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Approved For Release 2010/06/09: CIA-RDP67B00511 R000100110121-5
S JRCT: effect of supersonic Airflow and Shock Wave on
Aerial Photographic Resolution
References: As Listed
1. Considerable effort has been expended by the ARL at
WADC, to determine the effect of supersonic airflow (Mach i
to Mach 5) and shock wave on Aerial photographic Resolution.
This work carried on under Task 62)468, Project 6291 and later
Project 6220 indicates that although the Airflow and shock wave
will have some effect, it will be small in system having up to
100/1en resolution. WADC reports tin supersonic air flow and
photographic resolution are:
a. Sono notes about the deviation of a light beam passing
the disturbed density field surrounding a fast flying
b. Interim report on the study of the influence of
supersonic flight conditions on aerial photography.
c. Some direct determinations of the influence of super-
sonic airflow on photographic resolution power.
2. Parallel efforts at Boston University, now ITEK, produced
no conclusive results and have been cancelled. (See Task 62794,
Project 6220). Reports that may contain information on B.U.'a
effort are as follows :
Approved For Release 2010/06/09: CIA-RDP67BOO51 1 R000100110121-5
Approved For Release 2010/06/09: CIA-RDP67B00511 R000100110121-5
a. Tech. Note No. 54 - "A Preliminary Consideration
of Air Turbulence Effects on Definition in
Aerial. Photography" - D. E. M cdonald ?
21 June 1949.
b. Tech. Note No. 91 - "Photographic. Windov
Britton - i15 inv.1952?
Supersonic Aircraft
Flow on
c. Tech. Note No. 3.28 - "Effects of Supersonic BAir ritton
Photographic Inge Qaality"
Dec. 1956.
d. Tech. yNote No. 98 - "A Conperati ve Study of Some
Leigh-Altitude Photographic Systems" - C.
Aschenbrenner - June 1953.
e. AF 30 (602) - 1479 - Final Report- Advanced Recon-
RADC naissance System, Special Research Studies
Ccmittee - D. E. M adonald, et al - 31 July
1957 - SECRET
f. P. o. #61008-2470 - Final Report - The Effect of Thermal
Fairchild shock on Focus of the Fairchild Light-
Weight, 36.Inch Aerial Camera -
Hadrian B. Leahner - UNCLASSIFIED
I g. P.o. 115.2470 - Scientific Report - optical Consideration.
Fairchild of the MX-3$ 1964
System - J. T. Watson, W. C. Britton,
H. K. Howell, and J. A. Wolfe - March
3. of special interest in the area of supersonic flight are the
IM-58 tests soon to be conducted by Convair. Tests will take about
5 months and are heclaileto begin about ~ Inch cameras.. bed
of the photographic pad, buying 36,
at all speeds, altitudes and ranges.
4. Preliminary investigation indicates that the following other
non-government organizations may have also made ~suinvestigations in
the effect of supersonic airflow on photographic
Robinson Aviation Inc.
Teterboro, New Jersey
Rand Corporation
Attn : Anton H. Katz
1700 Main St.
Santa Monica, Calif.
Approved For Release 2010/06/09: CIA-RDP67BOO511 R000100110121-5
Approved For Release 2010/06/09: CIA-RDP67BOO511 R000100110121-5
w M
Chicago Aerial Intriess, Inc.
1980 N. Hawthorne Ave.
Melrose Park, M.
Pacific Optical Corp.
120 S. Giasgr Ave.
Inglewood 1, California
Cornell Aeronautical Lab.$
4455 Genesee St.
Buffalo 21, N. Y.
Bell Aircraft Corp.
P. 0. Box 1,
Buffalo, New York
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Northrapr Aircraft Inc.
Hawthorns California
Douglas Aircraft
Santa Monica, Cal.
Although no search was made at ASTIA for reports in this
area, it is felt that they mist have numerous reports available.
6. Since the supersonic area seem to pose only a minor
problem to aerial reconnaissance, the Air Force has directed
all efforts to the Hypersonic area. (10 to 25 Hach). The Air
Force has also indicated that should the* Dinosaur" program be
dropped they would stop work in this area. Some reports in this
area made during the study phase ofcrass Bell, are as follows:
a. #17. Brass Bell Reconnaissance Aircraft Weapon
Systems - Test Results: Ames Supersonic Tunnel
Tests of Double Wall Construction. Be3i Aircraft
Corporation Report No. D143-941-026, dated 30
June 1958.
"A Study of the Hypersonic Laminar Boundary
Layer with Dissociation", Part Is Technical
Report No. 1, by T. C. Adamson, University of
Michigan Report No. 2606.6-T.
j29. Same as above except - Part I Final Report and
Report No. 2606.7-F.
Approved For Release 2010/06/09: CIA-RDP67BOO511 R000100110121-5
Approved For Release 2010/06/09: CIA-RDP67B00511 R000100110121-5
"$ me New ft $a o High Speed Impact Phenomena",
by J. Huth, S. %bompeon, and U. Volkenburg.
ASO Paper 56-4-15, Anlied Meebanics Division,
November 1956.
Approved For Release 2010/06/09: CIA-RDP67BOO51 1 R000100110121-5