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25 YEAR RE-RE`_ Approved For Release 2010/05/11: CIA-RDP67B00446R000100250009-5 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, D,D., used this verse of Scripture preced- ing the prayer: Ephesians 5: 8: Now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light. Almighty God, as we turn to Thee in prayer, we beseech Thee that we may have the sincerity of a true faith and the fidelity of a loving spirit and be partners of the eternal Christ. Grant that we may enter with Him in the joys that will cheer us and the trials that will teach us to put our trust in Thee. Inspire us to yield our spirit eagerly to the guidance of Thy spirit that it may be touched to finer issues and trained for that higher service which always carries on faithfully anq without fear or fore- boding. . Help us to give a more far-reaching and wider expansion to the hopes of humanity, which our finite minds can- not explain and which are awed by a love and light which our hearts cannot fathom or comprehend. Hear us in His name in whom Thy life and love were humanized that we might see Thy purpose and meaning. Amen. THE JOURNAL The Journal of the proceedings of y terday was read and approved. MESSAGE FROM THE SENA A message from the Senate by Mr' Arrington, one of its clerks, announced that the Senate had passed without amendment bills of the House of the fol- lowing titles: H.R. 1453. An act for the relief of the Jef- ferson Construction Co.; S.R. 1870. An act for the relief of Edward 0. Morhauger; H.R.2139. An_ act for the relief of Mrs. Mauricia Reyes; - H.R.2354. An act for the relief of William L. Chatlain, U.B. Navy, retired; H.R. 3995. An act to transfer certain func- tions of the Secretary of the Treasury, and for other purposes; H.R.6497. An act to amend the Bretton Woods Agreements Act to authorize an in- crease in the International Monetary Fund quota of the United States; and H,R.8122. An act to authorize appropria- tions to the Atomic Energy Commission in accordance with section 261 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and for other purposes. The message also announced that the Senate had passed, with an amendment in which the concurrence of the House is requested, a bill of the House of the folloe ig title:' H.R.821. An act for the relief of the town of Kure Beach. N.Q. TUESDAY, MAY 25, 1965 The message also announced that the Senate had passed bills and a joint res- olution of the following titles, in which the concurrence of the House is re- quested: S. 125. An act for the relief of Armando S. Arguilles; S. 133. An act for the relief of Faustino G. Dumaplin, Jr.; S. 315. An act relating to the appointment of the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; S. 402. An act for the relief of Oh Wha Ja (Penny Korleen Doughty) ; S. 409. An act for the relief of Betty Tin- Sang Chan Cho; S. 442. An act for the relief of Carleen Coen; S. 449. An act for the relief of Stanislaw Bialoglowski; S.450. An act for the relief of William John Campbell McCaughey; S. 469. An act for the relief of Timoteo A. Tuazon; S. 516. An act to amend the joint resolu- tion entitled "Joint resolution to establish the St. Augustine Quadricentennial com- mission, and for other purposes", approved August 14, 1962 (76 Stat. 386), to provide that eight members of such Commission shall be appointed by the President, to pro- vide that such Commission shall not termi- nate prior to December 31, 1966, and to authorize appropriations for carrying out the provisions of such joint resolution; S. 579. An act for the relief of the State of New Hampshire; S. 582. An act for the relief of Aleksandr Kaznacheev; Woo and Morjin Chee de Woo; S. 586. An act for the relief of Maria Tsills; S. 616. An act for the relief of Miss Choun Seem Kim; 8. 826. An act for the relief of Har Gobind Khorana; S. 1039. An act for the relief of Andreina Viselli; S. 1040. An act for the relief of Giuseppa Rafala Monarca; S. 1064. An act for the relief of Mr. and Mrs. Juan C: Jacobe, and their four children, Angela Jacobe, Teresita Jacobe, Leo Jacobe, and Ramon Jacobe; 5.1084. An act for the relief of Shu Hsien Chang; S. 1103. An act for the relief of Kathryn Choi Ast; 8.1104. An act for the relief of Mirhan Gazarian; S.1138. An act for the relief of Lt. Rob- ert C. Gibson; S. 1196. An act for the relief of Wright G. James; S.1197. An act for the relief of Angelino Martino; S. 1209. An act for the relief of Specialist Manuel D. Racelis; S. 1388. An act for the relief of David Lee Bogue; 'S. 1390. An act for the relief of Rocky River Co. and Macy Land Corp.; S. 1405. An act for the relief of Jozsef Poz- sonyi and his wife,-Agnes Pozsohyi, and their minor child, Ildiko Pozsonyi; S. 1468. An act for the relief of Dorothy Eyre; S. 1498. An act for the relief of Nikolai Artamonov; and S.J. Res. 65. Joint resolution establishing the Commission on Art and Antiques of the Capitol, and for other purposes. The message also announced that the Senate agrees to the amendment of the House to a bill of the Senate of the fol- lowing title: S. 339. An act to provide for the establish- ment of the Agate Fossil Beds National Mon- ument in the State of Nebraska, and for other purposes. The message also announced that Sen- ate Resolution 102, disapproving Reor- ganization Plan No. 1 of 1965, traps- mitted to Congress by the President on March 25, 1965, failed in passage. CORRECTION OF ROLLCALL Mr. HALPERN. Mr. Speaker, on roll- call No. 104 I am not recorded as having voted. I was present and voted "yea," and I ask unanimous consent that the permanent RECOaD be corrected accord- ingly. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from New York? There was no objection. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FOR- EIGN AFFAIRS-"OVERSEAS PRO- GRAMS OF PRIVATE NONPROFIT AMERICAN ORGANIZATIONS" Mr. HAYS. Mr. Speaker, by direction of the Committee on House Administra- tion, I call up the resolution, House Res- olution 354, and ask for its immediate consideration. The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- lows: H. has. 354 Resolved, That there be printed for the use of the Committee on Foreign Affairs one thousand eight hundred additional copies of the report of that committee entitled "Over- seas Programs of Private Nonprofit American Organizations." The resolution was agreed to. A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. CALL OF THE HOUSE Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, I make the point of order that a quorum is not pres- ent. The SPEAKER. Evidently, a quorum is not present. Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I move a call of the House. A call of the House was ordered. 11119 Approved For Release 2010/05/11: CIA-RDP67B00446R000100250009-5 Approved For Release 2010/05/11: CIA-RDP67B00446R000100250009-5 , , , The Clerk called the roll, and the fol- The SPEAKER. Is there objection to The largest uncertain vote concerned lowing Members failed to answer to their the request of the gentleman from New American policy in Vietnam-14.6 per- names: York? [Roll No. 108] cent-and the smallest on prayer in Andrews; GRffin Resnick There was no objection. schools-3.1 percent. dr e W. Hagen, Calif. Reuss However, 54.9 percent of those answer- Georg Hanna Roncalio FABULOUS FOURTH ing favored continued participation in Bandstra Harvey, Ind. Rooney, N.Y. QUESTION- the war in South Vietnam using present Berry Harvey, Mich. Skubitz NAIRE 8pnner Hebert Smith, N.Y. methods. Brown, Ohio Hungate Smith, Mr. WYDLER. Mr. Speaker, in March The deepest splits developed on the is- Burton, Calif. Ichord Stubblefield of this year I mailed my second annual sues of "medicare"-46.5 to 44 percent- Carter Lennon Teague, Tex. questionnaire to over 100,000 constitu- and Federal aid to private and parochial Cpelf _n; Del Martin, Macdonald Ala. Toll Watts Clawso ents in the Fourth Congressional District schools-44.6 to 49.6 percent. Daddario Martin, Mass. Weltner of New York. Dulski Mathias White, Idaho Support for my bill, H.R. 2488, to give lynt Pool Willis Gilligan My first questionnaire last year elicit- tax credits to parents paying tuitson- FlntPowell Wright ed an enthusiastic response and requests 70.2 percent in favor this year as com- Green, Oreg. Price for more, and I promised to make this pared to 72.3 percent last year, The SPEAKER, On this rodlcall 386 procedure an annual one. Through it i The most interesting and unique re- Members have ,R, On this their names, learn the thinking of those who live in suit was on the personal choice of a a embers, the "Fabulous Fourth" Congressional political philosophy. Most persons de- qu unanimoUS consent, further pro- District and I keep abreast of public scribed themselves as politically "Mod- By unanimous j ce; the csel further pro- opinion. Although its printing is expen- erate"-43.7 percent. "Conservative" with. sive, it is well worth the cost to me. was selected by 28.8 percent and "Lib- Returns are still cam' i i 11120 COMMITTEE ON RULES Mr. COLMER. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that the Committee on Rules may have until midnight to- night to . file- reports. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the sissippi gentleman from Mis- There was no objection. REPRINTING OF CERTAIN REMARKS Mr. WYDLER. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to have my remarks of may 13 reprinted in more correct tabular form at this point in the RECORD. The insertion appears on page A-2383. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE May 25 1965 ng n at a rate eral by 20.1 percent. The balance in- which indicates we will surpass the unus- dicated no preference. ually high number of 14,000 replies re- The growing response and fact that ceived last year. more than half of the questionnaires re- There is no politics in this question- turned contained individual comments naire. It is sent to all registered voters shows that the,people of the "Fabulous regardless of party. Fourth" Congressional District do care The results were independently cam- about their Government. plied by Data Management, Inc. of benefit May 13 of last year, I gave the Washington, D.C. of this combined thinking of our Of the 11 questions asked only one re- of Repros my colleagues in the House entatves. ceived a "no" vote and that was on ad- of As promised, now mitting Red China to the U.N. There year -and on I the nsame a this again this was an overwhelming 73.7 percent and I and on day-May 13- against this. a nd will mail these results to all who live in 'the Fourth Congressional Dis- All the other questions received " " yes trict votes, the most emphatic being in favor My thanks and congratulations to of withholding voting rights from U.N. those who participated and made this members who do not pay dues-89.7 per- questionnaire a success. You have as- cent-and the next in favor of prayer in shred its continuation next year. public schools-81.1 percent. The questionnaire follows: Fabulous fourth questionnaire 1. Do you favor participation of Red China in the U.N.?______ FOREIGN POLICY 2. Do you favor c ntinued participation in the war in South Vietnam using 3. Do you favor withholding voting rights from U N member u s ds? h ay 17.5 73.7 8 8 . . s w o do not their ____________ _____________ ____ 54.9 30.5 . 14.6 _________ _ BOMEFRONT POLICY 4. Do you favor further Federal legislation to enforce the right to vote? I. Do you favor the 35-hour week? __________________ _ ----- - 89. 7 66.1 4.8 26.4 5.5 7 5 - -------------------------------------- _ ____ 46 3 42.0 . EDUCATION 0. Do you favor allowing a voluntary nondenominational prayer to be recited In public schools?____________ and 8. Do Do you you favor favor tax inclusion credits of for schools in Federal aid to education pro y ar r arent nt h . 81 1 11.7 s p g p e w o s ams?________________________ ____?________ o pay tuition for thou children attending school?- . 44.6 15.8 49 6 ---------------- -------------------------------- 70.2 . 24 3 SOCIAL SECURITY AND TAXES 9. Do you favor hos it l r . p a care for those ove 65, paid for by an increased social security tax? _______________ 10. Do you favor a reduction in spending to produce a balanced Federal budget?- -------------------------------- 46.5 44.0 9 5 11. Do you favor a hil GENERAL PHILO 72.2 16.8 . 11.0. p osophy Of government that is- g0 D ----------------------- dderate? SOPHY P ------- Liberal? ---------- ---- ------------- ---------- ---------------------------------------- ercent ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- --- ------------ 28.8 ------------------- 43 7 --------- ---- ------------ . - ------- --------------------------------------- - 20 1 ------------ . ---- ------------ FOREIQN,ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1965 ,Mr. MORGAN. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the.Union for the further con- sideration of the bill (H.R. 7750) to amend further the Foreign Assistance Actvof 1961, as amended, and for other The motion was agreed to. IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Accordingly, the House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union for the further consideration of the bill, H.R. 7750, with Mr. LANDRUM in the chair. The Clerk read the title of the bill. The CHAIRMAN. When the Commit-. tee rose on yesterday, the Clerk had read through the first section of the bill end- ing on line 4, page 1. If there are no amendments to this section, the Clerk will read. The Clerk read as follows: PART I Chapter 1-Policy SEC. 101. Section 102 of the Foreign As- sistance Act of 1961, as amended, which re- Approved For Release 2010/05/11: CIA-RDP67B00446R000100250009-5