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; 1%-;i I L AI E I t1 IV 49"" W L Approved For Release QOp1LHA.~ 4-# $2-004578 k9tKQ54 25X1A COUNTRY Hungary CONFIDE ' I DATE DISTR. 18 October 1948 'AL SUBJECT Hungarian Catholic Movement in Paris; Chairman Father Joseph NO. OF PAGES 1 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 25X1X On 12 September a F ungaria5L Catholic movement was instituted in Parts under the leaders.aip of the Reverend Joseph Kozi- Horvath. The plan for a Frfngarian movement abroad had apparently been under discussion for some time; but it was only the arrival of Baron Apor from Rome .which finally brought 'about the actual establist rnent.. of the movement., It is the opinion of many Hungarians abroad that if a Catholic organiza- tion could be established "west of the iron curtain". this group might act as a cou-,terbalance to the extremist movement headed by General Ferene Farkas.. Farkas has, i the past, openly boasted of the support o:? the Vatican. Cardinal MIndssenty in Hungary is expected to approve and he can point to the .act that a movement comp) sed of Hungarian members of his own faith abroad exists. The Reverend Kozi-Horvath, who recently arrived in Paris from Austria,, has two peasant deputies and six members of the board of directors as follows: os Ha jdu-Nemeth Balint- Czui-)i Reverend Th'ire Zacser Reverend Jermos Sztlley (or Reverend Nemeth) 0-al nt Palffyr Boris do Balla 25X1A Comment: :.3alla is reported to have obtained a no-ition as professor at Lei oyne College in `3yr,,,.f.n7.S 3, Ne z York. He is : no7?an to have ?,3d close cont:-ct -7ith MMMahtdt e Otto of Hisbsburg, ) There have been d.iv-:t?ences of orini_on concerning Count P 1ff',r, Ttho 9 while being a li tiding figure in Hungarian Catholicism and politically close to the Prince Primate, is open to attack because of the Tact ;hat he is divorced. Baron p..por his cousin, is reported ;o have stressed to Paiffy that the latter refrain from taking a leading role in the movement. .. WARNI IG NOTICE: THIS DISTRIBUTION LISTING MUST BE rlsRl3 _..._....CAfJbL/ O ?REnPUBLIC R This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central ;-Intelligence to the Archivist of the United Slates. Next i A raf,ed2r Release 2 sow 000/05/16: CIA-RDP82tQQ Date: