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June 1974
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
June 1974
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
The NIS is National Intelligence and may net be re-
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
This chapter supersedes the armed forces cover-
age in the General Survey dated .tune 1970.
A. Defense establishment
1. Military history
2. Command structure
B. joint activities
I. Military manpower
2. Strength trends
3. Training
4. Military budget
5. Economic support and logistics
6. Uniforms and insignia
C. Army
1. Organization
2. Strength, compositicn, and disposition
3. Training I
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
-I rmo rrrc rn c.
E. Air force
4. Logistics
5. Army aviation
D. Navy
1. Organization
2. Strength, composition, and disposition
3. Training
4. Logistics
5. Naval infantry
6. Naval air arm
E. Air force
1. Organization
1 Strength, composition, and disposition
3. Training
4. Logistics
F. Paramilitary
1. Civil Guard I
2. Armed Police
Fig. 1
Military high command (chart)
Fig. 2
Personnel strengths table)
Fig. 3
Defense expenditures table)
Fig. 4
Army Central General Staff chart)
Fig. 5
Military regions map)
Fig. 6
Canary Islands Command map)
Fig. 7
Spanish Legion photo)
Fig. 8
Ski troops photo)
Fig. 9
Light tank photo)
Fig. 10
Medium tanks photo)
Fig. 11
Armored personnel carriers photo)
Fig. 12
155 -mm howitzers towed) photo)
Fig. 13
155 -mm self propelled howitzers
Fig. 27
Fig. 14
Surface -to -air missiles photo)
Fig. 15
105 -mm howitzer photo)
Fig. 16
Tank landing ship photo)
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP0l- 00707R000200090014 -1
Fig. 17
Naval shore establishments map)
Fig. 18
Navy command structure chart)
Fig. 19
Destroyer escort photo)
Fig. 20
Utility landing craft photo)
Fig. 21
Mirage III -E fighter bomber photo)
Fig. 22
HA -220 Super Saeta aircraft photo)
Fig. 23
Short takeoff and landing aircraft
Fig. 24
Air Ministry chart)
Fig. 25
Air facilities map) I 1
Fig. 26
Civil Guard police dogs and
instructors photo)
Fig. 27
Water trucks used in riot control
Fig. 28
Officers' uniforms and insignia
chart) follows
Fig. 29
Other uniforms and insignia chart)
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP0l- 00707R000200090014 -1
Armed Forces
X. Defense establishment
I'he Spanish am ed forces consist n( it 201 .11110 -man
arm I 13.200 -ratan n:-\\ \\ith :i:i major conthatitnt
shipN: and a :31, 1111 -111ui air fnrcc \\ilh yyc) airc�rith. of
\\hic h :iO(i are jets. 'I'll(- t\\u paramilitar\ forces �tlic
62.000 -ratan (:i\il G (arc( and tit(- :32,000 imin :\rmcd
Polio �are resp( nsihlc for ntaintainint; internal
scc�nrih. AitdOrra. ;1 coprincipalih joint(\ adntinis-
ter( -d I)\ S )it iI I an(I Fran((-, has nu anne(I Inr(-( (Si
\Ithc,;lgh nnnu�rom intpnt\enn�nts ha\e b( vi ntut(I(
in each of the three it rtIw(1 wr\ices since the a(I\rn! c,I
the ('.S. \lilitar\ \ssistancc Program IMAP) in I95:
Al it re ha fill ic�apped It\ shctrtttg(-s in modern
-it1ipnt( t it fill specialist persaoa(-I. lu> islic;tl
%cak11c -l-,- and insufficient training. 'I'll(- arrtud
tore(- ha\(- nu ,iv
nific ;utl oil; nsi\c ;tpahiliti(-s.
\'itfiuilt outside militar\ assistance, the\ (mulct defend
Spain and its mvrwiis pro\inces against ;I modern
rtggressor oral\ for if short period. The Spaniard is
tungh ;uul do p] Itat ri rat ic. II\mi\(-r. ;Ind :titer :t
Iirr ilecl dclating action the if rnted Iurc(-s cmild he
(-\pec�tecl to ill i(- resistance to tut iIf\ctcler nI
continental Spain iu the Imin of gncrriII ;i \\it rfare. (S)
Spain is not if mendwr of the \urth At fit tit ic� Trcah
Org;utization \'I'O1. I) ut It(-cause oI its Itusiliuu
the entrant�(- uI the \\(-stem \1(-cliI rran(-a I acid its
strategic \aloe in the def(-�ts(- (-I the southern IneIIII -rs
of NATO. the l nilcd St;ttes has Faa(I an agm(-nu�nl
\\ith Spain since 1953 granting the nited Slnles air
it na\al base rights. Spain is closet\ linked to
Portugal for defense of Ili(- Iheritut Peninsula h\ the
'treat of I� ri(-ndship and \un:tggmssiun. made in
March 1939. itnd an additi.mii! protocol of 19 M, 'I'hc
proloc�ol contntits the I\\u nntious to Ill ill o ;tl
mils Id t at lolls \\hen(-\cr (-\i�nts Ina appear to
constitute it c�rurrcnt nr pnlential danger to Ili(- securit
or independence of either coanitr\. 'I'll( close
peninsular ties \\crc c eitcniled on 2I1 December 14) I'? in
;I formal joint proc�Ianwtion kno\\n a s the Iberi;ut
Pact. hcprrs(-nlatkc(- of the g(-n(-r ;al sLtfk of the t\\n
c minlries ravel periodical(\ lur disc nssiuns, u"mill\
each \(-ar..tltvrn ;ock in Madrid and Lisbon. p
l) cmmlin.tle plans Im the defense of the pcniii id., in
the e\ent r,f I r. 'I'llc� Spaiiiard c�untinnc� ti, be
cv,nc�t�rncd o\cr de \cI( gmicnl� in \urli \1ric ;t that
rata\ iIIfvct the sec�nrih ut .mitItem 1 p tin ;t if( I lit \r
shu\\n incn�;tsing 11 sine( H)ti:i 1 I I t the\
consider PurtuvaI's nnr(-alistic \fric;ut li dic\ ;111(1 its
clfects un Sp;utisi iII ro is iII \lest \fiicI. Tlw
Spanish \nrth \frI II placesul srnerrignt\ Ipfil:(Is rlc
sulu�raniu). or presidiw, mil t1 c esl \fric�an pi
uI Sp;utish Salial -a ore (tainted h\ \brie( I'u prutc -t
Spanish inlemsts. ground luri. :I*( IIIiIinl;tiII in
(:(rata 1111(1 \1(-lill;i. the nu,sl siguific ;lot prrsicli4 ;111
Spanish Sahara I(:
I. Military history (U /Ot')
The Sp;utish nnIc(I forces arc proud of their ntiIit ;(r\
traditions. I)nring the Itith crntnr\, hen Sp ;tin rifled
:ut empire� its ini:tntr\ \\as feared thoulghuul
;yid its na\ held silprcntac\ uI th(� setts. Spain
declined as it great p(mcr in the 1-111 it Ist11
C' 'it and in I,Stl,ti its firers \\ere defeated in the
\apolronic in\asion ui lhr I,ctiinsttl;,. Dining
\apulrun s nti lit ar\ uccup:ilinII that Iullu\\cd. ;t
Iraclilion of gucnri]I;[ \\;nhuc dc\clulto I iI; the Spa IlisII
people. (:ncrriIlit acli)If contributed to the Ii iii l dcieII
ul the French mid marked the beginning of dO -iii ncs
Rich :irc still stl sscd in the Spanish \rat\
Procl ;tinting its dissatisfaction \ith leftist trends in
the Second Republic (19:il -:i6 the ;tent\ rc\nitc(I
.,;tins( tit(- i omernnu�nl on !S 1111\ 19: 1)nring lhc:i-
\I %II (:i\iI \'it r \\Rich I4)11o\\c(1. ;I]limst ;ill
ict;itLu ;I rim ;is \\ell as must ulliccrs of the rt ;t\\
suppmlcd tit(- \ationalist lmvcs cunun ;uuled h\ Gcn.
Fr;mcis(�u I�'r ;un�u. 'I'hc ;tie Iorce (-rate rgrd front lbc
:i\il Will' ;1s ,tn in(Icpcndcnt scr\icc.
Spain \\as neutral in \\meld \\';u I and maintained
All official polio of fl(mbelligcrrnc,� Mid nr�ntialih in
\\'mulct \V it 11. Pcrsortnel in the Spanish Blue i)i\isiun
and Spmlislt pilots \\hu p ;ulicipalcd in contb;al \\ilh
the (:(-rnt;uts ;tg,ainst the Smirts art the F:istcrn I'rnnl
\\(-t ulliciall\ classified as \olnntcers. Since \odd
at 11 the rani\ combat the Spanish arnmd forces ha\e
e\p(-riencrd occuried \\hen the grin\ crag ;tgcd in :1
Ininnr conllict. \\it!t ;tie anel n;t\\ snpporL ;tgainsl
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
IrrcI!III�Ir %Ion,cc�;ol I() r( cs in Ibli ,III(] tItt� Slxolisll
Sahara front I%rridwr 195, to I cbnl,In 195'5.
It )it ScIItcrttber 195:) 1ltc I IIitcd Shltc, sit!ocd sot
,fret meat cc ith SI )iii 11 that ;IIh)%c cd llH� I nitcd States
to cslal,lidi stratci;ic ,Iir brit :Intl nas:Il iiistallittions
in Sp.iiit in return for economic ao(1 ntilitan
assislaIICc. I iidcr t( Fits of tln� hasic arccnu�nt Slr,liit
v; vaned base rights to tote I'nitud Staics ftor it Ito \car
lu�riod. stitII IIrocisions I I I r rcnc\cals IIIr t%co sIIc�c�csi\I
.i Car Io( rinds. "I "hc base avrrcnu tits \(rre rcnccccd Io,-
a �-sear period ()it 26 September 196: Bene\cal III tl.c
sc(�) 5 -\car period kits d(�la \ed until 1969, idthouvlt
the peri()d of cYlcnsioil III the bast rit,hts dalcd Front 26
S(-I)Witibrr 196 The c0-tision \N. s for 2 \cars, ;utd
Inrtlici t,et!oli,itions resulted iII ;ol c\tcn.i(Ill of the
bast rights to 6 Sritlrnthcr 19,5. \IiIitun cnd item
:ISSist it IICC to SIr,ItII has orrl hcen c\tcnsi%c. but it hits
in:Idc ILOssible the dikht dcirec of proj!ress the itrnu�d
h hi,\ achicY(rd iII lh,�ir modcn;izalion cflnrts.
Sl),oti0i lotirc�hascs oI .S c(Iltii)nirnl Iulcc bcf�tt
aci]itatrd undcr taints (0 the host iwrevincitts. art(
I .S. aid IiiIs bccn 6% to tItr ILro(hiction of sonu�
itcnts in SIr,Iin. incluLlinL Iisc wide(]- ntissilr(
f :ommand structure (C)
Tllc :Ilicf of SLIIc. (:o n. Francisco I mete(). is
:onnnauIlrr in :hir�I of the Itrined frets and of the
1mrantilil:tn ;orccs I I iL;urc I. Ile cscn�iscs control col
the thrcc re llar strict throu IIIL� Nihikters of
rin, \;I\\, and Air: he direct control o\cr
the .\i� Defense :onnoand in time (of \car. "There is IIu
ininistcr of dcicnsc. "I "hc \1ini of Interior (-()lion,],
the pr,welinu� adntinislrittion ;Intl cniploY meat of the
'i\ if Guard and the Arwed Police. IloccrYrr. under
the r(�urhuni /.ItiIIII of tIL(� anIIY ntinistn. cchich is to the
i II II.nmIIlcd durinv 19, I. the \IiiIislcr of :\rnt\ ct il!
conlrfol tit( Itcac�ctitne and \cartinu� adIItinislriitioo of
the (:icil Guard. Ile ccill also super\iw mid ILrmidc
logistic stiplmrt hor booth or>;anir(Itions and kill ha\c
(ot)erali(Inal c(mtr(II oYer the Arined Police in the c\rnl
of nuobiliz :]lion" for hcnc\er it is neccssar\ to insnrc
coo rdinalimi of internal secoril\ tortes Y%ith ntilitarY
"I'ic \.ttinnal Defense B(nitre] it(b iscs tote (:Iticf of
Stint I,it the Io of tuitional defense ITolicics.
It (hits r'ol bolt] rct!ular ntcrtint;., but ntcinbcrshil)
includes the President oI the (:rn erntncnt: the (:hir�f of
the I Iii-lt :cncral Sl :tlI: and the \liliktcrs and Chicls
(II the Genera] Stalls of A rim \aYC. a11(1 :fir. As
rc(I tit rcd, the \1inisters of Foreign Ahairs, Interior.
Ind list n, and :onintcrcc, ;itid the I)irectors :ciicra] oI
I fill list I of the lhrcc sm ites IInIY be called for
I'hc I!iih GCIleral S1:III. :t I, Iii It ntiIitiIr\ a(]Yison
Ind cnr)rdiii;itifw, Iif)d is resiifitsiIdc Iorcoordi lit tint;
III join I stall Innclions of tlic armed lorcrs. 'I'll( Iii cl
I f the IIit;lt General Still is assisted b\ :I deplitY. it
r i
Close association in peacetime end full operational conhol in wartime or emergency
Control in lime of war
FIGURE 1. Organization of the military high cor:mand (UOU)
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
socrcttriat. an(I three numbered scc�tioIs. "I'l
��c�rc�t;,rl:,t han(lIt's .\;trious ntiscrllaneous and
aclr cr., ',c� matters. inclIlding 1(�r;al ;111(1 financial:
the :lion is r(�sponsi IIc for preparing and
more trot( L;ic� do f(nc Itlans: t Second
Scc�i: ,1. .00rdinates techni(al and cc�onontic acti.\itic,
and research and programs of the three
scnic(�s: and the Third Section produce's political.
ceononuc�. and militan inteiligcnc�c.
B. Joint activities
I. Military manpower (C)
'I'll( profec�te(l ntilit:ln nlanpo.\cer
polcnti;lf of nudes
bchc(rll ill(' ages of 15 and 19 its of
I t 11tuar.\ 19 1 is
estimated to total about S.5- 1.1,0(10. pproxinta(cl.\
TT being ph fit for
Dis:ribulion be 5 -.\car agc gnulps is
expcc te(1 to be its
To FA 1�
\T3,I111:11 111 1,011
Or M .\
x11.11 m1v s1 m'rcr:
i0 -3 -I 1,13-1,(100
:35 -39 1,1.31.0(10
�I0-11 1,1
1 1.0(10
:15 -�10 I MS�1,(10(1
Total, 15 -1f) 8,5.14,000
"hc a.\cragc Iminher reaching nlilitar.\ at;c (20)
197 1 7S, is cxpcctecl to be ;tln,ut 275,(IO(l.
I?.\rr.\ III;I citizen I liable for conlpIIIm,n ntiIitan
scnicc and is rc(IIIirc(I to register at age IS: hcr,
he is not indrlc�icd until th(� .\r:tr in %%hic�h he reaches
;tt(e 20. Of the ann11 ai cowcript c�l:rss. the arm\ in(Inc�t s
:rppi-minl:liel.\ 150.1100 to 1(15,00(1: the na.\.\. about
IS -000 to sen in the flit\.\ and na.\ :l1 infawr\
marines) ;rn(f the air for( approxim;ttcl.\ I.(iUO. "1'1c
Ihrce scniccs enroll short -terra .\ohmie��rs along .\.\itll
the conscripts. 'I'lle ;Inn.\ a(�cepls ,boll, 25.000 short
1-11, oluntecrs cacti r;lr: the n:r.\.\. 1,000: the air
force, +lllproxim;,i,�I.\ 6,500 I:onscripis and short tout
.\olrinteers compt approxiraaicb (iS) ,red 22',,
respccli%cl of the enlisted strength of the ;out.\;
Amid ,SW, ;rnd S',. respccli.\ck, of the n;rc.\ enlisle(I
sireogth; ;111(1 :11)orit I I and 1.5(;. mspcc�li.\ -k, of ille
air fr,rc(� enlisted strength.
I'l1c origin of (outputs ha\c
vtppmrh�d the c\rrc�isc� TI Sp; 111islt \ir Fmrcr
regul;1rl\ Ili olici Ili lcs in ;tie (Iclrn,r e\rrcise, i t I I the
V.S. Air Force and \;t\ fhe Sp;tmi,h \it\ takes part
FIGURE 2. Armed and paramilitary forces personnel strengths (S)
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
1\ 11, APNIVII
I'ttltr F:
W ARD "MACE: 'r o'I'AI.
31, WO
13 _,11110 111,1100 366.21111
62,000 1.1,01111 366, 100
112,0110 :30. 0111, :31111.1110
62,000 :32,11111) 372 0 .111111
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
in ioint trtininti; exerckcs kith the V .S.. Portuguese.
F rcftc h. and Italian
I'hc Superior \ational I)cfc ns Studies (:enter
(:c tit ru Superior de l ;strrdins de la l)e(en.vcr
Var�iona1 (:1� :SI DFX! is ;t triscrxi(-c school cchich
opened in 1965 un(Icr control of the high Central
Staff. (:ESI':I)1:\ pro\idcs it 1 111onth c�oursc in
aclsanc(I mifitim studies an(I if -month joint staff
course. "I "hc adx;tnc�ed militan studies -ours(,. ronghls
c�ornpantble to the 1 .S. \atinnal Wiir College. is open
to s�Icc�Ied arts\ and air force gcncral officers,
ildmirtls. an(1 high- rankini; c�icili ;ors in go\ ern ment
s�n ice. "fhc joint sLtff (,ours,. comtpurahle
to the V.S. armed Forc�cs Staff Collcgc% is offered to
s Icc�ted majors and lieutenant c�oloncls of the arrm
Mid air forcc and to lil'ntl�nnr)I corttnrturders mid
colrI ma fillers of the ma\\. ;ill of \c bon) 11)11"1 he
graduates of a scn ice staff school. 'I'll( thrcc ser%ices
exc� 'lit ngc students at their upper keel "�hoofs
(Superior Schools i but not at st;tIf s�hnol lcccl: Inc
cxccption is the Amex General St;tff School, c\ hi( .11
:tcc(Tts nasal infanlrn officers. Arftrx officers attend
tsco air force schools on if rc,t!ula; basis �thc Paratroop
School and the Superior :fir'whool for the air t,rotrmd
cooperation course. trim pilots arc recci\ing
i list mction in the l sited States. brat all hclic�opter
training rccviced bs arm\ pilots is cond ;u t(,d in Spain
b' the Spanish Air Fore(,. E ntrance ex ;tmtinations for
the thrcc \�nice academics arc unified.
Officers from the three services attend schools in
Portugal am(I the l solid Sl;tics. :uul selected arnr
officers attend staff arrcl cc ;tr colleges in hats. 1�'rimcc,
WeO Cermlan', and A mcntina. eCistim ('x('ha m4c
agreement for the ;trmn to send officers to if staff
school in the I'ftilcd hilucdoft) has riot been utilized
for the past fc\\ ,ears. \at officers tma\ attenc: the
\;teal Command and St ;tff College in the flepul)licof
China. :1nn, and na\c officers h;t\e ultcnciccl special
schools in France.
1Rcc�a11" of the loco eci re;Itiomal keel it I'd the Iac�k of
bac�kt;rommd in tee bnicn', skills, the bulk of the cnhsicd
personnel reccke no lrchnical training.
4. Military budget (U /OU)
Rn(Igcts for flit� Spanish armed lore( are prcpnrcd
"ithin each of the Ihrcc separate service ministries.
"111(1\(1 bnclgct re(lncsts, together dill) those for the
Ckil :uard and Armed Pnlic�c (prepawd in iiw
Minisin of Interior). c�onstitntc the n;ttion;tl clefeus
budget. \chick is rc\ic\ccd bs the (:ooncil of \linislcrs
and fomarded to the ('nrYe.e Fspanalos fhc Spanish
parliauu�nl. for rtpprmal. :',fl('r p;trlian)ent"s ;tpproc ;tl
the (Icfcr)se appropriation bills beconu' la\\ cc hen
signed b` the (:Iricf of Stalc and connlersigned h\ the
\1inistcrs of Arnn. ;tx Air. turd Interior.
Sincc IS)wi Spanish deferr, c\pcndilures II;r\c
dedincd as a perc�cntat;c of c�cntral gmrnunent
t xpellditwes. cc hilt rcntctinirtg stable it it perccntagc
of the gn)ss national pro(Inct (C \P). I)urit)g the
period 1966 through mw) ti
cs a\rragrci _(i`r of
central gmcrnn)cnl expenditures turd :i.5'( of the
C\ P; during 1970 1 I rot,gh 19 1lic a\cr ;tt;cd 19.1 1
of central grn er umnl c\pcndilures imd :3.5`, of the
\P. TI c 19, proposed defense hudTcl is the
cclrtkalcnt of above VS�S1.,60. I million. if Iigmrc that
represents I of the central gmrnuncnt's bndgrl.
Ou it functional ftasis the I :3 budget itllocatcs itbont
55 for personnel, :32 for nperaIions and
maitttcnanc�c. and 1 :3 `r for proc�orcntcnt of minor
etluipnt('rtl and mililan eonstnrclion. Petit ;tl
c\pcftd:tures for 1911 throat *h 1972 ;utd the propowd
budgcl for 19 7:3 arc sho\tri in figure '3.
5. Economic support and logistics (C)
Spina has n)a(c sit;nific:tnt progress hmard
ittduslrializaliort in recent \ears. The agricultural
sector still )cculti��, it immine posil in the
econonn. and the counts is \irlualk self- snfficieuf in
food. hilt n)anttfacttiring output is oocc ncark double
the otrrput of agricttltttre. Thcc\pancling n)annfac�tur-
ing sector proc!uc�cs most c�onsunu�r goods ;end :tl
son)e capital goods. such ;u roachinen and
lranslortaIion e(f Ili pn)cnl. *I'll( musts is xtelI
endo"cd ccith tmc st i 'Id list Iirtl ra\c materiak. bat
i. Al (,cruel(, nil must be in)ported.
Ircnu�stic oulpt)l in direct support of the ;trntccl
forces is lin)itcd tc. infimtn t\c;tpons.:trtillcn np to
105 -rant lank guns, and anrnrunitinn Irrtnsport and
special purpose cchicles: felecorn Ill unicalion.
elec�lrnnic, engine('). nncl (fuarterm;tslcr c(lttiptncnt:
snhrnarincs mid guided n)issilc deslrme! escorts::otd
soft)( transport and icl trainer :tircr:tlt. The planned
Frcnc�h- Spanish a \1 -IM lank coproduction progr ;tot
is evccled to pro\ide Spain c\ith nn armored \chicle
production c:tpahilit. cc ithin the next so\t ce;us.
Simin relics pri mill ib on the I "sited States for most
Ilea\. or c�on)ple\ n)ilitar\ e(Ittipmenl, all hough
pt)rc�hases in \\(,stern I;nrnpc h:t\c inet ;tsecl in mccnl
13cro,\ccn 1952 and I9)T2 the t sited SLtics
snppiiccl ocrr million knell) of n)ateriel, of ;t l)iclr
mutrc than ,tilt', ;Is Iurt)ishccl ;Is graul ;lid \Blot;tn
cc!t)iIm ICI l \;tlncd at mcr S75 n)illion \cas pn chased
iron) Weston I�. nntpc;ut c nnlrics bcic(ccn 19;O and
The Ifl6stieal s\stcnrs of the ihrcc scnices are
seporitic, but the concepts of joint logistics Im\ been
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
FIGURE 3. Annual defense expenditures (C)
(Millions of U.S. dollars
"tudic(I b% the IIit;h :cncr ;:l tiLIII I()r it number of
\e;tr: joint IttJOicuf doctrine. mrc inc'udcd in comma
ul (:I:' I ;I)1 ;IS v.c11 Is in con s in the Sup( iior
Schttf of III( ArnI\ ;Iti(I the \nit\ :crlcr,d SLIII
Sch( ;)I. 'I'lic ticr%ice nlitiiOrics hl\c .lu(li(�(i the
,tim(IIr(li/ittimi of \ariom Irt:dc .0 ;tint
tililitim inten-4 incc 195 :Intl there ha. be-11 "Onu'
prmt res in acccptimcc for ww h\ the rcgulrtr Ncniccs
;u)(I the paranlilitan !once (II cerluiti tmidi (lizcd
I!I IIIti. vIc�h I Inc(Iicml ,ul) l )l iv", hl ;lnk, pillo(c
cloth Ior imilonns mn(I diirk. ;md \aricu minor took
Dille phui ;iI ,opplics I rc procnrc(I joinik
h(1%ccccr. ;Intl thew Ire Obkiincd b\ the Phiiinuw\
1 ()ill( \c� tu IitI1 I )it r(I tiII i Ic(I in i96
mull c�(r tit rnll ;�(I b\ the high Genera,! ',I;III. �fri"cn ice
,tic Of nliIihir\ hO i Ili] u(Iiiit; clinic itIld
11nnit(Iriun I c�Otr(Iinmte(I b( I btmr(I imd( the
(lireclion OI the high :cncr,ll Slrllf.
6. Uniforms and insignia (t! /Ot')
I'tiiltrm mguotitti, of the Sp:utidi t,rtulld It rcc"
haw� not bcvii rc\kcd lilt omv time: wt ;II rind air
force, imilorm regulation. ;ire being rccic\cc(I.
Climigc It the imiltrm :In(I ill
the I)iulio 01ic�inl J)Hicirll Filllel ill l. I Ili ng1ty, Itr
Olfic�crs. \c:Irmtit Offic( r. it nd cnlklc(l Inca c\iIIIiII
itch of the three ticn icc arc i(Icnlical it! ctfor im(I
soling. Different I\I)c of imilonw, 'Ire (corn for
dilfercnl occii ion ,cm of the \car. ;Ind
gcoirmphical ..rv;l. in \chich .erring. P;iradc, dres.
Wrlic�c, Intl licl(I oniftnm ;(re mthoriic(I lot \ce;II Ire
III Ncn ice
llc >;ruun;l ltr�c wr\ic�c n ii form i olitr-(Ir;th. II
0011 kt, OI ;I rolled collar liipcI -t\ l)' (-()ill *tout \,ith I
t ;ln(I ;m(I full c�011ur ()r jackcl c,tn It( mmi in place Of
theI;(f1(�I- l.f)(' ;1t mittcilingtrouwr.
,hiit. (fitrk I c. ;Ind black hoc l nifonm OI
liijil(\cit;ht nnitedid (khrlki) ;trc c\trn touring the
.limner perit(I. Scr\icc c:Ip L;arrim)it cap 1 m Iron k
t Ire (ctrii c(ilh the wr\ice imiltrtil.
\,\ill idIiccr, ((it rriml 4 hcer mill pctI t,lliccr
(cIr the bm nit\ -I.'tic wr\ ice uniform, inclmlimt ;I
(lot lrlc- brcu >tcd coin. tnmtchint; t.nmm rN, x\ Ili (c shirt.
Muck Iic, ;Intl black ,II( Scnn(cII (c car the
lrulilitmill nl\ -binc it1toper ;(till Ir cntnkiiii-
tion. Khaki Or \\Mite unifnrm arc c\trn bm JI rink
(hiring the stmmicr..,cnice cap cmvrs net' nm\( -blue
Or lute.
11 it ;tie IOrcc I)luc -gI I\ wr\ icc Itnil(,rnt i> intilnr iti
link, I� r roll p('rmttincl. I iIIclII(h- it cOit Or ;In Often
I(dIc(I ctllmr jmcket. \\hitc Or blue shirt, I nc tic. mid
I lack Jiovti. Tropic ;II t(tr lcd Or c() I ltll (khakis mull
hilc tolliccr-, tul\ i nnilonm, it r( \\oru during the
,inner. Scricc rand gnus,,* crop ;Ire at ;thtr.ic(I.
In gni ;I Of rank ;Ire dkpin\cd Oti upper Or Iocccr
'Icccc, or on dIoul dcrbo ;lr(k .\ddiliollillk, ;III ground
lute pcntuncl ;tit .omc ;tie force enlisted Inca \\cmr
imignin of rmik Oti the Ir )it l OI their wricc caps
IInmcd iii cl\ Iwhm Iflccap in >it;u iii gcncrrll Officer. (,I
the i;rc)mid lute`. cm brigm(licr general. :Ill
gcncrnl ofIiccr OI the air Itrc(� cc�Ir (Iiatnond-diiiIwd
dvml dcntting their rcpccli\c rank On the cO;it
ctl lit r. Brit Itch imigtii ;i of the gromid IOrcc ;Ire
dktincti\c dcigll (Ikpl ;l\cd Oti lhallWlld-
dc\ icc h ;I\ ing ;t rc(I b;l. kgrtund. Ind urc wit On the
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
In;O 11171
33! 376 .7
196 .5
12 1.9 1:31.3
no.. l
:fir F ort y
1 "!1.7 13,s.7
Iligh (;vneral Stalf
1.4 1.i
2. :i
Ot ha t*
526 .:i 6 111.11
73 2.II
iir(i. 1
T otal .I
1,13 �.1 1.26 1 .I
I. lill.I
Defenee expenditure a percent of central
Kocernment t�spt�ttditmvl
/H.; l,'.r
Defense expenditures pe�rcrnt of \I'
*Figures .hoten for 19111 through 1972 art� actual
expeoditures: !97
is the proposed
tt('ott%erh�d at exchange r. tes its folloxcs:
r anuarY 19711 thiouw It 31
1971 at 7'1
Pesetas equal I 1.00. I J:uluar)' thn ugh
:il Decctnher 1972 at 61.17
peseta, equal
l :cl 1111
1 Jammi through :31 December 1973 at 51,.02
pvs tas equal l'SS1.00.
t"lnclude< CM1 Guard and Arnmd Police
of the \linistrr, of Interior, the
Autonot :ours
gcIlvics, and nlilit,uc pensions.
"tudic(I b% the IIit;h :cncr ;:l tiLIII I()r it number of
\e;tr: joint IttJOicuf doctrine. mrc inc'udcd in comma
ul (:I:' I ;I)1 ;IS v.c11 Is in con s in the Sup( iior
Schttf of III( ArnI\ ;Iti(I the \nit\ :crlcr,d SLIII
Sch( ;)I. 'I'lic ticr%ice nlitiiOrics hl\c .lu(li(�(i the
,tim(IIr(li/ittimi of \ariom Irt:dc .0 ;tint
tililitim inten-4 incc 195 :Intl there ha. be-11 "Onu'
prmt res in acccptimcc for ww h\ the rcgulrtr Ncniccs
;u)(I the paranlilitan !once (II cerluiti tmidi (lizcd
I!I IIIti. vIc�h I Inc(Iicml ,ul) l )l iv", hl ;lnk, pillo(c
cloth Ior imilonns mn(I diirk. ;md \aricu minor took
Dille phui ;iI ,opplics I rc procnrc(I joinik
h(1%ccccr. ;Intl thew Ire Obkiincd b\ the Phiiinuw\
1 ()ill( \c� tu IitI1 I )it r(I tiII i Ic(I in i96
mull c�(r tit rnll ;�(I b\ the high Genera,! ',I;III. �fri"cn ice
,tic Of nliIihir\ hO i Ili] u(Iiiit; clinic itIld
11nnit(Iriun I c�Otr(Iinmte(I b( I btmr(I imd( the
(lireclion OI the high :cncr,ll Slrllf.
6. Uniforms and insignia (t! /Ot')
I'tiiltrm mguotitti, of the Sp:utidi t,rtulld It rcc"
haw� not bcvii rc\kcd lilt omv time: wt ;II rind air
force, imilorm regulation. ;ire being rccic\cc(I.
Climigc It the imiltrm :In(I ill
the I)iulio 01ic�inl J)Hicirll Filllel ill l. I Ili ng1ty, Itr
Olfic�crs. \c:Irmtit Offic( r. it nd cnlklc(l Inca c\iIIIiII
itch of the three ticn icc arc i(Icnlical it! ctfor im(I
soling. Different I\I)c of imilonw, 'Ire (corn for
dilfercnl occii ion ,cm of the \car. ;Ind
gcoirmphical ..rv;l. in \chich .erring. P;iradc, dres.
Wrlic�c, Intl licl(I oniftnm ;(re mthoriic(I lot \ce;II Ire
III Ncn ice
llc >;ruun;l ltr�c wr\ic�c n ii form i olitr-(Ir;th. II
0011 kt, OI ;I rolled collar liipcI -t\ l)' (-()ill *tout \,ith I
t ;ln(I ;m(I full c�011ur ()r jackcl c,tn It( mmi in place Of
theI;(f1(�I- l.f)(' ;1t mittcilingtrouwr.
,hiit. (fitrk I c. ;Ind black hoc l nifonm OI
liijil(\cit;ht nnitedid (khrlki) ;trc c\trn touring the
.limner perit(I. Scr\icc c:Ip L;arrim)it cap 1 m Iron k
t Ire (ctrii c(ilh the wr\ice imiltrtil.
\,\ill idIiccr, ((it rriml 4 hcer mill pctI t,lliccr
(cIr the bm nit\ -I.'tic wr\ ice uniform, inclmlimt ;I
(lot lrlc- brcu >tcd coin. tnmtchint; t.nmm rN, x\ Ili (c shirt.
Muck Iic, ;Intl black ,II( Scnn(cII (c car the
lrulilitmill nl\ -binc it1toper ;(till Ir cntnkiiii-
tion. Khaki Or \\Mite unifnrm arc c\trn bm JI rink
(hiring the stmmicr..,cnice cap cmvrs net' nm\( -blue
Or lute.
11 it ;tie IOrcc I)luc -gI I\ wr\ icc Itnil(,rnt i> intilnr iti
link, I� r roll p('rmttincl. I iIIclII(h- it cOit Or ;In Often
I(dIc(I ctllmr jmcket. \\hitc Or blue shirt, I nc tic. mid
I lack Jiovti. Tropic ;II t(tr lcd Or c() I ltll (khakis mull
hilc tolliccr-, tul\ i nnilonm, it r( \\oru during the
,inner. Scricc rand gnus,,* crop ;Ire at ;thtr.ic(I.
In gni ;I Of rank ;Ire dkpin\cd Oti upper Or Iocccr
'Icccc, or on dIoul dcrbo ;lr(k .\ddiliollillk, ;III ground
lute pcntuncl ;tit .omc ;tie force enlisted Inca \\cmr
imignin of rmik Oti the Ir )it l OI their wricc caps
IInmcd iii cl\ Iwhm Iflccap in >it;u iii gcncrrll Officer. (,I
the i;rc)mid lute`. cm brigm(licr general. :Ill
gcncrnl ofIiccr OI the air Itrc(� cc�Ir (Iiatnond-diiiIwd
dvml dcntting their rcpccli\c rank On the cO;it
ctl lit r. Brit Itch imigtii ;i of the gromid IOrcc ;Ire
dktincti\c dcigll (Ikpl ;l\cd Oti lhallWlld-
dc\ icc h ;I\ ing ;t rc(I b;l. kgrtund. Ind urc wit On the
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
t 6
uil i} till' uiat it lack(-t. I hr c ;Irc ;il'i
\\irn It\ hrit,a(dicr cna r,il Dilh chin \\itllil: (1,e
11axal firc�e i(Ic'nti I)\ \ariiiN c(dm :i
h1tcktri1111(1, lir the lyre\ .trilx'. tit lteciali l iu\il;nfit
if rla\itI ('nli 'cd I)cr innel ;Irc� (IiNI)II\ iu I(e\c',.
\ir furc( ifli( er \\e;IrcIiant(i1c1- II;Ii)r(I (&I if ,(I NiIcr
iiNis;nia in diNt1110i\c� cilir Iic'Id, \\Ifiull arc(IiNpl;t\cd
nn the c lit t c'(d lit r. ;Intl cnliNtc�cl Wren \\car rccl:'nt 111;1,
ch'Ill pill if N. indi(vrin I)eci;Ilt\. in Ilse It-ft 'Icc\c
to t\\ccu the Nhiu Id cr ;In(I the I\int; i)( ur( I
(IiNI)1a\ ,1 \\iIIt,c(I (IIIdeil alit)\,� (1,e r,t,ht Ito)ckct if
the ()ill it jacket. l fit firmN if lid it \it;ni. i trr.h,mn in
I'it,uruN ?S it ay.
C. Army
The I)rintim miNNiui nl the til)alli,h \rtu\ i Ir
(h4cnd Sp,lirl. illc�Indini; the IJ;Ile;,ric mid ('.imar\
I\I:Illd\, the rncrNcuN Itlac�e\ iI Nmcrri,nl\. ;md the
(triciicc in Africa. l JOIN ctf the ann\ are Ntrllct,icalk
c uph \e(I lir IIIiN I)irpONc and it IN() to a the
I fit Fit nliIiLir. It)ru( ill milint;IilliIli! intern;ll .cc11rit\ if
rlcedcd. I i
Fi\c (Ii\i ;t If( i ;1 hall ntnnhc r if ciIfI)iI
\ul)t)irl imik ha\e recckcd Nine� end ilcnl aNNi\tance
IlM the l .S. \lilit;Ir\ \N I'c) rlIll I he
;trnn i\ertll effecli\ ha� inc�renNr(I midcr the
influence it the \1 \1'. hid ill calrthilit\ to perfirnl ON
nliNNiill i Mill linlilcd h\ ih\ile\ccncc it \\c;tl)inN
lack cif nlihilit\. it \\eak IO6Ntic \ul pmi .\Nteln:
\hirt;wc if c(mim,miealiin ecluil)ntcn(. air dcicn c
\\c;titinN. Link.. ;md 1,ca\\ artiller\: elan\ i\cral;c
ifli(�er\ fit lit 1,)r iwti\e Iicld canllr,tit nint in.11fIiuicnt
minlhcrN it \(:0Y ;md technical pci itcl: and
inadc(Inalc ad\aiccrd tr,Iilrimt it c111i \te(d Iteniiild.
The aria\ 1,;1\ ni .it;tlificanl ilfci\icc capilhilit\. and
it ci111d 4)1)1u)Nc nli(dertl lirc�e, ill\aditlt; cinlinelllal
Slr,tin in Oiwil hat IIc lir ink it \v'r\ Nhirt I)crii(I:
11,creafler iI\ re\iNlance \\indd he Ii Ililcd (i t;uciriHit
\\;tifare. .lni\ Anil it, If \irtII \fric;il t)lucc. (tl
Nmcrcil;nl\.' SlriniNh Sahara. and (hc(:uiar I'laild,
h;t\e rccci\ed I)riiril\ in lr;tiniu ;t Id e(iuiltrticnt.
Itarticnl:Irk inl:tntI\ \\nll to iN. The\ ;Ii� calr,thde if
(Ielendint; Sl)aiiNll ir'tcicN(N in \Iric:I ;1t;(1i11st
incnr\imiN It\ IIiIIr Ito N. (Si
,nt,1 .uul \1,1111.1 Ih1 1,1.1 icllifl .111 ..I Il, li\, Np.,111
I ..I m, n i nl\ .'I lu, nli." ,a, 1 x11,1\- I h, I lit
n-4 1 nli..�.n i'LlIA Cnuil I lit l ..I II, rlh. rt1
\Inn,rr'. Ituul.. .n, lu�in.ut,nll\ ImmiLun4 ,1 in II1r 1.l, mt
1. Organ`.zation i C,
(antn)I i\cr Il :Irfix i \cr6wd I t1,;
inuu,utdcr in (.11it-f (it llit FIJI, .(I l41ic, If ii h flit
\1iui it Arn1\. \\1,i it ;1n acti\c 1 i\ .1rni
liclltc1l;ltlt L;cllt'r;tl ;lN \(-If :1N ;I lit lt';ll I IIn'. Ill('
mini lcr II; 1 (Iircct tinted i\cr lira Iriiln IIriu, 1, til t-
c ;tl)t ;Iia\ t,rncr;ll t,I (1,r nlilit;ln Icl;i(,n ;ut(I Ilse i
cutnnu The nliIIi to I ir( cti\c. li tIINr c lI)t;lim
rII ral i I)a NN( (I IIIr(,II I t1,(' II, (,I t1,c (:cnlr.Il
Cc11cr;d Shill if tII \rill\ ;I riiiI i nli ni l r; Ili\ i. i rid
I(.(. Ilnl(finnN. .null ;1 Ix r inncl. rccruitmcil.
cimcril)tiin mid nulhiliiatiill. 1111d ill if the
ImjN(ical arc hiindlcd i)\ III, wctllr;ilc
dircc�t,:r;:lc, ;ill(I N1)('(�i 11 :Ii,cllcic' dirt-Ok under t1,(
(:Ilicf ul 11,,
'(-ill Fill Ccncr;Il 'stuf it )ht- l n(lcr
So retary 111 Iht- .Arnrv.
�IThc (:e Ifill Cc11crit] Stiff (it the \rill\ Ir(! i
rc\Iit,n.ihlc fir uru;llll /;111iII training. iIto.r,I III,;lf
I)I:untin.:Irnn iulcllit,c11( ;Ind uiir(li flat it)II if I,ll(
111nctiim Imrt;linin, (II II IiI;i Ner\iur Hir
(:hit�1 if tht' (:cntral (:cn( ral Stiff 1,,t di r( cinln)I
41\t-r the So r( itri;ll 'cncral- a11 i(II IIIi l fil
i\c 41llicc
\\Mi( I)ri\icic, the a(IIII;i Nultlmrt I r
(Ic\,'kgmicnl it Im)icutN, III(lic1, .II I c to Iitatiin if
the \illHHl. if i;cncic..Illtir(IiII;tic I( Ihr (hicf it 11,c
(:cnlr;tl Gell( Staff: 11,(. I'I;)nnint, UI(iur. \\I ich
lu(Ii(�. irt;;uliza(i4111 ;II d( \clittnit nI, ;Intl I)I:II W t-
fi)rcc .Iruutnrc, ;uld ciir(liIlali .tn(lic, incil\itl i\\i
it nu)rc 14 'clii11N if the (:rntritl CciJul,,I SLifl: tllr 2(1
ticc�tiill. Itltcllit;cncc: Ihr (:I, \1.\G I('( miioll d
r'111acc c'(m rl Gm/w (Ir A1 .\lililm (Icl F:icl (Ir
los l,- Niiado IlidoN I, I ich I 11,c hiliNmi i lll('r ith
the l .S \iilitar\ \NNi\ta11ce Ad\ iNir\ Criul) iii
Madrid: line hilid �lhc Sultciiir B4)ard it I';:ctic
the (:c fit rid \rnmiu'nt B(ward. the (:cntr;il (:lit ]if tiv
Bolan 1. ;aril the (:cnlral 1:cd 'wait it )If and Sp)rIN Biard
hich ci11\ cnc 11l\ \ttiriidicalk ti cii.idcr ntaticr if
ntilitilr\ dic1 ri11e. i mhlcm, rclalint, to \\c:II)in ;lid
e(Iit1Pillcnt ;Ind nIiIIII1 411 niilirIIIN. iniilir\
ccdic;ltiin, and ;Ilhlctic ac�t it, iIic.: the chick if
artiI1cr,. cnt;iieerN. .it;n;1 1. ;In(1 1 lit 11NI)irlat1()11. \\1,41
cr)illril the tcc�hnical at-tI \ItleN rcl ;)liIt! IO unite ;111d
dcl)()IN It i.ut(cricl 41f Iliew hr:liche Ill(� c11icIN 411 11,(�
1;cOJ tntphic. Ili\l41ric. NI ali'tic;II. aid lit idardiialiml
Ner\ic"N. 11,c cdimctir, t,l 11,c \;,fitluN .uhiil, ,lid
acadcilic.. Ir,Irticularl\ ii Irai Ili 11ti; ilattcr li he
ciir Ii nal('d it 11 11,c chick it ani ;md Nci\iuc.. tilt
tiuhimlu�ut(il )I I11deltc11d(�nl Inlantr\ l nit \\hi
ciirdiiulc 11,c a(111liiiNI lit liwl if 11,(- infant I\
rr>;iilcilti ill )1,c (:;111:11\ I'Iml(k 11:11c,lii( 1 lid'. .Ind
\1ric;i. the SuhiliNpertirif (1,c I.c6oll and 1 "1I;it
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
FIGURE 4. Spanish Army Central General Staff (U /OU)
"II" hCiI(is Ile offic�c that monitors adminisiratise
actisitic� of the legio!) and airborne troops; tic
StIbinspec�lor of Superior PrentiIitar I list roc�tiofI, silo
coordinates the actisilies of the progrlun for obtaining
reserve officers and nonconu Ili ssioncd officers scilh
offices handling oclil ities of thc� arms and ser ic�cs; the
Director of the Superior School of the Arntx, slur also
controls the arum genend staff school; and the office
%%hic�h directs ;I program of education :nt(1 recreation
for Ilse soldiers. The (;lief of the Central General Staff
is assisted 1A tsco direc�lor general �the Director
General of Organization an(I Field Openctions and the
Director General of Instruction and Tminirtg �cac�h of
sc bout is rougllls c�olnlmnible to a depuls chief of staff
in the V.S. Ann\ staff %%%lent and is assisted Im a
sec�retarint and fisv� nuntberecl sections (Vigor, I).
arioos :ulntinistralke and wr it:� functions nortnalls
performed k an arrn\ general staff ore landlcd b;
offices subordinate to Ile t'nder SecrcL�tr of t c
rinc. �These fonc�lions inelndc ,uperisiou of tic
actieilies nonnalls c�omidercd nontac�tical, such as
procurement ;utcl disposal of nulteriel. nclrninistration,
:Ind ;tcconnling of I1111(k 'I'll( under scc�ret�tr is
prinutrils c�onc�erTred scilh Erse%, older mitt matters of
eonunerCiA intend and scr ice support. 1 f( super isc
Ile aeli%ities of tic Comptroller General; the Andilor
General: the Jllclge Adwrc;lle; the� Din clog General of
Industr and Materiel, Construction, Social 1 clfarc
Disabled Veterans Affairs, Rcc�ruiting and Personnel,
and Services (-hich include (loartcrnutster, medical,
setcrinar, pharnwc�y and a number of rnisccl-
lancous offices, procttrenu�nt and disposal boards, and
the arms museum.
A decree dated November 197 :3 established a
reorganization plan for tltc Ministry of Arms. Under
this phut, sclic h sill be intplentcnted gruluall\ during
19 I, the basic organization structure of the ministr
still consisl of the (;cntraI Gelleral Staff, a
Sttbsec�rctarial, an Army Material Headquarters, and
the Direc�toratc� General of the Civil Guard, whic�I: \\as
under Ile Ministr of Interior daring peacetime until
Noscntbcr 1973.
'I'll(- Central General Staff Ihcacicd b\� if licot(
general) \sill consist of the Subsec�retariat. Directorate
of Organization and Operations, Directorate of
Supple Seriec�s, Directorate of Maintenance Sericc,
Directorate of Instruction, 11vcroitrttent and
Mo1) iIiziltioII IIvadcluarlers, and tle Chiefs of
Branches of the Arnts and Serices and the Arne
Superior School. Tliv Subsccrclariat, each dircelomte,
Mid Ilse flec�roilnu ;;l and Mobilization Ilcad(tua:lcrs
mill be headed b\ a major general.
I'le Subsecrelariut kill consist of o Genera',
Secretariat. Personnel Directorale, and the I?c�o110111
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
Affairs I)irec�tnraII (cac h hea(Icd h\ it hrigadicr
i;vnc�ral1. AIso directl% siilmrdinatc to the Subscc_
retariat \%ill be the Ilistoric�al Senic�c. (;vnvral
Archives, Purc�ha.�ing Board, jnridic�al Advisor, and the
Arinv \1inistr\ Infar it n Battalion. In addition. the�
Snbsec�rctariat \%ill be responsible for the conduct of
relations \%ith other ministerial c!,�partmcnls.
The major nc\% organization \\ill bc� the Aram
Materiel Ilea(lynarters, headed b% a Iicrltvila,It
gcncral. It \\ill he responsible for nlilitan ntateric!
research act IuisitiIll, and Inamifacture "in accord-
ance \\ith the directives of the (ventral General Staff.�
The n( flead(lnarters \\ill consist of a Secretariat,
hca(lI'd b\ a brigadier general: a 'I'e(-hnic�al
Directorate tlnspector General of EI19iIIecrs): an
Investigation Directorate: a Fabrication Directorate:
and ,,n Ac�cplisit;on Directorate. Fach of the last three
directorates \%ill be hc ;ulcd b\ a major general.
Peninsular Spain is di\idCd into nine militar\
regions or purposes of militar\ administration and
control cf Lrclic�al units. The I\� island groups the
Balearic and the :ar,ar\ Islands �each constitute
sep c�onmjjIIt(ls on the same level as the mililary
.4IOOs. The North African places of sovercivilt% rr)
longer constitute it separate operational conitrtancl.
F:Ch conunancl of the principal places of sovereignh
is no\% subordinate� to a militar\ region on the
peninsula (Figure 5). The Canon Islands Conrtnand
also illdlldcs the West African province of Spanish
Sahara (Pigurc 6), and Ihe cmimu nder has
operational control ovvi air and n :nal nails located
\%'t"ill his co III FIMI'l. Both the miIitan regions and
the island cmilill aids are c�nnmit jildcrl b% a captain
general.' I,(, has the rank of Iiclllcnanl general. In
addition to control of the Im rps, Ihe captains general
are responsible for various administrative functi(ns.
including rcc�rniting, conscription, mol)ilizalion,
(�ornntuni(�ations, and the supenisic -i of (1q)Ots :111(1
other logistical installations.
The arm\ Ilas four c�onlbal :Inns: infanln cavalr\,
\%hich inc�Indcs armor: arlillen, \which includes field,
antiaircraft, and the coast arlillen and engineers,
\which still inc Indcs signal although them is ;I separate
sign:;) chief. Therc area number of corps nr ser\ices,
inclildint, eluartennaster. transportation, nuelie ;Il
(vcicrinan is usliall\ considered part of the nn�dical
service, all6ilgfl velerinar% officer rolls are separate',
pharmacy, jlIdge aclvoc ;dc, ;Illdiling, :Aininistrali%e,
music directors, and arnv��mcnl and cmiQmc�lion
engineers. Officers for the transportation scr%ic�c are
'C;wl ;im g"n"ral i b. Ih rank and ,i till" It is dw tell hr \I rink.
h"id onl\ I,c oar 11011ty Ilo rmm (:"omit Pr.mcu tilh�, it is
Ctv�n t� Ihr cony imider.,,l milii,m womi.;md island onnnands
drim it from ;utv of tit(' four :oimbat anus. The corps of
arniament and construction engineers is divided into
t\\o branch II ordnance and 2) construction.
engineer, and signal spec-ialists. The ordnance branch
handles research and (Icvelopnu�nt of armament,
nnulitions. and nmteriel: the \\rrrk is performed in the
national factories and laboratories. The constru �tion,
engh) er, and signal specialists handle all construction
activities and resr ;rc�h and developnx nl of engineer
and signal items. "There is a small general staff ser\ice
\61ch graduates of the General Staff `+cliool ma\ enter
as vacancies oc�cm: members retain their positions on
the promotion lists of the combat arm in \\Ilic�h the\
\%ere conunissionccl� G(`IIvnII staff rosters still IisI
officers belonging to the general staff corps, but the
corps \%as replaced b the sea ic�c in 1927. ;n d most of
the general staff corps members arc no longer in an
active duh status.
Strength, composition, and disposition:` (C)
The active (lilt\ strength of the artm is 20L000�
15.350 officers, 15.700 uonc�onuoissioned officers, and
1 69.951 other enlisted nten. about 9r; of the
enlisted i en are regulars: 22' are short -terns
%oltrtlteers, and appro\intalely w r; are conscripts.
All nt(�n N\ It( have contple'ed their terns of
eontplllsor% nlililan service have I reserve obligation
until jmmary of the year the\ reach agc:35. On release
from active scn ice, personnel remain assi,gne(! to their
former emit facilitate recall, but there is w) s\stetn of
refresher training. Of the appro\imatek 1.5 million
ntcn \cho have satisfied the c�ompltlsnn miliLrr%
sea ice recluircnu'nl in the past 111 %ears. 5111),000 could
be mobilized \%ilhin :311 days, but nuns\ of the units
v%oI11d be handicapped b% shortages of support
\%capons, transp -rtation, dlid c'millmnicilhorl
The major combat units are five divisions lone
armored, one nu�c�hanized infanlrv, one molorize(I
infantr\ hv:r mocnll:tiit :uu1 Ili brigades lone
parac�hrtic. one c :I\aIrv. one a i rt ra nsport a ble. t\%o
artillcn, one high mountain, and 10 inf:uttrvl.
Separate combat and combat support units consist of
I I regiments I infanta. I\vo light cav ;Ilr\ 12
nrtillen, one ;Irtillcr% o list nalion. four ;rnli;tirerafl
:IrliIIcI\. five engineer) and si\ battalions (four light
ca%alr,. one arilllcrv, one engineer). A'n'te are divided
into I\� principal categories� Inuncclialc Inlcncn
`Inr n� ;iil.erl\ iitrrlal"d, drL,ilyd inhrnmtion. err Ihr Ordcr
liuflli .\"�mau"""l. Form'� Ground Four', and Iho \lilifuru
Inlrllit;rnrr .tinnrnmr'rl. h�Ih Inehlihril I,c Ihr I)"Irmr Intrllicrnrr
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
a 2 c
F w
d E
tn QJ
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
20 20
20 15 10
naune'iCanar Islands Command, including Spanish 5oho,o
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-R0PD1-00707R0D0200090014-
tion l orc�es and fcrritoriitI O writ tional Defense
force I'll I' Inunecliate Inlcrxenlion Forc�c,.
containing Ih;ee (li%isions tun( armor, d. one
nte('hanizcd in fit ntn. one nlohlriz( infant r\ and
four I)rigades ion( taxalrx. one pit rach it e. one
airtran one it till( has the mission of
providing troops for art), trouble spot. The "f(rritorial
Opccttitmal I)(-fens(- 1''orces mots are I)rintariI for
int(nt;II defense and to facilitate 11urhiIization.
1 If (I istributiotl of arch per and unit is
approximately ;t, folluvu:
L' -:rrs
1' S)),Iiu
100, 700
,i di\isinm. 16 brigades,
13 regiments
B'I1, ;u it 1.1,uit1:
5 1, inn nt battalion,
C;nt,tr' Il,uitl;
7 rt ,imcut,. 1 battnliutI,
]this 1 hattillion dc-
Ltr Wd Irttnl tit(' para-
cltutr hri,ude in pe-
Il,llt,il Sallar;l
-1 1'rCtntt -1its, :i batLtbons
C and Melilla
12 rc ^.intent::
I r IIcl strength is slightly Imu�r it Ceuta (5,
ticln in Alelilla (9,200).
I arrsn has oue 11siwd surface -to -air missile
i Ih;tttaliou containing I I lavv k and nine \ikc
Ilerc�ulcs missile launchers the battalion, vvltic�h is
�ontponeot of oue of the lvvo ;lrtiller\ hrigades, is
localed it southern Spain near Gibmllar.
Special unil, inc�lucic f'()tii regiments of the Spanish
legion ;uul a \()mach "Troop Regiment in Spanish
Sahara \%hic�h utilizes indigenous personnel. l'nit of
the legion Fignre 7) ;ire elite inla ntr\ and inc�Irrcle
\ery I(vv loreigners. "I'here are 20 midersto�ngtlr
conspa11i- of special operations forces: cadres of these
FIGURE 7. Troops from a Spanish Legion
regiment stationed in Ceuta (U /OU)
units are speciall\ tr;,itied in t;nt�rriIli, cc;trfare
Iech11iclues. "1'xx of these companies ha %.c been
assigned to each of the nine infantn brigades of the
I'crritorial Operational I)cfense Ferccs as conlpon(nl,
of infantn ret;inlcnt, of the brigade,. The remaining
t\co conlparli(s are assigncd one each to the island
:3. 1'raining (C)
'I'h( training ,v stmt dcxcfops eff(cti\V basic
professional skills, but III"('[] of the training is
theoretical an(I lacking in practical c\I rc�iscs.
effcc�ti\en(ss of the training program is li bx
ol)solcsccnc�c and shortages of niateriel. it scriou, l
of specialists tncl lech11icians. ill (I insufficient it it
:nnsc�r;,)ts report directl\ to recruit trniring (�enters,
vvh th v rc ce i c 16 v\ceks of basic Iraiit i11g.
Aptitude tests to (lelernline appropriate assit,nments to
an arm or se�r\ic�e are given at the end of the first .S
weeks of general basic training. "I'he rcnnlining .s
\vecks are spent in elcnlerttarx training in the aril or
service to \which the nu�n haxc been assi Alter
basic training is conlplele(I, the conscripts are sent to
tactie;tl ,snits. vv here Ir.,ining includes tactical
problems an(I field exercises. Fcxv conscript are
trained as specialists. \onconunis,ion(d officers
(\(:O',) attend specialist courses ai the Various branch
Mid service schools. lbcmt 15.000 conscripts per scar
receive .I- or (i month courses in it �c�ational training
program that is designed for personnel \vho ha\c
negligible ecluc�ational background.
The arnl\ has ,treNsed gncrrilla Mich c�ossnterguernlla
\varlare ntellsods for ousts. \ear,. and some ,,peel oI
this training is usrl;tfb tested each \ear during small
se,de. t-mbined -arms, held exercise,. I`nit h:1ii;ing is
grcalb restricted by shortages of. petrofetsm, oil. ;tn(I
lubricants (I'OI,) i [is Ill Iici(ut allocations of
annntniition: and the inacleclnate nnwunt of time
allotted to field exercise,. Air and na\al support is
pro\ided in some of th nlanett\ers. Spanish ;111(1
I-retich Arnn p;trttroops ha\e developed ;t regular
exchange agreement. 1)(4in11ing \vitIt it training
c)itus'- cr held in France in IS)(i.;. "1 Sp ;utisi)
paratroop companies Ila- -,one to hrimcc in od(I-
nnnlbewd \cars. ;Ind I French Arm\ paratroop
companies havr conic to Spain for the joint maneuver.
Spanish Arm\ unit, have not t;tken part in exemi,es
v\ith I'.S. Artln efensents since Ib)IiR.
The arras\ h ;1s ;t complete school sv ste111. inchlding ;1
ntiliLln acadcmv. branch and specialist or leclntical
sc hoot,. a gen(�ral ,I;1f f school. wild it \%,I,. college.
:unrses ;1 re thorough ;Intl produce \ccll eclnentecl
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
`1k J$1
1 0;;11.
oliic�cr.. 'I'Itc� ;1rnt\ I\\o Ititr._u
Artillery :\rattle\. 5--
Pro \idi till fin.-,I \cars of
Spt( ializcd in,trttctiolm for
artillery officer ca off i(Icttcs
from the Gen -ral MI]it'll
Atadcrmmy and the Auxiliary
Military Academy.
I�:ncincer Academy, Bur-
Pro\ideS the final 2 \cars of
specialized in ;traction for
cns;inccr it�rludine sicnal
officer candidates front the
(a ncral Military Acadc noS
and tic Amiha y Militia.
A( a(leney.
since l,1. \u srncst)
Ci\if Guard Academy,
Pro\ides the final scars of
speciali>�.�(1 tr:tinini- for of-
ficer ruulidatcs \\ho arc�
craduatcs of the (:cnc�r; l
Military A( illicitly ;n d 110
hat, chosen careers in tic
Civ Guard. Cadets front
Solt, youth :American cotue-
trics ha attcndcd this acad-
COM', AND ,l'n 1: acsu-
Quartermaster Ac:,dcm\,
Pru\id the final \cars of
:'.S ila
specialized in lot
(lnarlernmaStcr officer candi-
dates from tic Gencrtl Mili-
tat' A(adcnmy ;tad till Aus-
ili;tn \IiliLa' .\I IA is.
\ledicaf ActIcnty (in-
These four academics, all in
I udes Veterinary.
Madrid, pru\idt I or
1'h;anlac> Aca(h�rmey,
of specialized instruction foe A(ildcnm Audit-
nt i \crsity ttraduates holdinc
i1W Acadcnmc), Madrid
deuces relate to tic fic�Id,
in t \Ili( k they arc scckinu
arin} conermlissions: candi-
dates attend it short indoc-
trination corms at tilt In-
f,tntr\ A( micnl* prior to their
>pecializaliorm course in the
field of their choice, which
I, followed 1) it short lrain-
ingr period at tilt Gencr;el
MiliLn A(adcmy: they arc
c�onunissioncd its captain,.
m1u I.:1 \c and Auditing
irnmies pro\ic ads;uurd
Iourscs for lift it in (host�
specialties. Acadenm), Madrid
Adtanct(I Speci;mlizatiort course
consi,ting of -I Months of in-
struction I IorreSponcicntc,
followed by �1 months of
Ifas,roonm instruction at the
school: IllyIir -nmt,nt for pro
nmotion to major. 'this school
also pr( \ides I to 2 gars of
instruction fl, r officer candi-
dates, its nolcd in detailed
discussion of the acadcnmics.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
Anditi-)g Academy, \fa- Advanecd spe-Jalization course,
drill usualh' 8 months in length,
consisting of :3 to 4 n)onths
Of instruction by correspond-
ence, followed by 4 months
of classroom instruction at
the school; requirement for
promotion to major. This
school also provides I to n
Years of instruction for of-
ficer candidates, as noted
I.islcd in the following tahltlaliun arc locations and
instructional specialties of sumincr training camps for
the old versiI% Indents enrolled in the Superior
1'remililary Instnic�tion pro -,gaol:
Segovia Infantry, artillery (field and air
defense) engineer and signal
Cadiz h)fc.ntry, cavalry utillery field
engineer and signal coast ar-
Tarragona Infantry, artillery (field :nd air
(1efense), engineer and signal
Z; I Infantry, cavalry, artillery (field),
engineer and signal
Santa Cruz T enerife L)faotry, artillery field and
'I'fle \lcclical \cadclns ill Maclricl conducts training as
required for medical students enrolled in the Snperior
Prcrnililary Insimclion program.
'I'hc lollo"ing is location list of the 17 recmit
lmining center
\o. 1
Alcala do Ilenares
\o. 3
No. 4 and \o. 5
1o. 6 and \o. 17
\o. 7
Valencia provisionally at Betera
\n. 8
\o. f)
No. 10
No. I
\o. 12
1o. 1:1
1,11 go
\o. 14
\o. 15
S;mta Cruz de Tenerife
\'o. 16
4. Logistics (C)
'I'll(- \1inisIry of Ann- procures all types of nmleriel
:tad supplies for the army through two dimc�lorlles
controlled by the i'ndcr Sec�rel:m of the Arens -the
Din�clonttes (;cneral of Industry ,:nd \Ldcricl :end of
Services. Fends for proc�urcnu�nt are made ayailahlc
by the Comptroller General. also controlled Im the
ender scc�rctarv. The Directorate Gencral of Illdustn
:Intl Materiel handles procurement (incb(ling
nuulufacturn,g requirements) of weapons. e(luil)mcnt.
and unrrnunition. 'I'll( Directorate General of Scryic�cs
either procures or authorizes procurement of all other
supplies and lm!intains careful control mer the use of
POI., determining the amount of POI, items syhic�h
call he procured and making allocations to the units.
Tactical units not belonging to the I ill nudiatc
Inlcrx colt ion Forces obtain their o\\ it POI, supplies
from local (::1 \1PS;1I stations on the basis of
allotments giycn them by the Direch)mte Gencral of
Services. P01. tankers provide support for units of the
Inurlediate Intervention Forc�cs.
Nquipnu�nc and supplies, otlhcl than POL, arc
stored according to type and serv:c�' in army depots
strategicallN located throughout ;he regions and
comnuuuls: the armN has no depots for 1 The
depots are under the rcgulativg control of the
Directorate General of Strikes; re-ponsibility furtheir
technical operations is Liven to the chiefs of services.
The captain general of the region in which the
installation is located has operational control -ver the
ac�ti\�ities of the depots. He is provided soltle figl(Is for
local purc�l,ase of various supplies and repair parts and
to cover contracts for repairs performed by civilian
facilities. Suppiics arc issued b. the (repots in
ac�corclancc with allotments mule by the Directorate
General A' Services and the 1th Section, Services, of
the� Arnn Central General Staff: 11lam items are very
:arefulb controlled. The Dire0orale General of
Services controls fill allotrlu�nls for quartermaster,
medical. veterinary. phannac�eutical, and chemical
defense dents. as well as I ")I,. The 4th Section,
Services, in accordance with the,"n:atiunul plan
prepared 1) the chiefs of arlil;en, trans,lortation,
eogincers, and signal and approved by the� Chief of the
Central Gencral Staff and the %linisler of Arnty,
controls allotments for artillery, automotive, cogincer,
and signal dent Scrvi(-o or logistics units ore
responsible for the distribution of supplies. The
'Umlp)nnin Arrendwanu deli Vnnnpulin 1'rindrv)x, ,ti. ;l.. the
gm ern ment mmncd mrt;v)inilinn Inr import. manutm and
di O1111hon of prlrolcun) products.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
transportation Nx �m is not it d(cl tit t( for artiIII(
Iif eds.
As it resI!It of influences of the i'.S. Mi1; tit n
\ssistitnce Pro gra Ili m"icro"s i Ili pro\cm(nts hax(
been "tilde in the field nn)intenance S\Steln. including
standardization of maintenance procedures. Ecl:
rnent is repaired ac�c�ording to it fi,e- echelon SNst(�n)
similar to that fornu�rl\ employed by the U.S. Arntv.
l Irrssrsrr, there is a shcrtug( of skilled technicians, and
most repair \%rk is tied to fixed installations. itII a
resulting lack of fIc\ibiIit\ for field scrxic�e support in
CM I I I )it t I'ac�tic�al units perform their oN%n organiza-
tional n; lint(nance. but other repair \\ork is handled
in regional or central debuts. Plans haze 1w,
dexeloped for mobile maintenanc�c teams 1, operate
out of the regional depots, but onus one mobile
ord nit n(�( direct sIIpport c�ompanN has b(c�otu(
oper.ttiotial. A signal direct support c�ompan\ ha; been
planned for organization ill the near luture.
\lost of the sse :rpuns :uu1 ekIto it tell t of the arnn
are of it ried origin and are either obsolescent or
ol)sol(le. Small cl"antities of relativel modern il(nrs
pr )vi decl b. the 1'IIilecl Stales include X111 light t:u:ks
Fignrc 4)1, \1 li (I i,gure Il)1 and Vl Iti nucl un1 tanks.
X111:3 IrntoIed personnel carriers (Figure 111, S nth
;i(mitzers (hmcd). and 151 nrnr IIoscitzers. X11
III) wed 1 I Figure 121. TIIc anin also has i t snclll
number of I55 nun self propelled howitzers. \1 I I
Figure 1:31. I I I:ICC k surface to sir missile laenc'.ICrs
Figs re 11 it11 12,S missiles 1:32 i I re aulhoriz(d and
cline Nikc Ilerculcs surface- to- missile launch
it I' IS missiles. A small it umber of I05 -nun Ili mitzers
na\( been procured front Itak for use \\itIt the
mountain troops. 'I'll( ILllian 105 -min momitain
hossitzrr (Figure 15) is it lightscright pi(c�e cchich can
be airtransported in stnall nice raft and airdropped its n
single Unit or in sc\rral small loads: it can be broken
into I I pack loads and ca ik transported in lh(-
Inouetaiits bs Wren orani Ina Is. Small arms, principal IN
of Spanish mamifachre. inc�ludc it modern 7.62-
rifle schich can nsc the s1:I)clard NATO cnrlriclg(.
5. Army aviation (C)
There is no Nepande 7I\ ialion arm: personnel Irom
am of the combat arms Ina\ be assigned to arim
avi rtiom. The mission of arms aviation is to support
the armx. In support of this mission, it is tas:: d to
enhance the r(connaissanc�e an(I scc�urit�. c�apabili!ies
of ground units: engage in offc�nsi\c�, defertskI, or
dela\ tttg acl;uns; and provide tactical airlift of combat
troops. supplies, and ecluiprtu�nt in iii rnu)bile
operations. Arn)x aviation is dependent on the Spanish
Air Force for pilot and technical training and for
logistical support of assigned helicopters hoN\vver,
sonic armN aviation personnel hair rcccived training
in the United Stales.
The force consists of :35 helicopters organized into
t%co units �the I I ll] at Colntcnar Vi(lo in Spain, and
t! 2d at 1?1 A lion in Spw Sahara. Both units are
direct, subordinate to th( Arim 0-itral General Staff
in Madri 'I'll( I lth Ullit is ecluipp(d with it \aricty
Of helic�opler> including three 0I1- 1:311, one AB 306A
six 0II 1:3S, 1-1 ('II IB IL and t\%o (:II 1 This unit
is responsible for snpporling operations in Spain and
for conversion training of pilots ssho base conrpl(le(1
fling training pro\ided Im the air force. The primarN
tasks of the �_cl 1'nit, \%hic�h is (yuippe(I \sitll 12 1 11-
f I I h(lic�oplers and is sc'hedule(l to receisr three
:ulditional 1'H III helicopters ill i)ecember 1973. arc
to conduct tactical rcc�onnaiss;.nc�e patrols au,t to
resupply long rnge ground force desert patrols along
the Moroccan and Mauritanian borders.
rill a viation has I "(fitted from increased :erne
inl(rest and snpporl (IuriIli the past fe gars,
resulting in an increase in helicopter slr(ugth and it
nuul(st ilI(r %Is( in capabilik. \Phil( the merall force
(apnbilil) r(rllllins small, ono notable imprmcment
has b(cn the \passion of sec"rih :uul r(conl,aiss:Urce
operations In the d Unit in Simnish Sahara.
Bec�rluse of lh( grmOng importance of this lore(, ;tit
:Irma a\ialion staff office \\;I established
(fircok subordinnl( to lh( I i rect o r G(n(ral of
Organization :Ind Field Operations in the \1
r ill General Staff. The nev(I for Ibis ofIic�c ill
become increasingk apparent as the foie contins(s to
Bros\ in addition to the llr(( U I I I I helicopters
s(heduled for delkers in Ueccndwr I9 :3. imm
:niation is scheduled to recoke2 ('II -1II h(licuptcn
in the 19 1-7 period and four CII -IT transport
helicopter, ;Intl I light obs(r\ation helicopters in
19 7 .5.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
hr n1i i!ul nl Iho S1);111idl \;I\\ i h) pro )\i;lr
111(111 r Ilf III: rnu \Inl \\;Ilrrti fill IwIlin111;1r Sl) ;Iin. ll r
B .11r;Irir ;ln(I Cilli lr\ I \I;III(I ;1114 null S;III;Ir;L ;Ill(}
I( II r1111'rl Ilil)l)int II i Il n r!'\lnu1 il)Ir fl)r
1:11111(( ((1111 linn. urll :Iti tlu� lnrrrnlil:n of nlu>;>;Iinh
In/l Illy I):Iln)I ul Irlrill)ri;11 Ii llin \\;1111. Su1)1I Irlinl;
:1 illrlll(II' ;II�II II� \I111 I )I lri!'lw\ III 1' \I'11I1 ;11111
:Inti\nl)nu'IIIIc \\:Irl;Irr i \S \1 1. nli11r .'11I
111(1 ;1lill )Ili( 11 !Ipcl;llil)n.
n()t (�;11) ;IhIr n( dciclldinl; 011 COAq l;ll
\;III'r ;It;;lllll :1 111;1 j4 it II;I \':Il Imcc. ;111 I I11I I I;II IIIW
in11)ru\rnu nl. ;I II('iII> nlalll'. OInnlrlr 11i1, I rr
I,rad11n II I\ hei11i; dreOIIIIIIiiU111'(I I IIr l .S.- S1)uin Il;lr
rildlt rrnr\\;II ;Il;rrr11rr111 Ni)�nr(I ill \11I;111 1970
I11'l) \1114'(1 11)1 11w 111;111 Ill 11 \1' dcI tl() \cI*N. h \11
nl)nulrinr (I)Ilr nl %Ill 'Ili nr.\\rci-lN. (mc (hwk
Imidin)", Blip- lllrrr I;Ink 1:1n(lin IIi1) i I i> nrr liil. ;Illd
lair nilrr ;ill 1u1vr Imrn (Irlivcied r\rrl)t 1111'rr
lr lrn\rr ;TWIT Ilu Dill r l)I tllr S11r()nIkILl111 Nhipn in
n11nli iun. 1)nr lu lil !)I )Irr l;I rri1 r. Ill dvr tlln l�r.. 111111
11:11( nlinr \\!�1111 r.. 12 (.4);10.11 nlinr \\\rrI)rr. :111(1
111111 ulun:Irinr ;Irr' M] 1();111 In)n1 Illy l hill /l Slnll'
\I)Ilrll\inl;Ilrl\ :10 ullu'r hill, ILI \I' Imrn nul(Irrniir(I
rllnipillcill ;1 11;111 111 Illy \I \I I he
nllulrrniirll 'Ililn lung :i inrll .ill r;Ililrrr Lan l S
\lk 51 :Intl \1k i_' (irr rinllrl)I
wnrlr. \lk 111unin 11)r1u (1111 WWII Ilr(Irlll)> ;111\1
\Tun 111;10 ;Il1r;I(I Illn)\\in \S \1 \\1,11)111( 1111
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
FIGURE 9. U.S. M41 light tank (U%OU)
FIGURE 13. U.S. 155 -mm self propelled
howitzers, M44 (U /OU)
FIGURE 10. l ".S. M47 medium tanks (U /OU)
FIGURE 12. U.S. 155 -mm howitzers (towed)
M 1 (U /OU)
FIGURE 1 1. U.S. M1 13 armored personnel carriers (U /OU)
modernized ships 11a\e dc\eloped it good (�npabilil\
\\itIIiII III(� I if' tilalions of t11cir Sp it 11is11
personnel arc capable (14 Opvratint; modern ships. but
c(msidc�rablc� fon�ign tec�11nic�al an(I nuticrial aid ill be
ruccessar\ to cmItin11c tlr(- mbidIding of the na\\.
ntajtir in- cmintr\ shipbuilding program (I'11as(� I) tit
four French- (Icsigncd Daphne class submarines ((,tic
ctinunissioned 1;1\ I9;t3l and fi\c l.S. DVC -T
(nu)(lilied Brooke) class gulidcd missile dcstrovcr
esc()rts (on(- c�(tmntissinned 21 September 19T :3) is
nn(Icr\ca\. F11twe ship cmvtruclion inc�Ind(�s guided
missile destr(1\crs. (1estr (1\cr escorts. Super I)apltnc
lass rijbntarincs. patrol -sels. ;(uucl au\iliarics.
'I'll( n :r\\ has it na\al infantr\ clement \c11i(11 is
(Ic'.elol >itug an increasing anuphiltintus \\it rfare
capabilil\ and c�:nu conduct icinforccd battalion
landinu; team -(\pe operations against fight upposilitin.
small hill uo\\in14 11clicoplerccllupp( I(1rccs front lint :t
\:teal Station and Iron] \itrio11s major surface
c�onultatants. "I'hc three main na\it1 bases at I'll Ferrol
(Iel :it Ildillo. (:adiz,'and :it rtitgcfit 11a \c facilities to
1111pporl t11c ('\is[ing Ilect but \\ill re( l Ili re intpro\e-
nrcnls to sc'niee the gtuide(l missile ships. Sccond;ir\
Ili itI bases arc located at 'Farifa. Spain: I';Illllil.
\laho11. and Sollcr in (lie Ralc:oi( Isl;ur(Is: ,111(1 Isis
P'llnuas in the (:anar\ Islands. \:r\;ul hcad(ptartcrs arc
in M;idrid (figure IT).
I. Organization
The Chief of Slah e\crc�is(�s adntinistratirc cmilml
tier the na\\ throudi Ill� \linisfurtiI \u\\, It() i ;j
senior Ilag officer mid c\crls ctinsidemble it ill horit\ in
bol11 CMIIII an(I ;md a(Intitiistrali\c matters. 'I'11c (:Itiel
I w ,hm riti( m pl n.nnrs .rr Ihr fiat (I Ilamr, m, Ile ,,loon
ul it)( tiurnm,ri\ \lap ;ni(I tlir map il.rlf in Ill� (�unto I'n,lilr
(d \a\itl General Staff ranks dircok belti\\ is
minister and, in addition In sttper\isio n (1f the \a\;tl
General Stall. c\crc�iscs rnrrall cornntand (,f 111(. fleet.
(\cu I,IIrcal is 111c PersOIIIicl I)e rtn11�nl. fhe Fleet
'I'rainiir; (:onrtniindI imd tither na\al c(1n11nands
Figtne i5).
'I \a\ :1I Grncral Mall consists (1I hmr di\ isinns�
Slralc14\. I.(1gistic�s. Tactics. and Organic. 'I'hc Stratep
Di\ision inclucics sections for I'la Iniclli14cnce.
Operations. v,\al Gonlml. :ni(I (:(1nuulunic:ltitins.
'111c I.ogislics Di\isitin has sections for Prti14r:utu11ing.
1- itislic Pl:ins. tj nd ('(mrdinalion. .111e 'v,wti(.s
I)i\ ision iIldI dc's Arnt:tnrc'nls. Dclenscs. General
I'aclics and I;Ifccli\encss scclions. \\11ilc the Organic
1)i\isi( n has ou h\o sections� Urgnniz:llitin
StIldics and (:o(1rdination.
1f the highest lc\el Ielti\\ the (:11irl tit 111c \a\:t1
General Slalf :trc 111c (:hie( of Ili� Personnel
I)clmrintenl. IIIe :11icl (1I Logistic Support Bureau.
the (:hief oI the linrcan of Supplies and :\cconnls. and
the Sec�rct;tr\ ;eneral. 'I'he Personnel 1)(partment
inclucics 111e Dircc�t(1ralc�s ()l liec�r11iling and \n\A
Pelstinnel. \a\ ill I list rncli(nl. IleallIt. and 11c�ligious
(:uicl;tnee. Ili lc the Logistic Support Btircun includes
111c I)irecttirates oI \it\al \lililar\ (:nnstruction.
Snppl\ end Iransp((rtalion. and Kcs(arch and
I)e\rinprncnl. The BIIIv ;oi tit S11pplics;oid :\cc�o11nts is
resptirnsiblc for Al fiscal nt(ttlers. 'I'hr Scerc(:1r\
General. (11:(1111411 the Scercla ial. e\ercises hildl -!c\ rl
c()(1rdhmtitin (1f it;,\:,I central ndrninishalion ;1cti\ ili(�s.
I'11c (:Ilicl oI Ilre \,I\ ;11 General SIAI direc�tl\
controls the \,I\A Inlantr\ (:orps. it una!I Ila\A air
1rnt, the \a\:rl \\it r(:tille14c. t11c nrilit:cr\ stanclardii;t-
tion ser\icc�s. and sc\cr:II I rid ning ships. 1ra11sp(1rts.
;Md s11r\v\ing ships. "I'11e (:(1n11nandcr oI the Flect
'Flainin14 (:on11n;ui(I ;1l C;Irlc14e11a. \\11() s11per\ises all
lleel training centers. is ;tkO direell\ responsilllc to the
Chief (1l Ili, a\iil General 51:111. 0111eradnuinislrn1i\e
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
FIGURE 14. U.S. Hawk surface -to -air missiles (U /OU)
FIGURE 15. 105 -mm howitzer procured from
Italy for use in mountain units (U /OU)
FIGURE 16- Conde del Venodito,
one of three tank landing ships
loaned to Spain by the United
States uider the 1970 base rights
renewal agreement (C)
cicnu nts Ill the ministn \\hich pro\idc the ncc�css;ln
support to keep the Ilc�c�t o n
periitioal arc also) placed
under his c(mmiallcl.
The coastlir of Spait is di\ided iron three
nlaritinrc- zoner-- CanLlbrico (l :I Fcrrol dcl m ill()
I:strecho 1( :acliz1, and \leditcrruu�o :alrial;cnii
each ender ;I senior admiral kuo\\i as the
er�ncrid. IIe cnn(rofs assignccl ships, shore liwililies.
lorll .c�;i%\ard dcicnsr�. trainit,,, los;istic support it
fleet units (�wt r;iiard ac�ti\ilies, and aclntinistratirn
of lm%if purl oflicers and nn�rc�hanl marine personncl.
""l ac�ti\itics in the Balearic Islandsaresuborclinalc
to the \ledilcrr;uu�cr Ml irilinu' Lnnc. "I'he Canar\
Islands constitute an independcut n;l\al c�ontntalld
The Vslrcc�hcr \liiritimv zmic conlril, na\iil mutters
fir Ceuta :Ind \Iclilln. the Sp :ulislt places of
so\crc�it;rlt\ in \urtIt AI 'fhc Secrek,r\ ;cncral of
the \it is also (:Ilici c.f the Ccntral 1urisdiction. the
n;l (listricl (hcadgtiartcred in MmIrid \\hic�h
includes all oI interior Sp;lin.
The (1liel if the CirIr Sccliorl.
Cencral Stull. is the� III I I of the eonun;tnieutions
11(I"irk. Te IIIIical prol le rIIs. irtslallaliort of nc\\
ecl Ili ptnent and rescarch arc the responsihi lit ic's of the
Tcchnic�al ::enter for 1�:Icc�tricit\. I :Icctronics. ;old
Bath() CotnnruniCations. "I'he princip :il n:nal r,lclio
stations arc located ill \laclrid. I.a (:mrcra, h;l I errnl
dcl (:nuclilln. :mliz. Curlat;cml. I'alnta \I;Ijorc;ll.
Mid I,;Is PAIII;ls 1(:;uulr\ Islandsl. Shore station ;Intl
ship cnntntnrlieation facilities ha \e hcert t n�atl\
imprn\cd \\ills I .S, �111i Imiclit rec�ci\cd under the
\IAA. but tltc�\ me still conlp;imIdc to those in use b\
the I .S. \;I\\ hiring \World \\';Ir II. '11w
sllppnrlcd ships h ullnidiitlh Ircctncnc�\ 1('111 1
c;lpahilil\. The eflicicnc\ of the c�otnntlnlic�ation
s\stcnl is limited b\ a shnrlagc of tnlincd pc rsonncl.
\:I\'11 shore ac�li\ities and roost n,l\ill units ;Ire
assigned In the four niaritinw zone conun:lndcrs.
Sciccled 11;1\ ill units. including the hclicoptc r can:cr
l)rr /nlu. the lieu\\ cruiser ('rm� )ins. Itldcslritcrs.:uul
limst :uuphihious ships ;tnd craft. (cant it sc�parulc
contntand. the SP:utidl I�'Icct. 0\vrall operational
cvordinalion and militar\ conunand oI the flea is
cm b\ the Cnnunander of the I I ct. based al 1� :I
I`crrol dcl Cau(Jillo. uhoard the c�ntiscr Canarias.
fleet is ori;anizcd into I pc conuuands. ill) the F:x�nrt
Conurt:utd Ihilsc�cl at I:I Vcrrcll del Caudillo and
CartuLen and the Alliphibiolts Conunancl biased al
Cadiz. Special task h -c�es arc organized under the fleet
cnnttnander as requircd frrr operational cxcrciscs.
Strength, composition, and disposition
Ships of the Spanish \:1\\ include :i:i major
contbalanls (one hc�l`,�optcr carrier, one lieu\ cruiser.
15 cicstrcrs. 011" kuidccl missile destro\cresc�ort. nine
dcslro\cr escorls (Figure M). and six srtbinarincsl. I I
palrnl ships. ?i mine \\ar1*arc \csscls. uncl nine
antphibicrus ships. In addition. the n :r\ has ,S�_ minor
c r alt j:30 antphihionsl. cis ht auxiliaries. l :i helicopters.
:old lour fixcc! -\\ink utilil\ :lirc�ralt.
\e;Irl\ all ships arc nornclll\ station( ;II home
\\atcrs. Illmor combatant ships basins; al 1.:1 1�'crrol dcl
(:andilln :old Carla"'cn:l. \II submarines arc b, sect ;It
C:lrtuscvta, an :unl)hihions groutp is A Cildiz..uld it
nl, for torpedo boat uloadroti i, basc�(1 at Tarda.
\lincs\\er arc basal at 1 :1 Ferrol dcl Caudillo,
(:acli.. and I'alnt:l (\Iajorcit Patrol \csscls arc Ir,rsccl
al all principal na\al purls. and sc\cr,il arc stational
in the Cnn::r\ IsI ;IIIds. I :xccpl Im (\\o rttidl;ct
subntulrincs ml included bo\c. the na bus nn
nscnr fleet :111 other ships not Ilulintained In an
acli\c stallis :Ire nndcrgning n\rrhaul. major rcp:lirs.
or nurcicrt'izatiotl.
1'cr'sonnc'I slt'r�ngllt is abonl I: ;.200 nfliccrs ;Intl
enlisted Wien. including some 1 ;1)tl na\ul inlanlr\.
'1rn mnl.ulr nlnLilrl. ilrlailr�rl inG .ni.ainn. .rr Uir� /`r /rmr
llllr' /lil'Rr'1' (lrllr al IiN rIIP 1ilrlr'lll .Ar/IYI/ )Iflr'I !1! ONIr' /1 /1
\linnr \rrnl Frnrrr lnhllirrnr'r tilrrrlrl. .nut the 1 /ilnurq
/nlr /lirnr-r Srrrrurrnnl. all Irid l,\ On. IM"11" Inlclll'-vil v
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
c m
S U Z Z 2
a I
0 0
i U m
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c m
S U Z Z 2
a I
0 0
i U m
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
of the
General Staff
Naval Fleet Logistic
General Staff Support
Chief, J I Chief,
L Personnel Bureau Naval
Department of Supplies Infantry Corps
and Accounts
Mediterrr neo
FIGURE 18. Spanish Navy command structure "U/0U)
Secretary General
Chief, Central
Air Arm
FIGURE 19. Audaz, onc- of nine Spanish -built destroyer escorts. These ships prop -Jbly
will be phased out as the new guidad missile destroyer escorts enter the naval
inventory. (U /OU)
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
(i(Ill midshipmen. and 115 a\ialor,. Comrnii,sioncd
officer total appro\i mat cl\ :3,(illO. :11)prmimatcl\
S(ic; of the II;I\\ amcl naval inlantr\i enlisted Wren
arc c�onseripts: Y, are ,hurt -term \olunleer About
1.600 officers and I2,111111 enli,lcd Wren are a�igned to
sea dut\.
Na\al re,ene personnel. including na\al infantr\
re,cnisl,. amount to appro\inratelc:310.11(lil, of \\hum
ab()ut 70.0011 could be mobilized \011in fill da\s.
There are. ho\\ecer, no organized re,er \v units.
3. Training
The Director of \a\al In,lruction, under the
vuidanc�e of the Chief of the Permmnel Duparlrru`mt, is
rc� pomible for most trr:ning activities. The na\\ ha, a
complete school ,\slcnr \\hic�h provides basic�.
tcc�lmical. and a(hanced in,tmrc but the,\,tern i,
limited b\ the lo\\ educational level of cmli,ted mn`m.
the ,horl time wr\I-d b\ conscripts, and am
mcremrpba,i oar tll('()r
'them has been c�on,idcral ;!e imrpm\ement in
training. largel\ a, a r(`,ult of a�istance pro\ided b\
the` MAP. School, and teclmic�al training center, ha\e
received l'.S. e(IIIiIinwiII. and both olfi(vr and
cnli,ted personnel ba\c taken l .S. N :I\\ special
cour,c,, thereb\ formimg a nucleus of tocClmic�all\
(Iualified people. School, are pattern cd after V.S.
\:I\\ fac�ilitie,, emrplm d .S. mretbod, of inslnn�tion.
:cord are generall\ ade(Imate to mu`et the n:n\ training
re(Imirem ent,.
Because of ;I ,lortage of trained cmlisted mein.
li,mc\er. the na\\ depend, upon officers to perform
m mi\ Iec�hmic�al duties \\hicb in olber na\ics are
nonmall\ perform cd b\ wnior pem officer,. O\erall.
Hoc (Iu:rlit\ of training i, mot a, high as ill more
a(I\amcvd movie,. 'There i, no program of relm,her )r
continuing lrainimg for r(,eni,ls.
Afloat training and the fleet training center, ,trc�
ASW aril mrinc,\\ccpimg. Practical training is alm)
given ill ginner\, fire control. dmnagc control.
Ii ref igbtimg. and the` operation of eleclr(lnic�
e(Irripm ent. Spanish naval force, participate in ASW
an(I mtinc,\\ccpimg e\enisl`s \\itb omit, of the l�.S-
I�'rcmch. Italimi, and Portrrgmeu` Na\ic,, ;Intl a, a result
their eflic�ienc\ is gradiiall\ imrpro\img.
\a\al u�bool, and training ImIlitic, am� conccn-
Imtcd ill the Madrid, Fl Ferrol del Cmidillo, Cadiz.
;urd (;artagena area,. (:mididatc, for line officer
CM111nkJIII v, attend a 5-war course at Ilic Na\al
\c�adctm\ at Marin, inchiding I \car at sea aboard a
,ail Indning ,hip. Officer candidate, for the naval
inf;urtr cmgiuccrir(g, and ,mppl\ corps alul take a .i-
\c:rr mine at the Naval Academm but concentrate oil
,object, dvillim- \\ith their ,pecial ficl(I, ;md m idvrgo
less shiphoard training. Basic training of enlisted nu`n
dc\otes much tune to nonna\al subject, and to
cleim .ltan education. Specialist schools, most of
\\bic�h ha, c�mww, for (loth enlisted Wren and officers,
offer trainint ,n \arious technical fields. including
gllrlllcr vice�. 11111(,, communication,, engineering.
an m
d an \carfare. Conscripts ma\ yualif\ in
Ionic:illsemiskilled Inure, and receive additional pa\.
'I'll( Na\al War Coller;e offers a senior c�oursc for
prospccti\c flag officers and a junior course for
lieutenant c�oimnandcr, and lieutenants. Both c�onrses
are open to selected officers from the ot1wr se :%ices.
;Illd the junior course I, open to selected foreign
officer,. The senior course lasts for :3 months and the
junior course for \ears. Sonic natal officers attend
the Superior Schools (\car c�ollcg(,) of the arm\ and the
air force as \cell as the Superior National Defense
Studies Center (Cl` :SFl)EN 1, a triser\icc school; natal
infantr\ officers al,o attend the Arm\ General Staff
School. Sclec�lcd officer Ina\ attend the Na\al
Command and Staff Gdlcge in Nationalist China
under an e\chamgc agreement. Sonic officers attend
coupe, in France. \chore training in submarines is
living gi\cu as a result of the Daphne class submarine
construction program. Because or mlitic�al considera-
tions. no Sp;mkh officers ha\e attended sc!,00ls in the
United Kingdom since 196:3. \a\al infantr\ officers
train at \Lrrine Corps sc hours in the Vniled States. (Of
Nona` 1 20 Spanish naval officers Mio ha\c trained in
the United States ,imcv 1970, 20 have been natal
infantr\ officers).
Important natal training facilities. locations, :roc
courses offered are listed in the foll(ming tabulation:
Naval War College, Madrid
\;1\;Il staff courses.
School of Ad\anced Studics,
:3-year postgraduate s I I cs
in science and mathematics
at university level.
Ordnance Ew inecring School,
\aval \\c;,pons technology.
Sllhlll;lmn(' S(11001, :;ll't;lg(
SL11111; ilnl� (lp(`I'at1011,; dl\'lllg.
Na\al Ordnance and Gunnery
Gunnery ;Ind fire control.
School "laner, Cadiz
Umlen\ater Weapons School,
Torpcdnes. mines, minclay:ng
Soller Balearic Islands)
and miuesaeeping.
School of Communications,
Operation and repair of
1':Icctricity, and Electronics,
Machinist, School, El Fcrrol
Engine operation and repair.
del Caudillo
Iett� Officers School, San
Courses for prospective chief
Fernando (near Cadiz)
petty all d \cu'rant officers.
Na\al Infante' School, San
Practical training, including
I crnando
amphibious warfare.
Na\al Academy, \mein
Officer training.
Recruit Training Centers, I�a
Basic training course for col
Ferrol del Caudillo, San
mnteers and conscripts.
Fcm ;mcdo, and Cartagena
0 3
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
4. Logistics
nder the Chief of the \a%al General Staff. the
thief of Logistic� Support is responsi lc for all
engineerin- and supply hinctions required In operate
the nay\. these functions arc dk ided among the three
directorates inchidcd in his bureau \ayal \lilitar\
Construction (constriction and maintenance!, Supple
Mid 'I ruspmi :ition, and Research and Development.
The technical ser\ic�es of the i)irectorate of \it \aI
\l lllla r (:o ii S1 rii( hind hull and \f ac�hi nen
F.Iectricih and I',lec�tronic�s. Weapons. \a\al Shore
Installations. Weights and \leasur-s and Calibration,
Mid I tilization of \lachiner\) de\vlop to projects
:and program :and control constniction and repair of
,;�i Its c(luip ill �nt. and natal Iac�iIitics. Direct
sniu .ision is gi\(�n to naval base. (arsenales) and
sliipi ,irds (a.slilleros). and inspections are made :is
re(Int-ed at ail le\els.
In the Directorate of Suppl\ mid 'transportation.
the silt pi s(�r\ices \1unilioras, Fuel. Stores (span
parts 'lot him, and Subsistence�) are responsible for
the in\entor\ m an agenscnt ,and (listrilmhon 4
assigned materials, Ili le the Transportation Ser\ice is
responsible for :administ rat ion and accoimtin>; for
ill ilization of carious means of transportation itself b\
the nay\, inclaadit :t, :all anlonusli\e material.
The Di r, ctorate of Research and Deyelopnu�nl is
responsible for basic ;ind applied research to insatre the
eontinned lee mic:al inpi-mvin �tits required b\ it
modern na\ ;il force. The Cenler for liese:irc�h and
Decelopmenl in Madrid is under this directorate.
The carious natal bases perform support functions
for the macs under the police l4nidance and direction
of the (;lief of Logistic Saupport. Ship repair, building.
trod snppl\ facilities ate concentrated at 1-:1 Ferrol del
:oidillo, :adiz.:and :rirtagcna. The \arions repair
branches of the iui\ :al bases perform minor repairs (o
ship halls, mac liner\, v I cI ro hies. and or(In:usce.
Spain Issas the capacit\ to c�onsIroc�t suthtn :irises :ui(I
siirlace coruabal :uiIs np to desIrr'er size. and to
o\erlaul all ships in its na\ial inventor\, ho\\ e\er.
tIt( m-ti\ities are limited b\ :m austere bnclgrl an(I
Ile need fit imsport material and technical aid. Spanish
im%\tl nails ire built and repaired at the llrev
i;o%crimient- controlled Kazan slip\ards adjacent to
the :aforementioned bases. The Kazan and pri\alel\
o\\ned sbilm :irds build small n :ayal slips and crafl
snIiIII t :amkers, :and training ships for export, principally
I o Poringal an(I Latin Auorric :a.
Phase I of the cmrrenl in- c�onntr\ na\itl shipbuilding
program includes the constructioti if five V.S. DF,G-
(\lndified Krookel class gadded missile destroyer
escorts (DE(:) and fo,ir French designed Daphne
class submarines (SS). All five DEGs have been
launchvd: the first as commissioned in Septem-
ber 197-3, and deli\erics on the others \\iil con-
tinue through 1975. The first tiff \\as commissioned
in \la\ 19 3, and the r aiuirig three should he
operational b\ the end of 19 45.
The Phase II shipbuilding program. to he
iniplenienled o\(,r the ne\t 10 \ears, calls for the
construction (it) Spanish shipyards) of three kuidcd
missile destroyers (DDG), 10 dcs!ro\er escorts
(DE), I\%o Daphne class submarines, six missily-
ccluipped patrol boats, and nunu�ious :ut\iliar\ and
service \essels. in addition, the fi\v DFG1's no\\ i�nder
construction are to be up(lated. '('his program mill
depend hca\il\ on foreign technical a� linanc�ial aid
\d0uh is no\\ being acti\el\ sought from the United
States. France, and West Gernian\.
'I'll( sitppl\ s\sletri is \\eak because of the lose level
of economic support and the small iudnstrial base for
production of complev modern naval ships and
equipment. The \\idol\ scattered sruppl\ facilities are
handicapped b, a poor transportation s\stems. :n,cl(
oil and high -grade metals must be imported. Storain
facilities for petroleums products are adequate. but
stocks are usually 1(m. Although the present suppl\
system meets the peacetime req uiremcnts of the na\\.
it Lacks depth of stores and tic nieans to name their
rapidb for \\artinu� needs: under\\a\ replenishnient is
limited to oil( oiler (AO). The nary is attempting to
update its supple organization b\ (iclopting methods
used lo\ the U.S. Na and significant improvements
are being made. ;1 centralized iinentorc control of all
supple facilities has been set up in Madrid to
coordinate the stocks at each of the three retain natal
bases. 'I'll( ships' spare parts stock level is nos\
probably sufficient for 1S to 2I nusnths at present
peacetime isage rates.
5. Naval infantn
'I'h(, \a\al Infantr\ Corps (0wi po (l(� In(anlcria dc
Jlarina). hose traditional fnnclion has been the
proteclion of naval installations, is an integral part of
(le na\\ and has aundergonv :a reorganizalion to
pro\ide :s highly -1 rained and el'I'vO \e amphibious
\carfare force. 'the Commanding General of the \:sal
lnfanlr\ Corps. under the (thief of u� \a\al General
Staff. is msponsible for personnel, training. and
organization to enable the to meet Ilic
operational requirements established b\ the \a\al
General Staff. 'the corps consists of the Regitneril of
lh( Fleet (Tercio rte :l rnuulu -c onunonb called I lic
Fleet Marine Force), defeum and sccurit\ forces, and
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
nnik ,(ring aboard ships. I'll(- principal missions of
the corps :iG to carry out amphibious operations, to
sure defense and security of naval bases and
installations, to provide detachnients scr\ing as
members of Ships companies, an(I eo assist tiaval
antboritiCS \\hen rcct,.ired all(] directed.
The corps is made up of the beadeluartcrs io Madrid
Mid the follo\vmg main elements:
Current overall Strength is Some 600 officers and
8.000 enlisted men.
TlW I 1 Icet :Marine Force, the stain c�omhat force of
the corps, is an operational element of the \mphil)ious
Command responsible to the Commander of the Fleet.
Thl; landing force, which holds all heavy \yeapons
and eeluiptncril, includes six rifle companies. it
cotrtpany of tanks (li M- 1`i'S), two batteries of
it rtiII(rn. and an antitank compan\. Equipmv it
inc hi(lcs 105 -min self propelled howitz 90-Writ sclf-
propelled antitank guns, 106 -nun and 75 -nun
recoilless rifles, M?i 1 wcaponscarricrs. .2-inch heavy
mortars, rocket laumc�hers, flame thrtwers. [A" Y's (tank
landing \ellic�les), and Some 2511 wheeled vehicles.
Scalift is provided by the Amphibians Gronp based
al Cadiz. Ships include one amphibious transport
(LTA), one amphibious cargo Ship (I.KA), one dock
lal-ding ship (I.SUI, three lank landing ships (I.ST),
and three medium landing ships (I.S%I). all
types, plus Some :30 landing craft (Figure 2(1).
'I'hC landing force can conduct :a reinforced
I)Nttaliolt landing team -1\1e of operation against i t
lightly defc1!dcd beach and carry ant amphibious
raids and reconnaissance missions. I.intilalions include
lack of an airlift c�apabilily and dependence upon lh(�
Spanish Air Force for air Support. As it partial solution
to the latter problem, eight ;\II -IG (Ilue\ Copra)
gunship belic�oplers have (teen ac(Iiiired for the I
Marine Force.
ThC defense and se(�nrity forces are oper,alionally
responsible to local )it ynl coIII Ina Iids. 'I'll(- three
regiments. 1\\o groups, toil smaller dctachments
perform guard and sec�urit\ duties. 'I'll( personnel of
the Southcn: licgiment arc part of the Fleet Marine
Force. The Northern and Eastern Regiments each
have a landing force hose Arength is :utrmally that of
it reinforced c�ompanv, plu> i t battalion staff. 'These arc
\\ell trained units designed to provide it nucleus for a
cluic�kly mobilizahle battalion of resen ists in the event
of \var. and also to provide it company for integration
into the Fleet Marine Forcc for c\crciseS and
emergency use. Detachnu�nts sent aboard ships as
crews fo; light air defense guns, as military police, and
as it nucleus for ships' landing parties.
Training c\crcises are carried out periodically \\ith
the Spanish Arm\. the French \avv. and marine
elements of the C.S. Sixth Fleet. Tactics and vycapons
are generally the same as those eniplovc(I b\ the 1
Marine Corps.
6. Naval air ann
The nasal air arm has the primary mission of
providing a;r support to naval surface forces ill the
conduct of their ;\SW mission. Secondary missions
include support of hoth ssarch and rescue (SAR) and
naval infantry vertical assault operations.
Command of the naval air arm is cxcrc�isi cd b\ the
(thief of the Naval General Staff through tit( Chief of
the Air Arm Section Directl\ subordinate to the Chief
of the Air \rill Section is the (:hicf of the I Iclicopter
Flotilla. who maintains direct operational control of
the naval air mitiadrons and concurrently serves as
Director of the Nasal Ilelicopter A\ialion Instruction
Cenlcr (CIANIIF) as \yell as C-innianding Officer,
Rota Ilcliport, al the Rota Naval Station. Ile
maintains close liaison \\ith the air forces Ill' -1(iR
squadron \\hic�h provides fixed -\sing ;\S\\' Support to
tit( nay\
Operational ;\S\\' lidic�opters are organized into
three frontline s(luadrow, "1'\\o squadrons (one \\ith
Cighl SI1 :31) and the other \\itli four All -201113
helicopters) operate from the helicopter carrier
Ocdalo, and one squadron \\ith five Ilughes 5011M
helicopter, operates from destroyer -type comba t tits.
The AS\\' c:apabilit\ is enhanced py three P -:3 Orion
and Ill' -166 fi\vd -\sing
aircraft belonging to the air
force. ('se of the I11' -166 aircraft \yould prof)ahly be
confined to occim suneillancc. Other established units
inchide it ne\\I\- formed attack helicopter Squadron
(fight All -I(: Ilu( Copra), one transport utility
helicopter s(Inadron (seven Sikorsky S -55), one
Iraining ftclicopler s(luadron (1 011 -1:3C Sioux). and
one fixed -\sing liaison communications Squadron
(four Piper Comanche. none of \\bic�h is operational).
All units :ire stationed :at the Rota Nasal Station. The
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
1 feet larine Force
Cadiz. (San I' er-
Southern lit ginunt
included in
(Tercio dcl Stir)
Northern Regiment
FI F,-,rol del Cau-
Tercio dcd Norte
astern Regiment
(Tcrcio dcl Lcvantc)
\fade: Group
Canary Islands Group
Las Palmas Gran
R:4caric Croup
Palma (Maiorca)
Current overall Strength is Some 600 officers and
8.000 enlisted men.
TlW I 1 Icet :Marine Force, the stain c�omhat force of
the corps, is an operational element of the \mphil)ious
Command responsible to the Commander of the Fleet.
Thl; landing force, which holds all heavy \yeapons
and eeluiptncril, includes six rifle companies. it
cotrtpany of tanks (li M- 1`i'S), two batteries of
it rtiII(rn. and an antitank compan\. Equipmv it
inc hi(lcs 105 -min self propelled howitz 90-Writ sclf-
propelled antitank guns, 106 -nun and 75 -nun
recoilless rifles, M?i 1 wcaponscarricrs. .2-inch heavy
mortars, rocket laumc�hers, flame thrtwers. [A" Y's (tank
landing \ellic�les), and Some 2511 wheeled vehicles.
Scalift is provided by the Amphibians Gronp based
al Cadiz. Ships include one amphibious transport
(LTA), one amphibious cargo Ship (I.KA), one dock
lal-ding ship (I.SUI, three lank landing ships (I.ST),
and three medium landing ships (I.S%I). all
types, plus Some :30 landing craft (Figure 2(1).
'I'hC landing force can conduct :a reinforced
I)Nttaliolt landing team -1\1e of operation against i t
lightly defc1!dcd beach and carry ant amphibious
raids and reconnaissance missions. I.intilalions include
lack of an airlift c�apabilily and dependence upon lh(�
Spanish Air Force for air Support. As it partial solution
to the latter problem, eight ;\II -IG (Ilue\ Copra)
gunship belic�oplers have (teen ac(Iiiired for the I
Marine Force.
ThC defense and se(�nrity forces are oper,alionally
responsible to local )it ynl coIII Ina Iids. 'I'll(- three
regiments. 1\\o groups, toil smaller dctachments
perform guard and sec�urit\ duties. 'I'll( personnel of
the Southcn: licgiment arc part of the Fleet Marine
Force. The Northern and Eastern Regiments each
have a landing force hose Arength is :utrmally that of
it reinforced c�ompanv, plu> i t battalion staff. 'These arc
\\ell trained units designed to provide it nucleus for a
cluic�kly mobilizahle battalion of resen ists in the event
of \var. and also to provide it company for integration
into the Fleet Marine Forcc for c\crciseS and
emergency use. Detachnu�nts sent aboard ships as
crews fo; light air defense guns, as military police, and
as it nucleus for ships' landing parties.
Training c\crcises are carried out periodically \\ith
the Spanish Arm\. the French \avv. and marine
elements of the C.S. Sixth Fleet. Tactics and vycapons
are generally the same as those eniplovc(I b\ the 1
Marine Corps.
6. Naval air ann
The nasal air arm has the primary mission of
providing a;r support to naval surface forces ill the
conduct of their ;\SW mission. Secondary missions
include support of hoth ssarch and rescue (SAR) and
naval infantry vertical assault operations.
Command of the naval air arm is cxcrc�isi cd b\ the
(thief of the Naval General Staff through tit( Chief of
the Air Arm Section Directl\ subordinate to the Chief
of the Air \rill Section is the (:hicf of the I Iclicopter
Flotilla. who maintains direct operational control of
the naval air mitiadrons and concurrently serves as
Director of the Nasal Ilelicopter A\ialion Instruction
Cenlcr (CIANIIF) as \yell as C-innianding Officer,
Rota Ilcliport, al the Rota Naval Station. Ile
maintains close liaison \\ith the air forces Ill' -1(iR
squadron \\hic�h provides fixed -\sing ;\S\\' Support to
tit( nay\
Operational ;\S\\' lidic�opters are organized into
three frontline s(luadrow, "1'\\o squadrons (one \\ith
Cighl SI1 :31) and the other \\itli four All -201113
helicopters) operate from the helicopter carrier
Ocdalo, and one squadron \\ith five Ilughes 5011M
helicopter, operates from destroyer -type comba t tits.
The AS\\' c:apabilit\ is enhanced py three P -:3 Orion
and Ill' -166 fi\vd -\sing
aircraft belonging to the air
force. ('se of the I11' -166 aircraft \yould prof)ahly be
confined to occim suneillancc. Other established units
inchide it ne\\I\- formed attack helicopter Squadron
(fight All -I(: Ilu( Copra), one transport utility
helicopter s(Inadron (seven Sikorsky S -55), one
Iraining ftclicopler s(luadron (1 011 -1:3C Sioux). and
one fixed -\sing liaison communications Squadron
(four Piper Comanche. none of \\bic�h is operational).
All units :ire stationed :at the Rota Nasal Station. The
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
air ,ten has approximatcl% 115 designated ;i ialors.
in(lu(ling staff pilots.
;\Ithough the nasal air it Fill's :\S\\ and SA 11
(�a pa hi IiIies h:r\e gr.ul lit lk i lit prosed (It nring the past
fccs sears, prinutril\ as it result of the introduction of
more mid ncscer helic�opteis and ion increase in
operalio n:d experience, the all- helic�oplcr operitio n:d
force is still limited in size and scope of operations. As
it resell, it is inc ii1mWe of hilfilling its prinwn nnission.
Airlift capabilih is inude(Iualc� to support n:nsal
infantr\ vertical assault operations, and attack
hc�lic�opter snpporl is in the developnu�n:(id stage. I".ighl
I la\%ker Siddelex I larrier aircraft are on order (roan the
I S. (;co%ernnu�nl.
E. Air force (S)
The nn 'Ni ons of the air loree it re itir(lefense of Spain
nnntent and
materiel The Subsec�ret;tn is adxised bx the Ad%ison
(:onnc�iI of AA ro lit utic�al Industries and controls six
directorates or office %(uic�h are concerned x.itIt
Iuppl\. auditing, personnel. services. procurement,
and tln� aeronautical indnstn.
The `mbs�c�retariot of :i\il A\iation is responsible
1rr ecc�nt Ili ng mlated to c�om mercial and prisate
aviation. the func�lioning of related silk ordirtale
organizations, and for ad\ icing the \1inister of Air m,
police\ as it relates to civil it vi;ation. Ile c�liitir� it is
a(I\ised by the Superior Council of :Airports c,u matters
relatittt; to airport police, it w! is;tssistecl i,s it tec�hrtical
secretariat vvhic�b is concerned with the planning,
inspection. and general c.,tmlinati)it of civil aviation
acti\ities. The principal di\isional elements of the
Snbsec�rela Hit l of (;iviI A iation are the A ;rTrutsport
I)irec�t( j rate. the Airports Dirc�c�torale. and the
Iit frasIrttc�tit rc� I)ir,�c�h,r:atc�. The :Air Transport
I)irectonote General is responsible for preparing and
eve(� lit ill g plans retit led to ci\iI it viitIioit mid
maintaining wlations \%itb eynivalent foreign and
inh�rn;ali( naI ort;anizaliotts. The Airpor(s I)irec�torate
General is responsible for the� national ;fir Traffic
Control Service and the tn;uutgenmenl of navigational
:tad teleconuntntications aids, and ;airports. The
Infr;astntctnn� Iiirectorate Cererral is printutriI\
responsible for the constmution mid maintenance of
installations and facilities. Also subordinate to the
Sulur�c�relarial of (:i\il A\ialion :t re the \ational
\leteorologi(�al Service. the Search and f(ex�ne
Senic�e. the IIcIic�opler Service, the \irc�rafl
11(- 0Nt1�;t;ort Office. and the \atonal Atrporls Mice.
The Snbsec�relar\ of (:ivif A\iation is also the Spanish
represetttatixe I the International (:i\iI Aviation
Organization (I( :;AO).
To c�vec�nle its operational tasks, the air force is
org;tuized into four functional cntnnutn(Is ,fir
I)eIc�ttse, T;ielic�al \ir, :Air Transpr,rl, and :\ir
Materiel� vvlaich are directly sttbor(Iinale to the
Minister of :\ir. \ircr;tlt :n d s tpport mails are
established and m aintaim�cl ;is appropriale, and cac�h
conttnancl hats its o\vn stalf. Organization of
openational aircraft anti% follows basically that of the
('.S. :Air Force. vv ill; kings or groups contpose(I of
s(l lit drrnIs, flights, and detac lIIIwnls in descending
order The Chief of the :Air I)elertse :nnun:a'td (Air
I)efense Co it; tn;tndert is assigned operntior�ul
responsibiIiI It )r the Iigbter interceptor s(IiimIrois. the
II:nc�tioning of the FAV G( :1 radar sv dent. ;tad the
inl vg r;tlion of annv .\I);\ ;tad S \1 mills into the tnlal
;air (Iefeis( %\de it t. \IIhottgh Ite is directly vtl,ordi iii le
to the \linklcr of Air in peacetime. the :Air Defens.
Commander autoumticalls becomes slibit�c�t to the
dirc�c�tion of the Commander in Chief of the Armed
Forces in time of s(ar. The :fir Defen Commander
cwrc�iscs operational command of It force through
the :fir I)eh�IIse Combat Operations Center (AI)O(:c,
(hic�h is located in the l .S. Spanish joint :Air Control
;urd Coordination Ccnter (A(AA; A Torrejon de
Ardoz :Airhasc, near Madrid (Figure ?a Subordinate
to the AINA: are three air defense sector ol..�rnlions
centers (SOC's)� northeast, central. and sootimest�
vchich are supported b\ combat reporti,it! centers
:11( :'N In the conduct of air defense operations,
earl. \yarning information obtained by it Cli(' is
passed to its parent SO( which, in turn. alerts the
MAA: and appropriate interceptor units. Overall
.ontrol and coordination of air defense operations are
e.taint,ained by the ADOC, which is in it position to
monitor acti\ity in all three air defense sectors.
Ilovve\er, the direction of actual intercept operations
\watt( he ac�co ill pl :sled by the SO( \rhich is
collocated \vith it radar site. micro\va\e s\ stem
provi(les the priman cotn ill uaic�ali)it link for all
elements of the air deleIse syslertt. The commanders
of the three rcm(aining functional conunands are
responsible for combat and support operations
deris int; from their res )cc Ii\e command designations.
\Iso directly snbor(li lit le to the \linister of \ir are
four geographic c�onun:urclers vv ho are prinmrily
responsible for providing logistical and technical
support t�, units of the functional contntands \\hich
are located v\il Ili it their geographic conur ;Ind
houndaric�s. 'Three air re gions designated Firsl, Second.
and Third vv ith headquarters al Madrid. Se\ ille, and
Zaragoza. respec�ti\ck. a re responsible� for peninsular
Spain ;and the Ii;dearic Islands, and one air zone, the
Canaries :fir %g,ne (head(putrtere(I in Palnuts;. is
responsible for the C;uutr\ Islands and Spanish
Sahara. The air regions and the air zone are fnrlbe;
divided into air sectors. The position of subinspector
r( iu the air regions and the air zone ;appears to
be comparable to it depute chief: in most cases. IFte
sttbinspec�tor serves c�onc�urrenlly as the chief of the air
sector it; \vhich the respective air region or air cone
head(luarters is located. \\'ills the exception of the
Canaries .Air Zone Conuuand. Mich controls
operational units deplored from peuinsul;tr Swain to
the (:;(van Islands and Spanish Sahara. the three air
region commands ha\e at their disposal only st,tall
assorted s(luadrons mid flights \vhich are tiled
primarily for prolic�iencv fbing, liaison, and lighl
Transport aclkities. llmvr\er, in the event of \\ar or
inlertual entergenc\, nnnn�rom 'T -6 Tevan piston
Ir,tiner Ivpe aircraft assigned to I ese air region
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
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1 O
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1 O
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200090014-1
Cl )III and `IrImmlin;lte air ictor Iwa(Icluarlcr"
could br enrplu\ed iI, 1(waI tactical air oper.atiorls.
2. Strength, composition. and disl;osition
Total personnel "trenl,th is apprrl\im;dcl\
\\hick illdllde" 1.:310 offic�cr',. 2 10 iwiide11n cudl,h.
and :30.120 'utncon 'Ili ""imled offic�crs and other
cnli',ted per"(lmwl. Pilot trenob i" slit ltl\ le" th:ul
I.IOO, nlotit of \\hom are o fficers and the remainder
11(111"Imnri-i-led ofliccr". \n additional :3(iO
per',onncl a:, un(lert;oing pilot Iraillint,. 'I he air force
alul enlplo\" al)-0 11.0110 ci\iiian". pJimiril\ ill
t-111lic�al and administratke capac�itic".
Total airc�rall imciitorc is 999 hick inc�Iude".i9 ict
all- \\eathcr fighter- bonlher,, 76 i(�t atlac�k. IS jet
fikhter rccmm ;Iis"anc�e. three jet light trul"porls. "l,\rn
prop light bomber". 165 prop light and Ine(lillnr
transport". 552 traiocrs 1150' jet. 102 prop 1. :39
helicopter', T piston. 12 lnrhiit c). 1I prop
a11ti"n limit riII(� \carf :Ire A MV), three prop tanker it
66 llliurllimcou" prop nlilif\ aircraft.
\ppolminaatel\ S.i(, of the imefilon is assignee' to
the 21 operational squadrons. 21 assorted sqi, v
runs Iligllt". an(I 1:3 training mguadrmi1 wit It the
rs(�eplion of t rid Ili iw id rcrit I t assigned to the G(ncral
:fir Ac�adelllr ill S:Ill la\ ier :\irhaw. almost 90(( of the
assigned aircraft can he found ill 12 airhwc ill
continental Spain. \I-t of the rclmiining operational
nircr ;fl nre based in the Cmi;ir\ Islands. Iron, \\here
thc\ ,ire deplmcd to Spanish sit 1 1;j oil i11 ',upporl of
desert operations. fl,\\ :aircraft ;Ire ;also based in the
Balearic ldiinds. \ir force oprr,t,imial Ili it" arc :a',
\CNrnr:ns AND �m oP' um�i s
�1 :Ill- wcather fighter squadrons
Mirag( Ili -I�:, FAC
6 fighter- bomber squadrons
SF- 5:\/13, ItF S:A, II :A-
200, II:A -220, '1' -0
9 trans port squadrons
C -47, C -54, :Azor 207,
DI IC -4
I antisubmarine warfare squadron
Ill' 1(i13
tanker s(litadron
:3 search and rescue srinadrovs
Ill'- I(i :VR, DO -27, AB-
205/206A, 13(11 -41,
2�1 assorted squadrons /flights
Fm mLirlurl\ upl.11"(L (10,1 rd inl.urn.ilinn. Ihr lot feoier,
I111c1h, "curl Stud(. .Intl Ill llr!rlrrrrl lnlrlli) ;rnrr Surnm I.,,
aircr;Ift incrl:tl N .sal nr(Irr ,I II,Illlr..I I Ihr PIt, 11 urld.lir program in Spain. (:our',(
cllrriculllnl, are gcncrall\ paticnlccl :d1er those of the
I'.S. Air Force. and onl\ in i and Ilivlll\
"pec�ialized canes f" ouhidc training; nssisl:uul,
required. lh -c-r. mice it cadre of personnel ha" bccn
trained ,\ith fomign as"i"t;lncl,. fh(- air II)rce h;Is
(Icnlnn .tralcd it cap:Ibi fit of ('"t it I)Ii 111(1
11ulint:u Ili 11g its Imit progr:uns.
Olficcr', rcc�r11iled I III ci\iIian professions a nd
those recrlliIcd for the Gcncr:ll \i I :\cadcim arc
it it(lydc( I profcssion;11 :Intl nliIiIiIr\ training to prelmre
them for IheiI appropriate :ISSi>;nIncnts. 1�:111i"tId
\()i II I l tccl arc giCelI c \tee I"; \e tech IIicaI and pccia ll"I
training. bill cmm ripls arc gi\c11 little "nwh Ir:o11inl;
because of their short to rnl ()f ii "mice.
I1(mc\er, this (raining is a\ailahlc to Ihos, r�onscripls
\\ho Il :l\(' (Ic ;Ibilil\ mid :m interest in an
;lir force c�arcer.
The 0irectorule of Ti;iining. "uhordmatc to Ihl,
Chief of the Air Fm Gcncral Staff, is respo11sihlc I.
11111"1 air force tr71i IIi lag and t ri I i I i lag erllfrr..
acacicnlics. :uld schools under the cognii :uacc IIt II
:Iiirl of the \ir Force (:r11cr :al Sl;Iff ignili(,I,II
s lutols 1101 under di rccloralc co 111 nll ,Ire f Iv IsiI l('nnr
\ir School, the :al tot;n1pll\ and 1 ill tichool.
:std the \;Ilionall \lelcorologic :al Illslilulc. 1111 "c ,Ire
(lirecll\ suhordillAc Iii flit ('hicl 04 the \ir I'or(�c
Celler :al skill. fill Cilllm"r;lpllic :Ind I'hol)c;raphic
Ser\ic'c. ;std tbl� \alion:al \lcicorologic :al S(-r\ice.
respect i el
'I'llc Ililjlcsl Ic\cl school in the air force still n the
Sup( riot \it School. Phis school pro\ ides it e;lr "I;al l
ll r"(� fell pl'()"plq'Ii \c "f;lff it Iice I'" mid IIIgIIcr
(�(1111 II tat Meter" and ;1 11RtIlI 11 colnntand cmllw hick
cr>rre"ponds rouglll\ to the I .S. \ir F�nt�c \iI
:olnlnand and Sf :llf (:ollcg(�. The cmilln ;slid tonne
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
;cttcn(Ii -d b se1voed n tit jors and heutcn:uIt colonels.
Selected staff .dboil vaduates Ina% attend it nuntih
joint ~tuff course at the Superior National Defertsc
Studies Centcr i(1"N�:DEN). -I -m( inth ad\anccd
c�oorsc at (:I�.SEI)1�.\ is open to sclec�ted air orc�e
gt'l le ra Is.
Permanent c ;Irecr officers radiate from the
1. �ncral :fir :\c�advim ill San la\ier :\irbasc, near
rtagcn;t. Ilere ca(Icts undergo I \cars of
professional training to pm-pare Ihcnn for the fl\
scr \ic�e. gram d sersic�e. and administrative scnic�e.
Academic courses art- identical for all students for the
first xeurs. In the third \ear. flight imd ground
scnic�e cacl��Is lake the saint- courses, cchic�h are
tec�Innic�all\ and militaril\ oriented. During the lourth
\car there is considerable (kergence to permit fling
training for flight cadets :urd the duel\ of applicable
subjects for grotmd a nice cadets. Students prcuaring
for the admtinistr.utke service adhere� to it different
cnrriculmnt (luring the I;ist nears, c�oncenlrtting
In Ina rib on cominwrcial mtathemma,ics. ac�c�onnting.
cc�onomtic�s. clothing Iccluolog\ the FIT gush Lutguage.
Auld scw�ral la\\ spec; dtics.
FIB img training is conducted for fls inns sere is e caclels
Ihroutghout their I warsat theacadcm\. The first scar
consists oI 111 hours of initial flung im Knc�kcr BV-1:11
primarn Iruincrs, inducting formation flsing, iIIiIi;II
aerrtbaii; and other cisnal c�orItact II iIIt 'The so I I I
\ear is cle), otecl to of )se ncr flying trainint, iII :U S;\
1 -115 ;tnd J1 -52 ;1ircr ;ull ucitII IIIiisi, mt nnap
rcn(Iiot4. target iclemtiIic:(tioII photographic rccrntnais
s;utce, and nasitaiinn. During the third scar
additional 14mmati0n lying and inslrumncnl training
are aff mled. and c�iAck Ate c�onumissioned as second
licntcnamts. Sti0cuts contimt:4 their acadentictr.nining
during their fourth \ear and ids() conrt:cle their basic
fly img training at the acitdcnn in either the 11:\ 200 jet
tr ;uiner or 'I li Tevut prop trainer. hdlimimg cchich
Ihe\ rccci their \sings and ;ire promoted to the rank
of first lienlemamt. From the acacicim these officer
proceed for kin cd training either to the let
Fling School al Tiditsr�r ;t fit Kcal \irbase. near
Kacl:njoz. ahem� Ihet Ili the SF -5B Frec(I nn Fighter. or
I() the \lutticugiIle I�I\ing School at \latacmi :\irb;c�e,
uchcre thc\ Ik I;. Kccchc�rafl Karate, and Piper
Iraimcrs. ctith nn.tjor emphasis on wslrunr(�nl
Iraininng. t 1)(111 connpletiom of Ihcir advanced traininng.
pilots ;tre assigned to sgnadrons here the\ continue
In rec�eicc operational training in squadron ;tircrtfl.
\\'Rile indkiduul pilot training is gcIIcrall
considered good. nail tr aining is reliutkek \(eak. "I'hc�
air faro has sidicred front Ilnc lack of large -sc:dc
practical cm-rc�ises \\ith ground all nasal lorces.;utd if
has not bcnelilcd mcasurubl Iromn joint e\crcises \cilh
the Pmtogucse A i I FOrec. \IlhorIglt �,d\crtised as
c,1mtbined air delertsc cwt dyes, the joint cwt ciscs brie
resulted in little mute than crcns -cm mtn flights.
Spani ll pilafs and BV (:CI personnel have \corked
kith the Frenc Air Force on an e\changc basis in
joint air delc n >c e\crcises in the past. Spanish pilot and
gnunnd i ersonnel ha\e had the I)cuefiI of it
c )ii it it it- to rec�ci\c Ironing assistance pro\ ided h\
l'.S. imsIrttc�tors and ad\isers, and the\ can be
c \pectc(I to intpro\c lhcir n�specti\e cu pa hi Ii Iics in
regular e\erc�ises ilh IL S. itirc�rull operating in or scar
The l IIiversiI Air \IiIiIiit c�ontposed of fl\iug and
nonfI\ing students iII carious uni\crsiIivs, c�orrespom(I s
to I c� l.S. \ir Forc�c Kescrc Olfic�er TrciIIimg
1 rogranI (11 (YI�( and 1) ro\i(I cs both resenc� officers
and nomc�onnmissioned officers. l'nder this programn
u lecic(I uni\crsit\ sli %wnts attend hc summnc�r camp
trninimg periods during their university \cars. AIter
graduation thc\ scnc -1 months as sec�omd lieutenants.
The nnajorih are engineer. nu�dical. supple. and Icgal
officers. It( although the�\ do not remain nn acute
dut\ after their required A month tour, are retained as
mcmnbers of the resent force for tile. Promotions nta\
be obtained ,il\ hs rclnrming of ac�tisc sluts for it 6
month period. These tours are soluntim and mrrst be
separated b\ periods of at least 111 \cars. '1'hc rattle of
major is the highest attainable under this program.
\dditionai :�nc pilots are obtained tinder a programs
\c hereby selected indi\ idu;ds ,Mend fk img school and
scrsc as enlisted then. I pom c�onnpletion of their fl\iug
Iraittim> the\ must request and complete it 1 -scar
ctc�ti\ c duly lout as fling sergc;utts to (lualifs for
a(kanccnu�mt. sec�ond I \car lnnr must then he
re(tucstcd for Ili(It those selected are promoted to
second lieutenant. OI this ~;coup. it select fe\c arc
permitted to ,tit\ ou as regul officers. The r(�mnainder
return to rescnc status and mta\ obtain promotion
Mlle b\ rctuming to aclice duly for the prescribed
(i -month period.
Addition resenes include both retired officers and
regulars \\ho ha\c asked relief from ac�ti\e club to
it civilian m-cupation. The are carried its
supernunu�rarics be the air force and can renutim in
IIIis stat:ts for Ill sr�itrs or ;t nna\i Ili unt oI 12 kith act i\c
daub periods. supernII merit r\ Ina\ he promoted
along kith his acti c (IIII\ contemtporaric� luring IIte
first r; ;titer IIich he is IrozcII in raIIk. A1*1vr 12
tears a sttpermItn to r:tn most relIIrn let acli\c clnh or be
perntanentl\ rcti re( l.
Kescr\e IraiIIimg for those echo q; IIiI and request it
is, therelorc. conducted on an indkidual rather lh:un
an organized basis. This unorganized force is assigned
to the headquarters rolls of air region in c\hich the
m cnnbers reside. Kcsc�nisIs ha\ing the most recuIII
act isc duty e\pe ience mild be recalled in the c\
I f nucbiIi I. since� the\ onl(I iIIiIiall\ conslitII
the greatest resent asset to the air force.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090014 -1
fire� inajur air force schools art� as hd1( \\S:
Superior �fir School, :Madrid
-year general staff course for field- and company
grade officers (flight and ground services) to
qualify for promotion promotion is not auto-
Italic): 3 -111011th c�onum:uul course for colomc�Is
to qualify for promotion to general officer rank;
3 -month course for captains to qualify for pro-
motion to major; 7, -month air /ground coopera-
tion course for officers of al] three services; 1-
month cooperation course to improve coopera-
tion among the three ser ices.
Central 'Motor Transport School, Madrid
S- to 12-month course in motor vehicles to include
driving and maintenance training,
Aeronautical Engineering School, Madrid
5 -year specialization courses for university grac]-
uates with technical degrees who desire a
career in the air force: school is subordinate
to the Minister of Education and Science.
Glider School, Madrid, Huesca, Llanes, and
Courses nun approximately ff wvcks: 5 held each
year; most of the 1,000 students trained an-
nually are civilians Nvho do not incur a militars�
r National \leteomlogical Institute, Madrid
School subordinate to the National Meteorological
Service. Length and exact nature of courses are
not known.
General Air Academy, San JaN ier Airbase
4 -year professional course for regular flying serv-
ice, ground ser'icv, ar..i administrative officers;
graduates commiss;one(1 as 1st lieutenants; pri-
mary flying training offered during first 3
years; 1st year ---10 hours in I3l' -131 primary
trainer to include formation, initial acrobatic,
and other contact flying; �d year :4 hours of
observer training in I -115 and J11 -52 aircraft
to include 14 hours in "till) reading and target
identification and 20 hours in photographic
reconnaissance and introduction to navigational
aids; 3d year -40 hours in T -34 aircraft to
include 10 hours sinndate(1 instrturtents arul 30
hours in contact/formation flying; cadets cons-
ntissioned as 2d lieutenants; academic training
taken in first half of 4th year; basic jet and
prop flying taken during last half of 4th year;
cadets commissioned w; 1st lieutenants and
receive their kings; current total enrollment
estimated at 230; 6-month course for nonregular
officers Nebo hold professional degrees in such
fields as medicine and
'%tultiengino Flying School, MI 1' an Airbasc
I'rovi(les advanced instrument and cimltiengine
conversion training, hricnaril in C -47 aircraft,
SupplcmmlJtcd by ground school: annual outlnnt
is estimated at 160. which inclndcs 60 airline
pilots: course includes 10:3 hour of ground
school and 127 flying hours.
Jct Flying School, Talavera la Real Airbase
7 -month achanc�cd course in crntvcrsion to jet
aircraft for C.�ncral Air Academy gra