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Publication Date: 
February 28, 1949
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FORM NO. 51-4A SEPT. 1948 COUNTRY US5R (Vztek SSR) ATE DIT 23 Feb 1949 _ SUBJECT Ind-tial Installations in or Near the Town NO. OF PACES at &arum PLACE ! ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. 410,.11-November1: 1948 .1-3' ? (,,,, , ? 25X1X6 - I 25X1A2g 25X1A2g co oil wals located in area 20 on Sketch Ma No. 1, gargaWa*0902617 on. The rest or the welli have been atandoned 'because drawn from these wells is conducted into an underground tank an underground pipe. 1ie crude oil is pumpod through the of each well into an underground pipe which descends Ipe 40 one ImanCh which leads to two steel tanks (No. 18) WIT:leads to the underground tank Then the steel tanks Walla leading to them Is closed with a valve, and the oil then into the ugerground tank. liras, Semen, the director of the ozocerite mill and mine,is also the director S e thief atactrU ower generator, Ro. 13. Re receives instructions and orders bes te etty ot ZatanA. The ozocerite mill utilizes steam power the power plant b.a ?cn.rboilers,which burn on crude oil. Iaormant says that the oil field suppliii fuel oil for the entire town of Rbissim6 including the ozocerite mill, the suburbs, and the to bakery. Mum tits anoutt of oil produced by the wells is insufficient, then the town ^ 101,1 as ths osocerite mill is supplied from the city of Iokand. The GMUUM, el' fuel oil produced from the four wells in operation is about 24 tons ? up.. Most or this, 2D-22 tons, is used. daily by the ozocerite mill. What is left is used for the requirements of the town. informant does not know whether the copper sulphate (sic; copper sulfide ?) sill uses aistillate or heav oil for fuel. Be says that the fuel oil used lir it is received exclusively from the city of Kokand. This mill has a Russian director who also mases the copper sulphate mine and. the electric powsr plant (No. 12). This electric power plant has no connection with ciammAk_ILt o=noL__Ix OITIOIALS ONLY ARMY AIR X. FBI .1?11?01?111, Approved For 1999/09/09 ? CIA-RDP800457R002300750001-7 25X1A2g elltotts OYFT-0/ALS ONLY ?fi,e1,44 and its director receives Instructions and. ord.ers regarding .itke qQ,?Wer sul,phate mill directly from Moscow. village of Kim, which is located. 12-13 kilometerg from the and. 25 kilometers from the city of Shural, but not on the Akinz the two cities, there are oil wells and. an oil refinery Us ffo. direct_ed. rr El the e?ity of Ohkalov. This is al'ussioz liksed: on the fact that whenever the uayment of wa, a &zoc erit e rni4 s late the manacei on%7 has not yet cone from th.kaloV.TE ogocerite ore is not com-oleteV processed. in the - geese:Inc takes place in other mills or factories, the eify of Uhkallov-. The ore is eitractea by pick ana ozecerite shipped from the factory falls into three cate? bz tte letters A, t, and O. -eategory A is shipped. via ier of the tinft. Oategiories t and C are sent by rail a alad TaShkent to the city ofcalov, where there is reported. to er ozocerite mill for the further proce,sing of the ore. 10. leftation oi` the ozocerite mines of Shorsu was begun by Inglish $ UtWeen 1V5 alla 1117. After the revolution and until 1542, we 04444Pa bz the .Soviet lOvernmen:f and. remained. Closed. 1942 the Soviet'sis,. eg,In to expioit the mines again. 11. the workers numbered. about .500, of whom about -150 were 444 While the rest were engaged in the construction of Intended to house the workers in Shorsu. Work at Qn 211, 1:4,7tAxa aay in three shifts. _ ))vt eprk the euin,mer or 944 the summer of 194:14 the work at the mine 'twe ITATTee, ria;st, :by fail-are of the electric power saoond, damage to the underground pipes -bringing water from 1Pr4,14 s$19,.) to ghorsu, nese pipes run underground for ?tz,471,94reters from taripauyana to Shorsu. They have been 0 for a ?og tint aria suffer frequent breaks. :there an. gcm officer, terasinko, who belongs to the of Of to. 2E14. 1/e is responSible for th.e security of the workers. ressio:n. txqw._ hip?,none of the workers in exile can go to Zokand ficinitz of the mines. 25X1X6 cument Is hereby regraded to "\t_ In accordance with the ber 1978 frerw.gtt Hgence to me 111113U CONFI letter c: Y.; Director c: Lentra ))6AreiXtsgte.?' foritigte. r(I? Review ffate:?/008 ovenniertailvase FIDENTIAL 2%;AL/OONTR _ ? "; Et Document, No. NO. CHANGE ' C;ALS 0 iffite,