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October 25, 1950
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TIT S, OFF"I'LZ -"-Y Approved For R6F6 F' 26'61 / 'c#f1 b'082-0049f I@0 R NM O LT M1 REPORT CD NO. CCUNI` ,Y 1 CONROEN IAL GAI"E DH'ST . 25 OCT 5U SUBJECT -Italian Communist Youth NO, OF PAGES Federation Directive PLACE NO. OF ENCLS. ACQUIRED ()A.TE OF INFO. 25X1X SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. The following is a translation of a directive issued b-? the Federazione Giovanile Corm; to gate. Italians (FGCI g Italian Communist Youth Federation) in the Turin Province,, to all % its subordinate sections. 1. The offensive which the ruling classes and the Do Gasperl Government are mounting against the working class is becoming more reretion ry in charm actor. its effects are being felt mainly by the young workers, who are being subjected to unemployment and. general exploitation. The FOCI and its young members must face this situation and do all that they can to improve the standard of their work in the trade unions:, Young workers must be attracted to our orranizations en masse, 2~ Up to now our city has been in a privileged position as regards industrial employment compared with other Italian cities. The offensive,, however, is now under way, and it would be as trell to examine closely the work w ich the Italian youth movement has accomplished in the trade unions, and eliminate the weaknesses which have been mrparent in its recent activities. There have been some successes. The Assembly of Young Workers held on 4 November 1949 was attended by COQ young men and girls, and a debate was held on the living conditions of young people. The meeting of young chem- ical workers was also successful,, and the full part played by the young workers in the big strikes was equally an achievement. 3. Our failures have been mainly on the organizational side. We have not been successful in strengthening the Youth Labor Commissions,, the Category Union Youth Cora iss--lons, and the Factory Youth Commissions. Another of our prin- cipal weaknesses is a lack of initiative,,,snd a tendency to work on too restricted a scale. We have not found suitable techniques for interesting new young workers, such as stulents,, business wens' sons,, technicians and artisans, in our activities The working youth must be placed in the fore- front of our struggle,, and the influence of the Confederazione Generale Italian del Lavoro (CGIL; Italian General Confederation of Labor) must be increased. Furthermore,, not enough emphasis has been laid on the contem- porary problems which were brought `up sore years ago,, and the more urgent questions of the moment are either relegated to second place or forgotten altogether. V CLASSIFICATION 3tO RT r(:!rROL L. vo C1 'L0 lLY CON FI DEI~TIAL 25X1A This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 18 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. Next Review Date: 2008 /06/08: CIA-RDP 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006100190007-1 C H ENT~AL 1 S. /CONTROL - U. S' OF, 10 .F. OTTT' CLfi3TFOLL INTULIG- ?,\TV. J .r.t J vCy 4. 25X1A Another defect is revealed in the lack of continuity in the work of the Youth Comnissions, a failing which will prevent them from becoming cen- ters of activity in the trade union and factory. As a result of this we have failed to recruit new cadre rem.lbers,and our control over young mem- bers of the Internal Cera.ussion, who should devote a lot of time to our work,, has been g ener. ally ineffective. In order to eliminate these weaknesses we propose to take the following actions ao In general, concentrate on the serious struggles which will -take place in our province, and find new ways in which the youth can share in the p, b. Make a detailed study of the air, and grievances of all young people who have joined our struggle, Tether they are employed or unemployed- and c,> Develop mass action among young people through the medium of the trade unions, factory and other sports clubs, and the cultural societies. 6, Our first objective must be the format' on of a strong Youth Labor Comznla, ion. which will be mainly composed of young members of the Internal. Comrussionsf, and the leaders of the Factory Youth Cosy^issions,> Each member of the Ymith Commission '.i71 be .ven one definite job to do. Other objectives are the establishment of Youth Commissions supporting the important trade unions, especially FIO:4, FILC, and r IOT and the form --tion of four separate "study cormtissions" within the framework of the Central Yo, th Commission The functions of the "study corIInissions" will be, respectively, as follows. a,. Investigation of the problems of the young unemployed worker. This must be treated as a priority task.- A complete census of unemployed youth mriwt be made with the h .22p of yours ? workers who are employed. Unemployed youth centers nr st be formed to act as nuclei for future agitation; b. The study of the economic and political problems which face young workerss ow Investig-tion of the possibilities of mass movements based on sporting and cultural activities and on tozxrism and du The study of specific provincial. problems ,.tr ' ch must include the factories and the peasant classes. 8( The functions of the ""study commission" responsible for (c) above can be amplified as follows g its role will be to: a. Collaborate with the labor Cc alesion and the trade unions In the development of wi deacale z:~s ss activity, and thus "polarize" the youth of the trade unions; b. Study the possibilities for penetrating and exploiting factory sror`?a clubs? These e st at the FIAT, Michelin and Lancia plants. Football. matches, athletic _.?ieetings and gymnastic competitions can. be used to win over the young workers. Camps and tours can also be organized. or workers and students. TheP4trorlonanl s Thursday scheme" .mist be adapted to include debates on the individual p^oblems of young workers. Par?`-3_cr1 ? attention ttust be -P-aid to the ,maali and r diuim sized industries, 0r L':7.-Ls score each young member of the Internal Commission sho'-,ld aat aside one T` `%r'r` /CGz TRG_!, - U0 S, OF 'ICI LS ON Y Approved For Release 2000/06/0?I fi4J)9LV4 5JPJ 6100190007-1 Approved For Release 2000/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006100190007-1 CONFIDENTIAL -4MM,1W/COi1TROL - U. S. OFFICI'.LS ONLY 25X1 A C:_ .'$ .I., I rIELLIGEL!CI I,GEiNCY hour of his working day in which to visit the smaller factories., with the object of forming initial cohtacts leading to the for- nation of internal Youth Cornr!iscions a 'Wh.3n formed, these Comm nissions will maintwin weekly contact with the Central. Youth CoorAssion responsible for the trade or industry concerned. 9. The organizational tasks set out above must be completed during the course of July 'nd August 1950. This -will enable us to call a neeting of the various Provincial Assemblies of Young workers in preparation for the National Assembly, which will .meet in Octol-ev or November o In order to ensure the success of the above progrin, we ask for help of the local Chambers of Labor and the various trade unions, and move that a trade union liaison of "icer be "co-opted" to the Youth Coir nission, 9 E- 'SeaS ? 'asr - U. S. OFF C:i! L S ONLY ~i U>'TTS~f7I ~ ^ CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006100190007-1