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r. 10 Approved For Release 200WRIDER4A162-00457R000900270010-6 p This is .unevainated intelligence for the research use of trained Intelligence analeets* rtrivrin-numm CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP INTELLIGENCE REPORT COUNTRY Brazi3. SUBJECC Changes in Sao Paulo Po. 25X1 A ORO' 25X1 X This document is hereby reg7aded to CONliDi:C?!:1AL in with IA letter, of 16 October 1078 from thq AreAorpgilLutfal intelLgence to thd 7rShIiri is, i'*t,'..111.M United States. Next Flevew Date: 2008 FO. T. 25X1 A z/P7 2 AllgaOt 1947 16 iltXrrept 1947 1, Paulo Silveira da Motta was relieved from command of the Sao Paulo Pale tical Poliee (De)egeola Auxiliar da 5a Divisao Policial) on 12 August 1947. 1116 removal reeulted from friction with the Secretary of Public Security, Flodoardo Maia,, arising out of Matteis refusal to falsify or suppress evidence concerning the dieordere of 1 August. It is reported that dur- ing theee disorders Maia had assmeed the responsibility of orderinghis police not to interfere with the deetructios or rioting, and that Ideas the police finalle'did act, It was not to protect property but to defeeld their awn lives. GoveruorDe Barros and Secretary We had declared eoat conservative opposition elements were responsible for the outbreak, Notta stated that the testimmey of his subordinates and the evie denoe obtained clearly showed the Communists to have been the principel perpetrators of the destruction, With Notta went his Chief of Secret Service, Ruy Taveres Monteiro, and the rest of his assietants. 2. yotta's cheracter has never been highly regarded byerost of hts celleeeees of the Sao Paulo career pollee. His abilities ore regarded as mediocee, and in his hands the Political Police appeared to be losing a good deee of the drive and reliability that had characterized them in. the past* Delduque Garcia Ribeiro was appointed to succeed. Motta and assumed chreee on 14 August. Delduepe is rated one of the post capable and honest ofe. ricers of the Sao Paolo Police. He is energetic, ,courageous, devoid rf local political entanglements? and very friendly to the United States To subordinate positions in his organization Delduque has appointed the following among others* . Dooment 110 ao ED DEC class- a. &Rimer Pain Pinto e Chief of Secret Service, Palm Pinto bar spent several years in political police work, including one (nide- . 1945) in the positing to Which be has just been appointed* le in intelligent and imaginative, although something of a bobeinice, ? Ho allows his subordinates to work unhindered. He hatlealrewee reappointed Appolonio and Marques and Ues other asperierced doteetives of the Communist section who mere dropped by Matt when he took office in April 1947. iktfERENCE CENTE LIPAk ' .41 mow,/ ?55.Reeima Approved For Release 20 2-00457R000900270010-6 25X1X Approved ForRelease200ENRIDOMAIERNWROO CoOPIDENTIAL CTRAL =ILEX= QRTONFIDENTI - 2 - b. Elpidio Reali Dolegado de Orden Iolitica (Delegate, of Poll- tical Order). Reali is one of the stars of the Sao Paulo Police and has been in the political service during most of his career, Until his present assignment he has been Delegado de Ordem 'olitica in rantes. It wee Reali who handled the Christensen espionage case so brilliantly in 1942* c. Eduardo Louse& Rocha - Delegado de Orders Social (Delegate of Seale' Order). Lousada is another old political police specialist who was Chief of 7ac1rt Service in 19430 He is unusually intellieent, resourceful, and energetic and is rated one of the best of the younger police officers. He is studious, devotes most of his waking hours to his duties, and is be- lieved to be specially suited to handling the police angle of current social problem. 5* The team of Delany?, Palm, Roan, and Lousada is considered to be on of the strongest that could be mustered from the career personnel of the qso Paulo POlice. The uncertainty that still pervades the Gayer- nor political ambitions, plans, and alliances is enough to cause apprehension in any officer charged with heavy police responsibilities; nevertheless, all have undertaken their task with resolution and are pressing to reorganize the service into an efficient unit. 6. It should be noted, however, that the assignments described above maybe of a temporary nature. that Delduque was not his real choice for command of the Political Police but the only one possible under the circumstances. Most of the ? local officers with sufficient rank for the post are absolutely unwiring to ?serve. They are not only distrustful of De Ramos and entertain a pronounced dislike for Secretary Mats but are fearful that the future may bring a conflict between De Barros end the Federal Government* The Governors real desire, it is reported, is to have Otavio Eduardo de Brito Alvarenga, present Director of the Technical Police, head the Political Police, but the fact that Brito is not a career police of- ricer and is reluctant to leave a pleasant post for a doubtful one stands in the way of this desire* This document contains irlormation rffecting the national defer Ao of the United States within the mefkaing of Espionrge Act, 509 U.S.C, 31 and 32 as amended. Its transmis3ion or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Approved For Release 26-0000111W:(14;7R000900270010-6