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Approved ForRelease2000/05/16 : CIA-RDP82-00457R0009002600-10) 25X1A SECRET NTELLIGENCE GROUP This is unevaluated information for the research use of trained intelligence analysts. CENTRAL IN COUNTRY Argentina SUBJECT Army Discontent with Pe 25X1A ORt11:71 galaNrege ft e!"eoy reg:adod to ONFIDENTIAL irt acco:d.1.1ce w4h the lettor of 16 October nn f ron-DRE Archivist e . Director of Conhal inte!L'conce to A of th livied Saes Next Re^!'r,.v rate: 2C,C8 ? ...mkt -t, 0 25X1A CONFIDENTIAL 0. 17..26 Ausaat 1947 T. 41111Lpt,. 1947 waEs 2 25X1X L The Argentine Army le split roughly: into two factions. The Nationalist grev is led by Generals Moreno Velazeo, Oscar Silva, and Orlando Pelufil. The ? Conservative faction centers around Generals Angel Solari, Ambroeio Iago? Felipe Urdapilleta? and a General (fnu)Rayo. 2. Both factions of the Army appear to be in agreement on the principeJ demands made of President Peron. These domande are: a. Removal from the Government of all those individue3s allegedly involve in scandals and graft, including my subordinates of Rolando Laelmaraine and Miguel Miranda. who my be implicated. b. A guarantee that Mrs. Peron will not intervene in arty affairs c: etete and will confine her activities entirely to eocial and public yare problems. c. A decrease in the influence exercised in the Government by Dr. Heard? Guardo? president of the Chaaber of Deputies. 3. The Nationalist group is supporting Peron provided he meets their e,7eands.- Generals Velazco and Silva are reportedly using their nationalist Army following to build up opposition to Peronts goverment policy and Oeiee of cabinet members. The conservative group (somewhat pro-democratic) is anti-Peron fandmantally but is willing to go along with the President if the requeeted reform are carried out. General Solari was in charge at Campo de Mayo where E group of officers recently met to discuss the -national situation. As a resuLt of this meeting, Generals Podesta and Carosella were sent on 19 August to present the views of the Campo de Mayo officers to President Peron and to question him about such matters as the scarcity of essential commodities, the coetinuing migration of people from the interior to Buenos Aires because of ad' ,..zse con- ditions in rural areas,, rd the scandals and mismanagement of funds ne the official circle. General Podesta and General Carosella also hinted to President Peron that the officers thought same of the present cabinet ministe itheuld be forced to resign. 00* 1--bses-faray CLASSIFICATION Dno-s:Tel PrrFPEN! Approved For Release 2000/05/16 : Cl Nil 00900260001-7 s Approved ForRelease2000105/16 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000900260001-7 -40035 ST,C2.72 25X1A CE:-.T.1111 1.-172aLIG2,I :C13 .G.2.0`JP -2-: JEN Rumors during the first weeks of Aucust 6:,a'e still .3urrent tht General Velazco was damanding the post of 7:inister of the Interior. however, on 22 August it 'was reported that the general had been afered the ipost of intervontor of his native provinco, Corrientes. Volazco 1s4said to have been lailling to take that 1)osition only on condition that he also given Orland of the Corrientes rilitary zone.4, Velazco was prepared, tefae ovor tho :31110-12:- of the Interior approximately two months ago, but the 1100 of as.!;aults attributed to the national- ists sup7orting Velazco reportodly made :%residet Peron reconsider this amoint- nent. 6. There is considerable-opoition within he Arqy to the naming of Go Silv&bo the post ofninister of Trar, as wao gonorall rumoted in mid-August. Prosidont Peron has reportedly offered Silva a diplomatic post to got him out of the way, but . Silva has not accepted. 25X1X 7. that unims tO Army can roach an al7reamont on z'.ceoot.b10 cc In? ner, rs, tho Prosidont may lo ablo to roshurle his cabinet along less drastic lines than orlginally conterplatod. It is believed that a partial shnhe-up of the nresent cabinet is prolable, but thct the Preadent would try to delay any changes until after the-.Aci COLZoronce. 8. The following are said to have presented their reLignations to President Peron, but no action has been taken: 25X1A Dr. Delisario Gache Piran, :anister oi Justice and Public Instruction Dr. Ramon Coreijo, ninister of Finance Dr. Jose ::. Freire,ecretary of Labor aid Uolfare comment: General Velazco was appointed Interientor of the -Province of Gorr1onto3 on 4 September. ? This document NJntain inf,awrdation affecting the nAtional defense oft United States wIthin the meening of the Espionage Act, 5'01 U.q.C. 31 cn 321as emended. Its transminAlion ori revelation of itn contents in any manner to- an tinalltholAzed person Is prohibited by lpvt. cool.D5 Approved For Release 2000/05/16 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000900260001-7