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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/20 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600010219-4 -#LASS~FICATIOId SECRB`P/SLL~T'.7'".' _~ ~~'FORMATIOI~~ , - CENTRAL lNTELLiGENCF AGENCY REPORT B fV ~O R M /4'B? I O IV I~ E ~~1 i~~~' COUNTRY USSR/Gc~rmar>f PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED DATE OF IA51 ~ 1~1 Q Postwar Tactical Training DevelopmenFs in the Soviet Army SUPPLEMENT TU REPORT N 0. IY11 .. CYYt.t G.Y t.l Y1 INI.tYtt1.Y .Illttl.. Tp1 .t it.. tl 1.I t.It .I TYt VYITt. Iftflt. Tl Tp 1. tNt Y/~TI ll1 1.~ 11 Ct11.1 ltt ? 7tY1 .I TYI Y.Y. C..tN .1 IYI YIIY. IT. T.tY IY I..I IY .t .tTl? l.t l.. .I ITt t.Y ttY Tt I? .. tl G1IIT tT ? YYtY T...Ilt1 ItIt1Y It Tt.Yt .1 Tl. .Y 11.. T.I .^I...YGTI[Y .I TN 11 I.tY 1. It.NIIITt.. F,TAT# ARMY Trailing is basically that of World War IT, modified by the experiences of World War II. As an examplo, during World War II tar;lcs were of ton employed alone without the immediate~suppor't of infantry, and of course nlanv tanks were lost. Tn the postwar era, the basic doctrine is that tanks must always be accornpar~ied uy infantry and that infantry must always be supported by +.anlcs. Therefore, the mayor stress in training is placed on the employ- ment of tarlc-infantry toams and cooperation between thr2 branches of se:?vice. the emr~loyment of tank and mechanized forces published in two volumes between 1945 and 1946 ~"e still the "Bible" for training and employment of tank and mechanized forces. However, from time to ti*~~e the Service Acaderu.cs, in cooperation with tho General Staff, publish periodic information bulletins for the information of officers. This publication is cla,sified "secret91 and therefore does not get widespread dissemination to the troops, but is used as a basis for changes in training programs. CLASSIFICATION SL;~~RBP~S~CURITX TP1I'ORMATIOPI-~-~~~ -.-- ~-,---1-,. The Gener-a.i Staff Sections are very mucl-~ award of the va7_ae of ?dorld Nar IT histories in determ:i sing what errors i?rere made in the, iicld, and the I'rur:ze Academy is malting detailed studies of World War IT tactics. Dlaturally, many of these studies a-?e used to confirm tllo validity of tactics in situations. W12ore thore are cf glaring tactical or strategic orrors, training directives are published in the periodic informa- tion bulletins to bring them to the attention of all officer. s. P'o^ example: certain tactical1 errors wt,ich the German Gonera.1 Staff rowld to be rather common in Soviet unii?.~; of division size and lower, were pointed out as an ?xamplc, of errors which m:i~;ht benefit considerab]_y in future warfare; apecifica].ly~ i:hs l,oorly coordinated make-up of march Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/20 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600010219-4 ~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/20 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600010219-4 S1;CR1;T~:: CTIRI TY 7. ~~FGR t ~1'~''."~~ UN ~ tM C~ t., -2- socials within a division size unit on the anproFCh march, which ir: many cases the Germans took of ir. ?r-.:i.rirg initial ra,'T~e;:;.a~'e during; a meeting ei~ga;ement. 'T`:is of course is not Soviet field mai,ual dactrirs lut wes a result of poor road nets c.rd i~nnas:~ihl.e f,e~~r-~;r. Posi.tive s.ctio;: i:~ being taken i;o improve continuity rind compactness of march ,serials. Subordinate corrm-anders are urged to oxploit to the fu1.'lest any local saccess, whereas prevl.ously, ea-ploitirr~ or. pvrsvir.~ units were ~iven certain objectives to reach at ~ ~ u >o~~:d to hn1.t. I?ow tactical doctrine nrescribcs no such a pecvlia.r~ ty noted b~* the lirti.ts. German officers during; k~or1~~ War IT, ~. c_L _s, a cf c~ecp penetrai'ion on the p~.rt of units suborc?.~nato to the divisicn. So consistent was this peculiarity that the Germans could expect the Soviet tank forces of battalions and regiments to slop some four to five kilometers behind the lines a!'ter a ~eneL'i?ution. `Chis peculiarity did ex~_st as it 4fa6 co: ~on1y ea.lled for in operation orders but rowadays there is no such 13m_1t placed o~; exploiting unit3. 51;CRL'.C/SI;C~';:IT'V 7?~TOIiP,tnm1'pp~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/01/20 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600010219-4