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CLASSIFICATION --swEenigi 715-1 Approved Fct&IntepReNntelkiNti2-00457RRUM1V9.0 - INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY Czechoslovakia CONFIDENTIAL -SUBJECT Tesla Works, National Corporation: Organization and List of Plants 25X1A Document No,. PLACE ACQUIRED 25X1C DATE OF INFO. 25X1 CD NO. 25X1A DATE DISTR. log :Lvov sa,cg NO. OF PAGES 4 NO. OF ik-Oth-61=erid, (MMDBELO) 1-r-; A /Ir. 7 PLEMENT TO 25X1X is We of the largest firms in Czechoslovakia. It produces a11- types of low-voltage equipment, radio sets, radio tubestand electric bulbs. The main offices are in the former Phillips buiLding on Karlovo namesti, Prague (051/L 78 L88). Adroinistratively the firm is divided into two main departments, Production and Development. 2, 'Me Production Department is divided into branches each of 'which is headed by a branch manager who controls the planning and selling phases of his branch. Production at Tesla is part of the Five-Year Plant and according to published reports has reached 100 percent of its target. The quality of the finished products, however, is not good. Shortages of materials are creating bottlenecks in production. There is a great shortage in colored metals, but the greatest lack is in special high quality alloys used in making transformer sheets, and circular cores for coils. German msteriall left over from the reserves of the Siemens company, is still being used but will soon be exhausted. Permalloy is in short supply, but the Czechoslovak Metallurgical Works are experimenting to see whether it can be produced in Czechoslovakia. So far the results have been negative. England is the main source of permalloy and if she discontinued exporting this alloy to Czechoslovakia it is doubtful that production of transformer sheets and coils could be continued. 4. The Development Department, with central offices in the Mikrofona buildings at Prague-Strasnice? is. the technical brains of the corporation. Laboratories are located in the ILLEGIB telecommunication machinery at Vrchiabi research on-V-616171aE?Te7-CERIquel taleat Prague-Hloubetin research in electronics. ,r , 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP82-00457R003500140002-0 CA) 'AL 25X1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCY AGENCY 25X1A constructed, and tested* A large staff of engineers and technicians have at their disposal a vast library culled from western sources % and the research files of the former Siemens company* The Siemens archives contain data for the production and design of transmitters* transformers, coils, measuring instruments;and transmitter stations* As a result of this body of technical information available to the Tegla company, Tesla production is based mainly on Siemens products* The Development Department consists of five divisions: Physical research division, which works on theoretical mathematical and Physical problems* Receivers division, where receivers, especially for aircraft, are constructed Transmitter division, where research on theoretical and practical problems of ultra-short waves is done* ILLEGIB ILLEGIB c:laducts research on gramdphones iele.communiuuuiou uiviluni with laboratories at Pardubie4le.LEGIB Prague-Karlin, and prague,Straanice* The Pardubice 1.,Vsnevsew+ekvyl 4-eslesvslnesssrv cav,r1 4,14-Nw.m wire amp iers-in a range of 00- 14041 cps: amp i ie arrier systems in a range of 12-108 kc/s, and an impulse IB devices already developed by the Tesla Development Department: A device has been develbped to tap telephone calls and: - to transcribe the conversations on records* As many as 20 calls at a time can be recorded on two discs. This machine is an exact copy of one developed by Siemens* b. Communication by means of a coaxial cable is being studied* A plan has been conceived to construct a magistral across all of Czechoslovakia, but the research on this project has just begun. 1i-top-LIP tRepeitemer stations will have to be built along the route* A network making use of a carrier system (Standard type SOJ 12, Siemens MG 15 and BOA 12) is to be built in Bohemia and Moravia with connections leading into all of the town networks* Dialing of long-distance telephone calls will be possible* At Pardubice, Tesla engineers :are trying to improve the French-type ultra-short wave equipment* Test equipment is being Used between the Sending .station on the Petrih hill in Prague and a receiving station on the Snezka mountain (P50/N 26) in the Krkonose Mountains* The telephone. systems of Prague and Trutnov (051/G 74) have been connected to this netiand dialing is automatic between these two points, It is planned to extend this net into Poland.; CONFIDENTIAL """NREFRUT/ Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP82-00457R003500140002-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP82-00457R003500140002-0 25X1 ILLEGIB CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 25X1A technicians who work on specialized problems. 25X1X is working on aircraft landing equip- ment-, but his progress has been so slow that production will not be started until 1951. f. Work is going forward on a sending and receiving set for communication betWeen aircraft. The set is called "skrivanek" (nightingale). 8. Prague Tesla factories and their locations are: a. Prague-illoubetin, Podebradska ulice 186, Workshop I (formerly Phillips). Produces commercial radio receivers trademarked Kongres, Kvinta, kelodik, Talisman, Romance, and Rytmus. b. Prague-Hloubetin, Workshop II (formerly Phillips). Produces radio tubes for commercial receivers and for technical purposes.* c. Prague-Eloubetin, Workshop III (formerly Always). Produces and develops miscellaneous electrical parts such as condensers and resisters. d. Prague-Vrsovice. Produces all types of transmitters. e. Prague-Karlin (formerly Siemens), Eralovska ulice 84-86. Produces telephohe systems. f. Prague-Holesovice (formerly Osram). Produces electric light bulbs. g. 25X1X Prague-6trasnice No. 800 (formerly Mikrofona)4. Development laboratories are located here. ,In addition, this plant produces dial telephone sets, telephones used inmines, and "Pupin cases"(s14). h. Prague-Strasnice, No. 987 (formerly Sixka). This i a research and development center. 1. Prague-Bechovice. Produces mechanical parts. 9. Tesla factories outside of Prague are: a. Pardubice (051/M 79) (formerly Telegrafia). Produces special radio sets, telephone exchanges, and telegraphic equipment. Research laboratories are also located here. b. VrchIabi (iohenelbe - 051/G 55) (formerly. Lorenz, Berlin). Produces tubes and does research on tubes and vacuum techniques. 10. Minor Tesla factories outside of Prague are: a. Valasske Mezirici (P50/0 34) (formerly Mikrofona) b. Prelouc (051/M 58) (formerly Radiotechha) c. Brno (P50/N 40) (formerly Siemens) d. Liberec (051/G16), Na rybnicku 6 (formerly Siemens) -3U8KkibIT/ Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP82-00457R003500140002-0 25X1 Approved For Releasi(012V8?975F1-51t82-WiR003500140002-0 1P1191 tENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ILLEGIB 25X1A Bratislava (formerly Siemens) g. Jablonec nad Nisou (05110 26) (formerly Telegrafia) h. Usti nad Labem (N51/F 44) 1. Nova Paka (051/G 53) (formerly Siemens-Halske) j. Ostrava (P50/0 59), Nadrazni ulice 1 (formerly Siemens) k Lanskroun (P50/N 38),. Nadrazni ulice 253-5 (formerly Siemens- Halske) 1. Liberec, Janova ulice 1 (fOrmerly. Modry Bod Blaupunkt) in. Sezemice (Sezemitz)** n. Kutna Bora (Kuttenbersc,!. 050N 37) 0. o. Eblin (051/M 38). 25X1A comment. * ifollowing specifications for 25X1A roUltDM: penbode manufactured by the Prague- Plant, Workshop II: (1) 220V, 15 mkt Vr-18V (sic), 8-9.5 nA/V, Ri-0.5 11,5!,-; (2) 18-L-24, s-4.5 mA/V. Map Series G.S.G.S. 4346, Central Europe.,1:2,50i000, lists Sezethice (Sezethitz) near Pardubice (Pardubitz 051/M 79) and Sezemice near Turnov_ (Turnau 051/G 14). * * End: 1 chart of Tesla research center at Prague.4Strasnice rn"Jr1rv-nrruror Approved For Release 2002/08/07: CIA-RDP82-00457R003500140002-0 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP82-00457R003500140002-0 CONFIDENTIAt 25X1 "IfETHEI, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ILLEGIB Tesla Research Centerat Prague-6trasnice Fourth Floor Third Floor 25X1A ? Acoustics Acoustics Management Telecommu- Measuring Instruments nication Chemical Laboratory Laboratory Amplifiers Telegraphs and Teletypes Patents Workers' Council Assembly Acoustics Room (Admin- istration) Telegraph Telegraphs and Radio Sets Toilet Elevator Elevator Elevator Construction (Assembly) Room Pneumatic Post Telephones Store Room Library and Archives Telegraphs Telephones Telecommu- nication (Adm.) Telephones Impulse Technics Elevator Rectifiers Radio Antennas Radio Radio Toilet --stterfterd Store Room Approved For Release 2002/0MVSMITTATR003500140002-0 25X1