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x~"~~A`T'I~R~ ~~??~` CIS ~o. ? 1~ COUNTRY China CONFIDENTIAL DATE. QISTR. ~ A~ 50 SUQ.IECT Ch :ease Ganm~ani,s'i; Tronps in Canton N0~ Qi= PAGES 3 i~L!'.CE N0. OF ENCLS. 25X1 ~GQUIRED a~srEO eetow> DATE OP SUPPt EMENT 'i0 INI`O. REPORT NO 5X1 2 ~arVwe~xrtpp srf9cnq[37uu WAiIOWAL O['P61782 OP !'NB Ot11TR0 STAT6H TfflHlDt TNti 01tAd1Y0 OP THQ triP10YA6o! ACT 70 Y. D. Cw 81 AYD f!, As ADftlDED. tT9'T9AY9YID6tOt1 Olt 7H6 tt7tlli1JtT10Y O7 tT0 COYTfiliTB IY AIAT HAYY60 TO AY YYAYTRODRIID lSG30Y 18 p9O- 6Y:iTED CY tda. ItLPYODUCTlOA O>x TYIf GORY la PSOAI{9i'rlD. SOI.iRCE~ 25X1X GI.~',SSiF1CATI0N COI?Tn,,~;*:'~=r_~I, Approved For Releas~eT~T01~i1~1~G~~-I~~E~ 00457F~~$0 25X1A THfS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION The di$positian and t:treasgth of unitrs attached to the Pooplees Tibor....tion Axany (PLA) in Canton e,s of ? February 19b0 aro as folla~ws: '1"~rao co~naa~.e~ a~ the X32 r~e~a.rnetat, 44 .Firing, mal~~a~ u3~ mars tlzala a(}0 znen, rr~iseri tivith ~ L~.ght r~Chine ~xn:a and 1.030 r~.~le~.~ by squads :?iated rc-~vr~~.?~ers anct ~,l~~~aa:l.~.h~?e ~s~s~~~sy ~ e on 'I;`un,~ I~tts ( } `~t~ad, ~~i'xe :regiment o:~ the Canton Gar_ra.~an Cani~xi.dr belcara~.~3 to the ~. ~"3.eL.d .a_rrc~r, ,de up a~ ir~re than L1.0f? iitv~al g rtz~ined~ siar 'f ! ho'I~:I.t~ers~ _r caur a:.#~~. ~:I.t=craft maclLi~e ~xis~ bG L3.ght r~c:L? gt.ns~ and. aU0 ri~l,es~. s~:at~radx ~irdp. and ~'aurth Lames a# Tung Shan '~a Ghieh ( ~-+ ~. T~~ }and ~r#.c~:}.na.t~~ ~ddf.ticuaaL sauatis armed v~ith ~a1_st,~L:> are aL~~a in the ~.rea7 Lase 2000/ 5/18 Approved For Release 2000/05/18 :CIA-RDP82-004578004600580014-7 COial~`I,~PJfi IAL, CENTRAL I2ITELLIG NCE AGENCY X1A ho Orie a~t~.--a.~xcraft machine Eun comp;;ny of the 2 Field Arn~ys anti-a~.rcrr~i~: machine ;uns and ors la,~;izt rnacJ~3ne dun; 3s placed in pillboxes around the Pai ltui T~iu Hill { ~ l;~ ~~ u.~+ ~ ~, ~,g She I,u { '_ ; ~1 ~p.~,) n i~ Orne Gaston Ga,rrisan Cam~aarad platoon a.s ? the warehouse on Tung Kao Ta Taa (. ~~ ~? ,i , .) sera the South China .corking Carps { ~~1 -i--`f ~~ i,~) of the Ch~~r~a Aemocratia Assoc~tian. Yckuth Corps ( C'~, ~ h~--~ '~ )stares 12 trucks ar.~ ~C .rums of ~s s4Zine;, Orne Ctxntan OFarrisun Cox~.~arad company :~_.:, in the v~.cinity of Chih Fisin 1, ~~ ~ p ~ ~.C~~.e r+JChUi9~ro ko A ~app~.y d$pat of thA Supp~.y Command ins at the end of Tung F:ua :~tosd East, but the lar est amount of squint ar~~i is stored zn the ddpat a t the end of Tung Shan Ts Chi ~ a 1, Med. Hua Ts o un ( ~ C, ~~) is marked a s a prohibited area Southern Canton as One rom~aray Qf the Canton Garrison Cor~nd~. mo~*~e than 3.?Q m~xa armed nine light machine guns zuad more ths,n fifty rifles, is in the v.~c3raity of Hue Tu ( -~ ~) ~'e%ple a ?t Feral; Huard Keg (j~,)~~1 ~ b~ On~a x~egiuaerat of -the 1e1. Army, 2,,100 mere strong, ~r~th four hc4~.t~ers,, is in the ~ricinity of the Pai. Hsien ~(~ ~~j) H,;e, rrherr~ it is rein-. farcer~ try ons ~,.nti~-aircraft machi~ ~;un ~aaz~pany? It ha.s more than fifty horsesd c~ A battaliara of the Canton Garrison Comm,axadg consista.r~ of ttvo ~.nfantry companies,, has h~drnzartczrs in Lug Chauan Kv.r~ (~~ ~a f~)~ beh~lnd the Nan ~u ( ~) diddle Sehoal,, 30 horses are ~.t s transg~ort ?ia Taro garrison oompari.ies, strength nxore thazx 2()0 :coax, ::re in the v~.~?n-? sty o~: the textile m~ 7 7 (unZoaate~i) $~ One garrison catrzpanyy 106 rasa arrnsd YtT~th 1iF~;rst r~chine~ v~ and x~.fles, iB in Chi Li Ts~un { y_,)o ~'testC',r'n Gersten a~ 0 garrison battalion oaf the ~4 l~xmy, BOO m~:n, sic. Navy raa+china guns, 21x. I ~*,ttt machiz~ auras, and ~D? x i.f3o s, ~.a~ a-t Gr, e rte. Ch~..a Ts 4 u {~~.'~ ~~~ nor Ts9ai Hung Gh~s.aa (~ ~;~.~ ~.a,~a, oaf,. Ts~un (~ ~), bQ T ~tl~:n ~,%~' ~ ~i ( ! 121 l'I.^>:L~+ r'F1:> u au Irs 't,f'L~.s dist:~i~t. there ~~ i:~va i'tz~~li~e. aec~uri~:y Ccr~,s ('~;-'~ ,~,.~; arld ~: I'u~;3.~.~ yecur~i:~- U,iv~sion: one ~.t,uai?:sz2 ~f the Caratar2 G:~r~- r~,sc:n Garur~znci to cl~.s7aexsect en ~ctt~ s:ic~~~ of Iti kJax~ Chc~ae ~ A,~ 3t, ~ }'I? Q?rIQ O.f I.'~ F'c14 ~;L2 ~ ~ 1 ~~ ~'' G(7Nb'~I).~fi'I'ZlLL CONFIDENTIAL. Approved For Release 2000/05/18 :CIA-RDP82-004578004600580014-7