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0457R000600010005-3 U?: so c ONLT -7VIll' ENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP INTELLIGENCE REPORT COUNTRY Yugoslavia SUBJECT Industrial Notes 25X1A6a ORIGIN 25X1A6a to Vugobx unO Teactile FactoryM,,,:_I DATE: 25X1A6a INFO. DI.ST. may 1947 PAGES 2 SUPPLEMENT a. Situated near the bridge. over the Sartre River on the northern outskirts of Kranj. Stated to be ::ugoslavia's largest the factory, b. New buildings are under construction by hundreds of German Pi's working with the "Grad1s" architectural concern (sea below), The wad of a hall are already finished; these are said to be 120 xn, long and 30 m- wide. The premises are lmder a military guard. co Production consists of t".ze manufacture of cotton delivered by UNRRA into browm-yellow tropical material. The p:'oduction was being exported to the USSR$ with the exe:eption of some small quantities of a white material which rus being -made for. and distributed among the Yugoslav popu1ation? d. There are 1' workers, the majority of thm vow. The work is divided into three ah to 2. "Bubb lantt aa Situated in the center of the town. It is proposed to close down the factory and to reopen a now one at a place 10 kw. northeast of Tfran j o The new buildings are alr=a y under construction by the "Grath" concern who have 600 German M land engineers on the job under the supervision of Yugoslav technical exj . b. Present production consists of rubber of a %rery poor quality. There are 500-600 workers; work is in three shifts, 3, "Inter" Textile Factor r 'ar _ afl Smaller than the "dugeir a &' factory but said to be the second largest Plant in Kran j, It consiets of one large and three email halls but was being enlarged by the 'PG r:-it' concern. b. Production consists of th mex facture into materials of cotton delivered by UMM. Work is in throe shifts. CLASSIFICATION " Document No. NO CHANGE In Class. fl Cj DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGED TO: TS S DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 Appt & d Pat e i CIA-RDP82-00457R000600010005-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000600010005-3 WEN a CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE (SUP 25X1 A2 -2r "Gradis": Central Office in Ljubljana; Branches in Kranj, Maribor, Skofja-Loka and Jason-Joe, a. Official contractors for architectural work in Yugoslavia, including the Service Ministries. "Gradis" is at present Working on the following buildings: Rubber factory in Kranj 2 Sakia; "Intex" to :tile factory (large working halls); Transfer of the armored car workshop from Kranj to Belgrade; Jugobruna factory (large working hail); Kranj and Ljubljana: some new bridges under construction; Kranj artillery barracks, garages and stables for artillery units; Garage construction near the slaughter house for armored assault C 9 Garages and huts for anti-tank units north of the bridge over the Sava River; Skofja-Loka: premises for armored car units; Construction of a road near Ljubljana; Quarries at Kokra in operation; Sawmill at Skofsja.Loka in operation. b. Work is hampered by the lack of skilled labor, and skilled German Plus are brought in to make up for this deficiency. The Fits work ten hcurs daily without pay,, Overtime payments of four to six dinars are made daily, equivalent to the price of ten cigarettes. German engineers and foremen in the building trade were asked to choose between continuing work in Yugoslavia or repatriation to Germany (Russian Zone) and from tlere on to the USSR. This document contains inf orr:ation at the national d- fense of the Ur 1~5~FAtes within the meaning of the a set, 50, U.S.C. 3 1 and 32 e . Its transmission or the rev o its contents in any manner to an un uthorized person is prohibittal - lar:. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000600010005-3