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May 1973
avwwwsFgc r aK WyiA`lkN; .A`vTF :c.:.:JVa"
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090013 -2
The basic unit of the NIS is the General Survey, which is now
published in a bound -by- chapter format so that topics of greater per-
ishability can be updated on an individual basis, These chapters� Country
Profile, The Society, Government and Politics, The Economy, Military Geog-
raphy, Transportat'an and Telecommunications, Armed Forces, Science, and
Intelligence and Security, provide 'The primary NIS coverage. Some chapters,
particularly Science and Intelligence and Security, that are not pertinent to
all countries, are produced selectively. For small countries requiring only
minimal NIS treatment, the General Survey coverage may be bound into
one volume.
Supplementing the General Survey is the NIS Basic Intelligence Fact.
book, a ready reference publication that semiannually updates key sta-
tistical data found in the Survey. An unr_lassified edition of the factbook
omits some details on the economy, the defense forces, and the intelllegence
and security organizations.
Although detailed sections on many topics were part of the NIS
Program, production of these sections hes been phased out. Thos,- pre-
viously produced will continue to be available as long as the major
portion of the study is considered valid.
A quarterly listing of all active NIS units is published in the Inventory
of Availcble NIS Publications, which is also bound into the Concurrent
clas :fled Factbook. The Inventory lists all NIS units by area name and
number and includes classification and date of issue; it thus facilitates the
ordering of NIS units as well as their filing cataloging, and utilization.
Initial dissemination, additional copies of NIS units, or separate
chapters of the General Surveys can be obtained directly or through
liaison channels from the Central Intelligence Agency.
The General Survey is prepared for the NIS by the Central Intelligence
Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency under the general direction
of the NIS Committee. It is coordinated, edited, published, and dissemi-
nated by the Central Intelligence Agency.
This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States, within the
meaning of title 18, sections 793 and 794 of the US code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation
of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090013 -2
The NIS is National Intelligence and may not be re-
leased or shown to representatives of any foreign govern-
ment or international body except by specific authorization
of the Director of Csntral Intelligence in accordance with
the provisions of National Security Council Intelligence Di-
rective No. 1.
For NIS containing unclassified material, however, the
portions so marked may be made available for official pur-
poses to foreign nationals and nongovernment personnel
provided no attribution is made to National Intelligence or
the National Intelligence Survey.
Subsections and graphics are individually classified
according to content. Classification /control designa-
tions are:
(U /OU) Unclassified /For Official Use Only
(C) Confidential
(S) Secret
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090013 -2
This chapter was preptred for the NIS by the
Defense Intelligence Agency. It includes a merchant
ntarite contribution from the Department of the
Navy and an airfield contribution from Defense
Mapping Agency, Acro Space Center (DM AAC).
Research was substantially completed by December
1972. J
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP0l-00707R000200090013-2
F r k
3 A
This General Survey supersedes the one dated
July 1968, copies of which should be destroyed.
A. Summary
I. Systems 1
Well- developed transportation and telecom-
munication systems meet the economic re-
quirements; importance of the ports, high-
ways, merchant marine, and the ttacommu-
nication systems; future plans.
2. Strategic mobility 2
Capability of transportation system to support
y military operations; the importance of the
Ports, merchant marine, and civil aviation,
B. Railroads 2
Mileage figures and characteristics of the railroad
t in Singap
1 personnel.
.? J iUY y+ ":fth.,ti;z,y 1 tt!�_',
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090013 -2
C. Highways 3
Mileage figures, characteristics and maintenance
of tl:-i excellent system; admin,strat{on; traffic
problems; public transport; vehice inventory.
D Ports 5
Characteristics of Singapore, largest c, .nmercial
port in Southeast Asia and important oil center;
ports of Sembawang and )urong.
E. Merchant marine 7
Characteristics of the flag of convenience fleet;
ownership; companies owned or controlled by
China; exports and Imports carried; registration
:aw; personnel and training.
F. Civil air 10
Government -awned Singapore Airlines; expansion
program; aircraft inventory; Saber Air and its
aircraft inventory; private flying; personnel and
C. Airfields 11
Characteristics of selected airfields; adequacy of
H. 'Telecommunications 17.
Modern system with dependable service; admin-
istration; high telephone density; international
connections; satellite station; micro -wave radio
relay; special- purpose networks; AM, FM, and
TV stations; maintenance and future plans; elec-
tronics industry; personnel.
Fig. 1 One of the five railroad underpasses
on the jurong branch line photo) 3
Fig. 2 Nicoll Highway (photo) 4
Fig. 3 The Paya Lebar Road photo) 4
Fig. 4 The Airport Road photo) 4
Fig. Facilities at the East Wharf photo) 6
Fig. 6 Port facilities ur. der construction at
jurorg in 1969 (photo) 6
Fig. 7 ?Major ports table) 8
Fig. 8 Selected airfields table) 11
Fig. 9 Terrain and transportation
map) follows 1.3
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090013 -2
Transportation and
A. Summary
I. Systems (C)
Singapore, which more closely resembles a large city
complex than an independent state, has dense, wcll-
developed transportation (1 9) and tclecom-
111unicatic,n (telecom) systems. The systems are
adequate for normal economic requirements.
'rhe port of Singapore is the commercial and
transportation center of Sotttlurast Asia. Loc�atecl on
the vital shipping lanes between Europe and the Far
East, it serves as the collection and distribution ceni
for Malaysia and other neighboring countries.
Sembawan9 (formerly Her Majesty's Naval $ase.
Singapore) is a significant repair facility for both naval
and commercial ships, and Jurong is tieing developed
as a major hulk -cargo handling facility.
The highways, which are used extensive!v
throughout Singapore Island, ;ire the most important
means of transport on the island. Singapore is the focal
point of the system, and all excellent network of paved
roads radiates from the c;ty to all parts of the island.
The most important means or cross- island transport
+onnecting Singapore and Malaysia is provided by a
rail line and a branch line, both of which are operated
as part of the Malaysian railroad system. Although
totaling only 24 route miles, these lines are of niajc,r
importance to Singapore s economy; they are the
primary means of transporting raw materials from
Malaysia to the industrial and shipping centers on
Singapore and of moving imports from Singapore to
Malaysia. upon completion of the Jurong industrial
complex and deepwater facilities, the Jurong branch
line is expected to be the busiest of any of the lines
operate b" the Malaysian railroads.
Singapore has no significant inland waterwa and
marine activity is associated ncainlw with the port of
Singapore. Although most (If Sion ;n,, ;C international
cargo and passenger traffic is handled by foreign
vessels and planes, the merchant marine is growing
rapidly and is of major importance to the econorv
and plays it m ajor role in linking Singapore %%ilh
Malaysia and other countries (if the Far Fast.
Schedulcd services are provided throughout Aia paid
to Africa, Ertrope. lhc' United States, and Australia.
Civil aviation has traditionall play a major role in
linking Singapore with 1Vest Malaysia and the E:st
Malaysian states of Sarawak and Sabah. Ilowever,
with the separation of the Malaysia Singapore :irliucs
into tyo independent airlines, Singapore Airlines has
reduced many of its regional flights to points ill
Malaysia and sharply increased its services to foreign
cities in both Asia and ,Africa. The telecom s�stent is
MW of the best in Asit,; its imhs ;rtance is attributed to
the large number of diverse circuits with foreign
terminals. 'I "W system consists of nodern Iandliues,
suhnarine cables, and radio -relay networks, which are
supplernenteo by a satellite ground station and high
frequency radt f_!..ilities.
A 3,500 -foot .anseway Which carries boll rail and
highway traffic across johore Strait to kIalaysia, is
Singapore's only international connection. '1'eleconr
circuits to Malaysia are eylensivc. International
communications, via the WACOM (Sculhwast Asia
Communication Systcun) subnntrine
c;.nbles and it satellite station, provide communications
with Malaysia, (long Kong, Australia, Guam, New
Gclinea, Canada, the United Kingdom, India,
Indonesia, Japaun. Philippines, and 'Thailand.
Major projects underway or planned include
constructing additi,mal railroad spurs and sidings to
serve the deepwater port and industries of the jnrong
industrial complex; improv railroad e(joir)ment
and facilities under Malaysia's economic plan;
constructing a system of expressways, based on the
Pan Island expresswaV (Singapore Sera ngoon) yhich
is earing completion; constructing major facilities It
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090013 -2
jurong purl, expanding the nrcrchaw mrarine;
increasiis. the capacity of the radio, relay and
autcrmu. tic telephorc� exchanges; and installing
intertr.tioma! automatic telex exchange aucl a second
satellite gromid station antenna.
The rail lines in Singapore are owned, for the most
Dart, by the Governinvut of Malaysia and operated
by its Muluyan Railway Administration. With the
separation co' the Malaysia Singapore Airlines into two
independent national airlines in 1072. the Singapore
Airlines is owned and controlled by the Government of
Singapore. The ;highway transport industry is both
government and privately owned, and ownership of
the merchant ni ariue includes government as syc II us
domestic and foreign private companies. The
govenunent owns and operates most of the port anrd
tciccon facilities, with the exceplion of part of the
port of Sennhawarrg an(] naval components, which are
still under British adinii:
2. Strategic mobility (S)
'I'hc land transport systems of Singapore and West
Malaysia are the hest in Southeast Asia. The railroad
in Singapore is an extension of the Malaysian railroad
which serves both countries as an integrated systern.
flowever, its importance to military operations ill
Singapore is restricted by its limited extent 111(1 by the
fact that it is controlled by the k':overnment of
Malaysia. In the Singapore -West Malaysia region, the
main rail line extends front Singapore to Genazs, where
it divides into two routes extending through Malaysia
to two internal connections with the Thailand
The excellent n0work of paved roads in Singapore
radiates from the city and serves all parts of the island.
The network is entirely aclequuty to support the
rnovemcnt and supply ()fit military force transiting the
island. Ilowever, the only connection hehyeen
Singapore and the lnain1a11(1 (W(.st Malaysia) is the
c�onnbination railroad and highway Causeway across
johore Strait, which makes it the host vulnerable
location) for either nnode.
Singapore is one of the major shipping centers of the
world and ;a leading oil center. Its ports have i t
considerable military capacity and are :adaptable for
military use; repair facilities are available for both
naval and comnierc�ial ships. The cargo -lyl)e ships (95
dry -cargo and one tirnber carrier) have considerable
potential for short -haul (tit) to .IBS hours steaming)
troop -lift and sustained logistics support in rrearseas
operations. These ships have it military lift and suppl
transport potential of 511,510 cargo deadweight tons.
The self- loading and anloading capability of the dry-
cargo r nit% is enhanced by 26 units having he:n�y -lif�t
f,00trs (40 terns or none), or large hatches (morc than
50 f-1 in length), or both Ir :vy -lift booms and large
hatches. M:ony of the cargo -type ships are either
foreign owned or are in worldwide trade and might
not he accessible for military support operations carder
ennergency conditions. With expMursion of the normal
passenger capacity aggregate of 2,31.1, the five
Iraweug "r and 19 ccnrbination passetrger� cargo strips
have It Considerable potential for longer hair) (more
than .18 hours steaming) troop transport. The 12
tankers, with 1n estimated capacity of :pout 8
barrels (U.S.) of petroleum and related products, could
provide a moderate fleet -oiler or other iilitary support
capability for i short period.
'I he military value of civil aviation ill Singapore� has
been enhanced by dividing the Malaysia Singapore
Airlines� formerly jointly c�ontrollcd by the govern-
ments of Singapore and Malaysia, into two
independent national :Jrlinvs. Singapore now has
c�omplele control over a fleet of modern transport
aircraft, which would be available in the event of
military mobilization. Of the five airfields ill
Singapore. three are military and two are undvi- civil
Singapore's comnrunie�aliou links are relatively
secure front disruption, assuming tcrmir:al sites remain
intact. Also, the high- fre(pienc�y radioc�onniunication
facilities located at Jurong (transrnillc�r) and Chu
Kant; (receiver) are c�orrnccted to the control in
Singapore by underground cable ;ud are available for
backup cornrmrmicationrs in the event of disniption of
other networks; however, conutunications would be
reduced in quantity and c111:11ity. The services of the�
special- purpose telecom networks also would be
The arined forces of Singapore operate their own
telecom metwork, which consists mainly of radiocom-
lrrunic�ation facilities. The SI ?AC'ON1 submarine cable
also provides leased circ�nits for inilitarv.use.
B. Railroads (C,)
The 2.1 rmite miles of single -trwk meter -gage
rail lines in Singapore consist of 1 16 -mi1e
main line across the island (front the Port of Singapore
to the johore Strait into West Mala and an H -me
rach line connecting the Jurong industrial complex
With the main line near Rukit Timah village. The
twin line is owned by the Malaysian Government and
is operated by Malaysia's Malavan Railwav
Administration. The jltrong branch line, opened it
early 1966, was financed by the Singapore Economic
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090013 -2
1)eveloprnc�nt Board and was jointly eonstnrcted by
this board and the Malayan Railway Administration,
Which operates the line. BVagreetu:lt, the Economic
Ueveloprnent Board loan will be "maid b the
Malayan Railway Administration over a period of 10
years. An :additional several miles of spurs and sidings
serve the port and industrial facilities of Singapore,
;ernhawang, and the Jmmng industrial complex. A
new marshalling yard Ira's six tracks and call
accommodate 247) freight cars 25 feel long. 'I'll(- rail
system is 9vu orally adequate for current econurnic
Rail weights range from 80 to 1O0 prounds per yard
on the main line and are probably of ,innilar weight on
the Jurong branch line. Rail is flat hcottonted and is
spiked directly to c�reosote�ci hardwr.od lies. 'I'ics are
spaced 2,290 per mile, and ballast is li.ocsione and
sandstone laid 6 inches deep, 'Tics and ballast are
ublained donaestic�allY, but rail is imported,
principally from the United Kingdom, A Mala
railroad -tic treating plant is located It Cc�nnas,
Malaysia. Axleioad limits are 17.6 short tons on the
"lain line, Ifurnid tropical weather and heavy rains
(airing the monsoon season produce some unusual
Maintenance problenis.
Structures on the main line include 10 bridges tin ;at
are 12 feet and over in length and the 3,5(x) -F.,on
causeway across the Johore 4 trail. "I'll 10 bridges total The highway cyst: rn of Singapore, oue' of the hest iu
483 feet in length. The Jurong branch line has eight the Far East. compares favorably will that of
bridges and five underpasses (Fignre 1). The bridges Malaysia and is the most important rne;ans of land
arc from 23 to 3O3 feet long; the underpasses, from I M transport. Singapore' has un excellent network of paved
l,0 199 feet. The underpasses, which pass under roads that ra(iate front the cit of Singapore to the
highways, are 17 V (nigh and 20'7" wide and have the suburbs, outiving towns, and ail parts of the island.
greatest clearances of any structures oil the Malaysiaan The road density is high in the city and towns but is
s,vstern, relatively sparse in the rural areas, especiall in the
Motive power and roiling stock are generally in central hills and in part� of the western hills. 'I'll
good condition :.and arc adequate for present traffic. highway network is adequate for normal economiic
requirements. On most of the off -lying islands
nnotor blv roads arc practically nonexistent.
Singapore's connection with Mal;aysia, across Johore
Strait, is its only international connection.
The I'aighway network consists of 1,226 miles of
roads, of which 773 miles are paved (mostly
biturninous surface), 243 "riles are gushed stone, and
210 miles are improved earth. The paved roads are
located both in the city and in rural areas; crushed
stone and earth roads are located in rural areas and on
the off -lying islands.
Surface widths of the principal roads within thec�ity
of Singapore and those leading to the suburbs and
principal towns range from 22 to 88 feet (Figures 2, 3,
and 4) oniv tile first milt: of the 15 -mile Coast Road to
Bedok is an 8 -lane divided hhrhway that is 88 feet
wide. In the rural areas surface widths range front 10
Both steal" and diesel Iocornotives are used con the
lines in Singapore. Most "I"ipment is obtained from
'he water supply is plentiful and o}' good gnalily;
no treattnrnt is neev! ;sary f'or locomotive use. Fuel arcl
diesel oil requirements are met fry imports of crude oil
from the Middle bast and Brunei.
Train nuyq�mo�ral is controlled fv the ahsulnle block
system. The main line uses the key -token system; the
Jurong branch li the train sluff -;end ticket system.
;otn!manications are Fe lelephcnc and telegraph. The
rn ;.tit' line is an important part of the Malaysian
system, and traffic is largely cross- island mo m
between the port of Singapore and Malaysia. principal
corntnodities h:aded are iron ore, log
cetraent, and
ruhher. The volume of rail transportation from the
Jurong area is estimated to he hetycen 2 and 3 trillion
torus a year.
There is it shortage of skilled railroad per%onnel.
Employees receive on- the -job training, ;nd many
receive additional training at the Railway 'Training
School at Knala Lurnpm, Malaysia, and in British or
Pakistani training centers.
C. Highways (C)
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090013 -2
FIGURE 1. One of the five railroad underpasses on
the Jurong branch line (U /OU)
i iur+N
to 24 feet, but widths of 16 to IS feet predomin.,te.
The best roads have a broken -stone base course, 12 to
24 inches thick, topped by 6 inches of gravel or
c rushed stone and a bituminous srurf ice .4 to 3 inches
thick. 'Throughout Singapore, sleep monsoon drains
run along one side and frequently both sides of the
roadway. Shoulders are narrow and scmetitnc -s
nonexistent. All major roads are v:ell maintained and
are generally ill good condition. There are no steep
grades or sharp curves. Bridges on the principal roads
it re
(if steel, masonry, or reinforced- concrete
construction, with the latter predominating. Wooden
bridges arc generally found in the rural are then are
gradually being replaced with reinforced concrete
structures. Bridges at principal crossings are usually in
good condition. '['It( roads are frilly bridged, neither
ferries nor fords being used, but there are several
underpasses in the city. Pedestrian overpasses cross
nearly every major roadway but are high enough to
inovide adequate clear ice for normal loads.
FIGURE 3. Paya Lebar Road Is a bituminous surface,
64cme divided highway (U /OU)
FIGURE 4. Airport Road is a bituminous surface, 4 -lone
divided highway (U /OU)
The roads, bridge, and drainage sections of the
Ftiblic Works I)epartnia�ut under the Ministry of
National I)evelol)ment are responsible for constrict-
ing and maintaining roads and bridges. The roads
section c�ondu,:cs surveys, prepares specifications, and
is responsible for constriction. It also undertakes
miscellaneous projects such as road bcautifi .-ation and
c�onstructioii of !pus hays, vehicle barks, and roadside
guard rails. ince Singapore has un equatorial climate
with heavy rainfall, adequate drainage is it problem,
Numerous c�oncr, to culverts, 3 to a fe et ire diameter,
exist throughout the highway system. However, at
times of heavy rains these are inadequate, and the
resulting floods can cause road (:image.
Construction materials such as crushed stone,
gravel, and sand are readily available from local
sources. About, 200,0M tons if cement and 40,0(x1 tons
of bititmitimis materials are produced atu;ually.
Singapore has no produ 've forests, and all timber
requirements are imported, principally from Malaysia.
Singapore is a major distribution center of the liar East
for the worlds leading makes of heavy equipment and
parts. I -or this reason roadbuilding machinery such as
bulldozers, scrapers excavators, rollers, truck cranes,
concrete mixers, asphalt pavers, and triieks are readily
available and are used throughout the island.
Because of the rapid increase in the n of
motor vehicles and the city's rapid urLanization,
Singapore, in common with most Sotitheast Asian
capital cities, is confronted with massive traffic
congestion. 'Traffic density is centered around the
island's commercial sectors. where populatioe density
may reach :about 90,000 persons persquare mile. Also,
is in other cities, urban development has taken the
form of intensive frontal aevelopment along .major
arterial roads. The activities generated by this
development often cnruflict with traffic movement
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090013 -2
FIGURE 2. Nicoll Highway is concrete, 7 lanes wide,
and divided by a 3 -lane center section (U /OU)
along these roads. TO cope with the increasing volture
of traffic a supplementary system of expressways with
well- designed interchanges based rin the Pan Island
expressway will soon be completed. ',!'he Pan Island
Expressway is a limited- access, high -speed highway
which connects the city of Singapore with Serangoon
o, the northern side of the island. The system is
expected to ease traffic congestion throughout the
island by linking the city with the satellite towns and
industrial estates. Other work in progress is the
construction of special bus lanes on existing roads and
adapting more streets in the busy center city to orre-
way traffic Roads are being widened where possible
and outmoded traffic islands are being removed.
Bridges are being widened, redecked, and strength-
ened. Lower quality roads in rural areas are being
upgraded. Since pedestrians represent another element
in the traffic problem, overhead bridges are being
installed across some of the busiest roads. There are
now 23 of ihese new pedestrian overpasses, .and six
more are to be built.
Climatic conditions are sometimes another traffic
interruption factor. De:;pite numerous culverts and
well constructed drainage ditches, heavy rains cause
floods that temporarily halt traffic on some roads.
The Road Transport Department of the Ministry of
Communications directs, promotes, arid coordinates
the various services and agencies concerned with land
transport. Singapore has well developed and modern
bus and truck services, but public transport facilities
are considered inadequate for current demand. To
increase the efficiency of the public transport system
the former 11 bus companies have been consolidated
into four companies to operate on a merged basis in
the north, south, east, and west island regions. Priority
has also been granted to increase the public bus fleet
from 1,400 to 21000 by 1974. Bus services are provided
on practically all city streets and most country roads.
Principal commodities hauled by trucks are
agricultural products and livestock, timber and gravel,
fire] and lubricants, machinery, and manufactures.
Traffic volumes are concentrated rrainly in the cit
on the Bukit Timah Road, and on the Pan Island
On I March 1972 chicle registrations totaled
207,000: 165,700 passenger cars, 2,700 buses, and
38,600 trucks. In addition there were 110,000
motorcycles and scooters. Singapore has no facilities
for producing motor vehicles but has seven plants
which assemble four -wheel vehicles and one plant
which assembles motor scooters. All of these assembled
vehicles are of foreign design; U.S., British, and West
German models are the lost important types. Since
about 1970, the three I:rgest piants have usuLdIv
accounted for more than half of total output. 'Total
output of four -wheel vehicles in 1971 was 11,518
units. In order to improve safety, the government has
imposed age limits on public service vehicles of 7 years
for taxis, 15 years for trucks, 17 years for public buses,
and 20 years for school buses.
D. Ports (C)
Singapore has three major Forts, Singapore.
Sembawang, and Jurong, all under the administration
arid control of the Port of Singapore Authority (PSA), a
government agency.
Singapore, on the south shore of Singapore Island, is
the largest commercial port (Figure 5) in Southeast
Asia and one of the world's major shipping centers.
Essentially a free port on the important shipping lane
between Europe and the Far East, Singapore serves as
the collection and distribution center for Malaysia and
other neighboring countries. The port is emerging as
Asia's leading oil center with the rapie escalation of
refining capacity, the coming of numerous exploration
firms, and the network of supply and servicing
companies. New developments include: 1) opening of
the partiady completed container terminal in East
Lagoon area of the port to the first container ship in
June 1972; construction of a third berth at the
terminal; 2) a planned multimillion dollar project to
dredge the harbor and approaches; 3) reclamation of
land for the Pasir Panjang warehousing project in the
western side of C e harbor ultimately to provide 4,200
feet of berthing facilities for lighters arid coastal vessels
arid 2A million square feet of covered storage.
Sembawang came into existence in December 1971
when PSA assumed control of the port and a 1,200
foot segment along the northeast end of the Naval
Stores Basin at Her Majesty's Naval Base. The
remainder of the basin and most of the other naval
components were retained for use by the Royal Navy.
The naval dockyard at the base was handed over to
the Singapore Government at the end of 1968 and is
used for repairing both naval and commercial ships.
The western part of the harbor contains a Roval
Malaysian Naval Base arid a POL terminal. An area
near the center of the harbor is being reclaimed by the
port authority for future development as an industrial
area with wharf facilities.
The Jurong port was designed as a bulk- eargo-
handling facility serving a number of industries
making up the Jurong industrial complex 7 miles
northwest of Singapore. The deepwater berthing,
handling, and storage facilities (Figure 6) will be
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sigrliicantly increased in the next few years to keep
pace with the increased development. The Jurong
Shipyard is being expanded to accommodate
supertankers. Several large tanker berths are available
at the POL installations in the port. The POL termini,
on one of the islands on the southern side of the harbor
has a single -buoy mooring about 3 miles offshore to
accommodate 250 ,000 -ton supertankers. Details o; the
major ports are tabulated in figure 7.
E. Merchant marine
Merchant shipping is of vital importance to the
economy of Singapore, an island republic situated at
the strategic gateway between the Indian Ocean and
the South China Sea. An important entrepot and
transshipment center in Southeast Asia, Singapore
ranks among the leaning ports of the world in terms of
shipping handled. During 1971, of approximately
.19,000 vessels of all sizes that entered and cleared the
port of Singapore, about 39,500 were oceangoing
ships, the aggregate volume of cargo discharged and
loaded by all v essels amounted to 48.1 million long
tons, of which a sizable proportion was carried b\,
Singapore register merchant ships.
In April 1972, the Singapore-register merchant fleet
consisted of 143 ships of 1,000 gross register tons (g.r.t.
and over, totaling 763,338 g.r.t. or 1,022,918
deadweight tons (d.w.t.), as follows:
TYPE No. G.R.T. D.W.T.
Dry cargo 95 455,851 640,805
Tanker 12 83,652 128,506
Combination passenger-
Bulk cargo
Car carrier
Timber carrier
Total 143
Singapore -flag ships are characteristic old, small,
and slow. Of the tc,tal fleet deadweight tonnage, 525(i)
(79 ships) represents units that are 20 years or older,
37% (51 ships) are 10 to 19 years old, and only 11 (13
ships) are less than 10 years old. A to of 107 ships,
comprising 53% of the total fleet deadweight tonnage
are under 10,000 d.w.t. The largest ship in the fleet is it
20,600- d.w.t. tanker. Sixty -nine ships have service
speeds of less than 14 knots, 69 have speeds of 14 to 17
knots, and five dry -cargo ships have speeds of 18 knots
and over. Eight ships have oil -fired boilers, and 135
are diesel powered.
Ownership of the Singapore- register "flag of
convenience fleet includes governlnent, as well as
foreign arid domestic private elements, and is vested in
some 49 beneficial owners (entities which assume the
profit or loss from operations). The three largest
owners of total fleet deadweight tonnage), each
with more than 100,000 (1 .w.t., arc the government
owned Neptune Orient Lines, Ltd. (NOL), 1 12 ships,
112,031 d.w.t.), acrd two privately owned shipping
companies Y.C. Chang (Pacific international Lines)
(18 ships. 123,128 d.w.t.), and Singapore Cosmos
Shipping Co., Ltd. (nine ships, 103,106 d.w.t.). There
are 26 beneficial owners controlling a total of 45 ships
of 400,0:39 d.w.t. under Singapore registry which have.
their main offices abroad. There are eight shipping
companies Enown to be, or suspected of being, owned
and /or controlled b the People's Republic of China,
accounting for Wr (55 ships) of the total nu,nber of
ships, and 414 (420,084 d.w.t.) of the total fleet
deadweight tonnage. "these shipping companies are:
Y. C. Chang, Singapore
Guan Cuan Shipping, Ltd., Singapore
Hong Kong Islands Shipping Co., Ltd.,
Hong Kong
Kie Hock Shipping, Ltd., Singapore
Rickmers Rhederei G.M.B.H., West Cer-
Singapore Cosmos Shipping Co., Ltd., Sing-
Singapore Navigation Co., Ltd., Singapore
Singapore Shipping Development Co., Ltd.,
Growth of the Singapore- registe- fleet has been
rapid arid progressive sinc the flag of convenience
legislation in J anuary 1969. In April of that year, the
fleet consisted of 45 ships of 1,000 g.r.t. and over,
totaling 255,706 d.w.t. Since 1969, there has keen a
significant annual net increase of about 255,750 cl.w.t
If this rate of increase continues, the government's
goal of about 1.5 million d.w.t. will be reached within
2 years.
As of February 1972, 18 ships totaling 429,100
d.w.t. for Singapore registry were on order with
deliver\ scheduled betwe:,n 194 and 1974. Included
are five dry -cargo ships of 35,300 d.w.t., two container
ships of 20,400 d.w.t., and three tankers of 284,600
d.w.t. to be constructed by foreign shipyards, and
eight dry -cargo ships of 88,800 d.w.t. to be constructed
by a domestic shipyard.
Trade operations of the Singapore- register fleet are
conducted principally in the Far East area; however,
an increasing number of Singapore flag ships are
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FIGURE 7. Major ports (C)
1 103 �48'E.; on S. shore of
Singapore Island.
Sembawang (formerly Her Majesty's
Naval Rase).
1 �27'N., 103 on N. shore of
Singapore Island.
Transfer of general and bulk cargoes, par-
ticularly POL; container terminal; ship-
building and repair.
Transfer general cargo; maintenance and
supply of British naval vessels assigned
to Far East Fleet; naval operating base
and headquarters of Commander, Far
East Fleet; repair of naval and commer-
cial vessels at former naval dockyard;
naval base and headquarters Royal
Malaysian Navy; POL transfer and
Improved natural harbor, water area about
25 sq. miles; 3 principal divisions: Keppel
Harbour; Western Anchorage; and Sin-
gapore Road, including East Lagoon
container terminal.
Improved natural harbor occupying well
sheltered 7 -sq: mile section of Johore
Strait extending about 10 miles E. from
causeway connecting Singanore Island
and !Malaysia.
Jurong Mainly bulk cargo; POL transfer and bunk- In +proved natural harbor occupying well
1 �19 103 �43'E.; on SW. shore ering; shipbuilding and repair. sheltered 5 -mile section of Selat Sembilan
or Singapore Island. (strait) between Singapore Island and
4,900 cluster of islands to south.
Alongside- -For 19 large, 8 standard, 4 small
ocean -type cargo vessels; 2 standard and 3
small coaster -type cargo vessels; 74 lighters;
5 large, 6 standard, 4 small ocean -type tankers;
1 standard coaster -type tanker; 1 representa-
tive sound-and-river-type tank barge.
Offshore pipeline berth -For 2 large ocean -type
Moorirg� Several buoys in Keppel Harbour for
small craft.
Anchorage� Numerou berths of all classes in
Western Anchorage and Outer Roads.
Alongside �For 3 small aircraft carriers; 1 each
light cruiser, frigate, destroyer, and submarine;
7 large, 1 standard, and 2 small ocean -type
cargo vessels; 1 each standard and small
coaster -type cargo vessel; 3 lighters; 1 standard
ocean -type tanker.
Fixed mooring �For attack aircraft carrier and
frigate and 5 standard ocean -type cargo vessels.
Free swinging -For small ^:.rz...:; carrier.
Anchorage Numerous free swinging berths of
all classes in Johore Strait.
Alongside -For 5 large ocean -type cargo vessels;
6 small coaster -type cargo vessels; 8 large
ocean -type and 1 coaster -type tankers.
Offshore pipeline berth �For single -buoy moor-
ing for 250,6011 -ton supertanker.
Anchorage Numerous berths of all classes in
strait and its approaches.
*The estimated port capacity is thi. maximum amount of general cargo expressed in long tons �that can be unloaded onto the wharves and cleared from the wharf aprons
during period of one 24 -hour day (20 effective cargo working hours). The estimate is based on the static cargo- transfer facilities existing at the time the estimate is prepared
and is designed for comparison rather than for operational purposes; it cannot be projected beyond a single day by straight multiplication.
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being employed in trade in other areas of the world.
Most of the ships are engaged in nonscheduled
(tramp) operations, but many are in scheduled (firier)
service or are under charter worldwide. Neptune
Orient Lines, Ltd. (NOL), Guan Golan Shipping
(Private), Ltd., Straits Steamship Co., Ltd., Kic flock
Shipping Co., Ltd., and Pacific International Line
operate on it scheduled (liner) basis, maintaining
service throughout Asia, Africa, Europe, the United
States, and Australia. Singapore register fleet
passenger ships engage in passenger operations in the
nearseas area.
Exports carried by the Singapore- register fleet
include rubber, petroleum products, textiles, food
products, machinery, and transport equipment;
imports transported include textiles, industrial
machinery, food products (live animals, rice, grains,
fish, vegetables, arid fruits), iron and steel, fertilizers,
chemicals, and petroleum products.
In addition to strips of 1,000 g.r.t. and over, there
are about 70 Singapore register ships of 100 to 999
g.r.t., aggregating about 35,400 d.w.t., utilized
primarily in coastal acrd nearseas trade. Most of these
ships are engaged in trade with Malaysia and
Indonesia. Among other countries served are China
(PRC), North Korea, and North Vietnam; it
substantial number of ships serving these areas are
operated or chartered by Singapore shipping entities
that are controlled ur strongly influenced by China.
In 1969 the fishing fleet consisted of more than 900
small craft, which included 565 motorized units.
Fishing operations extend from the inshore areas of
Singapore to offshore areas extending into the South
China Sea and the Indian Ocean.
Local interests beneficially own at least 36 ships of
1,000 g.r.t. and over totaling about 132,000 d.w.t.
under foreign flag, including 22 registered in Panama,
seven in Somalia, five in Malaysia, aril two h Hong
Maritime matters are under the cognizance of the
Marine Department of the Ministry of Communica-
tions. The Director of the Marine Department is the
principal adviser to the Singapore Government on
marine matters affecting merchant shipping, and is
responsible for implementing maritime legislation.
The government encourages free trade and private
enterprise, and no direct subsidization is provided the
maritime industries; however, deferred terms of
payment are offered to shipowners for domestically
built ships designated for Singapore registry.
Government policy encourages a viable, modern fleet
capa%le of carrying a sizable portion of the nation's
total seaborne trade aboard Singapore- register ships.
In consonance with this airn, the government support..;
Neptune Orient Lines, Ltd., in its hid to earn 405 i of
this trade as recommended for national shipping lines
by lh(� United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD). Singapore is a member of
the Inter Governmental Maritime Consultative
Organization AMCO) and a party to the following
IMCO conventio,s: Saf tv of Life at Sea, 1918 and
1960, Prevention of Collisions at Sea, 1960; and
Facilitation of International Maritime 'Traffic, 1965.
Official policy discourages calls by Singapore register
vessels in the carriage of cargoes from Singapore to
ports in North Vietnam; however, some Singapore
registered ships under charter carry cargoes to North
A flag of convenience registry was established in
1969 when the government amended the existing
Merchant Shipping Ordinance to permit any person or
company, irrespective of nationality and place of
incorporation, to register their ships under the
Singapore flag. Registration fees and tonnage tax rates
:ender this legislation are lower than those offered by
such well- established flags of convenience as Liberia,
Panama, and Somalia. Shipping c.'1111panies under
Singapore registry are not subject to taxation on
earnings, set fees are guaranteed for20 from (late
of registration, and a refund of 5091 of the annual
tonnage tax is granted if Singapore nationals comprise
at least 25% of the crew.
As of March 1971, about 8,500 maritime personnel
were registered for employment aboard domestic -flag
vessels with tae Singapore Seamen's Registry Board, a
government agency. There is at present an overall
shortage of trained Singaporean officers and seamen to
man the merchant fleet. Compared with European
standards, wages and other compensation for
maritime personnel are low; however, certain fringe
benefits complement the modest wage schedule. No
maritime unions are registered in Singapore to
represent seafaring personnel aboard Singapore -flag
ships. The Singapore Employment Act of 1968, which
affects maritime personnel, restricts workers' right to
strike and also imposes wage restraints.
Maritime training facilities consist of the training
ship, Singapore, and the School of Nautical Studies of
the Singapore Polytechnic College. A 4 -year training
course is offered at the college with an annual
enrollment of 135 cadets, including 75 deck, 80
engineering, and 3 1 radio operators. Upon successful
completion of formal Glasswork, these new officers
receive training aboard Singapore- flag ships. Ratings
receive a 3 -month training course aboard the training
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200090013 -2
ship in deck, e ngineroom and catering departments;
about 500 of these seamen are trained annually.
F. Civil air (S)
Civi! air transportation in Singapore has been
developed entirely since World War II. Since: that time
the civil air fleet has pl"ved i t major role in linking
Singapore with Malaysia and its East Malaysia states
of Sarawak and Sabah. These traditional routing
arrangements were changed in late 1972 with the
separation of the heretofore dominant Malaysia
Singapore Airline (!VISA) into two independent
national airlines. Under this new arrangement,
Singapore's national airline, Singapore Airlines (SIA),
is entirely owned by the Government of Sing apore.
The transition to an independent airline has caused
SIA to temporarily issue a provisional timetable that
will cover the first few months of the summer season.
This timetable will reflect a shift in service whereby
SIA will orient its se sharply toward iWernationul
flights and reduce many of its regional flighs to points
in Malaysia. SIA officials have indicated :hev believe
that service to the various cities of Malaysia was
uneconomical; therefore, they voiced no objectior.;
when the Malaysians formed theirown airline, known
as the Malaysian Airline System (MAS), to serve
SIA has embarked on a vigorous program of
expansion of international flights with service to 20
foreign cities in both Asia and Europe. Some of these
services are operated in c onjunction with pooling and
operating agreements concluded in January 1963 with
Cathay Pacific Airways, Ltd. (Hong Kong), and "Thai
Air�yays International, Ltd. japan Air Lines and SIA
have also worked out an agree for joint operation
of their route between Rome and 'Tokyo, with certain
extensions both in Europe and in Asia.
The SIA airfieet consists of three Boeing 707 -320B,
two 707.3200, five 737 -100, one 737 -200, and two
Fokker F -27 -500 aircraft. Two of the 737's will
probably be put up for sale as being superfluous to
SIA's reduced regional nerds now that MAS will be
taking over that part of the operation. In 1972 SIA
officials were considering the purchase of either
Boeing 747 or DC -10 aircraft. However, three Boeing
707 aircraft were to be added to the SIA fleet in the
latter half of 1972 for use by the airline pending the
decision on whether to purchase the Boeing 747 or the
DC -10 aircraft. The F -27's will be used for feeder and
charter service.
SIA employs over pe-)ple and this number ryill
probably rise sharply as th airline expands its
international operations. Pilots for SIA number 160.
with an additional 24 pilot trainees undergoing
instruction in different flying schools.
Aside from SIA, the chief air operato in Singapore
is Saber Air, Ltd. Formed in 1966 as ;in air taxi ser�ice,
Saber Air has undergone a number of reorganizations
and name changes. In 1969, the Singapore
Government acquired an 80% interest in its
operations. In February 1971, a management and
technical assistance pact was concluded with the U.S.
supplemental airline, Overseas National Airwa s, in
return for a 9% shareholding. Passenger and a ergo
charter and -tour flights are operated
throughout the Far East with its airfleet of one 1)C -8,
one DC -6, one Aztec, and one Cessna :337.
Twenty -three foreign airlines link Singapore with
the rest of the world. Among these carriers are the
Soviet airline, Aeroflot, and the Czechoslovak carrier,
Ceskoslovernske Aerolinic (CSA). These air carriers
operate into Singapore under a series of approximately
24 formal and informal agreements or arrangements.
Singapore is a party to the 1944 Convention oil
International Civil Aviation Whicago
and a member of the International Civil Aviation
Organization. Within Singapore, civil air activities are
administered by the Department of Civil Aviation, a
government agency responsible to the Depuiv Prime
Minister's Office.
Private fiving in Singapore is minimal, with only
five or six independently owned and operated aircraft.
There are some indications th"t the governme is
moving to encourage interest in aviation with the
establishment of the Singapore junior Flying (;1111)
and the University Air Squadron.. The junior Flying
Club will use Cessna T -41 aircraft to train student
pilots at Seletar airfield. The University Air Squadron
will use six Victa Airtourer -type aircraft to train
students carefully selected from the University of
Singapore. Another private living club operating in
Singapore is the Royal Flying C!ub. which owns a
mixed lot of six light aircraft. This flying club has its
own maintenance section and can overhaul light
aircraft engines.
Singapore has complete service facilities for SIA
aircraft exce for engine overhaul. The engines are
shipped abroad for major overhaul work.
SIA operates a Technical Training (,enter located in
Singapore. This center offers pilot familiarization
courses on the Boeing 707, 737, and F -27 aircraft.
After World War IL about 100 aircrews and
grounderews from Singapore trained at Air Services
Training, an aviation school in Perth, Scotland.
Training for a number of SIA pilots has been provided
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by the Indonesian Civil Aviation Academy at Tjurug,
near Djakarta:, and pilots and flight engineers for SiA's
Boeing air,�raft have been sent to the United States,
New Zealand, and Australia for training. Singapore
Provides for training of its air traffic controllers at the
Technical Training (.'enter
G. Airfields' (C)
The air facilities system of Singapore consists of five
airfields and one seaplane station. Three airfields are
military and two are civil; four have hard- surface.;
runways. Details of th(. ;our best airfields are
tabulated in Figure S. The airfields are distributed
throughout Singapore in a fairly even pattern,
although a majorit
island. are in the eastern half of the
Singapore airfield, which has an 1 1,000 -foot asphalt
re1.1wav and facilities to support aircraft up to and
including C-1 and Boeing 707 aircraft, has long
been u pivotal point of global Lir traffic for Southeast
Asia. Seletar, the other civil airfield, can accommodate
I ockheed Constellations. Tengah airfield, which has a
9,000 -foot asphalt runway, is the principal military
base on the island. It can support sustained operations
by jet light bombers and accommodated the Roi Air
Force (RAF) V- bombers deploved there during the
Indonesian confrontation crises. Changi, also it
'For detailed information on air fac9lities in Singapore see
Volume 25, Airfields and Seaplane Stations of the World, published
by the Defense Mapping Agency, Aero Space Center (DMAAC) for
the Defense Intelligence .Agency.
FIGURE 8. Selected Airfields (C)
1 103
1 103
1'21'N., 103
1 103
7,985 x 150
4,950 x 150
11,000 x 200
9,000 x 150
significant military airfield, can accommodate C -I21-
type aircraft. Sernbawang airfield, with a 2270 -foot
Pierced steal planking (PSP) runway, is the only
temporarv- ;urfaued facility in the country. Although
of minor significance, it provides accommodations for
helicopters, a photographic unit, and training facilities
for a parachute and survival school. The one seaplane
station is of limited value. In general, airfield
maintenance is performed on an "as needed" basis
and this will suffice to sustain the system at its present
I, vel.
There are no major development programs planned
or underway which would significantly alter the
present effectiveness of the air facilities system.
H. Telecommunications (C)
Singapore's telecommunication (telecom) system is
one of the most modern in Southeast Asia, providing a
variety of dependable dornestic and international
communication services. The telec