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Approved For Release 2010/04/27: CIA-RDP65B00383R000200190002-0 1963' CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 22103 going abroad. The 'Johnson visit was said Vergelis. Neither are we seeking to in- great heat that there was no anti-Semitism to nIe an llHlireesides of ,Yr crease tensions between the two coun- in the Soviet Union, the latter insisting "a In general, besides trying to enhance, tries merely because as citizens of a free Jewish problem does not exist in the Soviet if possible, the already excellent ' Finnish- Union" and those in this country who say American relations lr? 1 iwmn wants to be nation we see and recognize the facts. so are interested only in "interfering with "aware, and make Washington aware, of any But certainly it would be a useful step the relaxation of tensions" between the way in which the United States can act to in the easing of tensions and in the rec- United states and the U.S.S.R. assist the Finns in achieving their funda- ognition of mutual interests if the Soviet Mr. Vergelis and the Russian poet were mental goal" of maintaining their, inde- Union would move to correct the injus- members of a three-man group of Russians pendence, tices that are so clearly evident to the who held a press conference at the head- "This," he said, "may mean doing entire world and to insure for all its quarters of the Soviet Mission to the United nothing:" - a?+ s,... ., .:.,... ._.I1-,.. - -----~ citizens the rich t.c whinh it en nrn.nAly Nations. Most of the questions directed at action doing nothing appears unlikely. oasts of before other countries. That ACTIVITIES OF MON VERGELI Mr. KEATING. I believe the Ameri- can people should be altertd to, the ac- tivities under the cultural exchange pro- gram of Aron Vergelis. Mr. President, among the cultural ex- change visitors from the Soviet Union who have been touring the United States was a man sent obviously for the purpose of denying and obscuring the extent of anti-Semitic activities, within the So- viet Union. Aron Vergelis, editor of a Yiddish publication in the Soviet Union, has tried to present himself in the United -States as a spokesman for the Jewish people in the Soviet Union. Yet it is evident that his purpose is not to give would be welcomed by all free peoples throughout the world. Mr, President, I ask unanimous con- sent to include, following my remarks, in the RECORD the text of an article and editorial which appeared in the Jewish press on this subject. There being no objection, the editorial and article were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: [From the Jewish Press, Nov. 29, 19631 ARON VERGELIS Aron Vergelis has come to America. Who, you will ask, is Aron Vergelis? If you were w re sen ence to ask the gentleman himself he would merely as criminals and that no anti- p modestly say that he is merely a Russian t Semitism was involved. writer here, together with 15 other such 1- worthies, on a 3-week tour of these United States. The man's modesty, however, does AMENDMENT OF TITLE V OF AGRI- the group, which was headed by another well-known Russian writer, Boris Polovoi, concerned the situation of the Jews in the Soviet Union. Both Mr. Vergelis and Rozhedestvensky avoided direct answers in regard to closures of synagogues by Soviet authorities and denial to the Jews of the Soviet Union cul- tural rights. However, Mr. Vergelis did pro- duce for the television cameras and other photographers a large colorful poster an- nouncing in Russian a performance by Yid- dish artists and said that there are more Jewish theatrical performances in the Soviet Union than there are in the United States. Challenged about the high percenage of Jews given the death sentence for alleged eco- nomic crimes in the Soviet Union. Mr. Ver- gelis said that the victims e t d the new trend of, persecution and dis- days, a celebrity at least. Because _. of _Aron AMENDED-HOUSE AMENDMENT crimination which fall to the lot of, the Vergelis 18 top Jewish leaders met in hasty The Senate resumed the consideration Jewish people within the Soviet. Union, conclave feverishly to discuss what to do of the amendment of the House of Rep- And above all not toserve as a genuine about him. Because of Aron Vergells, the resentatives to Senate bill 1703 to amend link between the Jews in the Soviet International Airport New York was filled title V of the Agricultural Act of 1949, with reporters waiting g for the Soviet jet Union and their coreligionists in the free that brought him here to land. as amended, and for other purposes. world. But you impatiently ask, why? Who is The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under In one statement after, another, Mr. this Aro i Vergelis? It is a simple question the order of yesterday, the Senate will Vergelis has tried to deny the obvious but one which, unfortunately, does not have now resume the consideration of the facts of discrimination, the closing of a simple answer. We could say that Vergelis amendment of the House of Representa- synagogues in the Soviet Union, the de- is a writer, a Soviet journalist, the editor of tives to S. 1703, the Mexican laborer bill. vial of a Yiddish language press or a. the only Yiddish magazine in Russia today. The pending question is on the motion cultural rights comparable to those of It would hardly be the whole story. We would have to say that Aron Vergelis Is of the Senator from Louisiana [Mr. nationality groups within the- Soviet a "mosey" (an informer) who has been sent ELLENDER] to concur in the House amend- Union. Vergelis has even Insisted that here by the Soviet Government to brand all ment, upon which 30 minutes of debate ".a Jewish problem does not rexist ill the the, stories about Soviet Jewish persecution is permitted, to be equally divided and Soviet Union" and that those, who discuss as a "fistful of lies invented by the capitalist controlled, respectively, by the Senator it are only trying to interfere and block ruling circles as part of their cold war from Louisiana [Mr. ELLENDER] and the peaceful relations between ,the United strategy." We would have to say that he is sent here to confuse the issues in the minds Senator from Minnesota [Mr. Mc- States and the Soviet Union.,, of the Jewish peoples. We would have to CARTHY]. Mr. President, I wish that the words quote you from one or two of his remarks The Senator from Illinois [Mr. DIRK- of Mr. Vergelis were true and that the upon arriving. SENI has requested a quorum call. Does rights of Jews and other, religious groups Thus, upon being asked why such minute the Senator ask unanimous consent that in the Soviet Union did receive the re- groups as the Gypsies and Yakuts have coin- the time for the quorum call not be spect which is their due, It is, however, Mete cultural autonomy while the Jewrzhave charged to either side on the bill? only too well documented that Jewish not, Vergelis quite logically said: "The Jews are already integrated; Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, I ask persons in the Soviet Unio, are being are satisfied with g a general Jewish culture." Upon being read that my request be modified according- general scapegoats for economic failure of a quotation from a Soviet journal that read: ly all kinds. Because of a sympathetic and "What is a Jew's secular god? Money. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- often sentimental tie with the State, of Money, that is the jealous god of Israel be- out objection, the request will be modi- Israel, Soviet Jews are, often considered fore whom there is no other god," Vergelis fled accordingly. disloyal citizens. They dare not, give the coolly replied: "I read it and it does not The clerk will call the roll. true story of the discriminations. they bother me in the least. It is not the kind The legislative clerk proceeded to call meet. But it is clear to those who have of Judaism I believe in that is being described in those the roll. looked at the mounting evidence that articles." And d s so,, while ee the yeshivas in Russia are Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, I ask the religious and cultural rights of the still closed and the synagogues diminish in unanimous consent that further pro- Jewish minority in the Soviet Union are number; while the physical well-being of the ceedings under the quorum call be sus- gravely threatened. In their continuing people is threatened and the spiritual life is pended. battle against all religion, the Soviet being destroyed, Vergelis comes to deny it all. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- Communists have recently exerted spe- Who-or what-is Aron Vergelis? We leave out objection, it is so ordered. cial pressures against members of. the it to you, dear readers, to tell us. Mr. faith ahave denied to them . HOLLAND. Mr. President, I speak Jsha and n which we in d the United Moscow EDITOR SAYS No ANTI-SEMITISM IN briefly in support of the motion made States regard as basic principles of gov- RusslA yesterday by the distinguished chairman States t and ethics. NEW YORK.-Aron Vergelis, editor of the of the Senate Committee on Agriculture Sovietish Heimland published in Moscow, and Forestry, the Senator from Louisi- Mr. President, the American people and Robert Rozhdestvensky, a prominent ana [Mr. ELLENDER]. His motion would are not deceived by the words of Aron Soviet poet, asserted here this week with, call for the adoption by the, Senate of the Approved For Release 2010/04/27: CIA-RDP65B00383R000200190002-0 Approved For Release 2010/04/27: CIA-RDP65B00383R000200190002-0 0 `'. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE bill as passed by the House, which would and Michigan, Where lase year some Tabor-not by the farmer in the field, 'extend the operation of the Mexican la- seven or eight thousand were employed not by the hometown, notby the State- ro act for 1 "year in harvesting the pickle crop. but by the Secretary of Labor, before &%. bra th t ce e e ac or ,, dilly, from December 31, 1963, to Decem- I do not think it is fair even to think braceros may be imported. ber 31, 1964. about eliminating this program and The first condition is that it must be The Senate, by a single vote margin, eliminating the possibility of the use of found by the Secretary that there are adopted the McCarthy amendment, 200,000 laborers by those who have to not sufficient domestic workers who are which was the amendment- omitted by depend upon obtaining laborers when able, willing, and qualified available at the House In the passage of Its bill. they need them, when the crops are the time and place needed to perform The 'House had the same subject be- ready to be handled, and when they are the work for which such workers are to fore 1t-that Is, the McCarthy amend= doing that at this very moment in part be employed. ,Mtn and it disposed of It In this wiy: of the area represented by the Senators The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The House Agriculture Committee re- from Arizona-and I see present the time of the Senator has expired. re- jetted the McCarthy amendment by a distinguished d by the senior enat rs from Cal for- quest that may have President, I dditionale2 vote of 28 to 4. When the McCarthy DE amendment was considered on the floor rila, who are interested in this program, minutes. of the House, it was rejected by a division and by the Senators from Texas, who are Mr. ELLENDER. I yield 1 minute to vote of TO to 131. ' vitally interested in this program. the Senator from Colorado. The bill as passed by the House calls Mr. President, in my own State we do Mr. ALLOTT. The second qualifica- for an extension of 1 year only, Without not use these particular laborers. We tion that must be met is that the See- the McCarthy amendment. use, at times, laborers from the offshore retary of Labor must determine that em- different -- pioyment of such workers will not a.d- ti l re y f Islands under an en Statements were made on the Moor othe House to theeffect that i year would rang'emettt,'Under which we pay much versely affect the wages and the work- be the limit of the extension to be ex- more than is paid In the case of Mexican wing orkers similarly of domestic agricultural pected by those who are using Mexican laborers. braceros for the production and harvest- It would be very burdensome and dif- The third qualification is that reason- ing of their perishable crops. ltcult for the thousands of affected farm- able efforts have been made to attract I understand that the distinguished ers to solve the problem in such a short domestic workers for such employment chairman of the Senate committee slated time. Passage of the bill with the Mc- at wages and standard hours of work *esterday on the Senate floor that so far Carthy amendment added to it would not comparable to those offered to foreign as he and his committee are concerned, solve the problem. I strongly support workers. their commitment Is to an extension -of the pending motion. Mr. President, there are many articles 1 Year, and not beyond that time.' Mr. ELLENDER? Mr. President. I which I should like to include in the Without laboring the question, let me yield 3 minutes to the distinguished Sen- RECORD. However, I ask unanimous con- make two points. First, this program is atur from Colorado. sent that at this time there may be oiae requested by the Mexican Govern- Mr. ALLOTT. Mr. President, I spoke printed in the RECORD an article entitled meat Itself. I served In the Senate com- at some length on this subject matter "Bracero Program Is Vital Part of State's mittee when this solution was arrived last night, and today I wish to make only Agricultural Economy," published in the at. The Mexican Government wanted two or three points, and to offer those Centennial State Farm Bureau News; It done his way because It said that Points for the consideration of Senators. excerpts from the testimony of Robert under the old program Mekican'Iaborers First of all, I appreciate the position M. Sayre before the House Agriculture moved, too frequently, from coiniritinities Of the distinguished Senator from Min- Committee; and questions and answers which,hatl no problem of unemployment. nesota [Mr. MCCARTHYI, who opposes concerning the Mexican national pro- The Mexican Government wanted fo the motion of the Senator from Louisi- gram. have the right to select the laborers who ana. There being no objection, the mate- would come to this country from-areas I am sure he does so in all sincerity. rial was ordered to be printed in the to" have However, I say to him and to other Sen- RECORD, as follows: the f re ore of unemployment, charge of the selection and handlifig of ators who are in his position that the [From the Centennial state Farm Bureau ] enior Senator from Colorado would not News, July-August 1963 for these laborers in our caun ry. possibility for the Secretary of Labor, I Despite the fact that the number of sea Valley when he told the Senators and ,ouch. laborers has greatly decreased in within the 1-year extension, to put into Representatives that without this source of the last year about 200,000 of hem came effect the workmen's compensation pro- labor the vegetable industry in Colorado into , areas producing perishable fruit vision, which must come under State has had it." and commodities, and some other coin- -laws, and implement the other condi- Unless Congress acts to reverse the vote madltles, but mostly perishable commod- tions and provisions of the McCarthy cast in the House of Representatives late amendment, before the expiration of the in May. Public Law 78 will expire at the tion,tohelp, in the main. in the cultiva- Act. end of this year. The proposed extension tion and harvesting of highly seasonal effect, the Senate would of the law was defeated on May 29, de- alld perishable crops, which must be bar- Therefore, in scribed by Representative CHENOWETH as vested at the time they mature. ' be indulging in an exercise in futility if very bad day to try to get serious considers- . 'We are now in the middle of a har- it did not accept the motion made by the tion of the proposed legislation to extend Senator from Louisiana. the program. peenniligding on year and the a p area a in In wnhic h char,these ds The question has been repeatedly Being the day before a holiday, many of the Members of the House were absent. The laborers are employed, because they are raised: What kind of program is this? total vote on the measure was 158 to 174. ;employed from Texas, Arizona, New r wish again to call to the attention of CHENOWETH pointed out that all but one Mexico, and California, just outside the Senate the fact that three main con- member of Colorado's delegation in the House Mexico, up through Colorado, Arkansas, ditions must be met by the Secretary of worked hard to save the law in the House. s their, people. That purpose was accomplished under presume to judge the conditions in Min- BRACERO PROGRAM Is VITAL PART OF STATE'S this program. 'it was not accomplished nesota, New Jersey, New York, or any AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY under the former program. It Will not State other than my own. I hope that The Importance of Public Law 78 to the be accomplished by the program-'which they will accord to those of us who are sugarbeet, lettuce and vegetable segments will be left on the books after this pro- Involved In this matter the same cour- of Colorado's agricultural industry was em- gram and the same consideration. phasized by both producers and processors $ exist. The main issue, so far as the Senator at a meeting with four members of the As I have stated, therefore, first, the from Minnesota is concerned, is whether state's congressional delegation in Denver Mexican Government wanted this pro- on June 21. gram. It gives the Mexican Govehmefit the mate will accept the motion made At a meeting arranged by Farm Bureau an opportunity to send laborers from by the distinguished Senator from Lou- with Senators ALLIOTT and DOMINICK and 'areas. where acute unemployment exists isiana? or whether it will adopt the Representatives BROTZMAN and CHENOWETH, in their own country, and to know that amendment which was in the Senate both growers continuatiand of the Mexican brae their people will be fairly treated. bill originally. cero program. Secondly, we must consider the need First of all, this is only a simple 1-year The situation was summed up in a very t extension, and it would be a physical im- few words b George Bensheid of the Arkan- Approved For Release 2010/04/27: CIA-RDP65B00383R000200190002-0