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COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE n7 Two 1_4/1001 r I MIPS 25X1A Approved For Rplame_20100tQW -82,0040ZRO0100 f 4f,11_ i.oup? _ fiNFORMATIOA - s'ORT t" Germany (Russian Zone)/Poland Soviet or Entering Baltic Porta; &miaow-y:11U on Fitgen 25X1A A.. wg_totAig 20 e0to .Library - Apr 1948 il DATE DISTR. 9 trunz 1948 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 25X1X 1.Soviet armor has been observed throughout northern VecklenVuTg and. Vorpommern,, Most witnesses report the presence of heavy tanks re- sembling the German Tiger On the whole, the tanks appear to travel in convo7s of 100-120 vehicles, with escorting vehicles following in three to four separate groups. No firm evidence has been. pro- vided concerning the number of tanks involved. 2.. 5, 25X1A 6, FS:TATE ARMY # WARNINO- Stettin has been used continuously since early Marct. as a port of entry for armor, most of which has been sent on to northern Mecklen buxg, A railroad engineer repot that between 12 .1.d 19 April:, he drove five trains, each composed of sixty flatears with a heavy tark on vach car. In a far instances, two medium tanks vere loaded on one car. The vehicles were manned and tanked, enabling them to form up immediately after descending the ramp. The ultimat. destination c.)f these vehIcles is unia:own. Armor also has been arriving at SwinomUnde (L21) allt in 1500-to 7.sssz.,4s at Volgast (P92). oa?ly.A2ril 500 to 600 a7,e allegad to hav,31 hen oon- iot 51 c they are participting in Soviet eGTCC' Irnauver5 ))1thogt z,here have. been the 71sua1 runors ?I' m.ratroo.y, (u;..o.:ITAses :t:OTWS mers of the Teh?macht state that orly k' runs haL? bsrm During thlalqht of :W-11 Aprill three freight trains arrived in Rostock 08a) from tI7' dirsrqiou of 5t2alsund (P44), Eighty new tank thir crevs proeeedeil to quarters in Ros,i- took:, The early April arrival of notorizsd elonsIsting chAcrly of tiongolian troops, in Frstenberg (U52) Neu3tra1itz (U54) .nc. F!?ikibc,fg (M4). Rtigen IslanJ continues to be built up by the Russia:qs, who have set tzp heavy 44 guns north of Altenkirchen (P68), supplementing German .Lq. and naval batteries in concrete emlacements near Rehberg-0st (unlocateeVand two batteries nortilwast !')f Arkona (P69) Two bAt- NAVY CONFIDENTIAL, CLASSIFICATION NSRB DISTRIBUTION EXCISED lig gusu_ ; 1.1. ? (1.0.1._d his ocum- .t CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 18 October 1918 from the DirOetOr of Central Intelligence to the UMW. . SE pprokied Per4RWItist`119000/0 / Next Review Date: 2008 Approved For Release 2000/05/1 25X1 A GIUTRAL INTE DP82-00457R00150099 GETICE AGM= -2- COENDENTIAL teries of three guns each ara in fixed positions near Maltz (me). The partially-finished KdF installation "ate der 2civria1an Maiden has been converted into an AA soh)ol. Daval,Irtillery troops oompy ooze part of this installa'ion. Fortifications also are beth l built north of Sasenits0(P87). ? Approved For Release 2000/05/1 S Rur ET CIA-RDP82-00457R001500990001-0