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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
November 13, 1964
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Approved For Release 2009/09/23: CIA-RDP67B00558R000100160003-0 NSA, OSD, NSC reviews completed PFIAB/NSC Review Completed. Approved For Release 2009/09/23: CIA-RDP67B00558R000100160003-0 Approved For Release 2009/09/23: CIA-RDP67B00558R000100160003-0 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON ee xv--- // November 13, 19b4 MEM)RA, ?3DUM OR THE SECRETARY OF DI FEN E THE CHAIRMAN, UNITED SWIMS LNfELLIGM ICE BOARD )U TECT: Intelligence-Related Aspects of the S tembcr 18, 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Incident Enclosed herewith is a report Which was submitted to the President on October 1 , 1064, by the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board following its review of the acquisition, evaluations and reporting of intei ligence and related data pertaining to the incident involving U. S. forces in the Gulf of Tonkin on September IU, 1964. Before taking final action on the two recommendations contained in the board's report, it is requested that the Chairrar, United States Intelligence Board, submit his views on Recommendation No. 1, and that the Secretary of nse submit his views on Recomnendation 140. 2. It would be appreciated if the above requested comments could be provided to this office by December 1, 1x64. Copies of the reports containing these recommendations should be furnished simultaneously to the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. NcGeorga Dundy ;nclosure (SC-09060/ a4 ) resident's Foreign intelligence Advisory Board Approved For Release 2009/09/23: CIA-RDP67B00558R000100160003-0 Approved For Release 2009/09/23: CIA-RDP67B00558R000100160003-0 F r7 r% SC-09060/6)4 WASHINGTON PRESIDENT'S FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY BOARD October 1I+, 1Q641 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT SUBJECT: Intelligence-Related Aspects of September 18, 196+ Gulf of Tonkin Incident The Board has completed a review of the intelligence- related aspects of the incident involving U. S. Naval Forces in the Gulf of Tonkin on September 18, 1964. The purpose of our review was to determine the alert warning and response capabilities of the U. S. intelligence community in developing crisis situations under circumstances such as prevailed in the Tonkin Gulf incident. The Board's review included the following: (1) examina- tion of all intelligence and operational messages which originated in the Tonkin Gulf area, and which were transmitted to the White House Situation Room through both intellitence- rep orting and military-command channels; (2) analyses of independent, uncoordinated evaluations which were provided to the White House by some of the member agencies of the intelligence community; and (3) discussions with the Office - of the President's Special Assistant for National Security Affairs, and with intelligence officials of the Departments of State and Defense, the CIA, the National Security Agency and the Chairman of the U. S. intelligence community's inter- agency Watch Committee. Jased on this review, the Board concludes that there is a need for re-examination of the doctrine and procedures which presently govern the intelligence coverage, reporting and evaluations of crisis developments involving actual.or threatened engagements of U. S. military forces in .limited, tactical-warfare situations. We note that in this instance the President and other policy-making officials did not receive from. our intelligence agencies collective evaluations of significant information which was being obtained from intercepts of encoded North Vietnamese Naval communications. As a consequence she White House was obliged to resort to unilateral and, at times, conflicting judgments of intelligence analysts and other officials in the several agencies concerned. Y r'''.3J' I tI`1 cL.Jr4 of V 1 ~, i! k1~.. `~ - i \yl % J. :"y~r1 .jam Approved For Release 2009/09/23: CIA-RDP67B00558R000100160003-0 Approved For Release 2009/09/23: CIA-RDP67B00558R000100160003-0 i -~ ~. r- } rte, f- _ - We also note that when some of the significant messages of the North Vietnamese were intercepted in the Pacific, the full encoded text was not immediately transmitted to National Security Agency (NSA) Headquarters. Thus the re- sources of that Headquarters could not be brought to bear ;ally and immediately to assist in achieving prompt and accurate decodes and translations of the intercepted messages for timely consideration by responsible officials. As a means of strengthening the capability of the Government to obtain timely assessments of intelligence in such situations, we recommend that: The Director of Central Intelligence, as Chairman of the United States intelligence Board: (a) conduct a study of the intelligence-related responsibilities and functioning of U. S. agencies in the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and (b) submit to the President a report and recommendations on the desirability of establishing within the intelligence community a central evaluation mechanism having the specific responsibility of furnishing the President and other top officials with timely, interagency evaluations of current intelligence with respect to developing crisis situations such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident (perhaps using the J,T intelligence community's Z patch Committee and National Indications Center for this purpose); and that 2 The Director of the National Security Agency: (a) conduct a review of the signals intelligence collection ':. ;d renortin aspects of the Tonkin Gulf incident, and +.~j 'urnisn the President a report and recommendations designed to insure timely transmission to National Security gency Headquarters of the co::iplete encoded ' text of inter- cepted messages which on preliminary analysis in the field appear to contain indications of possible hostile actions having a significant bearing on the national defense and secufity of the United States. FOR THE BOARD Clark M. Clifford Chairman Approved For Release 2009/09/23: CIA-RDP67B00558R000100160003-0 Approved For Release 2009/09/23: CIA-RDP67B00558R000100160003-0 - v -... .. 1...LNDDIF' II.H I I VIV I LW wrrvu tsu I I JM LB Kirkpatrick, Ex/b (noted) 17 Nov. UNCLASSIFIED SECRET CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2009/09/23: CIA-RDP67B00558R000100160003-0 UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 1 DD/S&T %/ %3 ~ ~/~ 2 ", p % SCE lv?'G L 3 4 5 6 DDI ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: DDI should prepare reply for DCI signa- ture in coordination. internally with DDP and D/NIPE, and externally with .CIA,, State & NSA. Please have response in this office by 27 November. SUSPENSE: 27 November 1964 cc: LDI /13D/S&T D/NIPE DDP Exec. See. - USIB EA./DC:L & E' A/DDCI FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE