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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A032500770001-6 Wildpark is a repeater station of great importance in both the static military and civil telecommunication networks of East Germany. It fulfils the following principal functions: CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains Information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the ,Zspionage Laws, Title } 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the traasmladon or revelation of which In any manner to an unauthorized person Is prohibited by law. COUNTRY East Germany SUBJECT Wildpark Repeater Station in the Berlin Area DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ.I a. Intermediate station on the Berlin Ring cable route FK20l. 1. a. Name and Postal Address: Verstaerkeramt Wildpark, Kuhf'ort, b. Location: Near the Wildpark railroad station, on the jutakirta of MAR' 1937., Berlin. See Appendix I for a sketch of the location. 2. Functions of the Station. I N FORMATION REPORT DATE DISTR. 11 February 1957 NO. PAGES REQUIREMENT NO. Western terminal of the West Xlerlin by-pass cables M50,* 151 and 153. c. Terminal of the Naeggelberge - Grossbeeren - Guet.erfelde- Wildpark coaxial cable route m60 1/2. Geltow switching point. Adequate connection is also provided with the Berlin:Kagdeburg-Hannover trunk route via a spur from FK59 which joins the main cable at the nearby 3. and. Surmnndina Features. a. Buildig. The building consists of two parts, namely, the original station, which is a semiunderground concrete bunker., and a brick extension; which has very recently been built at surface level. These are shown in plan and elevation on Appendices I and II respectively. The original building reaches 3 m. below ground level. and 2.5 x. above it. It bas a concrete roof,, made waterproof with tar an& asphalt. Each part has a separate entrance from the outside, and intercomaunieating doors are provided. Suff2w N443 STATE ARMY i NAVY g AIR X FBI AEC Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A032500770001-6 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO32500770001-6 b. Surrounding Features. Bee Appendix I. House."A"is occupied by-.German repeater station personnel and House'B'by Soviet signal troops supervising the station. House"Veontains the entrance to an underground chamber which formerly housed a teleprinter office forming part of Hermann Goering's headquarters. The chamber still exists biit is unused. c. Security. The windows of the concrete building are fitted with iron shutters. The door is protected by a grill, which may be locked but at present is in a damaged condition. No such security .......: measures have been taken with the new building. 4. Personnel. The principal technical personnel are as follows: Otto Possier, Paul Kraatz, Fritz Koehler, Rudi Kunicke, Gerhard Hoppe, The following shifts are worked: 0700-1500, 0800-1600, 1300 - 2100, 2100-0700 hours. The night shift consists of two men, and the total ersonnel of 12-16. House"A'(Appendix I) is occupied by Lau (fnu), SRFJ, group secretary, and his family, and by Gerhard Donzek House"B"contains a Soviet signal unit consisting of an officer and about twenty men, two of whom are present day and night on supervisory duties in the repeater station. 5. Power Supplies. For layout see Appendix III. Two mobile gasoline engine-driven generators are kept-in the yard. 6. ui ent. For layout see Appendix III. It is estimated that about 95% of the installed equipment is in operation. The provision of five additional through repeaters is planned. Their intended position is shown on the floor plan. The Z8 carrier systems housed in a small room in the old building just inside the entrance have been recently installed. The installation consists of four terminals, each terminal comprising two bays, marked "1" and "2'. 7. The following FK150 FK151A 7K153B FK59 FK201J FK201l. FK2OIF nl60 1/2 trunk cables are brought into the station: Berlin/Lichtenberg - Wildpark 63 pairs (BerlinjLichtenberg) - Babelsberg - Wildpark 97 pairs ((Berlin Lichtenberg) - Gueterfelde - Wildpark 111 pairs Berlin/interfeldstrasse -Ramover 218 pairs, spur from Geltow Berlin, Ring Cable, Treuenbrietzen -'fildpark section 97 pairs Berlin Ring Cable, Kildpark.- Biesenthal section 97 pairs Berlin Ring Cable, Spur to Potsdam Berlin/1lueggelberge - Xildpark, 2 parallel cables each containing one coaxial tube plus 17 unloaded pairs. 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO32500770001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO32500770001-6 25X1 The position of the cable terminating bays is ahoam on the fl *= glen Appendix III. (Kabelauf teilungaraum and Xab~.len3v~ercbltesee) . 8. Circuits. No information 9. Cdr TMk llatioaas in Nil. 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO32500770001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO32500770001-6 25X1 The position of the cable terminating bays is ahoam on the fl *= glen Appendix III. (Kabelauf teilungaraum and Xab~.len3v~ercbltesee) . 8. Circuits. No information 9. Cdr TMk llatioaas in Nil. 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO32500770001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO32500770001-6 APPENDIX I t~YILD PA R E PEATER 6TAttLOW --- - Skek -Ulllol ii+r ?1 A,6 ,Van - Nor To.. SCALE _. ~ass~'s~~es ~-Hyjs j? s ,';a n ,fit L ,;,,. ~ N ' G~hr dad? - t '?f Ko:?yrt a)?y& Ti'Jnsror,~- 12-1 44 ,f?, s/.*Ij . r - !/~~r Wvss PY,- i wtyAA Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO32500770001-6 N?~ day A)1116b,~ h,2; A PPJWJDI S ized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO32500770001-6 lIL1)PR1K . SrATIOJ L Ces -Sre, Bu liter ra- ~_--- Ile# 2v.''on day 7, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO32500770001-6 Ah, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO32500770001-6 25X1 4e Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO32500770001-6