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Publication Date: 
June 20, 1950
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CLASS IFICA~i'ON Sr ' LtOf'2proved For Rele~1ffi9,p II&A@'I INFORMATION REPORT,, , J 25X1A c COUNTRYChile DATE DISTR. 20 JUN 50 URJ `"i Communist 't Latin American Information Committee" NO. OF PAGES 2 PLACE ACQUIRE NO. OF ENCB. S. (LISTED BELOW) 25X1A DATE OF May 1950 INFO. SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 25X1X According to recent information the Coraaanist 25X1X "Latin American Inf or^a `ion Committee" which was nrevtrnz ay reported to be supplying an information service to the Latin American Communist Parties from "`exico, may be located in Guatemala. Guatemala's Presi- dent lrevalo ren::xrtedly has offered his personal assistance to Pablo DTeruda, Cesar Godoy Urrutia, Crisologo Gatica Munoz, Luis Enrique Delano and various Venezuelan and Colombian Communist exiles who allegedly are connected with the Information Office. 2. The Latin American Information Of'sica is one of the me-ins available to the Comin?orm In Europe to disseminate the Communist political line to the Latin American Comrauntsts. The Information Office is not considered to be a Latin American Cominform for the following reasons: as There are not delegates to it from all the Latin Amer. ican countries? b. Instructions regarding the local political line to be followed by the different Communist Parties are not issued, c. It does not act in a liaison capacity for the Latin IUnerican Com- munist Parties. dm It was not establ' shed through the common agreement of the Latin American Communist a'art.ies. 3. It has been learned that the anti.--Communist Chilean Socialists have attempted to spread in Chile the rumors that a Latin American Comin- form has been establ; &ted under the control. of Pablo Neruda and Cesar Godoy Urrutia, Chilean Communists now in Mexico or Guatemala. These rumors apparently have been spread in order to discredit the Communists, there is also established in Mexico the Democratic Chi! can orr~mi t 'ee, which lists a nong its members: Lazaro Cardenas,, forr. er President of '?'exico; Dr. Jo ,e Giral, former Premier of the .Ropub- lican Spanish Govertsment; and Pablo N'eruda. This group reportedly was STATE SAVY AIR CLASSIFICATION SECRET ION X NSR3 F8! ---~ c' 1ment NO. This document is hereby regraded to Me In CONFlDT `1":L t a ?'o;d3nce w?it:~ the IetTer LA u ASS r a ] ector of nt-al Inte`:l',gence to the Di r ~~~::. rtt Archivist of the United States. Qp_Wyed For Re ase:1 WWWj0 TOW 06-8 !A-R945 ;R0050006000 25X1X PLEASE 1 l- i~ r J~ A p AGENCY t' RClii J~LT. A-18 ~3Z,5"3Z` -Approved For Release 1 ~ ~, " 00457R00500QC~0906~8 Spa :,T l' + 5X1 A organized under the ausni.ces of Vicente Lombardo Toled;hno to raise funds for the Chile-in political refugees.y r:o information has been received that the nhilean Democratic Committee is the same as the Latin American Information Office. Field Comments This r. eoort is considered of interest although it is realized that the facts of the subject matter remain obscure:, It is believed that the sources of this report are confused and that Viere is a nossiblity that three offices of information exist in Latin krerica: Chilean Democratic Committee in 1'exicoa Probably functions on behalf of the Chilean Communist Party only, and is in i. ia.ison with other foreign Communist Party groups0 Chilean-Yoxican Institute in 'ex .cos Probably exists in name only for pro, ag anda n:lrooses 0 Latin American Information Office. :Jhoreabouts and existence not defi?., Wifely established to date0 It is nos.iblo that this information function is carried out by the General Headquarters of CTAr1 in ?,,exico City and that the latter receives Coininform type information through the facilities of the 1JFTU for dissemination to Latin American Communist Parties through the medium of local committees such as the Chilean Democratic Cor nittee. However,, the Chilean Democratic Committee in r exico may be identical with the Mexican-Chilean Institute which was formed in Mexico on 2 h.nril 1950 with La.zaro Cardenas as honorary .resident, Approved For Release 1999/09/ : CIA-RDP82-00457R005000600006-8