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Approved For Rele 1&0W1 14'9.r-"L A 2-00457 0 5 4 tip; FOIR IV TOO I PO IA' nr NO I.OUNTRY Chile CONFIDENTIAL SU..IBJECT Communist Party Activities PLACE ACQUIRED 25X1A DATE DISTR. 5 ep 30 NO. OF PACES I NO. OF ENCLS.. (LISTED BELOW), DATE OF SUPPLEMENT TO 44FO. REPORT NO. 25X1X 1. The Executive Committee of the Ccmruunist Party of Chile (PCCh) considers that one of the most important irnnediate tasks of the Party sni I i tangs is to obtain additional si xtaatures for the Stoc]tholm peace petition. Courses for the canvassers have boon ordered set uv In each Party cell, to ins'-ruet them how to refute intelligently the "capitalist- propaganda" that the USSR and the Communists actually sock (war in spite of their 'ro-peace manifestations. >'olit:.oal orientation courses arc considered necessary to train the members properly in this regard. To publicize the pro-peace campaign and to .in additional adherents for it, the PCCh has decided to use testimonials by well-L-uovni artists, athletes or screen stars as the most effective propaganda. Every offort will be made to encourages well-knout(( individuals to 6i1.;n pro-peace petitions. The Chilean Communist newspaper Democraoia recently- devoted considerable space to publicizing Laurice Chevalier s reported signing of the Stockh:7Ia petition. Party members are to be reminded that Pro-Poace Committees are not orgarians of the Ccxar.unist Party and that many pro-: ea?e adherents are not Party members. Therefore, Party problems and syndical complaints should not be discussed with these groups, but only within the cells. L'embers of the Executive Committee have stated that c.lthough .'arty leaders '-ocogni ze the understandable pride which militants have in their ''arty Tnemeruhip, militants should deny their asr~r~ -u i sf~ affiliation in their pro-peace endeavors. These instructs o s were considered necessary to avoid the danger of T--arty cadres fall.inng into the hands of the police and to protect the non-Con uni st, ro-reaco co ~ laahorators from overnmen'a rep.'^s.;iaa~> 4. LI'lother i n' ortant oal of the Party is to achieve cooperation vri th oth:r left st, but non-C'omnun t, roups in order to bring about unification of' the .uorkinr? classes. Corxrunist leaders are reported to believe that their efforts to unify rv.11 workers in a centralized labor organ:izatirin may f'inally be bea.rin fruit, after two years of effort, They are r.uch encouraged since ome rzrarr-Cc}msun_sf: labor or