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Appro FKI a c 003/08/11: C CENTRAL, IN tl_I_KatNU~ AGENCY INFORMATION P PORT SUBJECT 1. Mining in the Erzgebirge Area; 2. Ob j`ect # 7, Wismut A. G. COUNTRY Germany (Russian Zone) 25X1 PLACE ACQUIRED 25X1DAT?E OF' INFO. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITEb STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT 50 U, S. C? SI AND WAS AMEND ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELAT10_N OF ITS CON NTS IN ANY MANNER TO I SIj14I1THOR17E0 PERSON IS PRO- NIBCTED BY LAW. REPRODUCTION, OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. 25X1 SOURCE 25X1 5., Siegmar-Schgnau, so-called Physics Object. This Object moved from Aue to Siegmar in December 1948 or January 1949. 6. Freital 7. BArenstein (K72) 8-1,. Aug. These. Objects are in the process ' of moving to Siegmar-Schgnau and are described collectively as "Physikalische, Chemische, and Irabrikations Objekte". 1.3. Annaherg. This is the so-called "Einrichtungs-Objakt" and covers the -; en Erzgebirge area. 14-36.4 These are described as planned Objectsi and are not yet in operation. ho. 1. Aue (administration in Johanngeorgenstadty 2. Aue 3. Oberschlama 4. Annaberg MITI _ :.OEL7RfQgd? 005-9 2$ X1 2. All ore taken from the mines is placed in wooden boxes which hold about 15 kilograms, From Object ?7, these boxes are taken by truck to Siegmar-SchBnau, where the ore is washed and put,through several sieves. The hard residue is ground tt~k r mills and ball mills. This grinding process continues until tie ore has been reduced to a fine powder which'resembles wheat flour in consistency. The fineness of the powder is described as from 17 to 18 de- grees on the DIN scale, which runs from 1 to 32. The powder is then subjected to an electrical process which, by means of two electrodes, separates the active from the inactive portion. One ton of this powder reportedly yie4 s from 3/4 to 1 kilogram of highly radio-active material. This material is packed into small two-liter rectangular aluminum chests which are then sealed and taken by truck in the. direction of Dresden. The ultimate destination is not known. 3. Rb4ect #7 is divided into oix work sectors and as. of mid-March 1949 employed 7,028 persons. The work sectors and the number of miners follow: This document is hereby regraded to STATE ARMY 7.) IJ,ag (i '72, CONFIDENTIAL` ILLEGIB REPORT NO. DATC DISTR. 1 25X1 NO. OF PAGES 2 -b0f FNCLS. (. 0 BELOW) PLEM'ENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION : ;xcept as ono ced. Document No. CONFIDENTIAL in aa ccord.^.f;ce wiil t letter of 16 Octob;,t 1.i 3 r ~.;n 1'e Director of Central LAI ivist of the UrI i -00457ROO29003fd fW" Date: rnn9 Q 25X1 25X1 Approved For Rel 7 2- 05-9 9 V. r CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Hammer (K 71) 40 Niederschlag (K 72), I 500 392 1,700 Tft Scheibenberg (K 62) 500 25X1A ILLEGIB in Neudorf as o mid-March 25X1A # there are Objects in the area 25X1 A which bear high r num ers, 25X1 CQNFIDENTIAI 25X1 Neudorf '(K 72) 120 There were no; operation:. Approved For Release 2 X1,1 ? (1A-RfP82-00457R002900370005-9