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Publication Date: 
January 18, 1950
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CLASSIFiCATlOi'\i Y Approved For Release 2000/0 : - IA-RDP82-00457`k 0b4f00 005 JAULLU A) 23 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT Y Italy/Trieste ftsOCT Czechoslovak Commercial Activities in Italy 5X1A SWCE ACQUIREC DATE OF IN NO. OF PAGES 1 NO. OF ENCLS. (Lt5TE0 BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO THIS MOMENT COMAINB INI'MRATI MAFtC11NlTttMATNMALMMIN1R or NR ONMtD IR]TV MIN THE lu*g n, or us 118716MAOt ACT so o. 0.R, 81 AND U. AS All V0000 NO TOARetUttlgU ON'1Ut tOVIUTIOU OR ITO CONT;NTp IN ANY NANMRN TO AN MRAOTMOMIZED PAW= Is 1`110- III, ' -M DY LAW. IRPRODomen or veto roam IO /ROMIBRRO. 25X1X ' SOURCE THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION la In mid-Noveriber 1949, Alexander Nerad, functionary of the Czechoslovak F ment controls. Instead, they plan to open.a branch office of '.1? JHIA in L ilan for the development of compensatory trade between Italy and Czechoslovakia and to earn sufficient profits therefrom to be able to aid the Italian Communist Party. stry of oreign Trade, accompanied by a certain Prokop, Director of ,2'.I13" MIA of Prague, arrived in Trieste. b-'hlle there, the above mentioned visited Bohumil Bartos, a Czechoslovak comtaercial repre- sentative in Trieste, and a number of Trieste business firms. Nerad and Prokop were reportedly interested in the establishment of a branch office of MERIcURIA in 'irieste but decided against this, because of possible rc;strictions in the area through Allied :ilitary Govern- V This document. is hereby regraded to CONFIDENT iAL in accordance with the letter of 1; Cctover 1378 from t;,, Director of Cc:i'hh; !;gence to Lie Archiv;, c. ih~) Un;toj States. Next Fe. - . 11:cA z J iLltil~ U;VLY DISTRIS STATE NAVY RIF185 RB ARMY CONFIDENTIAL ,Approved For Release 2000/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004100700005-8 .~.- Oyu.=...~ U ) U1' " REPORT NO, 5X1 CD NO J M I DISTR, In JAN 50