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September 1973
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080015 -1
The basic unit of the NIS is the General Survey, which is now
published in a bound -by- chapter formal so that topics of greater per-
ishability can be updated on an individuo! basis. These chapters� Country
Profile, The Society, Government and Politics, The Economy, Military Geog-
raphy, Transportation and Telecommunications, Armed Forces, Science, and
Intelligence and Security, provide the primary NIS coverage. Some chapters,
particularly Science and Intelligence and Security, that are not pertinent to
all countries, are produced s.lectively. For small countries requiring only
minimal NIS treatment, the General Survey coverage may be bound into
one volume.
Supplementing the General Survey is the NIS Basic Intelligence Fact
book, a ready reference publication that semiannually updates key sta-
tistical data found in the Sury 3y. An unclassified edition of the factbook
omits some details on the economy, the defense forces, and the intelligence
and security organizations.
Although detailed sections on many topics were part of the NIS
Program, production of these sections has been phased out. Those pre-
viously produced will continue to be available as long as the major
portion of the study is considered valid.
A quarterly listing of all active NIS units is published in the Inventory
of Available NIS Publ;- ations, which is also bound into the concurrent
classified Factbook. The Inventory lists all NIS units by area name and
number and includes classification and date of issue; it thus facilitates the
ordering of NIS units as well as their filing, cataloging, and utilization.
Initial dissemination, additional copies of NIS units, or separate
chapters of the General Surveys can be obtained directly or through
liaison channels from the Central Intelligence Agency.
The General Survey is prepared for the NIS by the Central Intelligence
Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency under the general direction
of the NIS Committee. It is coordinated, edited, published, and dissemi-
nated by the Central Intelligence Agency.
This documet t contains information affecting the national defense of the United States, within the
meaning of title 18, sections 797 and 794 of the US code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation
of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080015 -1
1 01 @1�110 T&ffm
The NIS is National Intelligence and may not be re-
leased or shown to representatives of any foreign govern-
mentor international body except by specific authorization
of the Director of Central Intelligence in accordance with
the provisions of National Security Council Intelligence Di-
rective No. 1.
For NIS containing unclassified material, however, the
portions so marked may be made available for official pur-
poses to foreign nationals and nongovernment personnel
provided no attribution is made to National Intelligence or
the National Intelligence Survey.
Subsections and graphics are individually classified
according to content. Classification /control designa-
tions are:
(U /OU) Unclassified /For Official Use Only
(C) Confidential
(S) Secret
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080015 -1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080015 -1
Th.': chapter ,supersedes the scientific cover-
ap:-in the General Survey dated January 1970.
A. Ge -neral 1.
B. O t ,m;- .stion, planning and financing of
rese,wch 2
C. Scientific education, manpower, and
faciliSts F
D. Major research fields 8
1. Air, r-;aund, and naval weapons 8
2. Moluc;ical and chemical warfare 10
3. Atomic energy 10
4. E.ectronics 10
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-Irmo me In
Fig. 1 Federal government organization for
scientific and technical activities
(chart) 3
Fig. 2 Sites of scientific activity map) 16
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5. Medical sciences
6. Other sciences
Geology and terrestrial
a. Chemistry and metallurgy
b. Physics and mathematics
Hydrology, h y draulics, and
c. Astrogeophysical sciences
coastal research
(1) Astronomy, meteorology, and
upper atmosphere
Fig. 1 Federal government organization for
scientific and technical activities
(chart) 3
Fig. 2 Sites of scientific activity map) 16
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080015 -1
A. General (S)
The Brazilian capabilit for scientific research and
deyeloptnc�n n
t. although oil(- of the foremost in Latin
America. is limited. Despite serious difficulties over
the past several years, often related to political
problems, science in Brazil is improving and the
goverimient is increasing substantially its support of
research and development. Ilowever. many Brazilian
Mid visiting scientists and engineers believe that the
rate of development in science and tecl,nolog, is
insufficient to meet the needs of the country if it is to
escape underdeycloped status within the next 25 years.
Mild of the scientific effort is concerned with trying
to keep abreast of worldwide scientific developments.
Biornedic�inc. c�hemislry. and physics are reasonably
well developed, but the research ac�complishcd is not
significant. Resa�arch in tropical medicine. antitoxins,
and snakt vc�rtoms has received some international
mcognition in the past. Generally, scientific projcets of
significanct have been almost entirely dependent on
participation by foreigners. Since the early 1950's,
Brazil has made rapid progress industrially, bnt the
development of science and technology has not kept
pace with this industrial growth, vyhic�h is based to a
considerable extent on the investment of foreign
capital. Most of the required technology has been
imported from abroad, resulting in little growth of
",tree -icntific capabilities. 'There is practically no
communication between practicing engineers and
scientiAs in the academic sector.
The Brazilian Government is aware of the impact of
science and technology on economic and social
progress and encourages scivntific� activities. bnl there
are many hindrances to scientific progress. One of the
most serious is the inferior system of primary and
secondary education which limits the number of
secondary school graduates who arc satisfactorily
prepared for mdversih work. The increased amounts
of government funds available for msearc�h are still
inaule quale, and the increases have been partly
neutralized by the continuing rapid inflation of the
currency. The overall scientific capability is lintitc�d by
the shortage of trained manpower, and scientific�
education is hampered by an insufficient supply of
qualified tea. hers, facilities, and funds. I'll( military
governments under the late President Costa c Silva
and the current administration of President Medici
have shovyn a continued interest in science and
tec�hnologv. but nsuiy actions of the government have
had an inhibiting effect on scientific and technologi-
cal progress. The rerm tl of prominent scientists from
their positions in uniyersitie: and research institutes for
political reasons ha, nc;ycrsely affected morale.
Foreign exchange controls hays� interfered with the
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP0l- 00707R000200080015 -1
importation of scientific e(laipment and journals.
There have been difficulties in securing government
approval for foreign travel by Brazilian scientists and
engineers and in obtaining permission for sdentific
expeditions to Brazil by foreigners. In general.
burea:wtatic controls and delays have had a stifling
effect on Brazilian science and on the inflow of
technology from abroad.
Brazil has cooperative agreements in scientific
affairs and in atomic energy matters with mane
countries. In December 1971 it 5 -year agreement
aimed at intensifying cooperation between U.S. and
Brazilian scientists was signed. In recent years,
technical and scientific cooperation agreements have
heen sinned with Israel, West Germany, Czechoslo-
vakia, the United Kingdom, France, Japan, several
Latin American countries, as well as several other
countries. Similar agreements are in effect with the
United Nations. which is currently financing about
USS5.6 million worth of scientific and technical
cooperation projects in Brazil, and -with the
Organization of American States (OAS). During the
last 10 fiscal years an average of about $15 million per
vear has keen allocated to joint technical --ooperation
programs in lira zil by the U.S. Agency for
International Development (AID). In FY72 the
allocation through AID had dec, to about $8.9
r:iillion. Increasingly, the United States is supporting
scientific development in Brazil through such
organwations as the U.N. Educational, Scientific and
Cuitural Organization (UNESCO), th^ OAS, and
other internati mal agencies. Order it basic technical
cooperation agreement signed in September 1970. the
Japanese Government avyards fellowships to Brazilians
for technical training in Japan and supplies
equipment, machinery, and material, as well as
technical support in various ways.
A bilateral agreement for scienviic cooperation
between Argentina and Brazil, wi-Ach was signed in
1966, provides for the exchange of information and
personnel, conununication of research progress, and
planning of long -range research for mutual benefit.
This agreement was an important step in promoting
closer cooperation hetwcen the hnr major scientific
communities in Latin America. Prance and Brazil
have rather broad agreements on utilization of atomic
energy for peaceful purposes, including provisions for
exploration of various regions within Brazil for
umniurn and thorium. A broad agreement signed by
Broil and West Germany in 1969 gives special
emphasis to cooperation in such subjects as nuclear
energy, space and aeronautics, oceanography, and
data processing. The Brazilian Government has
usually pursued a course of foreign police has ^d on
cooperation with the west. and Brazilian scientists
generally are Western oriented. Although Brazil
maintains diplomatic relations \with the U.S.S.R. and
other Communist countries. it is believed to have no
scientific agreements with these countries.
Brazil is a member of such international scientific
organizations as the World Meteorological Organiza-
tioji \VMO). the International Oceanographic
Commission (lO('), the International Union of
Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG`. the Committee on
Space Research (COSPAR), and the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
B. Organization, planning, and financing of
research (C)
Research and development activities are not highly
organized, and until the early 1950's such activities
were left almost entirely to the universities, some of
which are federally supported, some under the control
of the states, an -1 some privately operated. Most of the
r- search underway is supported by the federal or state
governments, or by foreign countries -rnd org "niza-
tions. Industrial research is weak, and very little
financial support for research is provided by industry.
Technology is readily available from foreign countries
whose industrial organizations participate in Brazilian
industry and supply the know -how.
The government control., scientific activities
through various ministries and through three major
government organizations: the National Research
Council (CNP(j), its subordinate Institute of Space
Research (INPE), and the National Nuclear Energy
Commission (CNGN). The Ministry of Planning and
General Coordination has become increasingly
involved in science and technology and is a major
factor in developing science policy and in the funding
of scientific research and technological dcvelopnu�nt
projects. The federal government organization for
scientific and technical activities is shown in Figure 1.
The CNPy, established in 1931, continues to he the
single most important government agency responsible
for the coordination and stimulation of scientific
activities. It provides grants for research, recommends
approval of scientific expeditions, provides scholar-
ships for scientific study, and administers bilateral
agreements -with other countries. The CNPy is
comprised of 27 members and includes representatives
of all the federal universities, the Acadeny of Sciences,
the armed forces, and the Ministries of Foreign Affairs,
Agriculture, Education, and Industry and Commerce.
For many wears the CNPy was active only in Rio de
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080015 -1
ernn 1- 110 TQ5
Institute of Nuclear Engineering
The Brazilian Company for
I Nuclear Technology
Institute of Radiation Res arch
Research Headquarters and Laboratory
Institutes at Sao Jose dos Campos
and Centers Brazilian Rocket Range
National Security Council
Institute Brazilian Commission for
of Space Space Activities (COBAE)
(CR ?q)
Research Headquarters and Laboratory
Institutes at Sao Jose dos Campos
and Centers Brazilian Rocket Range
Ministry of
Planning and General
Minis(" of Agriculture
Ministry g
Ministry of Aeronautics
Meteorological Service
I I National Fund for Scientific
Division of
Air Force
and Technological Development
Geology and Minerals
Research Institutes
Technical r
and Stations
Ministry of Education
Aeronautical Institute of
Technology (ITA)
Coordinating Office
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Army Institute for Research and
for the Development of
Development (IPD)
University Trained Personnel
Research Institutes
Federal Universities
Research Institutes
and Observatories
Ministry of Navy
Geographic Service
Ministry of Mines and Energy
National Department of
Naval Research institute Sui ordinotion
Mineral Production
Consultation and Coordination
FIGURE 1. Federal government organization for scientific and technical activities,
1972 (U /OU)
Janeiro, but since 1963 its influence has grown because
it has been able to provide increasing funds for
research projects. The CNP(I has the power to establish
new research institutes and centers, to maintain direct
contact with scientific attaches of foreign conntries,
all(] to deal directly with all federal, state, municipal,
and private agencies. It also has the authority to create
committees and corninissions without requiring
submission of its recommendations to the President of
Brazil. The CNP(I plans and oversees the execution of
:.hart -term and long -term scientific programs, ensuring
that they are constantly revised and kept np date.
Another of its functions is to effect liaison between
ministries, government agencies and dep:utments,
policy planning bodies, and research bodies in order
that facilities and resources are effectively utilized. It
maintains an objective of stimnlaCrig research to
secure the hest possible use of the natural resources of
the country to improve its economy and make
contributions to the health and welfare of the
Since 1962 the CNPq has operated under 5 -vear
plans, which have reaffirmed the importune(" of
science and technology and set forth priorities for
research and development. 'The CNP(I receives its
funds chiefly from the federal budget; to (lute these
funds have been insufficient t:) permit the council to
achieve the objectives of its plans. Approxinialely 504
of its budget is allocated for the support of
fundamental sciences, 15% to technological sciences,
25% to medical sciences, and 10% to agricultural
sciences. It also has received special grants from the
lord Foundation and sane assistance from West
Germany and France. In addition to supporting th("
INPE� the CNP(I provides direct financial assistance to
the Inslihte of Pure and Applied Mathematics in Rio
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080015 -1
de Janeiro, the National Institute for Research in the
Amazon at Manans. the Institute of Bibliography and
Documentation in Rio de Jane the Institute for
Highway Research in Rio de Janeiro, and the Emilio
Goeldi Mnseem in Belem.
The CNEN, established in 19.36, directs the
Brazilian nuclear energy progr Affiliated with t'c
Ministry of Mines and Energy and the National
Department of Mineral Prodnc�tion, the CNEN
supervises three facilities �the Institute of Nuclear
Engineering in Rio de Janeiro, the Institute of
Radiation Research in Belo Horizonte, and the ne%v
facility, the Brazilian Company for Nuclear
Technology (CBTN). Brasilia. Research and training
are carried out in the two institutes, which are
associated with the federal universities in the cities in
which they are located. The CBTN, formed in
Dccernher 1971, now operates the nuclear research
institutes in Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte. The
Institute for Atomic Energy (IEA) in Sao Paulo' is a
separate state facility and is the largest nuclear
research institute in Brazil. The CNEN is concerned
with tFc national unclear policy. It supervises safet
regulations and training of nuclear science specialists
and reviews propos for the construction of nuclear
energy generating stations. CNEN's scientific and
technological research departments provide assistance
as well as radioactive isotopes and saf-ty advice to
research institutions. The CNEN does not arrange
regular s:tcnlific meetings but does encourage
participation by Brazilian specialists in conferences,
colloquia, and symposia. CNEN is financed directly
through the government, and some revenue is
obtained from its industrial work. During 1971 the
CNEN underwent a restructuring; in regard to its
hoard of directors. At the present time CNEN is
governed by a deliberative commission and by
technical and administrative organs deemed necessary
to accomplish its objectives.
Brazil is continuing its interest in space activities
and in January 1971 the government established it
Brazilian Commission for Space Activities (COBAE)
under the National Security Council. Headed by the
chief of the general staff of the artned forces, the
COBAF, is concerned mainly with assisting the
President in the formtlation of a national policy on
space research, including the allocation of resources,
coordination of civilian and military space programs,
and initiation of cooperative programs with other
countries. The National Commission for Space
'For diacritics on place names see the list of names A the end of
the chapter.
Activities (CNAE), organized under the CNPy in 1961
to coordinate, stimulate, and carry out studies related
to space activities, was abolished in April 1971 and
replaced by the Institute of Space Research (INPE).
The INPE abso:oed the functions of the CNAE. In
addition, it has the authority to fornnlate plans and
programs for space research, as Nvell as negotiate
contracts with foreign or international agencies. The
head of the CNPy acts as chief of the INPE directo� ate
council, which includes a representative of the general
staff of the armed forces. The iNPE is the country's
representative to COSPAR and participate; in
international conferences arrange by that organiza-
tion, 'lie International Council of Scientific Unions,
and the Latin American Center for Space Physics. The
headynarters and main laboratories of the INPE are
located near the Technical Center for Aeronautics
(CTA) at Sao Jose dos Campos in Sao Paulo State.
A significant trend is appearing in state government
encouragement of research applied to solving
problems common to particular areas. Proliferation of
official state organizations active in science and
technology has resulted from pressures exerts d by
sc�icntists and technologists who felt that their skills
would be better used in an area where they are
There are it few private research organizations, such
as societies and associations, that have special interests
in various sciences and technologies. Typical are the
Association of Research Vlorkers of Rio Grande do Sul
and the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science.
Both are concerned with science but do not have
laboratories, nor do they employ workers engaged
directly in research. The Brazilian Society for Metals.
which has been functioning for the last three decades,
generally provides it fortin for metallurgists, and as
such it stimulates research and metallurgical studies of
general interest. The Brazilian Petroleum Institute is a
private institution but receives support from the state
petroleum organization PETROBRAS and all firms
connected with the petroleum industry in Brazil. It
studies technical problems that are hest solved by
cooperative work in industry and acts as it consultative
The governmental ministries are concerned with
research in various ways. The Ministry of Education is
responsible for research in the federal universities;
however, neither basic nor applied research is
conducted on it broad side in the universities, and
there are few departments or laboratories where
resea is done systematically or according to normal
international standards. Studies generally are done oil
regional problems, especially in basic medical or
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080015 -1
geological subjects. The Ministry of Health has many
research institutes subordinate to it; among the most
notable are the Osvaldo Cruz. Institute in Rio de
Janeiro and the Evandro Chagas Institute i.. Belem.
The Ministry of Agriculture has regional laboratories
and research stations in several places, usually
associated with a nearby university. It directs the
Meieorological Service and the Division of Geology
and Minerals. The Ministry of Mines and Energy
operates the National Department of Mineral
Production. The ministry is concerned with mining
uranium and thorium and with the generation of
hydroelectric power; the CNEN coordinates the
rninistrv's involvement in any aspect of nuclear power
generation, as well as in the processing of uranium
ores. The CNEN does nct exercise any special control
over geological exploration for basic nuclear ores.
The Ministry of Aeronautics, through the air force.
directs research at the CTA. The CTA has two
subordinate organizations, the Aeronautical Institute
of Technology (ITA) and the Institute for Research
and Development (IPD), both at Sao Jose dos
Campos. The Ministry of Army is responsible for the
activities of the Geographic Service of the Army, while
the Ministry of Navy directs the Nav�d Research
nstitute on Ilha do Governador. The Ministry of
Industry and Commerce administers the Fund for
Support of Technology which provides funds for the
establishment of new technologically advanced
industries. The Ministry of Planning and General
Coordination provides financial support for research
and development through its National Fund for
Scientific and Technological Development, which was
created in 1969 by presidential decree.
The Brazilian Academy of Sciences in Rio de
Janeiro, established in 1916, functions informally. It
holds symposia, publishes scientific literature, provides
for the exchange of scientists, and tries to interest
students in scientific careers. It is composed of a group
of scientists who meet periodically to discuss and study
various aspects of accomplishments in scientific fields.
It has been assured of government financial support
only since 1966. The funds provided, however, are not
sufficient to support a scientific research program and
are mainly used to cover the cost of the academy's
Although financial support of research and
development is extremely inadequate, amouunting to
only about 0.2 1, o-0.3 1 /n of the gross national product,
the government recognizes the importance of research
and the need for increased funding. Financ�iai support
has increased substantially since 1964, but rapid
inflations has offset some of the gains. A complete
breakdown of funds appropriated or expended for
research and development in Brazil is not ayadable.
For the second 5 -year plan (1968 -72) of the CNPq, the
Ministry of Planning and General Coordination
allocated about $8.8 million for research activities. Of
this amount $1.1 million was to he used for 405
postgraduate and doctoral scholarships abroad: $I.-;
for CNAE activities; $1.8 for research equipment; 52.2
for research in priority projects; and $2.25 for contract
The following tabulation shows a partial
breakdown of 1970 research funds (in new crnxeiros:
exchange rate of 6.1 =$1) by various government
68,366,1 10
Ministry of Planning and General
59,000,. 00
Brazilian Academy of Sciences
Natiesial Bank of Economic De-
National Institutes of Weights and
277,6 7'),110
The planning ministry's National Fund for
Scientific and Technological Development had a
budget of $10 million in 1970 and about $25 million
in 1971; R provides funds either directly to major
research organizations, such as the CNEN or the
CNPq, cr as a result of requests by individuals for
specific research projects. The National Bank for
Economic Development, Rio de Janeiro, has two
subordinate bodies specifically designed to aid science
and technology in Brazil: the 'Technology Fund and
the Productivity Fund. In 1970 the former hoc' 75
million cruzeiros available for fellowships and support
of graduate courses and for support of theoretical and
applied research without immediate� commercial
value. The latter fund is designed to stimulate
industrial research.
Although fina:nc�ial support for research and
development by industry has been very meager, some
industrial support has been provided for engineering
schools and for scholarships. Substantial support for
sc�ienc�e and technology is provided by sources rnutsidc
of Brazil, including foreign governments, international
organizations, and private f 'These funds
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were distributed over a wide range of disciplines, and a
substantial portion was allocated for improving
scientific educational programs and libraries.
Significant grants have been made to provide
equipment for both teaching and research.
The state governments expend far less for research
and development than the federal goveni___--tit. hilt
their systems for selecting, organizing, and executing
research are highly efficient and their researchers work
j with greater enthusiasm and freedom from political
influences. The states have established state funds for
the support of research. The Research Support Fund in
the Sao Paulo State is the oldest and largest of the
funds. Its scientific director is c'onsidere'd the second
tnost powerful figure in Brazilian sc'ienc'e after the
president of the CNNI. In recent %cars this fund has
directed a majority of its grants to development-
oriented research rather than pure research. The main
:.ouree of revenue is the state government, which under
the constitution of the slate is required to allocate
annually to the Sao Paulo Mate Fund t1.Yi of the
state's income from taxes. Tie 1969 budget was 14.5
million cruzeirus and the 1970 budget was about 20
million cruzeiros The State of Rio Grande do Sul has
established a similar organization and the State of
Guanabara Us set up if Support Foundation for
Science and 'Technology financed by if percentage of
state revenue.
C. Scientific education, manpower, and
facilities (C)
Modern techniques in education are being
introduced slowly in Brazilian schools in both higher
and secondary Icvels. Much of the scientific
community locg has recognized that slow progress in
re search and development results from the poor
organization of school curriculums and teaching
me thods. The government is attempting to upgrade
education at all levels, and in 1970 the Minister (if
Pl anning and General Coordination announced plans
to allot 24 billion crutzeiros to education during the
following d years. Some of the improvements in
education can be attributed to if long -range program
for science education in Latin America undertaken by
the U.S. National Science Foundation through the
auspices of the AID. Scientific education in Brazil,
although improving as more qualifies; teachers, more
funds, and better facilities arc provided, is still
handicapped by it general shortage of these essentials.
The number of students enrolled its undergraduates
in higher educational institutions in 1972 totaled
530,(x)0. This was slightl% less thin twice the number
enrolled in 1968 but still represented onl% about 2.5e(
of the population between the ages of 19 ;urd 24. In
1966 the number of students enrolled in engineering
courses was 37.5(N); in medicine, 25?00: and in
science. pliilosophy, and letters, 6,800. Engineering
enrollments are increasing at a rate far greater than the
growth of the population of the c�ountr% The total
en roll nlent of students in sc�ien e and engineering
courses, however, i small for a c�ountr% wit near)
I(x) million people.
Edncationa! reforms have been in progress curing
recent %ears. Under former President Costa e Sil% ;i,
and to a lesser extent under President Medici. drastic
changes oc'c'urred in the higher educational s%stent
which hu%e had an ad%erse effec! on the morale of
scientists and teachers. In April 1969 approxiniatel 70
profe ssors were retire from the Stat^ Uni%ersil%of Sao
Pardo and the Federal I'ni%ersit% of Rio de Janeiro b\
presidential order, and life tenure for college professors
was abolished. "these changes dealt a blow to the
government program to slow the exodus of
professional people from Brazil and ha%e hindered
programs for encouraging the return of scientists \.ho
have I;�fl Brazil. The present government has had some
success, however. in encouraging the return of
important scientists. Sonic of the most renowned
sc�ientiAs who left Brazil and others who were purged
have returned and found working conditions suitable
in some of the larger states: for example. man\ are
staffing the State Universitx of Campinas ill the State
of Sao Paulo.
Scientific education is strongest at the Universities
of Sao Paulo, Bahia in Sul\ ,idor. ltio Grande do Sul in
Porto Alegre, and the Federal Un :versit% of Rio de
Janeiro. Engineering education is available at most of
the larger public uni%ersities, at the ITA, at
ti?ac�kenzie Universit. in Sao Paulo, and at the
Catholic Uni%ersih in Rio de Janeiro. The qualit. of
,location in the School of Engineering of the
Universih of Bahia is reportedlN good, especially in
the Department of :heroical I ?ngineering, although
the staff is small. The ITA is it modern facilit% rind
offers some of the best technical training in Brazil, but
its enrollment is otik :about 0. The course is of 5
..u duration, and the 150 nn�ntbers chosen for each
class are selected In competitive examination front
ove ;,INlll applicants. E mphasis has shifted gradual)
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080015 -1
at they instihrto fron aeronautical engineering to
vIvctric�al and mechanical engineering. electronics,
mathcmaties, and ph%sic�s. A (ou� in nuclear
engineering %%as inlrncluc�ed in 1967 is part of the
effort to promote nuclear energy research. Unforra-
nately, ri A's graduates are not prepared to assume the
.Inlinistr itiyc- technical jobs in Brazilian industm
where supervisory ahilih is more important than
research and (leve l rne,, t capability. Sc�ielltifie
education at the University of Brasilia is of poor
quulih. and valuable egiipme�nt is either in storage or
only partially utilized.
Very little formal graduate sti(!v is offered in
engineering or in the sciences. A masters degree cyan
he obtained in engineering, but students seeking a
doctors degree in engineering must study abroad.
With U.S, assistallev, the Instihte of :henistry of the
Federal University of Bio do Janeiro started
postgraduate courses in chemical engineering, with
the objective of granting the masters degree and
Ultimately the doctor's degree in this field. A program
leading to higher degrees in physics has h i ell
established at the State University of Sao Paulo, ar,d in
chemistry at both the University of Sao Paulo and at
the� Federal University of Bio de Janeiro in a program
coordinated by the U.S. National Ac�adcny of
Sciences. Financial support of graduate programs has
increased substantial) in recent years; in X967 about
$760,000 of governricnl funds was spent for such
programs. The All) provided about $180,0110 for the
support of graduate work during the same year.
Several other foreign countries, including France, the
United Kingdom, and the Netherlands, have also
contributed support.
Brazilian universities have male attenpts to
improve the status of researchers and professors. A
professional post of researcher, which allows the
incunhent to pursue mse�arc�h on a full -time hasis, has
liven created at the universit love. heretofore, the
research worker was required to be it professor, and
because (4 the hear; ,eac�hing load. he frequently had
to neglect either �aching or research. Salaries for
professors are gradually being increased hot are still
ill- KINIuale. The State University of Sao Paulo, which
raised the� salaries of professors to $4(1(1 per month in
1967, bus set the salary levels foli by the
academic collanullit\. Governnu�nt:al and private
rvsvarc (tncalifield reselarch personnel ause of low salarie's.
The CNPq has provided saapplemenlary salary support
for it limited number of qualified persons who have it
potential for it research career. In 1968, 200 persons
receiv: d such assistance.
As if supplement to the inadequate training of
scientific and technical personnel, many Brazilians
have been sent for special training to the United Stales
under scholarship programs or by icdustrial companies
with subsidiaries in Brazil. One procedure is for th(
companies to begin operation with it staff of American
engineers and technicians and to replace them
gradualk, with Brazilians who have heell sent to the
United States for training. Except for graduates of the
School of Engineering at the State University of Sao
Paulo and those educated abroad. Brazilian engineers
gencralh� do not meet U.S. professional standards. The
second 3 -year plan of the CNPq (INS -72) has made
provision for the educ�atioll abroad of students seeking
higher degrees in scientific subjects. The CNPq
Planned to grant all estimated 12.000 fellowships
during the 1970 -7.1 period.
Brazil has a serious shortage of engineers,
technic�ious, and scientists in most fields except
physics, where the supply has exceeded the demand.
In late 1967 it was estimated that Brazil had only I
person engaged in basic or applied research for every
33,000 inhabitants; in 1972 this figure rose
irnpressivc!y to I in 18,000, L�e;t it still falls short of the
needs. In 1967 there were 3,700 engineering school
graduates. compared with 2,000 in 1962. In 1968 the
leaching of Physics al the graduate and postgr:admite
level was carried oil( by about 300 physicists. 1'11e
second 3 -year plan of the CNPq stressed the
importance of ph and enc�onraged the updating of
ecluipnu'nt alld the modernization of facilities.
Brazilian geologists appear to he reasollahly well
trained; they receive training ii three or four schools
whose geology departments rank with some of the hest
in the world.
Although scientists and engineers are highly
regarded by the population in Brazil, most Brazilians
:appear to have little knowledge of the contributions
that call he made by scientifically trained people. As
in other Latin American countries, scieatists are
miderpaid and nan4' of the younger men soon
abandon their scientific or :.academic careers to enter
more lucrative fields. I'he logy salaries paid to scientists
are un obstac',v to the return of Brazilian scientists who
work abroad and to the hiring of well -known foreign
specialists. In order to reduce the loss of scientific and
technical manpower to more developed countries,
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080015 -1
Brazil needs to provide scientists with better working
conditions. adequate equipment, and higher salaries.
Facilities and lahoratory equipment at the various
research centers vary from inadequate to good quality
depending on the field of activit;-. There is a general
shortage of modern equipment needed to fulfill
objectives of most projects. In some of the university
research laboratories and science faculties the solid
state physics equipment has been rated as only
equivalent to that of advanced secondary schools in
North America. In a few cases the universities have an
abundance of new laboratory equipment, but some of
it is deteriorating from disuse. Some of the best
facilities and equipment in Brazil, obtained primarily
from U.S. Army surpluses, are related to astrophysics
research. Brazils first Triga Mark I reactor is located
at the Institute of Radiation Research near the
University of Minas Gerais in Belo Horizonte and the
equipment used to study crystal defects and isotopes is
considered to he of high quality. The University of
Santa Catarina's optical physics iaboratory is
purported to have received sonic of the best scientific
equipment related to the optical industry from the
East German company of "Zeiss through a coffee
exchange agreement. In general, the physics research
facilities of the various research centers arc judged by
Western European and North American standards as
poor. To obtain good laboratory equipment, sonic of
the leading physicists find it necessary to smuggle it
into the country by using false radiation labels to
circumvent the bureaucratic problems. In nuclearand
solid state physics laboratories there are small research
reactors and accelerators which cannot provide the
energy levels achieved in modern research laborator-
D. Major research fields
I. Air, ground, and naval weapons (C)
Research and development on air, ground, and
naval weapons is very limited because of an
insufficient economic and industrial base needed to
support such activity. Still, Brazil's industrial output is
the largest of the I,alin American countrie-, and it has
the greatest potential among those countries for
achieving a viable weapons e'.evelonrnent and
production capability. Progress towards establishing
an indigenous research ,unrl development capability is
the most evident in tl, aircraft field.
The Brazilian Government is continuing to invest
heavily in the development of its aeronautical
industry. Factors motivating such action include those
of national security which specify the establishment of
the largest and most modern air force in South
America, the importance of the national airlines to the
countrv's economic well- being, and to the high
dependence placed upon air transportation as a whole
in the development of the nation's interior.
Supervision over all aeronautical research and
development is provided by the Ministry of
Aeronautics, and virtually all aeronautical associated
facilities are located in Sao Jose dos Campos, in Sao
Paulo State. The most important organization for
aircraft design and development is the CTA and its
subordinate IPD. Aircraft production is the
responsibility of Empresa Brasilerira de Aeronautics
S.A. (EMBRAER), the Sociedad Construtora
Aeronautica A'eiva, Ltda., and the Sociedad Aerotec
Ltda. (Aerotee).
Over the years aviation related activity appeared to
center at CTA and IPD. More recently, however,
emphasis has been shifting to an expansion of the
nations aircraft production centers; the largest and
most important of which is EMBRAER. Aircraft in
production at EMBRAER include a Brazilian version
of the Italian Aermacchi MB -326 jet trainer and light
attack aircraft; the indigenously developed EMB -110
Bandeirante, twin- turboprop, 12- passenger utility
transport; and the EMB- 200 1panema crop duster. All
three aircraft are expected to he in full series
production for the next several vears. An ambitious
development program, identified as the EMB -500
Amazona, has been ;underway to provide a
replacement for the U.S. DC- 3/C -47 aircraft in service
with the Brazilian Air Force. This aircraft was
designed as a 40 passenger, short -take- off and landing
(STOI.) utility transport with alternate roles as un
assault troop carrier, and naval patrol aircraft. I ix
program schedule of EMBRAER specified a prototype
F:MB 500 to be test flown in 1974, and series
production to be initiated by the mid 1970'x. The
EMB -500 program apparently has been terminated,
however, and discussions are being held to develop
and produce a similar type aircraft under it joint
program with Argentin'u. Should it viable program
solve from the discussions, it would constitute the
first major cooperative aircraft development/ prod uc-
tion effort ever to he undertaken by the South
American countries.
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The Brazilian Government is continuing to invest
heavily in the development of its aeronautical
industry. Factors motivating such action include those
of national security which specify the establishment of
the largest and most modern air force in South
America, the importance of the national airlines to the
countrv's economic well- being, and to the high
dependence placed upon air transportation as a whole
in the development of the nation's interior.
Supervision over all aeronautical research and
development is provided by the Ministry of
Aeronautics, and virtually all aeronautical associated
facilities are located in Sao Jose dos Campos, in Sao
Paulo State. The most important organization for
aircraft design and development is the CTA and its
subordinate IPD. Aircraft production is the
responsibility of Empresa Brasilerira de Aeronautics
S.A. (EMBRAER), the Sociedad Construtora
Aeronautica A'eiva, Ltda., and the Sociedad Aerotec
Ltda. (Aerotee).
Over the years aviation related activity appeared to
center at CTA and IPD. More recently, however,
emphasis has been shifting to an expansion of the
nations aircraft production centers; the largest and
most important of which is EMBRAER. Aircraft in
production at EMBRAER include a Brazilian version
of the Italian Aermacchi MB -326 jet trainer and light
attack aircraft; the indigenously developed EMB -110
Bandeirante, twin- turboprop, 12- passenger utility
transport; and the EMB- 200 1panema crop duster. All
three aircraft are expected to he in full series
production for the next several vears. An ambitious
development program, identified as the EMB -500
Amazona, has been ;underway to provide a
replacement for the U.S. DC- 3/C -47 aircraft in service
with the Brazilian Air Force. This aircraft was
designed as a 40 passenger, short -take- off and landing
(STOI.) utility transport with alternate roles as un
assault troop carrier, and naval patrol aircraft. I ix
program schedule of EMBRAER specified a prototype
F:MB 500 to be test flown in 1974, and series
production to be initiated by the mid 1970'x. The
EMB -500 program apparently has been terminated,
however, and discussions are being held to develop
and produce a similar type aircraft under it joint
program with Argentin'u. Should it viable program
solve from the discussions, it would constitute the
first major cooperative aircraft development/ prod uc-
tion effort ever to he undertaken by the South
American countries.
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Work in process at ;Veica includes the manufacture
of light, utility aircraft (similar to the U.S. Cessna
150), an IPD- designed, low -wing basic trainer
designated the 6201 Universal, and the development
of it hvin- engine version of the Universal. The latter
aircraft could enter series production by the mid
1970's. Aerotec is completing its production run on the
Uirapuru primary trainer for the Brazilian Air Force.
Most of Aerotec's facilities are engaged in subcontract
production for EMBRAER.
In addition to the limited aeronautical research
being conducted by the CI'A and IPD, these
organizations are responsible for the certification of
new aircraft and the training of aeronautical
engineers. The IPD has research departments for
electronics, materials, armaments, propulsion, and
airframes. Brazil is still dependent on the import of
foreign engines for all its current and proposed
aircraft. The country also is benefiting from the
foreign technical assistance received from the French,
West Germans, and Americans.
Brazil has a very limited capability for rocket
research and development, and an insignificant
capability to design and develop guided missiles. Over
the years most of the research in the rocket propulsion
field has been directed toward meeting the
requirements of the country's sounding rocket
program. Nevertheless, short range, unguided rockets
have been produced for military applications. These
solid- propellant rockets are the single -stage R -108 and
11 -115, and it more elaborate, hvo -stage 114 -mm
rocket. The R -108 and 114 -mm rockets were designed
primarily for army use, and the R -115 for the navy.
Both rockets were developed by the Department of
Studies and Technological Research and the
Companhia de Explosioo.s Valparaibo, Sao Paulo.
Apparently, Brazil is not making a strong effort to
become self- sufficient in the field of guided missiles.
Instead, it is continuing to purchase needed guided
missiles from abroad.
Brazil has an active research program for studying
the upper atmosphere, including the ionosphere. The
Institute for Space Research at Sao Jose dos Campus is
installing an ERTS readout station at Ciuiaba, Mato
Grosso State, and digital processing equiF,ment to
obtain the imagery at Sao Jose dos Campos. 'I'll(-
Institute of Space Research has a Bandeirante aircraft
equipped for remote sensing at altitudes up to about
200)0 feet. During the past several years it number of
research rockets have been locally developed and
produced under air force direction. The rockets have
ranged from single- to three -stage units, and from
pencil size up to 5 inches in diameter. Present
development emphasis appears to he on the Sonda
series. There have been 11 known launchings of the
Sonda -1, five of the Sonda -11, and a Sonda -111
reportedly is nearly read% for its initial test launch.
Sonda -I is basically a copy of the U.S. Areas rocket; it
was designed by the Directorate of Materials of the
Ministry of Aeronautics; development and production
were accomplished by the private firm of Sociedad
Aribras Limilada of Sao Jose dos Campos. Sonda -lb is
capable of lifting an 11 -I1) payload to an altitude of 43
nautical miles (NM). Sonda -11 and Sonda -Ill are
larger rockets and they are capable of lifting 55 11) to
60 NM and 110 11) to 270 NM, respectively Sonda -11
was designed and (level, -led by the Special Products
Department of the ITA. Another rocket, the Son.)fa -1,
also is under development and exhibited in Brazil
during 'Air Force Week 1970 at the Galcaol Santos
Dun)ont airport complex in Rio de Janeiro.
Characteristics ano purpose of this rocket are
The primary rocket test range in Brazil is the.
Bardera do Inferno facility located near Natal. In
operation since 1965, the site is equipped for
launching sounding rockets, and it can accommodate
rockets of the U.S. Nike Cajun /Nike Apache size.
Although much U.S. equipment is in evidence, the test
center is staff(-(] and operated by Brazilian technicians.
Brazil and France concluded a 6 -year agreement in
June 1968 which provides for the establishment of a
space tracking station at Fertaleza on the northeastern
coast of Brazil. Since March 1970 this facility has
operated as it telemetry receiving station for satellites
launched from the French National Center for Space
Studies, Kourou, French Guiana. Brazil's first satellite
communications ground station, inaugurated in
February 1969, its built by llughes Aircraft Co.
under contract with the Brazilian T(-ICCOImnmllCa-
tions Company (EMBRATFL), Rio de Janeiro. This
station has been integrated into the multination
communications satellite system, Intelsat.
Brazil conducts no significant research and
development on ground weapons and support
equipment, and research capabilities in engineering,
transportation, and (tuarterrnaster equipment are
limited. For several years Brazil has been conducting
some research on armored vehicles. A light tank and
half -truck vehicle, both apparently of indigenous
origin, are in advanced design stages. Also under
development are an armored reconnaissance vehicle
(EF.-) Cascavel) and ::n amphibious armored 6x61
vehicle (EE-I I Uruta). Brazil would like to produce at
least four variants of lightly arn)ored vehicles: troop
carrier, reconnaissance, cornunand, and anbulanc(-.
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There is no active program underyay to develop
naval combatants or support vessels. Further, there is
no discernible research being accomplished in ship
propulsion, hull design, or other associated research
fields. However, Brazilian shipyards have accom-
plished the licensed production of foreign vessels up to
destroyer size, and they are capable of repairing and
overhauling all types of naval vessels. Plans call for
Brazil to start production of the British :dark -10
frigate in 1973.
2. Biological and chemical warfare (C)
Brazil is not known to have it BW or MV reseal, h
and development program. Several institutes
however, have sufficient scientific personnel and
equipment to conduct limited BW investigations if
Brazil should decide to etnhark on a program. The
well- egnipped and competently staffed Butantan
Institute in Sao Paulo is engaged in fundamental
research that has a limited CW potential. One
exa mple of this research is the extensive work done on
snake antivenoms. Research on other natural poisons
includes %vork on spicier venom, scorpion venom, and
plant poisons.
3. Atomic energy (S)
The nuclear energy program is small and confined
prirnarily to basic research in the universities. Some
expansion is taking place, however, and in Dec�entber
19 it combined government- private organization,
the Brazilian Company for Nuclear "Technology,
Brasilia, was formed under the CNEN. The CB'TN is
mainly responsible for certain practical and
commercial aspects of nuclear energy, including
propecting for and raining of nuclear associated
minerals, fabrication and reprocessing of reactor fuel
elements, studies of ur anium enrichment, and the
contracting for and construction of nuclear facilities.
The nuclear energy program i! under the general
direction of the CNEN, headed by Herasio de
Carvalho. A shortage of research personnel in the
nuclear energy field has cased somewhat with the
return of personnel trained abroad. 'Three research
reactors are in operation. A 5- megawatt thermal
(MWU s%vitnrning pool reactor at the Institute of
Atonic Energy of the Siate University of Sao Paulo
went critical in September 1957. 'This reac�tuu has been
uupgraded to 10 M Wt. The Institute of Radiation
Research at the Federal University of Minas Gerais,
Belo Horizonte, has a Triga Mark I reactor which
went into operation in 1960. It normally operated at
.30 kilowatts thermal (kW't) but has been upgra led to
230 MT A third reactor, a 10 kW't, Argonaut type
located at the Institute of Nuclear Energy at the
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, went critical in
February 1965. All three of these reactors use U.S.
provided, enriched uranium fuel.
Brazils basic nuclear program also will benefit from
use of a 20 -MeV Pelletronic accelerator in operatics at
the Institute of Atomic Energy of the State University
of Sao Paulo. The accelerator, the only one of its kind
in the world. \will permit more intense, precise, and
wider range neutron cross- section studies. Another
cyclotron facility is under construction in the
Jacarepagua lowlands and is expected to he
operationol in early 1973: it will be used in isotope
production and utilization studies.
There are some small deposits of uranium reserves in
Brazil. The main known deposit is located in the Poc�as
de Caldas area with a reserve of from 1,200 to 2,000
tons of uranium, and a uranium mill may he
constructed at that site. Since only little exploration
for uranium has been done in tl,. country, the true
extent of reserves is as yet unknown.
Although facilities for processing natural uranium
to fabricate fuel elements have been established,
Brazil %as no facilities for producing enriched uranium
and is dependent upon imported fuels. A project
utilizing ultracentrifuges purchased from Nest
wrmany in 1958 apparently was unsuccessful. Brazil
has expressed a desire to participate in a multinational
gaseons diffusion enricl rent plant. Brazil considers
itself as it potential site since ample low cost power is
available for such it plant.
Brazilian authorities have stated the countr's
intention to build nuclear powerplants, and a 626
megawatt electrical (net) pressnrized water reactor is
being bnilt at Ae:gra. dos Reis, Rio do Janeiro State.
The contract for this reactor was signed 7 April 1972,
\yith completion projected for I.,te 1976.
4. Electronics (C)
Brazil has little capability for electronics research
and development, although the government has
allotted special funds to the CNPq and its institutes
since 1959 to further electronics research and training
of university professors in this field. Soma� electronics
research is conducted by the School of Engineering at
the Slate University of Sao Paulo, ITA, and IPD.
Limited research is underway on semiconductors,
electron tubes, radio propagation, sonar equipment,
and magnetic and gravity measurements. The largest
elcc�tronic research facilities are those of industry,
where the emphasis is on product development. The
Brazilian Electronics Industry, Inc. (INBEILSA),
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080015 -1
located at Gnarulhos, is an affiliate of Philips of the
Netherlands. It has one of the most modern and
comPlctely equipped research laboratories in the
country and has clone research on microwave and
multiplexing equipment. tropospheric scatter
techniques, electron microscopes, and solid -state
circuits. In addition. some efforts have been made to
aPPI}' automation techniques to the electronics
Although Brazil does not engage in any extensive
research on electronic computers, it is concerned with
tl!e use and aPPlications of computers in electronic
data processing. The government established the
Brazilian Association of Electronic Computers in 1961
to promote computer symposiums, lectures, and
training courses. The number of computers in Brazil
increased from 100 in 1967 to 300 in early 1969 and to
W) in early 1973, almost all of %yhich were acquired
from the United States. An IBM study predicts an
expansion to as many as 4,000 hv' 1980. Brazil was
Planning in 1971 to undertake construction of the first
South American computer.
5. Medical sciences (S)
Biomedical research is not it priority area. Nlost o
the support of the Ministry of llcalth is directed
toward preventive medicine and basic sanitation
measures. Of the research undertaken, only it small
arnouut has been of good quality. A critical shortage
of competent medical personnel exists, and finds for
research are limited. Most of the basic medical
research is conducted on an individual basis in
universities, while applied aspects are pursued by
several institutes under the Ministry of Ilealth. f he
federal government has supported �!niversity research
programs by establishing centers for research on
schistosonaiasis. Chagas' disease, and endemic tropical
diseases. The Pan American Ilealth Organization
(PAl1O) has acted as an adviser to the Ministry of
Health in stndics on naatrition, sanitation, and disease
control. A regional medical library in Sao Paulo is
supporled h, the PAllO. The IIINiitnte of Micro
biology of the Federal University of Rio do Janeiro
is supported by 11 1 %110 as :a center for training of
personnel in prtblic health, education, and research in
Latin American countries.
Microbiological research is concentrated on the
control of such major infections diseases as
schistosotniasis. Chagas' disease, and Plagne. Sore
success has peen achieved in the intensive research
devoted to schistosoniasis. Cooperative research on
the elimination of the vector of Chagas' disease is
being undertaken by the Natnral Products Research
Center of the Federal l`niversity of Rio de Janeiro, the
National Institutes of Endemic Diseases in Rio do
Janeiro and Belo Horizonte, and the Institute of
Microbiology of the Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro. Extensive trials, kith Czechoslovak support,
have been conducted on the chemotherapeutic effect
of nitrofurane compounds on the vector. The Plagne
Research Center at Exit in the State of Pernambuco is
the center for research on this disease. It has shown
that wild rodents are the real reservoirs of plague and
that the disease is maintained in isolated island -like
foci in the country.
Smallpox has been successfully eradicated. Son,-
progress also has been made in the fight to eradicate
the Aedes aegy'Wi mosquit c and, with the
collaboration of PAHO, national laboratories are
preparing vaccine for prevention of jungle y ellow
fever. Aftosa (foot- and -mouth disease) Virus has been
grown experimentally for vaccine production at the
Pan American Foot- and -Month Disease Center in Rio
de J:cneiro :cna it pilot plant for vaccine production put
into operation at the end of 1972. The center is
important in promoting control of the highly
contagions disease.
The Belem Virus Laboratory of the Evandro
Chagas' Institute has clone considerable research on
arboviruses. The laboratory is adequately supported
and has the potential to develop into one of the
worlds most important viral research facilities. Its
tissue culture laboratory compares favorably with the
hest anywhere in the world.
The Bntcuitan Institute in Sao Paulo. of the
Ministry of llcalth, is internationally recognized for its
research on snake venoms for the production of
vaccines. It maintains it large snake farm and produces
antivenoms for snake bites. It also ctnde rtakes rabies
Biochemists employ familiar techniques in the study
of cell components and enzvmes. Some routine work is
underway on the study of the effects of psychotropic
drags on behavior, the hiochetraistry of disease agents,
and protein electrophoresis variations among different
racial groups in Brazil. Riochernists are also
contributing to the development of chemotherapentic
agents in the control of malaria and schistosonaiasis.
Nutritional research is practical. Surveys have been
conducted on the prevalence of protein- calorie
malnntrition. 11W lnstitnte of Nutrition in Recife is
developing low cost, high protein foods, and is
carrying out a')i()ehemical evaluation of the recovery
of malnourished children. The CNPq supports
research on the effect of pollution on shell fish and
other marine ortlainsms,
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Research in genetics has concerned the control of
rihonucleic acid (RNA) synthesis in giant chromo-
somes, gene dynamics in indigenous and mixed
human populations, and population genetics. The
Brazilians have conducted productive research in
selected areas of physiology, pharmacology, and
endocrinology. They have done basic studies on the
Physiology of the reproductive tract in women, the
utilization of heart valves and pacemakers,
cardiovascular diseases, and the association of
endocrine function and metabolism. The Institute of
Biophysics of the Federal University in Rio de Janeiro
has studied the c..�togenetic effects of exposure to
ionizing radiation and is also studying signal
processing in the visual cortex of monkeys and
marsupials. A survey has been made of the effects of
exposure of man to high background radiation doses in
certain parts of the country.
6. Other sciences (S)
a. Chemistry and metallurgy
Although chemical research is a field of moderate
activity in Brazil, it is extremely weak when compared
with that of the United States or most other Western
countries outside of Latin America. Brazil has a large
and rapidly growing chemical industry and numerous
allied industries which produce petroleum products,
pharmaceuticals, paper, and textiles, but only it
negligible amount of applied chemical research is
conducted. The research, many of the chemists, and
the chemical technology equired to support the
industry are mainly supplied by foreign investors. The
State University of Sao Paulo has the strongest and
broadest chemical rasec!rch program in the country.
The major areas of clemistry are researched but not in
depth. There are tluce important centers for chemical
research: the Institute of Chemistry of the State
University of Sao Paulo, the Institute of Chemistry of
the Federai University of Rio de Janeiro, and the
Department of Chemistry of the Pontifical Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro.
Inorganic chemical research has been restricted
largely to fields of interest to the country's atornic
energy program. Several chemists have been interested
in thorium and rare earth phosphates because of the
country's position cis it major supplier of monazite
sand, the principal source of thorium and rare earths.
The Institute of Atomic Energy of the State University
of Sao Paulo does research on purification of uranium,
analytical problems associated with the nuclear energy
program, processing of nuclear materials, and
fabrication of fuel elements for nuclear reactors. Other
inorganic chemical research is underway in soil
Brazil is weak in important areas of chemical
research such as organic chemical synthesis, physical
organic chemistry, and physical chemistry. A modest
effort is underway in the chemistry of natural
products, particularly those derived from Brazilian
plants and trees, under Professor Otto Richard
Gottlieb at the Federal University of Minas Gerais.
Very little research is done on organic polymers,
synthetic fibers, pharmaceuticals, or other aspects of
the synthetic organi^ chemical industry.
Brazilian research in analytical chemists� has
diminished with the retirement of Dr. Fritz Feigl, an
internationally recognized authority on spot -test
analysis. A little biochemical research is underway at
the State University of Sao Paulo and the Federal
University of Rio de Janeiro but the work is not
Only it minimal amount of metallurgical research is
undertaken, practically all of it directed toward
solving production problems. Essentially no basic
metallurgical research is conducted. The universities
and the Institute for Technological Research, Sao
Paulo, do some .work on the refining of nonferrous
ores. Perhaps the largest effort is devoted to process
extractive ferrous metallurgy. The steelworks of tite
National Steel Company at Volta Redonda engages in
studies directed toward product inwrovemernt and
toward solving production problems. Some of the
research has concerned blast furnace practice, the
production of medium alloy steels in the oxygen
converter, fabrication techniques, and the causes of
defects in forgings, plate, bar, and rod. A few ferrous
metallurgical and basic engineering studies are
undertaken by the steel mills. The CNEN's Institute of
Atomic Energy has it number of research programs on
the extractive metallurgy of uranium and thorium,
fuel ele rent cladding, struclur :d ;materials for nuclear
reactors, and the in0allography of uranium and other
nuclear metals.
The Institute for Technological Research is the most
significant facifity for metallurgical research. It is well
staffed and equipped and has conducted extensive
failure analyses as well as research on extractive
metallurgy, foundry technology, the me :,tl!urgy of
(�upper and its alloys, corrosion, and stress- corrosion
cracking. Although the institute is supported partially
by state funds and grants from the CNPq, most of its
support comes front industry on it contract basis.
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h� Physics and rnathenratics
Although Brazil lacks the necessary modern research
equipment and adequately trained manpower and
suffers from shortages of research funds, it has the hest
potential in South America for conducting advanced
physics research in sonic of the more important
sUbfields. At present, Brazilian physics research is
fragmented and Shows signs of disoriera,irurrr
regard to the national goals of exploiting research
results to extend the ;ountr%. s technological base.
Bveause the govt, iment generously provides
encouragement, sup':ort. and a high degree of
investment in nuclear power development, it has
enhanced the potential for good nuclear physics
research. Improy 'VnerrtS in research in nuclear physics
and solid -state physics are evident, particularly at
university laboratories and attached institutes. Other
areas in which a modest amount of research is
underway 'ne'e'd(. atomic and ,nol(,cular ph
quantum electronics, optics of spectroscopy, and
gravitation and relativity.
Brazilians are especially prond of their achieve-
ments in the field of plh }sic�s. and those
involved in its scientific activities receive considerable
respect. high- energy nuclear ph al the
University of Sao Paulo and its affiliated Institute of
Theoretical Physics probably condnct most of the
Brazilian studies related to elementary particles and
their interactions. The nature of the high- energy
nuclear research involves highly theoretical studies of
hadron, proton- proton, pion -kaon, and pion -pion
scattering relations. These studies primarily represent
work done in leading c�onntries as far back as 10 years
ago; however, some of the research involving
investigations of the saturation properties in till Fermi
quark model and features of the baryon spectrum is
fairly modern. 'Theories concerning the kaon decay
parameters are also being investigated. Low- energy
nuclear physics research is being pursued at the
University of Sao Paulo's Institute for Atomic Energy,
which enjoys an international reputation. '1'hc
research is applied in nature and deals %with
thermoluminescent responses of fluorites to ganuna-
ray emission when exposed to a cesium isotope. ",'his
work is being done to determine the po(ential of the
fluorites for use in radiation dosimvtr At the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, the }ground state of
cesinrn isotopes is heing studied for information
concl,rninn, the unified model.
Brazilians are very active in research in solid -state
physics and the physics of materials, but much of the
work lags he�hind Most advanced nuntries by as much
as 10 to 15 years. A large portion of solid -state )h%:sik.s
research occurs al tile sCienec faculties or institutes of
such universities as the College of Lngineering at the
Federal University of Sao Carlos. Sao Paulo: the
the Brazilian Physics Research Center. Rio de Janeiro:
the State Uniyersit of Campinas: the nkersity of
Sao Paulo: and till Federal University of \liras
Gerais. Some of the most impressive activities are
conc�erried with studies of sl properties
of naphthalene thermoclectret. crystals in connection
with evidence of Schottky harrier formations. Various
techniques of radiation damage approaches are being
used to inyestigatc the production of photochromic�
centers in cesium -doped calciurrr fluoride. Energy
level relations are being studied to gain information on
the gamma- points of various polytypes of z
sulphidv. Theories eone�erning the geometry of solids
with lattice defects are being studied. \Nave functions
aSSOCiated with dilute allovs of the non noble -metal
base class are being yi(,w(,cl in regard to their core
Atomic and molecular physics research is pursued
along modest lines at th(, Brazilian Physics Research
Center and the Institute of Theoretical 1'11\:sies al Sao
Paulo. Projects involve both experimental and
theoretical evaluations of ionic electronic absorption
spectra and the application of till, Ra
pl thcor pertinent to the hydrogen atom.
Experimental research in atom a
ic nd molecular
physics involves studies of width and shift of spectral
ifiles of gasCs in the microwave and infrared regions
through use of models for elasti and inelastic
collisions. Laser research or quantum electronics is
done on a limited Scale and by a few select Specialists
at the Slate University of Campinas. Their work is
concerned with the measurements of carrier lifetimes
of stimulated semiconductor lasers. Some phases of
spectroscopic optics are being probed at the University
of Sao I'aUlo and the Federal Universit of Rio Grande
do Sul. The research deals with th(, pressure
broadening and shift of lines in the microwave and far
infrared regi,nus \with till, use of the impact theor and
the effects OI finite tint( resolutions on the tiro^
spectra. The purpose of these sludivs appears to
inyoly(, an attempt to gain knuwlc�dge on nuclear
relaxations. Brazilian scientists have long keen known
for their extensive theoretica! investigations into
gr and relativity. The major portion of such
theoretical inyl,shgations is concentrated at th(,
Brazilian Physics Research Center. The efforts are
concerned primarily with the genera theor of
relativity and its involv(,nr(,nt with gravitational and
electromagneti fields. Theories are being aclanc(,d
on the covariant concepts of gravitation.
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Research in mathematics is almost nonexistent, and
the little that is accomplished is of poor quality. An
Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Rio de
Janeiro, was established in 1956 under the CNPq to
support and stimulate interest in pure and applied
mathematics. Its primary mission has been to provide
postgraduate training. All of the universities have
faculties of mathematics, and the little research
undertaken is in the broad areas of mathematical
foundations, algebra, analysis, and geometry. Specific
suhjects of research have included logic, group theory,
ordinary and partial differential equations, functional
analysis, topology, and differential geometry. There is
no effort in applied mathematics, statistics operations
research. however, the Catholic Universitv in Rio de
Janeiro gives it Master of S.lencc in computer science
and has a research program. The Federal University of
Rio de Ja neiro and the State University of Sao Paulo
are installing computer science programs along with
Catholic University in a program coordinated by the
U.S. National Academy of Sciences.
c. AstrogeophyQical sciences
(1 Astronomy, meteorology, and upper at-
mosphere� Astronomical research is very limited bat
is increasing. The chief center of astronomical activity.
the National Observatory in Rio de Janeiro, is
equipped with four medium -size telescopes and makes
observations mostly of planets and double stars. The
Morro do Volongo Observatory of the Federal
University of Rio do Janeiro has made observations of
stellar occultations and comets as well as double stars.
Tiu observatory of the Institute of Astronomy and
Geophysics of the State University of Sao Paulo
specializes in positional astronomy and celestial
mechanics. The Center of Radio Astronomy and
Astrophysics of the Mackenzie University in Sao Paulo
operates the itapetinga Radio Observatory, about 96
miles north of Sao Paulo; the astronomical work has
been confined to the study of solar radio emissions. A
13.7 -meter radiotelescope is under construction at the
observatory. in 1969 an optical astronomic d
observatory was w ,der construction in the Santana
Hills near Porto Alegre, :,i)parently for the Institute of
Astronomy of the Federai University of Iiio Grande do
Sul. The Federal University of Minas Gerais is
establishing a new observatory at Serra de Picdade; a
60 centimeter telescope has been purchased from Fast
Germany for installation at the observatory.
Meteorological research is meage:, consisting of
routine local weather or climatological studies carried
out mainly by the Mete orological Service of the
Ministry of Agriculture. n modern surf ace and upper
air network has been established by the Seperin-
tendency for Development in the Northeast, under the
Ministry of Interior, with the assistance of the World
Meteorological Organization and the U.S. Agency for
International Development. Tropical meteorological
research, including studies of easterly waves, is being
carried out by the iPD. Balloon launches for Project
TWERLE from Natal are being planned. The Space
Research institute is concerned wish satellite
meteorological research and the development of
automatic picture transmission (APT) readout station
equipment for receiving meteorological satellite
transmissions. A weather satellite APT readout station,
under the direction of the ITA, is located at Sao Jose
dos Campos.
Brazil also has cooperated with NASA and
Argentina in the inter- American Experimental
Meteorological Rocket Network (EXAMETNET).
This network aims at integrating, with the
participation of other countries, a meridian network to
cover both hemispheres; all meteorological data are
made available to all members. Launching activities
began with firings from Wallops island in the United
States and the Barreira do Inferno range near Natal in
Brazil in January 1966, and from the Cha ::ical ran
near Cordoba in Argentina in April 1966. Brazilian
participation included assembling and launching it
series of meteorological sounding rockets which were
provided by the United States. NASA trained
Brazilian personnel and lent ground support. In June
1968 it Brazilian developed and fabricated meteoro-
logical rocket, the DN -6503, was launched for the first
time, reaching a height of about 80 miles. in a Brazil
U.S.- German .xpvrir urnt in February 1973, four Black
Browdt rockets were launched in connection with the
AEROS satellite program.
The Brazilian upper atmosphere rescorch effort is
centered at the Barreira do Inferno rocket range,
which is equipped to launch short medium-, and
long -range rockets for meteorological and ionospheric
experiments. The first test launching of it Brazilian
two -stage rocket, presumably having no payload, was
made from the range in April 1965. duce that time,
NASA has supplied U.S. rockets, including Areas and
Nike -Cajun rockets, for experiments to study high
altitule temperature, densities, and winds. Other
agreements with NASA have concerned studies; of
cosmic ray effects on the lower D region of the
ionosphere, and during 1968 several Nike Iroquois
rockets were launched to measure dw influx of meteors
between 96 and 256 miles over the equator.
Brazil has engaged in ground -based study of radio
propagation and ionospheric electron density by
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080015 -1
means of reception of satellite signals. The research
was begun in 1963 ar d has been carried out at the
Brazilian naval base at Natal and the laboratory of the
former CNAE at Sao Jose dos Campos. The naval base
at Natal has done point -to -point radio propagation
research. The CNAE (absorbed by the INPE in 1971
has had a riometer site operating at Natal with
equipment provided by the U.S. Air Force Cambridge
Research Laboratory to measure ionospheric
absorption of radio waves.
(2) Geodesy �III 1952 Brazil and the United States
concluded a mapping agreement called MAPPLAN
through which the United States has provided
assistance to and equipment for the Brazilian mapping
program. Under this agreement, the military and
civilian mapping organizations, including the
National Geographic Conncil and the state rnar_ping
agencios, are engaged in mi energetic pr gram of
geodetic snrveving and mapping. In addition, the
development of a horizontal datum reference for
South America is underway.
(3) Geology and terrestrial geoph, /sic.s �Bee use of
extensive domestic mineral resources, geological work
has received considerable emphasis. Much of the work
has consisted of preparing geological maps of Brazil
and South America. and since 1950 Brazil has
collaborated with the U.S. Geological Surv!�y (USGS)
in preparing maps of Brazilian iron and manganese
deposits. USGS personnel have led variwis mineral
survey teams in Brazil during which 'Brazilian
geologists have been trained in field operations for
future work in other areas. Geologists of other
countries also have mapped portion~ A Brazil. French
geologists have participated in efforts to loe,itc
waninrn reserves that can be used economically. Th,
National Department of Mineral Prodnctiou has
embarked on a 10 -year mineral exploration program
and is making all extensive study of Brazilian geology
for long -range planning purposes. In 1968, Brazil and
the United States entered into an agreement to
cooperate in an earth resources rernote sensing
program, c!ilizing artificial earth satellites. Brazil is
adopting U.S. gamma ray spectrometric air survcving
tec�hnignes. A quasi- governmental Mineral Resources
Research Comp :uly. Rio de Janeiro has been
established, and US$6 million was to be expended in
1971 and $7 million in 1972 in exploring for uranium.
Brazil has a low level of technical competence for
research in terrestrial g,ophysics. 'I'll( National
Observatory, although an astronomical facility, is
concerned with both georagnetic and seismic
activity; roost of the effort in these fields has heel,
nnderlaken s, ith U.S. support. Brazil has permanent
geomagnetic stations at Vassonras and near Belem and
seismic stations at Rio de Janeiro, Natal. and Brasilia.
The station at Brasilia, staf;ed by Brazilians and
equipped by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, is
engaged in a project to observe deep seismic
phenomena at a "stable station" for comparison with
those at an "unstable station" at the Geophysical
Institute at Lima, Peru.
(4) Hydrology, hydraulics, and coastal research
Brazilian capabilities in hydrologic and hydraulic
research are considerably adyanc�ed over those of other
South American countries because of the scope of
research and the availability of a few well- equipped
laboratories. Research is mainir of an applied Mature
and is directed toxyard increasing hydroelectric output,
improving and extending navigabilit of inland
waterways. and improving flood protection. A project
along these lines in cooperation with the USGS has
been underway for several gars in the month and
upper reaches of the Amazon. 13ydrologic research is
concentrated on studies of sedimentation, runoff, and
variation of annual discharge. In hydraulic research
the use of extensive model testing has resulted in
successful investigations in changes in river channels
caused by variation of flow velocity, in tit, reduction
of silting, and in the prevention of scour around dams.
Considerable emphasis is given to the design of intake
structures to pr,vc tit vortexes and of chute and energy
dissipators to prevent sedimentation and erosion in
In general the quantity and qualit of coastal
enl:incering research snrpass those of other Latin
American countries. '1'h, Ministry of Navy controls
and performs most of tit, work on physical
oceanography and coastal hydrography. Coastal
engineering research is also conducted several
universities, the most iripe ;rtant being the Institute of
Hydraulic Research of the University of Rio Grande
do Sul it Porto Alegre. Most co�rstal research deals
with problems of littoral drift and sedimentation.
(5) Occanography� Although Brazil has i t lo%%
capability for occanographlc research. the col,l,try*s
interest in oceanography has increased suirstantialiv,
a result of tit( need for improved defense of its long
shoreline and a growing awareness of the importance
of oceanography. Brazil has emphasized biological
oceanography for the cleyelopntent of its marine
fisheries but also conducts special projects in marine
geology and radiobiology at the Naval Ilvs,arch
Institute. The Institute of Oceanography of the Slat,
University of Sao Paulo conducts most of the
oceanographic research, although the Directorate of
Ilydrography and Navigation of the Ministry of Navy
has done considerable work in biological, physical,
and chemical oceanography. The directorate has al,
cecanographic and geophYsic�al station at Trinidad
and operates the 3OO -fool, 2,300 -ton converted sailing
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080015 -1
DiN646 E� El II 4�'a&ff�
ship AIndrante Saldanha as it deep se:: oceanographic
and hydrogrlphic� research yesel. Some research also is
done by the Institute of Marine Biology and
Oceunograph% of the L niversih of Recife and the
Institute of Marine Biology of the Federal University
of Ceara at Fortaleza.
A National Commission for Oceanography was
es'.ahlished in 1963 to coordinate national programs
and represent Brazilian oceanography intern ationally.
"The commission also acts as an adviser to the CNP(I on
oceanographic matters. The president of the
commission is Prof. Manoel da Frota Moreira, xvho is
ako head of ;he technical scientific department of the
Brazil participates actively in international
oceanographic affairs and was host to the first
International Symposium on the Oceanography of the
Western South Atlantic in September 1964 and to the
first Inter American Naval Conference on Hydrog-
raphy and Oceanography in September 1965. Both
conferences were held in Rio de Janeiro. Norwegian
and Brazilian oceanographers conducted a joint
oceanographic survey during the latter half of 1967
that extended as far as 300 miles from the Brazilian
coast. This investigation was the inaugural cruise of
the new 162 -foot, 7(H) -ton oceanographic research
ship, Professor W. Seward, of the Oceanographic
Institute of the State university of Sao Paulo.
C o I olm b
Ir Ecuador
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�o Titicaca
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2 0 0 8 0 K,brlMerE
FIGURE 2. Selected sites of scientific activity (C)
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Glossary (u/ou)
Companhia Brasitura de Technologia
Brazilian Company for Nuclear Tech-
Commissao Nacional de Actividades
National Commission for Space Activi-
44 IS
Commissao Nacional de Energia Nu-
National Nuclear Energy Commission
43 56
15 47
Conselho Nacional de Pesquizas.
National Research Council
Commissao Brasileira de Actividades
Brazilian Commission for Space. Activi-
56 05
Centro Tecnico de Aeronautica
Technical Center for Aeronautics
Instituto de Atomica
Institute for Atomic Energy
Instituto de Engenharia
Institute of Nuclear Engineering
Instituto de Joesquisas Espaciais
Institute of Space Research
Instituto de Pesquisa8 e Desenvolvi-
Institute for Research and Development
43 21
3 OS
Instituto Tccnologico Aeronautica
Aeronautical Institute of Technology
Places and features referred to in this chapter (ulou)
D Is
Angra dos Reis
23 00
44 IS
1 27
48 29
Belo Horizonte
19 55
43 56
15 47
47 55
Campinas .............................22
47 05
15 35
56 05
7 31
39 43
3 43
38 30
23 28
46 32
Ilha do Govvrnador (island)
22 48
43 12
15 15
40 15
22 55
43 21
3 OS
60 01
5 17
35 13
Piedade, Scrra da (ridge)
7 21
37 20
P6;os de Callas
21 48
46 34
Pi)rto Alegre
30 04
51 11
8 03
34 54
Rio de Janeiro
22 54
43 14
Santana, Coxilha (if
31 15
55 15
Sho Jos6 dos Campos
23 11
45 53
ShO Paulo
23 32
4 0 .57
22 25
43 40
Volta Redo ndr..
22 32
44 07
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