion was to be stored,and a station for treating water with caustic. All
equipment for the factory, with the exception of the paste mixing machines, was
to be supplied by East Germany; the paste mixing machines were to be supplied
by the Soviet Union. All of the equipment necessary for the carton factory was
received sometime in 1955 and stored in the city of BACAU pending beginning of
the factory construction. It was planned that approximately 800 persons would
be employed in this factory.
The section of the factory which was to manufacture the duplex
cartons was to begin operating in the last quarter of 1958 and was scheduled to
produce, initially, 10,000 tons of cartons per year. The section which was to
manufacture the triplex cartons was to begin operating sometime in 1959. After
full production was reached, it was estimated that the factory would produce
50,000 tons of duplex and triplex cartons per year.
(1) Paste Chemical and Carton Storage Building
Construction of this building was begun in the first quarter
of 1957 and was scheduled to be completed by the end of 1957. It was to be a
one-story building with a basement, constructed of brick and reinforced concrete,
120 m long, 20 m wide, and 8 m high. The basement was to be 44 m deep. The
CO NJ Ri DE rJri
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Co JPDEt`7icL
root was to be constructed of prefabricated reintcro , each
20 #t long and s an wide. (See Tignrol, Annex =for ketch of
this building.) The paste chemicals were to be stored in the basement and were
to be supplied from. unknown locations in Rumania and brought to the factory by
rail. The ground'floor was to be used to store completed cartons pending their
shipment to the consumers.
(2) Temporary (Transit) Storage Building
Construction on this building was begun in early 1957 and was
scheduled to be completed in late summer or early fall of the same year. It was
to be a small one-story brick building 35 ^ long and 10 a wide. Along each side
of it was to be cons to latf mat the level of the railroad oars. (,See
Figure 2, Annex I for sketch of this building.) It was to be 50X1-HUM G7r used as a storage bui or toms which were to be stored for only short
periods of time, such as metal bands and wire for baling factory products. In
addition, it was to be used for the storage of containers of chlorine gas to be
used in the factory and for storing small quantities of cartons intended for early
distribution to consumers.
(3) Special Oil Storage Building
Construction of this building was begun at the same time as
the temporary storage building and it was to be ocapleted at about the same time.
It was to be constructed in the same manner as the temporary storage building
and was to be 50 a long and 25 m wide. It would be used for storage of a special
unidentified all necessary for the production of the cartons. This oil was to
be supplied by rail from the Rumanian refineries and stored in this building in
barrels; the oil was then to be pumped from the storage building to the factory
by electrically operated pumps which Source believed were to be supplied by
(4) Lime Storage Building
This building was to be constructed at the same time and in the
same manner as the temporary and the special oil storage buildings but was to
be 25 a long and 10 to 15 a wide. The lime to be stored in this building was to
be obtained from the city of BRAILA and transported to the factory by rail.
(5) Carton Factory Building
Construction of this factory building was begun in January 1957
and it was scheduled for completion in the first quarter of 1959. It was to be
an irregularly shaped building 168 m long and varying in width from 15 to 56 m
and in height from 9 to 27 a and was to have a basement four meters deep which
was to be under the entire building. (See Annex F for sketch
of this building.)
The factory was to be divided into four major sections, desig-
nated as sections "A-1", "A-2",,"B". and "CO.
section "A-1" was to consist of unidentified
elevators to used for transporting the raw materials and the boiling vats.
The boiling vats were to operate on .s. system called the "vertical" system,
Section "A-2" was to be the paste preparation
and soy se on; section wBO was to be the carton manufacturing section; and
section "C" was to be the cutting, baling, and storage section. Also included
in this section "C" were to be the administration offices, technical offices, and
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COr~Fi D PICJ7-1 A' Ir
-10- 150X1-HUM
(6) Grease-Water Emulsion Vats
Construction of these funnel-shaped vats was to begin in the
third quarter of 1957 and was to be completed sometime in 1958. Three of the
vats were to be completed in 1958 and another was scheduled to be constructed
sometime after 1960. Each of the vats was to be constructed of reinforced con-
crete and supported by a number of Naeulolytew reinforced concrete columns. Each
vat was to be 13 a high and 15 a in diameter. (See Annex 0 for 50X1-HUM
sketch of these vats.)
The grease-water emulsion would be manufactured in the factory
building and piped into the vats where it would stand for several days until the
sediment had settled to the bottom. The emulsion when required by the factory,
would then be pumped by electrical pumps to the factory building Each the
vats was to have a capacity of approximately 450 cubic motors. no 50X1-HUM
information on the chemical formula of this emulsion or on the equipment planned
for use in aanuf aotur ing and pumping it o
(7) Water Treating Station
Construction of this installation was to begin sometime in the
first quarter of 1958 and it was to be completed in the last quarter of the one
year. It was to be a one-story brick building 15 a long and 8 ^ wide and was to
be used for water preparation only until the main water preparation station was
the water
was to be supplied from the emergency water supply wells in the factory area
until the water supply buildings at the pert were completed. The treated water
was to be pumped through underground pipes to the factory building. These under-
ground pipes were to be covered with removable concrete slabs so the pipes would
be easily accessible if necessary.
d. Waste Processing Plant
the waste processing plant was still'in the plan-
ning stage I but that if the plant were approved for 50X1 -HUM
construction, it would consist of a one-story, U-shaped building. Each of the
wings was.. to be 85 a long and 30 a wide; the center portion was to be 80 a long
and 15 a wide.
The mission of this plant, if approved, was to be the manufacture
of insulation panels from the waste materials of the other factories in the area.
These insulation panels were to be manufactured in the two wings of the building;
the central section was to be used for unloading waste materials and for storing
the finished products. The center of the U was to be utilised as a storage area
for the waste materials brought from the other factories. Approximately 350
persons would be required to operate this plant. All of the necessary equipment
was to be supplied by Rumania.
e. Cellulose Factory
(1) Over-All Plans
Construction of this factory was to begin in the third quarter
of 1957 and was scheduled to be completed by the and of 1959. It was to consist
of the cellulose factory building and a storage building for lime and sulphate
CONE=~ DL=1~ j I ~L
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soda. In addition, eight other buildings were to be constructed to be used
primarily by the cellulose factory but which were also to supply the other Pao-
teries in the area. These were to be the main water processing station, the
pulp manufacturing plant, the oxidation and decontamination station for waste
water, a repair shop, a foundry, a supply building, a chemical reclamation build-
ing and a caustic reclamation station.
(2) Personnel and Equipment
Approximately 2,100 persons would be required to operate the
factory and approximately 200,000 tons of cellulose would be produced per year.
All of the equipment was to be supplied by IESM and HEI (AU in East Germany.
A small portion of this equipment and machinery had been received
and the remainder was to be received before the end of 1958.
Cellulose Factory Building
Construction of this building was to begin in May 1958 and it
was scheduled to be completed by the and of 1959. All of the equipment and
machinery was to be assembled and installed between January 1959 and June 1960.
This was to be an irregularly shaped building 275 a long and varying in width
from 50 to 85 a. Over half of it was to have two stories and be approximately
11 ^ high, and the remainder was to have three stories and be approximately 16 m
high. Along each side of the building there was to be a one-story annex. These
annexes were to contain the administrative and technical offices. A four-meter-
deep basement was to be constructed under approximately 80 percent of the building.
(See Annex H for sketch of this building. )
(4) Main Water Processing Station
Construction of this station was to begin in September 1957 and
it was scheduled for completion in June 1959; all the necessary equipment and
machinery was to be installed during 1959. This was to be a building omstruoted
in the shape of a T, the front of the building being 135 m long, and the leg cr
the T being 50 a long. One wing of the front of the building was to be 25 m wide,
and the ether, 15 a vide the le of the T was to vary in width from 15 to 25 m.
(See Annex .I for etch of this building.) 50X1-HUM
This installation was to operate as followss it was to receive
the water from the two water supply buildings at the pert, filter it, purify it
(to an unknown degree), and treat the water with caustic so that it could be used
by the factories. because of the high pressure and the volume
of water to be pumped from the port, it was planned that the purification and
treating with caustic would be accomplished by means of small electric pumps
which would inject the necessary chemicals and caustic into the flow, thereby
maintaining a constant flow of 4,800 liters per second. The treated water would
then be distributed to the various factories through underground pipes. 50X1-HUM
(5) Pulp Manufacturing Plant
Construction of this plant was to begin in September 1958 and
was scheduled to be completed in December 1959; the equipment and machinery was
to be installed between January and June 1960. The building was to be 60 m lone
and 40 a wide and would vary in height from 14 to 35 a. (See Annex J for
sketch of this building.)
CON Ft D LYQ71 fi-L_.
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P E : C~ L_.,
In this plant the raw materials (rushes) would be chopped into
small particles and this pulp would be used by the factories. The plant was to
consist of unloading roams for raw materials, an elevator system on each end of
the building, and the pulps machines located in the center of the building.
(bee Annex J for sketch of the floor plan of this installation.)
The rushes were to be transported into the building from the storage area by
railroad and were to be unleaded into underground chutes. From the unloading 50X1 -HU M
chutes the rushes would be carried to the elevator rooms at each and of the
building by conveyor belts. The elevators would be equipped with chopping ma-
shines which would chop the rushes into small pieces and simultaneously raise
the chopped rushes to the top of the pulping machines and empty the small pieces
into it where the rushes would be more finely chopped. After the fine chopping
was accomplished, a system of air blowers would separate the pulp from the waste
material (chaff).
Both the pulp and the waste material would be transported to the
using installations by means of underground conveyor belts. These conveyor belts
were to be constructed in tunnels approximately four asters underground and would
extend to each of the factories. It was estimated that approximately 700,000 tons
of rushes would be processed by this installation each year and that approximately
28 percent of all pulp produced would be transformed into cellulose.
(6) Waste Water Oxidation and Decontamination Station
This installation was to be a small, one-story building with a
very deep basement, the building being 35 m long and 10 a wide and the basement
being 8 m deep. All waste water from the various installations in the factory
area would enter this building where it would be treated with mcygen and decon.
taminated before being drained back into the Danube River. This was considered
necessary to prdeot the fish and wild life of the river.
The chemicals necessary for oxidation and decontamination of
the waste water were to be prepared on the ground floor and transmitted to the
basement where the water was to be treated. Near this installation a series of
electrically operated pumps were to be installed for pimping the waste water back
into the river. This was necessary because during the flood season the water
level of the Danube River would be too high for the waste water to drain into
the river by gravity.
(7) Repair Shop
Construction of this building was to begin in October 1957 and
was to be completed in the summer of 1958. It was to be one story high, 115 a
long, and 35 a wide and was to be used primarily for the repair of equipment for
the cellulose factory and the power plant, but also for the repair of equipment
for the other installations if necessary. (See Annex L for
sketch of this shop.)
Equipment used in this shop was to be supplied by East Germany,
with the exception of some of the larger lathes, which were to be supplied by
Csecheslovakia. Two overhead cranes were to be installed in the center part of
the building, and each of the cranes was to haye.a mszi*um lifting capacity of
being us
meet of it ?ad boon receiy d
and had been installed in temporary building. w her : ,t
construction workers.
c0 t J Ft JL-~, ENJil A 1-
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C- 0 r J Ft D E Q 71 L-
In addition to the normal repair facilities usually found in
such repair shops, this installation was to contain a special section for repair-
iig turbines of the power plant and another special section for the precision
repair of the extra large axles and rollers used in some of the factories.
(8) Foundry
Construction of this foundry was to begin in August 1957 and was
to be oompleted by the end of 1958. The foundry was to be housed in a single
building approximately 18 a long and 18 a wide and was intended to be capable of
casting any replacement parts required for the entire industrial area. It was to
contain two large coal-burning blast furnaces and one small electric blast furnace.
(9) Supply Building
This building was to be constructed in the saw manner as the
repair shop (see Annex K) and was to have the saw dimensions. Construction was
to begin in August 1957 and was scheduled to be completed in summer 1958. It was
to have two overhead cranes installed in the center part of it, of the saw type
as these in the repair shop. The building was to be used for storing metals for
the foundry and the repair shop and for storing spare parts and machinery for the
(10) Chemical Reclamation Building
the construction of this installation was to 50X1-HUM
begin in August 1957 and was scheduled to be completed in July 1959. All equip-
ment and machinery was to be supplied by Czechoslovakia and was to be installed
between summer 1959 and 1961. The building was to be 120 a long and approximately
25 m wide. The center part of the building was to be approximately 15 m high and
was to contain large cooking vats and laboratories; each of the two wi a was. to
be one story high 35 a long, and was to contain condensation pipes. See Annex L
for sketch of this building.) 50X1-HUM
The purpose of this installation was to extract the chemicals
from the waste materials of the factory area for reuse in the factories; thus
it was similar to a chemical laboratory serving the entire factory area. There
were to be a number of large vats installed in the center part of the building
they were to be heated by crude oil.
A waste materials from the factories were to be transported to this installa-
tion by railroad cars, with the exception of the residue obtained from the caustic
reclamation station.
(11) Caustic Reclamation Station
Construction of this station was to begin in May 1958 and was
to be completed in November 1959. It was to consist of a one-story building
20 m long and 15 m wide, to be used in the reclamation of caustic from the waste
water of the factories.
The building was to contain eight reinforced concrete tanks which,
during operation, would be filled with waste water. After being treated with
unidentified chemicals and being agitated, the water would be allowed to stand
until the caustic settled to the bottom. The water would then be drained off an&
piped to the oxidation and decontamination station for preparation before being
drained into the river. The residue of caustic which settled on the bottom of
the tanks was to be sent to the chemical reclamation building through pipes,where it
would be processed for re.-use.
Coro F7 IZ) Et-J TIIf) L--
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C o r'i F i E Q "i I oc~ L_
Construction of this power plant was to begin in May 1958 and it was
scheduled for completion in December 1959. The building was to be constructed
in the shape of an L, one wing was to be 160 m long and 55 a wide, and the other
was to be 100 a long and approximately 55 m wide. The he ht of the building
was to vary from 14 to 18 a. (Sae Annex M for sketch at this 50X1-HUM
building.) Equipment for the power plant was to be supplied by Czechoslovakia;
The plant was to be divided into five major sections which were-to
be completed at different times. These sections were to be the water preparation
section, the boiler section, a turbine section, a power distribution section,
and an emergency power section. In addition to these five major sections, ad-
ministration offices were to be located in the front part of the building.
It was estimated that this power plant would be able to generate
180,000 kw of electrical power and would produce sufficient high pressure steam
for the manufacture of the cellulose products and for heating all of the buildings
in the industrial area.
(1) Water Preparation Section
Construction of this section was to be completed in August 1959 50X1-HUM
and the installation of the equipment completed by August 1960.
receive filtered river water from the water processing station. This water would 50X1-HUM
be mixed with an unknown chlorine composition and, by means of electrolysis, the
mineral salts would be removed. After this, the water would be piped into the
boiling vats of the boiler section.
(2) Boiler Section
Construction of this section was to be completed in August 1959
and the equipment installed by March 1960; however, the equipment was to be in-
stalled in two grmq a. One group of three boilers and accessory equipment was
to be completed by December 1959 and the other group, consisting of two boilers
and accessory equipment, was to be completed by March 1960. This section was to
be located in a special room 50 m long, 35 m wide, and 18 a high in the center
of the building. The boilers were to be so large that they would extend from
the floor to near the top of the building. The roof of the room would be sup-
ported by reinforced concrete column. A series of metal grate "oat walks" were
to be received from Czechoslovakia and installed at various levels around these
The boilers were to be heated by crude oil,&xla reserve supply
of this oil sufficient for one day's operation was to be maintained in a room
adjoining the boiler room. During the first few years of operation, this crude
oil was to be supplied from the Rumanian oil refineries at ONESTI and was to be
brought to the factory area by railroad tank cars. At none unknown future date
this supply of oil was to be discontinued and the oil was to be supplied from
new refineries being constructed south of PITESTI. The oil from the Pitesti
refineries was to be delivered to the cellulose industry area by.river vessel.
The boilers were to be heated by an injection system which would utilize t
crude oil and super-heated steam.
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- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/04: CIA-RDP80T00246AO41200430001-6
(3) Turbine Section
Construction of the turbine section was to begin in August 1958
and-e be completed in December 1959; the equipment was to be installed by August
1960. This section'was to supply sufficient electrical power for the entire
industrial area including the port, the storage area, and the factory area.
It was to be equipped with 10 steam operated turbines to be
supplied by Czechoslovakia. During operation six of these turbines were to be
used and four of then were to be maintained as a reserve. Each of them was to
be capable of supplying 30,000 kw of power. I 40 percent of
these turbines had been oompleted but now of them
had boon delivered to Rumania.
(4) Electrical Distribution Section
Construction of this section was to begin in Juno 1958 and was
scheduled to be completed in August 1959. The eipment was to be completely
installed by November 1960. the number of distribution panels
to be installed in this section or their nomenclature, but this 50X1-HUM
section was to control the distribution of the electrical power generated by the
turbines for the port, the storage area, and the factory area.
(5) Emergency Power Section
In addition to the turbines it was planned to maintain a section
of very large batteries in the power plant, for use in the event the turbines
failed to operate. These batteries were to be supplied by Czechoslovakia and
would be capable of supplying sufficient electrical power to all installations
in the industrial area to allow them to continue to operate for five minutes in
the event of a power failure. the.. bat- 50X1-HUM
teries were to very iarge were o received in
Rumania sometime in 1959. In addition to the batteries, a power line was to be50X1-HUM
connected to a 1600 EVA national power line which was located along the nearby
highway from BRAIIA to VIZIRU to the factory area. This was to be an alternate
power supply in the event the time required to repair the turbines should exceed
the five minute time allowed by the batteries.
g. Fire Department
Construction of the building which was to house the fire department
was to begin in October 1957 and was to be completed in February 1958. It was
to be constructed of brick and was to be two stories high,, with a watch tower
constructed of brick and reinforced concrete erected on top of it. The building
was to be 30 m lona and 10 m wide; the tower was to be 20 a high and from 4 to
5 m in diameter, (See Annex N for sketch of this building.) 50X1-HUM
The ground floor was to consist of garages for the fire trucks, a re-
pair shop for the fire-fighting equipment, and a store room for storing chemicals
for the foam extinguisher. The second floor was to contain quarters for the fir`
fighters. The center of the tower was to be hollow for use in hanging the fire
hoses to dry.
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C o r\) Ft J L. NJ T- L
Equipment to be maintained by the fire department was to consist of
four "Nagiras" fire trucks to be supplied by East Germany and two foam extin-
guisher tank trucks which were to be maintained in the storage area by the
special fire-fighting detachment. In addition to the motorized fire-fighting
equiprnt,there were to be a series of water fire hydrants constructed throughout
the area, the water pressure being supplied by a small pumping station in the
factory area.
the number of personnel required to man
the fire department it had been estimated that approximately 15050X1-HUM
persons would be necessary for both the fire department and the railroads.
4. Factory Sub-Area
the factory sub-area was to be located on the west
side of the factory area and was to be completed sometime in 1958? (See Annex D 50X1-HUM
for location of this sub-area.) It was to consist of seven baildingeconstructed
of brick and furnished and equipped by Rumania. These buildings were to include
a nursery, a technical school, a hotel, a restaurant, a laboratory, an administra-
tion building, and a dispensary.
a. Nursery
This building was to be one story high., 35 m long,, and 10 m wide and
was to be used by the children of factory workers who were to live at the factory
b. Technical School
This school was to be two stories high,, 40 m long, and 15 m wide and
was to be used for training personnel in the manufacture of cellulose products.
c. Hotel
This hotel was to be two stories high, 45 m long, and 12 in wide and
was to contain 80 rooms. it would be used as transient quarters
for visiting officials from other countries who were connected with the cellulose
industry in Rumania.
This restaurant was to be two stories high, 50 m long.. and 25 m wide.
The roof was to be flat and equipped with tables and chairs for use in good
weather. The restaurant., operating in three shifts., was to be capable of serving
5,004 persons.
e. Laboratory
This laboratory was to be two stories high, 40 m long, and 15 m wide.
It was to be used for research for the cellulose industry and for checking the
quality of products manufactured by the factories.
c o rte) F7 l D E Tt P~ L
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C C NJ F L ENJ T- P l_
f. Administration Building
This building was to be two stories high, 20 m long, and 20 m wide.
It was to maintain production records for the various factories, the personnel
records of the
to consumers.
the o n
and service personnel such as the drivers, mechanics, cocks, waiters, cleaning
personnel, etc.) would be approximately 400.
g. Dispensary
The dispensary was to be housed in a two-story building 20 m long
and 10 m wide and was to be operated by Rumanian civilian medical personnel.
It was to be equipped to perform minor operations and was to contain an unknown
amount of unidentified X-ray equipment. The first floor was to contain the
examination and treatment rooms and the second floor was to contain the wards
with approximately 20 beds. all employees of the cellulose 50X1-HUM
industry were to be required to undergo a na type physical examination every
three months because of the nature of the chemicals which would be used in the
manufacture of cellulose products.
5. Housine Area
a. North Housing Area
Two housing areas were to be constructed near the factory area, one
on the north side of the area and one on the northwest aide. The housing area
on the north side, consisting of eight large dormitories, was completed in May
1957. these dormitories were being used by
the construction crews. After completion of the construction at the industrial
area, these dormitories were to be converted into apartments for the factory
employees. there were approxi-
mately 400 workers living in this area, after conversion of
the dormitories there were to be apartments for only 150 factory workers and
their dependents.
In addition to the dormitories there were to be two laundries, two
canteens, two small food storage buildings, two bath houses, and two general
stores in the area. All these buildings would be one-story-high, constructed of
brick. The housing area was equipped with its own heating system independent
of the factory area. Water for persons residing in the area was obtained from
the emergency water supply wells in the factory area.
b. Northwest Housing Area
The other housing area on the northwest side of the factory area,
approximately 60 percent completed in June 1957, was to consist of quarters for
key personnel of the cellulose industry who could "intervene" in any emergency
situation and was called the "Intervention Colony" (sic). All of the buildings
in the area were to be constructed of brick and prefabricated concrete. The
area was to contain 12 small two-story apartment buildings, each 20 m long and
10 m wide; and five large two-story apartment buildings, two of which were to be
32 m long and 10 m wide and the remaining three to be 65 m long and 10 m wide.
CorteF~TR IlTI L
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cor'J FtTEJTIoOs L
The area was to contain 120 apartments sufficient to accommodate 350
factory workers and their dependents. Prier to the time the factories were to
begin operating, there were to be approximately 450 persons from the other
countries involved in the industry and living in this area. These persons were
to be supervisory personnel responsible for assembling and installing the equip-
ment which was to be supplied by their respective cotutries.
The area was to have a central heating plant which would be supplied
with steam from the thermo-olectric power plant, a laundry (which was to be
located in the heating plant), and a food store for the families residing there.
6-. N r Pining Station
A water pumping station was to be constructed during 1959, north of the
"Intervention Colony". This station was to contain a water purification section
and was to supply the "Intervention Colony" and factory area with potable water.
This water would be supplied from the water supply buildings at the port. In
addition, this pumping station would pump water received from the port to the
city of BBAILA; purification of the Braila water supply was to be accomplished
in the city. Another mission of this pumping Station was to supply the water
necessary for the operation of the industrial area fire department.
7. Apartment 'dines in EIRAI
Also to be constructed between 1958 and 1960 were 130 blocks of apartment
buildings in BRAILA for use by the factory area employees. Those apartments were
to be constructed on Strada Karl Marx and were to extend from one side of the
city to the other. The buildings were to contain 1,500 apartments, accommodating
approximately 4,500 persons. These factory employees were to commute from the
city to the industrial area on a special streetcar line and by a special train
because of the inferior quality of the earth u on
which the factory area was to be constructed (the earth was loess, the
basement floors of all the buildings had to be constructed with reinforced
concrete slabs which extended from one side of the basement to the other
and were supported by reinforced concrete beams. Because of the high level
of the underground water and to the loess, these concrete flooring slabs
and the walls of the basements had to be protected by continuous layers
of insulation. This insulation was to consist of many layers of fabric,
plastic, asphalt, and soapy chemical powders.
All buildings in the factory area, with the exception of the smaller
buildings, were to be constructed of "monolyte" reinforced concrete. The
exterior surfaces of these buildings were not to be plastered but were
to be made of translucent glass blocks set in reinforced concrete frames.
All roofs were to be made of prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs
covered with water repellent insulation on the top. 50X1-HUM
the 5,000 employees in the factory area were to be
allocated as follows-.
The Cello-Fiber Factory ------------------
The Carton Factory
CoNJ Fitt=QTi,A L-
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CO t)FL.DEN)TI i4 L-
The Waste Material Factory -- 350
The Cellulose Factory 2,100
The Therms-=leotrio Power Plant
T.ohnioiane and Management
Administration and Servioe
Railroads and Firs Department -------
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C O IJ F ! 1~ E -1 .~ I p, L.
Annex C
Three piper
Apprui- factory
satO4 \area
c O t \J F I:1) L_ N `rl , L
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NJ P71 kat
Annez $
"MIT? 8 t Burma
P1gtirs i - The Paste Storags wilding
Figure 2 - The Transit Storage Hnildiig
C0t1) ENTIAL-.
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QOr F7,D F #Q 1-1 ot~ L
Ann z G
e, p t, Jf=t JENT1 A L
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Annex H
2 Stories
(Approsiaatelj U a high)
150 a
1.1 2.
55 a-~--~ a5 ~--45 t--t
noci Plan
Le :
1. Technical management.
2. Caustic-water preparation.
3. Cooling vats.
4. Blectrolyeie Section.
5. Caustic-water extraction.
6. Sorting Section.
7. Dehydration Section.
8. laboratories aid technical
operations; soa11 repair shops.
9. Drying, pressing, and baling
10. Storage room.
U. Distribution Section.
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z,uni -nunll
Annex I
25 m
50.00 m
25.00 m
135.00 m.
_17.00 m
CC) Ni I-i DEN -11A L
+12. 00 m
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. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/04: CIA-RDP80T00246AO41200430001-6
CoN I-- 1) Lt1-1AL_
Annex J
_+35.00 m
40.00 m
00 In
-6.00 m
Unloading Room
40.00 m
Conve r Belts
to Cellulose Factory
C O rJ F' J E N1 i I A L
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coN It D6-Q I A -
Annex K
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COr-j Fi D EP TI,L
30.00 m
?120.00 m
co N FIDE-r%J -TiAL
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co N F- D - (\JTi A L
Annex H
1, Water preparation
before boiling.
2. One-day osude oil
3. Boiler r?em.
I,. Batteries.
3. Turbine.
6. Bleatria distri.
bation room.
7. Control Department.
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