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RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2003/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO01500430007-5 RESTRICTID CENTRAL I1MUIG2ACE AGkNCY II former n U call ` , tow (.h..ing .flyer Yu Pu It/.. Voltute 2, :Sober C, Put, short Rain %:tng Editerinl Corit+ee, Cirrvlation 11anarer: CH'E`1 Chirc-kuan(: (t * 'JCS ), corr,.srondence Address, P.O.Box 1339, Shanghai, Sole A,enit: ShelCh Wu Chou (A $if ) Book and Cuwspaper Society, Dater 1 November 1947. A DISCUSaIO" OY TUE E5TA#'.LIS)ftt OF THE "COLIKKRR" 13Y Mitt El1ROPFnn STATES By LIU ttai?kuang (V /3C) Just at the tire whin Soviet-American relations reached a critical stage, Moscow suddenly made the following announceiaaut, "A meeting was held by the Communist Parties of the nine European states the Soviet Union, France, Italy, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Rumania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Hungary - durinry- the latter part of Septumher 1947 and problems in connection with the present situation were discussed As a result of this aeetlnF, an official Communist information bureau, the "Cominform" (Ch'ing Pao Ch/q$ W 4) ) was organized with its head-, quarters at Belgrade, the capital city of Yugoslavia". Evidently the "Third International" - C rruniat International or the Comintern, which was "dissolved" in 1943, is now being partly reorganised in order to give oprosition to the "imperialism" of the United States, The Cheri Li Pao (I ft 0J, a newspaper, reported that at this conference the following decision had been reached: "Because of the lack of cooperation among the Crmuniat Parties of the various tatioaa, it is deemed necessa y to establish the Cominform .. This lack of cooperation during- the ,resent state of affairs is very serious, and rest experiences have clearly proved such a condition detrirental to the Comunist organization. At present it is absolutely necessary that the Communist Partiua of the: various nations discuss their rroblers and plan their activities together." At the meeting the results of the ineffectual Communist Party policy adopted in the past woro fully brought to licht. It is evident that there is not only a lack of ceoreraticn among the Corr''unist Parties of the various nations, but also, because the Communist Partiua have all gone about their individual ways, protecting the interests of the capitalists in their own country, they have come into keen orl.osition with one another, For exazrle, the French Co!-munists ignored the declaration of the Soviet Goverrventt and voiced their support of the French imperialistst claims to the Ruhr, Saar, Rhine and other territories, which action gave rise to rrotesta from the German Co-purists; the Italian Communists objected to the stand taken by the Yugoslavian and French Cor-unists on the Trieste question; and the Communists in South Korea orpwaed the "Five-year Plan" of Korean trusteeship as proposed by Soviet Russia. Such controversies artnF the Communist Parties are decreasing their value as diploratic tools of the Kremlin., Past experiences have proved this to be true. Therefore, it is Imperative that the Communist Parties of various naticr..s reconsider their policies and direct their activities in such a manner as to serve again the interests of the Kremlin. But how and by whom were these mistakes made? If the dissolution of the Third International caused such a "lack of cooperation", and therefore, was a "mistake"r. then why was the Third International dissolved? In order to clarify these questions, we must review the past history of the Third International. The Third International was established in 1919 in order to replace the Second Inter- national, which was Fu'lty of betraying the principles of revolutionary internationn aliam by aurrorting the imperialistic war and the various capitalistic governments-. The :iestth sentence of the Secone International was pronounced by Lenin who established the Third International to lead the world in a new revolution. Thus Lenin in Arril 1919 changed the name of the Party to that of the "Communist Party" in order to distinguish It from the Social Democratic Party rhich had betrayed the rrinciples of Socialism. Article I of the Regulation.: of the Third International as promulgated at the Second Comintern Congress in 1920 stated that "the purpose of establishing the International Lnbor Union :s to call on the proletariat in the various countries to unite and work for a corvon goal, i.e., the cverthror of capitalism and the seizure of rolitical -ever, thereby hastoninr the establichrent of an 'International Soviet Republic' -" This is in complete eorTlianee with the aims as set down in the Communist ianifuato by Karl Plarx and Friedrich Engels - The 'Manifesto' acknowledged the fist that "laborers have no mother country" and urged the proletariat the world over to units. The four congresses Of the Comintern '- 1919 to 1922 - all displayed Approved For Release 2003/08/08 : CIA-R$~STR~7~TE~ 0430007-5 RREEESTRICT D RESTRICTED RESTAICTsZ cic raAL 12=1 0wrwz Atll;tEI to the fullest such a spirit.. But after 1922, when Leonia hecara very ill, the bureaucrats, as rep.sented by Stalin, gradually ewe into power. This was caused partly by a depression in the Soviet eeonosy and a deterioration of the world revolutionary movement which rrodually isolated the Soviet Unicn from the rest of the world. In the autumn of 1924 Stalin proposed the conservative doctrine of "one nation socialiser" in orlositicn to Lenin's "revpluticnary internationalism" Since then, Stalin's foreign policy has changed from one of world revolution to that of maintaining the status quo Between 1925 and 1927 Stalin ordered the Ghinass Corsunista to cooperate with the onfitalists and disarprovod the organisation of a Chimes Sovit.t at the tire of a political coup d?etat in China. This reversal of rolScy resulted in the failure of th> revolution in China. At the sane time, 3tnlin also Joined forces with the "y.llea" labor leaders in Great Britain and organized an Anglo-Soviet Carrittee, *-fah successfully rut an end to the Central labor strike. FollcrrlrC t! to event, Stalir changed his extreme rir}tist tactics to extreme leftist hy- invantirC such foolish terms as the OThird Period" and the "Social Fascists". On the eve of r:itler's caainE to rower, Stalin refused to cooperate with the Social Democratic Party in organizing an anti Fascist united front. And at the time when littler was attempting to usurp the rower in Germany, Stalin ordered the German Comr..unists to withdraw without a fiEht. Thus, the German revolution of 1933 ehich at that showed Croat promise was brought to an untimely end by the Kremlin. Irnediately aft: thw failure of the revolutions in China and Gurcany, Joran rose frorr the Last and Hitler from the :,eat, War was threatening and Moscow had to make another nbcut?faoe and turn to Great Britain, Franca and the United States, for aid. Stalin regneated the imperialists to establish a "Peace Front" and a "Popular Front" and also asked permission to join the "League of Nations", an organization of the ieperialists for the division of the spoils of at. All these tactics of Stalin, however, only served to further the war aims of the imperialists and assist the Fascists in their propaganda activities to neutralize the effects of the labor moveronts. Thus, after the "Popular Front" had rut an end to the sit-down strike in Franca in 1936 and had helped put down -the revolt in Spain, Stalin discovered that littler wac ready for war- At once Stalin turned to Hitler and signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact, The partition of Poland followed, setting off the Second World r'ar. But the Pact did not prevent the Soviet Union from being attacked by Germany. then the Nazi-Soviet Pact had been abandoned, Stalin once more turned to the imperialists for aid. He also sumn-oned the working classes in the imperialistic countries to "rise 'un give their undying support to the war effort and to the protection of their mother country". He even went so far as to urge the people in the colonite to stow: their struggle for racial equality and democratic freedom. In order to win the confidence of the so-called "democratic" imperialists and shot that be had completely abandoned his plan for a world social revolution, Stalin, In Ca;' 1943, officiall; announced the "dissolution" of the Comintern. The foreir-n -rlic; or the matter in Y.rer.lin Square continued from bad to worse, c'ra=ing the 3oviot Union nearer and nearer to r?isaster. It the same time, the Cormunint International had ceased to ':e ttu nerve-center of the world proletariat are had becore merely a diploratic tool of Stalin. The changes in the foreign policy of the Kremlin led the Corrunist parties in the var_cus countries to change their policies too. Under the control of Stalin, the history of the Third Inter- national became one of endless calamities for the working claa'es of the world- Conse;uuntly, the Third International could no longer assist in effecting a revolution of the working classes all over the world. Even at this stage, the Bolsheviks were not without a guardian For the same reason the Third International was set ip to replace the corrurt Second International, the Fourth International was organized to replace the deteriorating Third International and carry out faithfully the first article of the Regulations of the Third Inter- national This "new" International was officially founded in 1936 by Trotsky, a co-worker of Lenin and one of the two great leaders In the October Revolution> Trotsky was a staunch suTporter of the original princirlee of *he Bolsheviks and was one of the first to point out the fallacies of the foreign and domestic policies as advocated by the Soviet bureaucrats. Further, he was fearless in expressing his own opinirns on the matter and, during the early reriod when the Leftist oppositioniste were in power, Trotsky issued the following warning: "The bureaucrats of the Soviet Union," he said, "are determined to convert the Third International fror. a means of effecting world revolution into an instrument of their foreign policy" In an article written in 1939 and entitled "New Advice", Trotsky analyzed the nature of and rredicted the future of the Third International, when ht wrote the following; Approved For Release 2003/08/08: CIA- 7 Pirj30007-5 RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2003/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO01500430007-5 RffiTRICTED C11trnn Zlfi'Jit2.xoc s Aosmr "The Third International is able to continue its existence because it is suprctted, on the ors bard, by the Xrealin and, on the other, by the same group that surrerta the Social Democratic Party the imperialists.. The number of Communists who have joined the ranks of the lower propertied-clans by working in Government organisations, lsbrr unions, state and municipal councils, etc, has increased during! the recent years. Their dependency on the imperialists in their respective eountriee has thus greatly been increased and has caused them to become less dependent on the Kremlin. Ten years ago we predicted thrt the theory of "Ore !lotion Socialise" would inevitably result in an increased tendency towards racialism along thm various nations of the Communist International- Thtiu prediction has turned out to be true. tedsy, we can confidently predict the begianirg of a new eras The growth of racialism will continue among the member nations of the Communist X4.rnatienal, each nation trying to carry out its own natiorallatic policies Sndeywrndently of the other nations. Because of the facts mentioned above and because of the f,ar of losi y- her imparialistie friends, Ucseow will eventually try to dissolve the Communist International-" These few statements of Trotsky not only rrudicted the official dissolution of tl:e Communist Internati.cnal (Conintern) by Stalin, - which did occur five years after those statertntc trore made, - but also the friction that would develop and did develop amore the Cormunist Partica in the various cot'n'rics after the "dissolution", The ndisaclcticn" of the Corruniat International asp thke friction were the Communist Parti:a all oririnsted from the same cause, i.c., the intensification of racialism among. the Communist Partin in the various countries, which In turn was caused b:? the abandorswnt of the r.volutionary Internationalism I;,? Stalin and his adcrtion of the reireiple of "One ti*ticn Socialism". The "dissclution" of the Third Inttrnaticral was only the internment of an already "decaying corpse". The genuine ideologies of Communism and intornaticnalism were entirely lost from the t1'e Stalin turned Communism into an instrument for realizing his own ambitions. From then on the Third International did more harm than rood for the rtvclutlor. of the proletnriat, having become rarely an instrument of the Kremlin in its attempt to protect itself. The reoson Roosevelt wanted the Third International dissolved at that time was that it was the instrument of the trumlin.. Today the United States is eontiru4"g its rolioy of isolating the Soviet Union from the rest of the world, to counteract this, the Sovitts hsve organized the Cominforn of the Nine European countries. Stalin wanted to revive his former "instrument" in the shape of the Coeinform. Flow, if the United States wire to t:xert extremm pressure on Moscow, Stalin would make his "instrument" more "leftist", thus creating an effective counteracting influence On no eond!tlcn has Stalin any intention of reviving the r.volutionary spirit of internat'r-alism and aiding the socialistic movements in the various ports of the world. TU.is point was confirmed by the report on the conference of the Nine Luropean countries. In the declaraticc at this conference, the duties of the Communist. in the various countries were confined only to the followings "To Ilg!t for racial freedom and the sovereign integrity of ones own country and to lead the people in resisting aggression and opposing the ir?erialists in their rrorram of expeneion" Article 1 of etc Rerulcticrs of the Third International rao mentiored neither In this declaration or in any other declnrntion, Although the Third International .as rt:;umcd rartial ortraticn, the caritaliit?: arxx ieperialista the World over have riser, in fear an(' attacked it vs:er..cntly. All this forced Stalin quickly to deny the fact ttsl t!t Coeinforr, is the successor of the Corn:urist Internat_cna1. On 14 Cctobcr 1?17, Stalin r"ade tho fellorinr statement to the "rebel" nerbcr of the Labor Party of U;. nritish Parliaments "The en.t+-lithront of the Cominforr of the Communist Part;; is definitely not the rtvtvrl of the Communist Internatic:a1, and shall is no way chance Soviet Ruzsia's desire to improve relations with the United States and Great Pritain-" Zr. order to convince the people further, Stalin was quoted as saying . according to a U. P. dispatch of 23 October 1947 - that "the duties of the Communist Inter- natirnal were to create closer ties between the laborers of the various countries and to teach them leederstip. At rresent, ftwever, the world situation is entirely Different. ThF- Communist Parties of moat countries have already become the powerful rerrasentrtives of the people, havt gr;at responsibilities and include in their ranks many able, exrerienced leaders. Hence, there is no need now for setting up a new Cor-unist International to lead three Communist Parties" This statement cectains the most audacious and ecntrartictcry lies over told.. Following are the reasons? 1. Early in 1848, tarl Marx and Friedrich Engels had already advocated the need for ar. international organizat'on for the wcrkinr class? It was only natural that,, Approved For Release 2003/08/08: CIA-RD RIAM4,0430007-5 -L 1) RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2003/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001500430007-5 RESTRICtZ CENTRAL INTELLIMCE A &EY since the capitalist fr'c'ur was dor.1natinp the world, the working class in the Various countries should unite and overthrow this grccr_ and replace it with a socialistic society. Thus, with much slogans as "Laborers have no mother country" and "Lot the proletariat throughout the world unite", the First International was born. The Second International was not up iraedintely after the failure of the First International,. but this also did not last lorg. Lenin fourxied the Third International because the Second International had abandoned internationalism for nationalism. After the October Revolution the proclamation in connection with the "RSrbts of the t orkirg Class and Voss Who Had Been Victimized by the Capitalists" clearly stated that "the aim of our new rolitioal order. is to organize a socialistic society based an the Tsincirlcs of Socialism and to establish it rapidly througteut the world" When Stalin "sirrplified" the airs of the Communist International, he was merely trying to eov,:r ur his betrayal of the princij lea of Lenin.: 2- The Cominform, which was recently organized b the Nine Lurorean Nations. has openly acknowiedced thst "there was a lack of enoperstion among the Cor..teunist Parties in the various countries"- And yet Stalin had the audacity to state that "there is no need now of sottinC up a new Communist International" to brine about closer ties betrcon the Communist Parties in the various countries. Mist an utter contredictionr 3r At the conference of the Nt'e :.urorean Nations it was decided that "The Corir= orm shall assume, the responsibility of rcculatinC the activities of the Corr..unist PartL_a in the various countries whenever it is thcurht necessary". This is an evidence of the existence of friction amcrg the Communist Parties in th. various countxicz because of the increased tendency towards racialism among the members of the Comra:nist Parties, The Cemirform was established to remedy this situation. By serving as the ha2dquartcrs of,all the Co-munist Parties, it will issue orders, and direct and control all Tarty activities, In a published declaration, the Comintern ban vehemently attacked .L'rerican imperialism and called upon the Communists In the various countries to rise and fight against the invasion or the imperialists. The Comintern will also be the nerve center of the Communists in their fight against the caFitaliet countries of the world, led by the United States, now trying to isolate tie Soviet Union; In the past, Stalin has had complete control over the Third International, ordering the Coomunista in the vsr'_cus countries to obey him implicitly and to serve him as his obedient servants, On no account has Stalin allowed thee to have any freedom Today; while he is trying to convince the world that he never did such a thing; he is still continuing such a rrRCtice by controlling the Comiuform in the following ways: (1) The Headquarters of tilt Comintern is in Yugoslavia, a country under the control of the Kremlin, and (2) the Cominform conference was conducted by Zhdanov and 6lalenkov, two prominent figures in the Soviet Communist Party who are thought most likely to succeed Stalin, The increased tendency towards non-cooperation among the Communists in the varicca ec:unttries only served tc? show all the more why Stalin urgently insisted upon the establishment of the Comir!orm, and did not in the least Trove that Stalin had abandoned ms plan of ccntaol]ing the Communists- 4 If the Communist Parti._s in most coe:rtriea have already become "powerful" and ca}zble of indejtndent leadership, as Ftalin has boasted, then than woule. be a stronger reason, are a much ceOier way for these Communist farti.:a to seize the political rower, overthrow the capitalists and set ur a rrolet"riat form of ?cvern- ment in their r.srectivc, countries. But ttis is far from beirg the case. Today the Kremlin is confining the activities of the Cormunists in the various countries to cooperation. With the capitalists. The Communists' (Tentost hose 1s to partici;.ate in a united govcrnnent, and the;; care not rrorono any changes in the -rcrerty- orrnershir s;; stem nor bring up ary class; issues. In other ?aords, a "ner dercerac,>", a modified form of the ideal, is being substituted for Socialism. Such arti- revolutionary policies of the Pxurlin have r.suited in the dying down of all rust-war revoluticrar; mevenents, and in the failure of the Communists to take ae.vantage of favorable sltuMticns to :urtLor tY.eir ends, thus Civint? Fascism a chance to revive again, Further, such rolicies have tree. it possible for Soviet Russia to be destroyed b; the Atomic Romb of the United Statca. Therefore, in the face of such a crisis, the Soviet Union should be calling on all the working classes in the world to wake up and unite. But ircttead she is boasting that "the Cormunist Parties of most countries" are very "powerful" and do not need any " lerc?ers!ttip',. How foolish and ridiculous this really is!! Further, which countries did Stalin mean by the so-celled "most countries"? And is it still necessary to establish a "Communist International" in order to lead the Communist Parties in those other countries where the Communists are not so "powerful"? If it is not necessary, then the Third International need never have been established, RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2003/08/08: CIA-R M IC 000430007-5 RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2003/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001500430007-5 RESTRICTZ CStfRAL INPladxftcs AQU = We con find innumerable ether insteneea to cite in order to show how Stalin contradicts himself. But he himself is net ashamed of it. Having once fallen into the mace of ccntr-aictions, he can find no way out. Only yesterday he gave ir. to Roosevelt by diosolving the Third International, but today to has again resumed its rartial oyernticn Sr order to oppose Truman. rot Stalin is also the partial re-organisaticn of the Corrunist International!* Tomorrow, in another political move, he mty in all yrebabiiity dissolve the Comintern again, Is not this cvldenco enouch to prove that the Third International is only a tool to be used by Stalin in his rolitical aaehinatione? today, Stalin has not only broken any free the tradition set by Lenin, but has also become Incapable of understanding the rant teaetings or Ionia. Stalin's relicies during the cast twenty years brought about one disaotcr after another, rosultinj finally in the invasion of Russian territory b.r the German Army. It was only threuch the heroic resistance of the Russian workers and peasants that the Soviet Union was saved. But in a twinkle, the evil and absolute power of bureaucratism has once again brought Soviet Russia to the threshold of another war - an Atomic tsar with the United States. Soviet Russia can noc he saved from total destruction only by the victory of Soeinlien net only in Russia but also in the various countries throughout the world. Today, tte laborore and the oppressed people in Europa and all over the world, are working and groping their way towards Socialism, In the opposite camp, the capitalists of the various nations, supported by the United Staten, are trying to adopt a were effective ruling system - Fascism.. Unfortunately, at t-.ie crucial movent, the Kremlin has chosen the middle path and formulated an empty ideology of its own, called the " nrw democracy" and in thus obstructing the advance of the peasants and workers of the world slant the road of Socialism. Today, Stalin has atttrrtec' to make use of an cld instrument, the Communist International, by re-organizing it for traitorous purposes.. he repeat here that in order to save the Soviet Union and the world from another war catastrophe, and to lead a new world revolution of the proletariat to victory, we must all gather under the banner of the new International - the Fourth International, which alone is strictly adhering to the true spirit of Linin's lnternaticnalism: TIM TEIRTILTII A'a'P;,: tcARY OF THL RUSSIAN oCT09ER RLVOLLTICN By CFPL'1 Yin ( fi The 30th Anriver:vary of the Soviet Octcbcr Revolution is drawing near.. This Revolution resulted in the turning ever of the political rrwer of a nation to the hands of the proletariat for the first time in history., It brought about the overthrow of the oyster of yrivete cwneroM r by the capitalist class arxi substituted the system of "public ownership" or Socialism, The October Revolution marked the beginning of a new era in histor, and raved the way for a brighter future 'for mankind. Lenin had stated that "the October Revolution is the prelude to a world revolution"., By that Lenin meant that he was .'ar from being satisfied with the establishment of Socialism in Russia by the overthrow of the Czar and the capitalists and the setting ur of a Russian Government dominated by the induntrial workers and peasants; and that this Revolution must al:;o syruad to all parts of the world. He would net be satisfied until Socialism had attained its goal of domirating the entire world The 'Third International'which was organized after the October Revolution had as its rurlose the realization of this ideal: Under Lenin and Trotsky, the Third International propounded definite theories and princirles and set up a strong foundation for future activities, In fact, this organization became the true leader of a world revolution during the first for years of its existence. If it had continued to grow, no doubt it would I.ar:e been very successful.. Unfortunately, after the death of thu greet leac'er, Lenin, bureaucracy, as represented by Stalin, imrediatcly tor:k control of the Soviet Union am' the Third International (Comintern) In cerpletc disregore for the rrincillea of the Octcher Revoluticn, Stalin expounded thu reactionary theory of a "One tlation Socialism" (- liq ) in Russia. He not oniv disregarded tk:e ric!-.ts cf the rrcl.:tariet. but also cona'ucted a purge of the Bolsh.evi'c !arty, "Class strucCle" turned into "class cocroratien" when Stalin furtl':r sou; ).t to ccc rerate with the, various frorerticd classes arxi the ir..reriali.sts c? ether countries. As a result of this cocpcrntion, the Revolution in CO-- -a in 1927, the R ?rrluticn in Gc; -any in 193" and, later the revolutionary movererts i.' 3-ain and ..loco ended in failure, and this failure hrcur'ht abcut the rise of Fe:cism in tbcse countries - Fascism, rri_ich ;;a cue cf the principal causes of World '..ar II. Approved For Release 2003/08/08: CIA-RQPf;M07 5 RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2003/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-500430007-5 ClShI L 1112M MM A ZL CY Prior to World. Oar rl Stalin planned to coop rate with the 'democratic" Imperialistic countries of Gruat Britain,' United States and France in order to sat ur a 'derocratic blocs against Fascias and rrnvent another world war. But on the eve of tits outbreak of lorld liar 11 Stalin signed the Soviet-Mall Pact with the 'devil of Fascism', Adolf Hitler. When the Nazis broke their promise and attacked the USSR, it was not lone before Stalin had again to ask the United States and Crest Rritain for heir. Stalin even went so far as to dissolve the Comintern so as to Cain the confidence of Roosevelt. Thus, during and even after the Second acrid Mar, Caamunists in the various countries had to cooperate with the social deeoerstic parti4e sad stoi all their 4sAl-war and rovolutiorary activities. These are the cold facts behind italic's betea~wl of the ideals of the October Revolution and ttw teachings of Lenin. Because Stalin is still acting in complete disregard of the objectives of tEe October Revolution, a third wcrid war with the United States is in the makirr. Such a disaster is inevitable unless all the oprreesed and ex;loitcd peoples of the world unite and heir to save the situntion. If not, Socisl:am, tLv Glorious rroduct of the October Ravcleticn acid the. salvation of ttanki-L4, Trill Co does to defeat under tee destructive roar of the atonic bomb., The cnl;' way to save ti.-Js crici.a is for the reorle of the :scald to unite under tLe banner of the "Fourth Internnticnal" and carry on the objectives of the October Revolution. Car.italisn must be deetrcygd and reilaced by world Socialism. In order to accoorlish ttis, tt.e pcoTle rust first liberate therselvos from the clutches of Stalin's bureaucracy and foilo,^ the 4octrires of Earl Marx. And, not until than, will there be any reason for com,semoratitg t%c anniversary of the October Revolution, R-ESTRICTEP Approved For Release 2003/08/08: CIA-RQp$WQQ'L500430007-5