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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
October 2, 2009
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Publication Date: 
March 18, 1953
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-00810A000900500006-1.pdf225.08 KB
f!MI`iv.n.. lii3L? 'P S. ._ I 0 'IS rr Approved For Release 2009/10/02 CIA-RDP8O-0081OA000900500006-1 ;ast 'erzraai .REPORT M".iitary Information from Jueterbog ?)F CONTENT OBTAINED JENCES.f 3.. -EINCLOSURES (No. & TYPE) This is UNEVALUATED Information 1. Orr5 Fuary 195, the Adolf Hitler Camp near Forst Zinn, north -of Jueterbog1 quartered 1,800 to 2,000 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets, including sore with tank insignia. On 3 and ,February, three guns which were emplaced south of the camp and, covered with tarpaulins, appeared to have been AT guns. At about 11 a.m. on 5 February, about 80 soldiers moved along the railroad line 100 meters southwest of the railroad station, under the coverage of two tanks. About 60 other soldiers practiced in the terrain west of the railroad station. Motor vehicles in traff rote and to the caMu On 5 February 1953, Damn Fliegerhoret, south of the town, was occupied by 1,800 to 2,000 troops. Sentries wore red-bordered black epaulets with tank insignia. On .February, about 10 soldiers practiced aiming with a 57-rn 25X1 AT gun in the terrain south of the fence that surrounds the airfield; trucks each mounting 8 soldiers and towing a 25X1 76-mm field gun moved out of the billeting area toward Rohrbeck; 6 to 8 soldiers pulled a 120-mm mortar in the terrain south of the fence; and about 40 soldiers received infantry training and practiced firing. Motor vehicles were in traffic from and to the billeting area. 2 25X1 n uv'w ativa:ivaauca uw a wcsv ~vr cra? ? .r saa a s a. .~ v.. +. + ... v-+ +-. ++--.- - -- .~-.-~ --- ~_ . 3 to 5 February 1953. On 23 February, the Altes Lager was occupied by about 1,200 troops. Sentries wore red--bord-red black epaulets. At about 10 a.m., about 600 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets with tank insignia, a military band, 3 majors, 5 captains and about 20 lieutenants marched into the carp, coning from Neues Lager. The troops were unarmed. Six trucks, each with 20 soldiers, left the camp toward Treuenbritzen. .5. On 23 February, the Neues Lager south of the road to Treuenbritzen quartered 1,200 to 1,500 troops. Sentries wore red-bordered black epaulets. CLASSIFICATION SECRFT Approved For Release 2009/10/02 : CIA-RDP8O-0081OA000900500006-1 Approved For Release 2009/10/02 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA000900500006-1 2. ent The heavy infantry weapons observed indicate that ~*he 47,th Gds Mecz Refit of the 14th Gds Iecz Div is still stationed at ,=z Fliegerhorst. The report contains no indications as to the quartering there of the 2497th AA Refit of ihe 14th Gde 2'ecz Div. _.~L21r ant The report fails to confirr the units of the 14th Gds i'ecz Div a.n-i the 6th Gds Tank Div stationed in .tes Lager ?loo, the 1'9th Light ?ray brig carried in Neues Lager cannot be confirmed. The fact that no clear observations were rade in this area is presumably due; to troop noves7ents which, in connection with field exercises by units of the Third Gds Yecz Army,, especially by conivnonts of the 14th Gds 1`ecz Div, were nade in the second half of February 1?53. 5. Gornerzt . units of the 12th Gds Tank Div were in the northeastern section of the Jueterbog troop training grounds for firing practice between 9 and 20 February, with the troops being quartered in tents . Approved For Release 2009/10/02 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA000900500006-1