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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
January 20, 1950
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CL_,SSIF[CCATION 25X1A Approved For Re Vfi9?JT6i.* ~@5A bPt2-0045f T 6046~ INFORMATION REPORT co NO. ,;, :TRY Chile CONFIDENTIAL -A 8JECT Communist Concern over Possible Disaffection NO. OF PAGES 1 of embers PLACE 25X1 A ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. 25X1X 25X1X DATE DISTR. 20 JAN 50 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. AP) 1. The Political Commission of the Communist Party of Chile (POOh) has become concerned over an increasingly questioning spirit noted among the Party militants. A tendency has boon observed among the members, especially those in the provinces, to raise questions constantly about relations between the Chilean Party and the 1JSSR. These members are worried about being accused of being anti-patriotic because of their membership in a party which has such close international ties. The Political Coniission reports the cases of oom- rados who have asked their lmoal leaders not to talk so much about the USSR, 2.' There has boon a recent attempt by the PCCh to exchange information with European and other Ca aniot Parties to loam whether they have experienced the sam difficulty, 3. The Political Commission has appointed a co>itteo within the Corr.isssion to study a plan to counteract the anti-U"SR propaganda which is appearing in Chilean newspapers, magazines and moving pictures. It is not felt that the ICCh members are sufficiently prepared to counteract this propaganda, and it is feared that this deficiency could be seriously harTlful in the future. It is noted. that' many young; Coteunists have con'sed working since the anti- Comunist campaign began and take no part in cell activity or in any Party mass movements? CIasi Chai%g Auth.: HR 7 Dates; _.a ARMY DISTRIBUTION CLASSIFICATION Q I NJSRB _ i - r CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004100460007-3 This document Is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL In accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States, Next Review Date: 2008 0