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C .tsFiCATJJN Approved For Release 2000/06/ C1Q1fIDENTIAL 33. ~-` 'Ch X948 NO. OF ENCLS. (. ,.,_ ,~- C' N ((i LN 5 ~F{' {25X1X S ~J) ; -L 0 ? ., o ~ . m _ pr- ~ j i g 3 t olc cl Enrique Per elta ABurdia, Gu ase e i~ 1t ~.?~ .s fJ r` 4 .. d to t% o !bcasy in Chile emd at. resent on leave in Guatemala of Sta f of the G t~* The -or escnt Garlo.-s Ude + Svi 3ovel, i4 r rod to h3 slated for the rxi.atar of Corr uications and Public Works. bap .~- = -:r:; t? 8+"-eJ'nerd 3r co )ctio With tho vae cyr created + :fi a aC ? Z W @' \.o -s vi: ff s f' of the Armd f'orc , h 1>ia 9 high oy: C Io 1 (a' ue . 'O3 mi1* ta.. - o.l.dt itie , sterliw rs r z qualities, v',:, _z_ .t r 3 o O F as_ 3. Cacar M oralee Lopez as Ct to .mn Mit ay Attache hh' S s4 ~i ??a! advantageous e a d "~3 'Qf3sai'1 ed in G "u'V3FT a ai Arty taraiir? .t t7 V4 ;7120M to use Por4 lta at hozie rather then ;Z ti ;3 i o f iYa $ %iJ`s r1~ f~ fliirr L!i 31'yo ;Ic ca ~;n ran F:aa t?.:e it+rdi"' in t1ha i.lit.ary Mchoc+ in Santiago, h ?a. a was Su u)i-7 eta: ?-' of er'- Poli,- ."icnica hose 1940 any. a. 1 early in 1944, He was Jefo c `.:~' .c:;~ Co th ;?e krn in the Depart n-to de 7ot?+ni.o e in Jime ~ 194.t'*,, hsa vas 5:,mvtoee zi_ J it risst then pre ring the coup doeteu culminating I th a acda-Gicn in Ocfi bar of that 7aar.c ho deai:s e 3 to postulate ~> s.: *s,. &. roc yr to > r ..:.~ o: aurd.erntin. ' of ore 1. Fs r lta dec 1iated t ,s off'er',, 1'4 `'Z"h '..'st, :$'reLE .,,. o '', iEs '`oi ce ~.eov Ji ` ''.,"i,{.. `? sl ~`i`-. o.?~y>'fi*7+_, i`' t'..., z ; 5.3.`3 F.? bated v &tf' '.t' ... ar s c s ',4tvt - jr heuntil Jan a?.a r 19i, g When he was a :r Fo n nom on official lea vv xi on this cost tsfi arrived :x. 1a.S~?. e3. zg ;?o? ~~_'` Jrmier7 from uoub ~,.a,15 rica. Colonel PeraII'm 'by 191A as : fro cf the Gua t mUo an3s s iti ? ~ii.~ ed the fz' of - E-`I:. r ca countries it to co erex ce intr.i azat Sa at of ' $ t T,` y u -, nzSa a? !} : . x t.'sJ..z. , -!e accopan3 ed the then Chief' of >> T"x ' x iti _"'z s ~ s' S' _r3 o d` fl 4? E+Ctuel PO1 itiienica, G a a3 Rc olfo Date: Memo , 4 A RLG. 77 Approved For Release 2000/0 11) LID Im- FERENCE ~ 457R001400310003-3 nt is heroby regraded to (ocume with the CONFiDENT%At in act* rdar+os ber 1>i7f3 from t o letter of 16 Oc Director of Centre) Intelli9enCe Archivist of the United States. 2NS qo, Date-.