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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/06: CIA-RDP80-0081OA002700290003-8 25 YEAR RE-REVIEW Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/06: CIA-RDP80-0081OA002700290003-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/06: CIA-RDP80-0081OA002700290003-8 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT SUBJECT This Document contains Information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18, Sections 703 and 704, of the U.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY SECURITY INFORMATION Hungary Wilhelm Pieck Factory, Gyor. REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT REFERENCES THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) Since the beginning of 1963 the Gy'r Railroad Car and Machine Factory (Gy9ri Vagon. ie G9pgy9r) has been called the Wilhelm Fleck FiRctory. The factory employe about 20,000 workers (including 1,800 apprentices). There are day and night shifts; there is often a postponement of certain shifts because of a shortage of raw material. Director General: Albert Lakatos Deputy Director: Gocze (fnu.) Manager of Transport Vehicle Section: Bela Toronyi The"Railroad Factory"manufactures different kinds of rolling-stock, most of which is exported to the Soviet Union. Details are as follows: Passenger Coaches. These are pullman-type luxury coaches with four axles. About 50 are manufactured each month, of which 35 are sent to the Soviet Union. These latter coaches are painted green and are very sumptiously equipped. The remaining 15 (painted silver and fitted with special fans) are sent to~~ 25X1 Freight Cars. Freight cars for carrying ore are manufactured for the Soviet Union. Production was scheduled at 60 per month but this figure was never reached. About 100 such cars were manufactured in 1952.2 SECRET/COINTTROL U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 16 October 1953 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/06: CIA-RDP80-0081OA002700290003-8 _T X STATE x I ARMY NAVY I x IAIR x FBI AEC ORR L%j x 0IT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/06: CIA-RDP80-0081OA002700290003-8 SECRET/CONTROL - I.S. OFFICIALS ONLY c. Gun Carriages. 04 Gun carriages with a split trail and a central pivot (leoz.epsarkas torpesztett Avegtalp) are manufactured for the Hungarian Army. About 120 are manufactured each month. They are taken over by a Hungarian Army commission stationed perman- ently in the factory and sent to Diosgygr by rail.3 d. Munitions Carriers and Field Kitchens. These are taken over by the Hungarian Army commission and are then sent to Budapest. No other details are available. 3. The "Auto Factory I" manufactures only component parts and does not assemble the vehicles. Vehicle assembly (previously carried out in "Auto Factory II")'was'trans- ferred to Csepel Auto Factory at Csepel-Szigethalom in 1952. 4. The "Auto Factory I" manufactures cylinder heads, differential gears, gear boxes, and other car parts. These are then sent to the Csepel Factory. 5. Ten 3-ton Csepel diesel trucks are turned out every day although 30 could be produced if there was enough raw material available. The "Bridge Factory" manufactures large items for bridges in the Soviet Union as well as chassis for transport vehicles which are dispatched to the transport vehicle section of the factory. 7. The transport vehicle section manufactures transport vehicles with electric drive and hydraulic lifting apparatus. Production is about 40 per month; some are used in the factory, but the majority are sent to the Soviet Union. In 1951 production reached 20 vehicles per month. By the middle of 1952 about 300 had been delivered to the Soviet Union and about 300 more have been ordered by the Soviet Union. 8. At the beginning of 1952 mobile generators were manufactured for the Hungarian Army. These had two or four wheels and measured about 2 x 2 x 1.5 m. They were destined for Hungarian Army antiaircraft and technical units and were taken over by the Hungarian Army commission whose members wore read and dark-green shoulder boards. Production reached about 40 per month but this was well below the scheduled figure as this section in particular suffered greatly from shortages of raw material and component parts. 9. The "Crane Factory" manufactures steam cranes which run on rails and have a lifting power of 70 tons. These are all sent to the USSR. Monthly production is about five; by June 1953 about 200 had been delivered to the Soviet Union. Steam engines are supplied by the Lang Works in Budapest.4 10. Tubes made of duralumin (about 80 cm. long, 6 cm. in diameter and with walls 3.5 cm. thick) were also manufactured in the factory. One and of the tube was sealed up and it was believed these tubes were to be used as mortar barrels. About two railroad carloads of these tubes were sent to Budapest every day. 11. No aircraft or armored force vehicle parts are manufactured in the factory. The "Machine Tool Factory" manufacture antiaircraft guns and ammunition. 12. The factory is supplied with raw material from Ozd, Di4gy r and Borsodnadasd which is partly processed in the factory's own smelting shop and foundry. The factory also receives half finished products from the Rakosi Works at Csepel and from Di6sgy6r. 13. Electricity is supplied partly by the Banhida power station through Avesz and partly by the factory's own power plant. Comments: 1. In 1952 the monthly production amounted to 10 coaches. 2. , All the rolling stock destined for the Soviet Union is sent to 21hony where they are fitted for broad-guage tracks. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/06: CIA-RDP80-0081OA002700290003-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/06: CIA-RDP80-00810A002700290003-8 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 3. Bofors antiaircraft gun carriages were manufactured in the factory during 195 , but production was then transferred to Gyer Machine Tool Factory (Gyori Szerszamgep- gy r)? 4. Scheduled monthly production was light. Five was reached only with the greatest difficulty. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/06: CIA-RDP80-00810A002700290003-8