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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/02 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001100540009-1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This Document contains information affecting the Na tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as INFORMATION REPORT amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is pr.:-hibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY SECURITY INFORMATION COUNTRY Bulgaria SUBJECT le Industrial Information from the Varna Area 2. Production and Distribution of Milk Products in the Varna Area DATE OF INFO. REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES 6 May 1953 3 THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) 1e Z. The Vasil. Kolar rv P1 ant, which produces mainly lathes and boilers, is located "not far" from Kora?lovag, It employs approximately 600 workers. 3;). The I May Cotton Textiles Mill., located in the Galata Quarters employs about 39000 workers, Industrial Information from the Varna Area Koralovag, - a joint So 3.et-Bulgar a,n enterprise, has yards building ships up to 1,500 tons., repair docks, a railroad" car construetirin departments and locomotive repair shops. It is located on the canal which joins Lake Varna with the Black Sea and employs nearly 59000 workers in three shifts. done in three shift per day. The mill has its own Dower plant. In 190. the The Khristo Botev Cotton'MIII, opposite the Koralova,g shipyards employs approxi- mately 2,000 workers now, as compared to about 1,500 workers in 1950. Work is The Chervena Zvezda Plant, which produces mainly cotton fabrics and tent cloths is located adjacent to Koralovage It employs approximately 800 workers. 6. The metal works, located adjacent to'the Chervena Zvezda Plant, employs 600 men and produces mainly pipes and stoves. 7. A large caustic soda plant is being constructed at Devnya village (approximately 15 kilometers from Varna)., where the largest flour mills in Bulgaria are also located. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY NAVY x AIR X FBI AEC Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/02 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001100540009-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/02 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001100540009-1 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIAIS ONLY 8. There are two power plants in the Varna area., Onei about five. years old, is located near the'Kora16vik shipyard: and the`otlery"muoh'older,'is located near the Khristo Botev Factory. This latter plant is not identical with the one mentioned in paragraph 4 aboveo ~? in 1952a oil was discoveredo~ar Kavarna (N-43-26,'E 2'8-20), approximately 20 kilometers from Varna. A et team of geologists has'been studying the site? and several thousand workers are ' 4riployed sinking wells. 'Drilling equipment was brought ' from' the USSR'.. The wages of workers are high, averaging 25 leva per day (new currency). 10. New hangars have been built for the seaplane landing harbor near Penardzhik village by the Lake Varna-Black Sea canal, U. Jet planes use the airfield near Dobrich (N 43-34, E 27-50, now Tolbukhin). Production and Distribution of Milk Products in the Varna Area 12. The Mlekokoop (Milk Cooperative) department of the'Tsentralen Kooperativen Suyuz (Central Cooperative Union), which has been'i ministry'since"1948 and has branches in the main cities, deals 'with the collectIoi Arid distribution of milk products such as ' cheese, butter and' bream. 11ekkiop at Varna is responsible for 12 branches in the t'.okr which collect and process milk and send the products to the Varna center. 13. There are two cold storage plants and four depots at Varna, as follows: a. A large cold storage plant for foodstuffs, including milk products, at the port; b. A special cold plant for'buttero located-in the Galata Quarter, approxi- s from the portt and c. Depots for milk`proeess>ing and the storage'Of the products at No. 52 Stem- buliyska Street, Genoa Street, the I May Market, and at the port. 14. The annual rod-action of milk 14? p products 3n the Varna c,bkftga is 3y000 tons 'of cream cheese$ 1,000 tons of other cheese,'arid'4o0-t6ns of butter. A large pro- portion of this is kept in storage as a reserve$.according to'inatruotionsre- ceived from the Supply Ministry. From January to September 1952, approximately 500 tons of cheese and 200 tons of butter were stored, for stockpiling only, in the cold storage plants at the port-and in the Galata Quarter. Part of the output is exported through the Ministry of Foreign Trade (for instance, 100 tons of cheese was sent to Egypt on a barter deal) and the remainder is distributed in Bulgaria through the EDRO (sic) wholesale marketing organization. 15. The following pries are paid by Mlekokoop to the producers: a. Cream cheese, 6.5 lava per kilogram; b. Other cheese, 9.0 leva per kilogram; and c. Butter, 10 leva per kilogram. 16. The price to consumers is as followst a. Cream cheese, 13.6 lava per kilogram.; b. Other cheese, 20 leva per kilogramt and co Butter, 27 leva per kilogram. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/02 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001100540009-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/02 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001100540009-1 SECRET/CONTROL - ,U.S. OFFICIAL,, ONLY 3.7. There are four State farms iri the Stalin 6411W - t villages of Balchik N hree. of 'Which are in the (N 43-3.o., F. 28-20), Sept (sic). emvriche (sic), and Vasil Kolarov ' 18. Kolkhozesl have been established in each village of the Varnaokrug. These farms InhludW approximately 70 percent of the rural population. 25X1 19. I identified th f ll e o owin g personailtie s r a. Albert Chasid administrative mane er.of the Varna branch of the Cooperativ- Union; 251 b. Kr.stev (fnu), newly appointed general manager of the Varna branch of the . Cooperative Union; 25X1 0. Denin Manol.ov, chief accountant of the Varna MlekokoopJ d. Mircho Mikhayloy, manager of the Varna M1elokoop;~ chief'aocountarit of the Varna Cooperative Union Comment: "Kol.khoti"is a'Soviet tem .which ,prabab1y.refers; to the gar? "an collective farm known as TICZS (Trudovo Bul. Stopanstv Kooperat~.vno Zemedelstvo a. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/02 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001100540009-1