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STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/09: CIA-RDP75-00149R000500450054-2 25 YF AR RF_RFVIFM/1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/09: CIA-RDP75-00149R000500450054-2 3TAT STAT AAAIIN `") 1C4` ' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/09 CIA-RDP75-00149R000500450054-2 'with full kn :e0ge of the facts .?Nva., ardizing the security o ? furelim pplicy operatiOn: Ati my rage was greater lattati could no nothing about it. IN A TELEVISION debate, r. KnnecIy idvoeatett help for:4407 0 e'c'-o$ . , who would ,oppose Castro. the debate Nixon,resPond- . ed - to. this suggestion w t h ; ware vigor than to any other ; point exrept the Matsu-Que- d ,,nroy is. ,e., Then and there- l'.,:irsed Mr Kennedy n kresponslity. tate.- -' Nixon 5ald that Kennedy's n re,i , statement forced him to take hea softer line and act as if regain ilie-knew nothing about the t - :planned invasion though in statrei? inner government circles he had haegean iaasdt vcaocas:iving a strong onstehnetiT 'Oh the trajn2., "There was onfy one thing Ins of 'toutside I could do," Nixon wrote.. Or of ariy.,Planaler?!'supil'o "The covert operation had to ing an InvatiOn.,Of ' be: protected at all costs. I charged brNixon: must not suggest even by THE ptipmENT did tict implication that the United receive this ,iriformationie the $,tates was renderin.g aid to .,,rebel fortes in and out of 119. Y. 1 . ?Cuba. In fact,, I must go to. ' the other extreme; I must at- 041 the Kennedy proposal: prolide such aid as wrong, because it, :mould? violate our treaty commitments." vIenrsyrE raRENisedtlYeEDveraie'6rinutres6-- tions. One of them was: What gooddoes lido to have, . the CIA brief, a preildentialt WILES BACKS P New Kenne Rages ver By RICHARD WILSON Dulles; and D4Ititacked up , kale*, the Mitutespolls Tribune 1 the Presidenr 'sving' ;thatWashington Bureau Nixon apparce misunder- stood the sitUstiON ? -In a' statement. lasued through the CIA .,Dulles said that President genpetly was rween former Vice President not given any don:nation R i c 11 a r d M. during the campaign about "ovet or coert NIN.011 and ,. . ry :estion Such President Ken- as the Cuban invasion, Dulles nedy on the said .thf re apparently .had Cu issu ban e. bn ee "an honest misunder. This might standing" by Nixon concern- be called the Ingthe eentent,' of the brief- f f th debate Ings given Mr. Kennedy. that never . But what was lacking,was ?happened, and It looked very information on whethei. much as if Mr. Kennedy won the final round by. at least as large a margin ,as he won the election. The question was whether presidential candidate Ken- nedy had been briefed before the election on the Cuban ; invasion and had breathed !security by publicly advo- eating what Was already afoot. Nixon made this ar- i cusation in his new book on j the "Six Crises" of his carter. A WHITE HOUSE state- ment yesterday in reply to , Nixon denied that Mr. Ken- nedy had received such in- formation in ? briefingsby !then CIA Director en W. WASHINGTON. D. C. ? The famous television ?Ide- bates of the presidential cam- paign raged On Tuesday be- Kennedy itri either from ith CIA offie' e se, that the ttbi was b.m.c.Iting stile fiige invaders prepaatirMS to the island, The W merit said' ."..was not election statement said, two weeks tion, when the CIA Etal He was tot I:tulles and ..,,,Ritih,ar4: deputy di ? ,tent ' said. Mentioned, 1,, said, in a 'bri gays before ;,... Nixon wro that the Kannad..Y Statements Ag'candiaate if he- is not to be on Cuba had been.,tise'only t .?_ , t ;informed of pending opera- thin; that "enraged" il '1.1';.!;:tions which rriight be cn-' ' during the campaign, ?i-dangtred by political state.: . He wrote: "I thought that1CMerits? ? . . ? ,- ' Another-question: why ?,, should Nixon completely dis- tserni4e andittisguide the pub. lie - co 'his, ,rN1-, views in a canIttailn,tlit .%trhia be was ,',IatiPPCtd ;t0' be giving The ,Ptt0IJO ACPStra !count on ,..,%t whete be it ? ' ' At *hit time, !tiara ? wa$ Ito ,,,i deep.' secretSijt ',elements, li, ,--,e;'' of 'opinion tba iittanted Cas- ? ;itro . dealt; ,wit i* .figorously. Castro hiniseifi ket Havana ? ' radio, were ea kg contin- . -, ually that an ire on of Cuba, ? W55 being pre . At one , .,-. time in inyqt 0 *alert was 'ordered. Kilo' ..c. of awe- , 4 Mon,. plans kIdi5CUSIOd ' widely In 1, ..-t, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/09: CIA-RDP75-00149R000500450054-2