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,LASS=Flu,",TION Cr r?I1);r''IA?, Approved For Release 1 4 A/1$ - R 0 PA1agO460058WP T NO. COUNTRY China PLACE 25X1A ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. SOURCE 25X1X SUBJECT- Military Situo tion in C-.nton and KvtP.ngtung O '' UUITED ""Ca WPUIN 1112 tlMA921116 OF Wilt ROMMAO! ACT 90 0.3. C. 31 AHD 32. AS AOLUDSD. r.S Tl2AI73LuIssioN on T413 UMLATION 0Y 3TS CONTRETIS IN AHT HANUEB TOAD 02AUTBO21Zw2 Pai2OH IR PS6 MIDIT3 3 By LAW. QLTPRODUCTIO I or TBIA FORM Is PROHIBITED. ARMY # _ STATE ~~7 NnVY NsR6 DI CONFIDENTIAL DATE DISTR n APR 50 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION I. About I March 1950, to n.nti-aircraft artillery b.q.ttalions, one of which was the 2 Battalion of the 6 Regiment. arrived in Canton from Manchuria with 18 anti-aircraft guns. These Mine were installed in the Canton suburbs at Kean Yin Hill . J, ), Shih P~ai ( }r }, Hsi Ts?un in. near White Cloud T`.ountain. On 23 February, TSSheng ( . ) , comnanrier of the 37 Arr.?, visited. Shih Ch" i (, vt ) in Chun.gshan Hsien. About the midrile of February, a Communist artillery regiment was eployed in the neighborhood, of T'ang Chia Ilan f U ), Chi Ao and Chi Po (AA) in Chungshan Hsien (113-36, 222). Moro t,-.n twenty thousand troops were being massed near Touren (113-139 22-14). 3. Communist troops in Leichou Peninsula (110-05, 20-55) disguised therselves as Nationalist guerrillas and nlundered Maoming (110-532 21-45)9 Shutting (111-05, 2128), Yangehiang (111-53, 21-52) and Yangchun (111-42, 22-08). .After this foray, they aba.nrioned their arms and rleserterl the Comrranist forces. Measures to counter the low morale in Southern Kwnngtung were introduced in the form of an anti-feudalism campaign. Military security is 11s6 being tightened by the evacuation of local inhabitants in Peihai (109-05, 21-24) and Changehiang (109-49, 22=.54), rarticul^rly since many of them had alreaiy left to avoid Nationalist attacks anti difficulties with Communist troops stationed, in the area. In Canton itself, t',? South China Political Bureau ordered the post office to require, as a security precaution, that all air nail show name and address of sender in order to prevent the usp of the--ails to trruisrrl' ;.a uthori ed information. 5. Fifty conscripts from each nz". here ordered for the Communist Army in Southwest 1(w..ngtune . Kr ny men of military age ?rare fleeing to the Hundred. Thousand CLASSIFICATION CrT 1 J al; -- - iT This document is hereby reg:eded to CONFIDEN I ;AL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central intelligence to the Archivist of the United Staten P101 R0deloD tat 2000/05/18 : INFORMATION REPORT `-NFNTIA~ Approved For Release 2000/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004600580013-8 Of- G;GiTFTUMTAL a U ^NFIDEN CMNTJ'aL TTTTELLIG2TCE AGENCY 25X1A Mountains, where ,uerrflia groups of PAY Chung-hsi2s Nationalist troops were still active. In addition to these recruits, on 28 February the Canton t4ilitary Control Commission was ordered by Peiping to recruit ten thousand men between the ages of 16 and 19 who were not attentlIng school and send then. to Mulvden in April for train! ng 'as railroad workers. An air raid defense. warning system was established in Canton on 1 March. Warning signals are a nrotonge4 whistle fror.; the i,ower station and. the raising of n trial-4ular yellow flap at all main street intersections. Indication that a raid is in progress will be the raising of a triangular blue flag. Upon this, all pedestrian and vehicle movement is to stop except official moverient under Military Control Commission orders, and vehicles on official missions must carry a small triangular yellow flag and personnel a yellow armbntid showing their unit. Air defense com-and vehicles and personnel noverents have priority during this emergency period. The all-clernr is shown by raising a triangular green flag. Approved For Release 2000/05/18~"dA- 2'00 rRM4600580013-8