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I .tr' 6 A- a^%i nlmme%ltd9p SaffMffl"~~ FwEQ :pqAftDP82-0gp0q?0 25X1A O-7 - u., QOUN`TR1yColon'b CONFIDENTIAL SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. UTT-MITTITTAL I~rs~ ze STA$E NAVY - -_(~ L) ISTRIBwlo ARMY ff AIR ' FBI This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accord ace with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the A hivis . of t e t N lew Dal 6b8 8 00d F or R Split in the CTC DATE DISTR. 7 JUN3 50 NO OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO 25X1 X REPORT NO. to The ComxTzAst de gates who walk od out of the Tenth Cor rose of T1oz a of the Conf'edoraacion do Tr aba jaadores do Coloribia (CTC), following tboi.r defeat on 4a flay wrhOn the Corirose voted 17? to 11;1 to brim with the CTAL9 have set up what they aro calling the Independent CTC.* FilTberto Barroro,Jesua Irl' le ns P cio, Carlos Arias, Ismael ;'ecanille, Ventura Puentes Vanogaas Carlos Arturo Aggtxirro, with Jura) Francisco r1ujica as legal a advisor, appear to be the principal loaders of the groi43. 2 The group has found a so-called, confodoral coranittoo of 37 members, of r)hich 13 are rL11-Itant Cori?nnists, The re :aainder are nearly all Communist synpathi..- zors, son of whom have cIpnliod to join the Partido Cortu?liste do Colombia (PCC), according to source. The f olloeing are the militant Communists on the committee, and the grout of workers which they c:Iaain to r?prerents Jesus ViL egac PAlncio Ignacio Lievano Filjborto Darr. ero Uriel Salas IIolcins rjolir, Ventura Ptlew-tc'o Va :egae Pedro J. Abel.la rtotildo E stevos Rafael Atehortuaa Lopez Carlos Arturo Aguirre Ignacio Des jaraano r'I?irtia Cam ergo Efrain Gomoi aim Construction worrere syndicate of Cud imnarca '?ailroed worlears of Curadinratnrca Choomakors syndieeto of Cunc1ir snare a Syndicate of Fiovara, Bogota Farm workers and laborers sy2xlicaat? of Cundiz ar!?arc a Syndicate of em?"loyoos of the Departnen t of Cundinamaarea Construction workers syndicates of the Doprrtrnrnt of Tolima Tobacco csor?mrs of C=0iritmoro a Laborers (bra cores) of the t1ogdaalen c r Syndicate of omployoee of the Coratrsloria General (Ge aeraal Comptrollership) Syndicate of teacti]n workers of Cundinariarca Pain workers syndicates and groups of the Donartnent of San ttanrler Syndicato of the rayon mill of Barranquilla To draw up statutes for the now group, a census tton has been named composed of Juan Francisco r:tu jicag Carlos rim Paarejaa p Ding, Uontana Cualiar, Canoe Arturo Aguirre,, Isrr el Escamilla, Ventura Puentoc Venegas, Filiberto Darrero, CLASSIFICATION Document No. No Change olassi Cla:sa Chr'-? R 1, ; r lea a :,CIA- 57RO Q50 1200 8-9 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R005000120008-9 IT IL CL TRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 25X1A SO-40808 and Jesus Villegas Palacio? The statutes will be based on the group's declaration that it constitutes itself an independent notional labor central, without political ties and open to all workers without discri,ri- nation as to politics, religion or social beliefs. 8 The Executive Carmnttee of the Independent CTC is as follows: Luis Ghlan President Hector Gaitan Vice-President Jesus Vil.l0ges Pa]acio (Gorinunist) Secretary Ignacio Lievano (Comiunist) Secretary of Organization Jorge Casas secretary of Exterior Relations tlriel Sales (Communist) Press Secretary Ileiclas doling. (Communist) Secretary of Rural &Cfairs Filiberto Barrero (Commmist) Treasurer 25X1X 5. The dissident group met regularly during the week follovrin the CTC Congress with an observer from the P.Iinistry of Labor present p that the tolerant attitude thus far dawn by the Colombian government toward this leftist group can be explained by the Conservativese desire to cripple the Liberal-supported CTC and fear that the Liberal CTC, purged of Communists and affiliated with the world-wide democratic Ynovem=t represented by the ICFTU, might become a bulwark in the labor field for the Liberal party and a 25X1X threat to the Conse ?vative-sponsored Union do Traba5ades do Colombia (UTC), it is genarallyexpected that the Colombian governm will delay action on the request made by the Liberal CTC to decide which of the two CTC e s is the legal one. 6. The Independent CTC is confident that some of the largest labor unions in Colombia will affiliate with :ate At the present tire, it is sure of the 'i+EDENAL (National, Federation of Ifiaritiaa, River and Port Transportation Workers),, the Sevilla edit Company unions,, the Syndicate of Bavaria in Bogota, the shoemakers' unions in all of the d epartmnts, the railroad unions of Cundinamarc a, and the field workers of Cundlimnarea and Tolima,, 7. Gilberto Vieira l7hito, Secretary General of the BCC, has been follwi.ng those develo eats carefully without taking an open part in then. 25X1 X 25X1 X PCC leaders feel. that soon: r or later the Colombian goves:ment must eaeci a between the two groups,, and that its decision to likely to become knotin through action taken on the.still pending accusation made by the govern- trat against the CTC for interfering in polities. In the event of a decision agairu t the CTCC, the government nay dissolve it. The FCC believes that the government would prefer a CTC containing Communists to a purely Idberal organi- zation,, and considers that there is a possibility that the labor Courtge decision in the c?a,, will be so contrived as to apply to the Liberal CTC only. 8. The Co. fists have sat up an Executive Syndical Committee composed of Jesus Villages Palacio, Uriel Sales, Helga Molina and Filiborto Bsrrero. Two of these individuals,., Viillegas Palncio and Salas,were former collaborators of Auguato Duran. Barrero at one tii was one of the most determined anti nists but has recently become more .friendly toward Duran, some PCC leaders feel that the formation of this now group indicates that Duran is on the road to becoming the top Communist leader in Colaribi.n0 25X1 X 9. Comunist leaders v io intervened actively in the CTC Congress were Carlos R. Carve jalino, Commission of Organization of the Congress; Rafael Atehartua Lope 9 Commission of Justice; Pedro Jose Abella and Uriol Sales,, Commission of Finance; Carlos Arias, Commission of Exterior Relations; Jose Miguel Pas, Commission of Economy; Venture Puontos Vanegas, Commission of Statutes; and Carmen do Luna of the Secretariat of the Congress. Sanitized - Approved For ReI&wfWP82-00457R005000120008-9 25X1A 25X1A 100 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP8~~ gins C TTRAL IMELLIGENCE AGF,SICY iim most of the sessions of the Corrress wore very heated, With the COMUnj.sts trying a variety of delaying tactics to prevent a vote on the CTAL issuo. Polio Encino, outgoing President of the CTC, reportedly node the states ent follocring the Congress that had the Commats taken n less belligerent attitude., the issue of joining the ICTTIT wou3.d not have come, to a vote. Encino said that he and his companions had only planned to force a break with the CTRL and the WFTC', but Communist belligerency had provoked then to go al]. the way and submit to a vote the question of joining the ICFTCT. ,r 9 The Eighth Congress of the CTC, which began 22. ttg~ust 3.9 restalted in a split in the CTC and the formation of two central .1abco oonfedorations, composed of Communist and Liberal elements reapeotively, each cl.aiamiil; to be the legitim ate CTC. The two groups united in early December 1946 and each group received six of the twelve positions on the provisional E- cu,ivc Committee of the unified CTC0 as? MAS The following, are the new Mau ml Diaz Enrlquez Hempen A. Piriil.l.os Sas Valencia Herivando Rodriguez Valerie Cardenas Fermin Jose Raquel Mercado Daniel Garcia Vidal Juan Cortes ?Martinez Arturo Pena IQQ0120008-9 ~, ~r ~~ II jjJJ JJ I14 President Vise" sidenit Secretary Fiscal. Secretary Treasurer Secretary of Organization Secretary of Exteericr Reintions Press Secretary Secretary of Farm Matter CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R005000120008-9 directors of the Liberal CTC r