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Document Release Date: 
May 20, 2010
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Publication Date: 
June 2, 1959
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PDF icon CIA-RDP67B00511R000100280008-3.pdf425.86 KB
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/20: CIA-RDP67BOO51 1 R0001 00280008-3 BEST COPY A VAILABLE Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/20: CIA-RDP67BOO51 1 R000100280008-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/20: CIA-RDP67B00511 R0001 00280008-3 2430 E Street W. Washington D. C. Dear Bob: June 2, 1959 Enclosed is the abstract of the pape plans to present to the Michigan University Symposium on Electronic Warfare on September 30th and October 1 and 2, 1959 providing the abstract is accepted by the Department of Defense. I have retained one copy of the paper. This paper is being sent to you to be cleared security-wise. Since this paper should be at the University of Michigan by 15 June, it is requested is Air-Vail at your earliest that you return the paper directly t opportunity for him to submit it to the University of Michigan's Electronic Defense Group. In my opinion, the paper presents no security problem. This abstract will be followed by a word-by-word paper to be written assuming the acceptance of this abstract. The abstract is of necessit broad -1- __ test matters. h n~. and I will face our real problems on a when the final paper is being composed. In order to develop certain technical details we would like very much to on 5-Band for to X1' have a copy of Reflection Patterns as measured by and angles up to 15? off a tail-on approach. This data has become quite important in the scientific analysis of the flight data. It would be much appreciated if you could send separate copies of such data for nd myself. Thank you very much for your prompt attention t6i these matters. Sincerely yours, Attachment a/ s detai Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/20: CIA-RDP67B00511 R000100280008-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/20: CIA-RDP67BOO51 1 R0001 00280008-3 cr ',.-thief Ogs9Y 1-PF-o0 Prop sec 1-Finance 1-Orono ? 1-SE-509 Prop Sec M-3594-59 ,/1-j. Hippert 28 May 1959 THRU SUSYECF Chief, Aperati Associates, TM (2) Repeater &=VMS et No. 83-50, 1. Attached is a cs of Associates revised Prvpe-sel for Two (2) Repeat J e , Mod . It is to be mated that Contractor's price has bases reduced by appreai tel r $20000.00. This reduction is a result of a transfer of useable a eats from the previous a trct P .. 00. 2. However, the Comtrr has indicated a desire for a Contract Ceiling Price of 10% over tue Contract rs-rget or his proposed price. glass it is policy to oblijtte the Ceiling Price when issuing a fact, it will. aftessary to place more i' on the contract than that V*yj a"roved is the Program Approval m.AL-M27. 3. To recap briefly: establt*bed. $67,000.00 37 established 28 368.04 s Contractor has P.rets 2 as Aster ala s V1,352.00 2 serfs qjare r 18, The dollar amount is still within the total a veed. In view of the fore jrtng a Program val for additie . funds will not be required at this tiles. However, in Pr es+ Approval M 4L-0657 an amount of $10,000 established as an unfirm item for flight toot and contractor tee representation during f1$. t toots. Formal oval by the /'P be nee" 4827 at a future date as the VmWm develgw. chief, Contracts Brancsh, i Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/20: CIA-RDP67BOO51 1 R000100280008-3 STAT? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/20: CIA-RDP67B00511 R0001 00280008-3 ~~- ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS- y 22 a 1959 .TED Cmvm=tLmg Officer ( W , 966 Cornnmercial Street' Palo Alto,? Ca4fornia DAvenport 1-4175 ?ur; 4' W AL fliedWice w) and It-was. pates that mm. awciakd e .Jag rget price and. t as- mmdmum price as the co=titer b e rzw . Our cho!re of an FPR Type W tract 'predicated on be fact .tyre f ii s some amo of de v&opme work W be perbokmed an t two urM in ql ei ka-M. ") > cd "edftatim c re" w1iL a a The these : prrice the centx ct aas been. '. be . re >f ed c a to *e coMeet E Wr u d eqaW& .a cwiW ; pw4d1l:vg fu revlts ; t a3 dowz rd to *Pat Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/20: CIA-RDP67B00511 R000100280008-3 co!" t of Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/20: CIA-RDP67BOO51 1 R0001 00280008-3 10% of less. 2o% 4 affi by 10% of . 20% of amoiiit by vbfth . 003t is less -g ~' er, Is even V4i lproli;- exc=d 15% 4t cW~t for t** amt of Modd 504 as modVied maMxW r fm Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/20: CIA-RDP67BOO51 1 R000100280008-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/20: CIA-RDP67BOO51 1 R0001 00280008-3 101a ors trapp J69 macum w caw yen twohmWe the ' ` fm ids. mhUh sfm well as dowmart Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/05/20: CIA-RDP67BOO51 1 R000100280008-3