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STAT'w1 siIINC1O? POST Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/09: CIA-RDP75-00149R000500450135-2 Nixon as Leader Today' and Tomorrow . ? By Walter Uppmtann e a p tied states. e o of tie -Voi form which in Its Pledges to in the writing of the plat- tfie eclh7 w deal Stith public needs is tab- farm the dominant voles AP- L 0**Ians of the t l.-...d J Ya.. a no au w are .c,r a,..,... ?.? Nbatantial change in the the big industrial and Urban- oU -bTldmjtfliW, lat EWUbower policy, obvi",' in l~OA~i1 , de N c pas w are u,uc,. o., ,...a=? -?? has deP ailed front -them.' bls Party-if the Gallup Poll ,ea.. s. . heudirs" ?haGWlrt .,, ~' -. es can win the presidency this policy. This does note mesa -by-would bahtfet a'uon* year. that, as Pr&stdgnt he would time All the polls snow that the not depart from them. As a As President in dealing Republicans are a much matter of fact he would be with it Democratic Congress, smaller Party than the DeMO- almost bound to depart from Nixon would differ. from El crats, something like as 80 them. But it does mean that senbower in two main to- ... .s.. -_-1e_ h. -"# Aso ++._ .r. -164-U ,. eh. For the Rock, Lippmana feller plat: form and the Rockefeller stand were indubitably the t bet if any Republtcan- b whtc h will Live him a chance to win t he election the Party' to take a stand difficult prob- lem, which is how to get a platform and to persuade HAVING SUCCEEDED In appeasing Gov. Rockefeller, the Vice President has had then to deal with his most D viding Imaginative new lead- the Northern Repttb ershio for the exalting sclon- --wft_'01P to otal) o!L rti! `Z eutah ' development of Our natural 01010111ern LNiMmerats, 100 j . and human resources, la pra band 0f,their eoaUUon ts fbat ne d "~ at our national tru apartation , serve their power n B Caption of ill system, to the renewal of out ! gren what' Costa an`a tail .e brasoeet as an eVecUre; espoused the Rockefeller occupation of the Oid ,tarp which lov lemocratic position on pub- Republicans Is not to elect, it would be-mueb hsrda",1old lie needs. He called for pub- Nixon, It L not even to Nixon .to lead a DemoertitlS thu lie spending, which be called carry Congress, whop they Corti atf amrmtt)vely "investment' In "our Public know is impossible. Their it en for Eisenhower education establishments, In main preoccupation Is to pct, to B it down negstivaly. i Ca ? y u That this to what a WO like to do is shown by a by an eccentric ffinge of !e- .'"+N-Lt d W- do ! speech he made at St. Louis sctlanartea who 4ream of a m{ b- art-s-e are pow In last month. Alter scoffing et' golden past that never exist- the +titlel, and y N yO(G~ MA t R o r It a fel ler'e "growthman- ed asp pretend that they ate Rockefeller both knod, there t ship," he turned around and conservatives. The main pro- are a 'great )many form. Oelf, bat the RepttbUcan ON ld . Guard in Congress faetliled I lution which will dramatical- with the Southerners they ly change the whole tharst- will both stall off the welfare ter of life in America and measures. the world in our time" This Is the reason, which is THIS BtING what Nixon otherwise politically InexpU- would like to stand for, -he table, why Nixon is having has to reckon with the Presi- such a hard time to. Set It ? dent and his close advisers, civil rights plank op which on the one hand and with he can stand In the big North' the Congressional Republic- em states. . ans from the old Repuplican IF, IN SPITE of hit hasd4 tense and public needs, he howet has had to do this, and was very careful indeed to no doubt, the world would avoid any departure from not come to an end If Nixon the main lines of the Eisen- bad,to do it. But almost cc- bower economic and fiscal talnly it is true that The. eoun* tleadn$as ~. as lithe" sd ! Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/09: CIA-RDP75-00149R000500450135-2