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Approved QeIease 2000/05/16 : CIA-RDP82-00457R0p5905, ? Document No. NO CHANGE in Class. DECLASSIFIE Class. CF Auth: Date: COUNTRY SINIECT ORIGIN 25X1X CONFIDENTIAL: CENTRAL INTELIIGENCI GR, tr4TE1LIG EN CE [FORT Germany/Russian Zone Establishment of Branches of Soviet A.G.s in Saxony-Anhaltk Soviet Purchase e the "Preussag" 111 Scheonebeck/Elbe PAGES 2 25X1A 25X1A DATE; 25X1A Api1 1947 PPLL.-1411EMT DISTRIBUTION LISTING tfl WARNING NOTICE: 4;(1 ADSO fy3 'DA'ZISO EXEtil 4:29A MN, ? On I March eleven Soviet A. G. genewl directors ware to establish branches in Hallo and Verwaltungsbezirk Merseburg. The names of the eleven Soviet A.G.'s represehted were listed in the Merseburg's certificate of approval dated 1 March as follows: A.G. filr Transportmeschinenbau 4Tranamash" A.G. fiir Baustoffe "Tsemeht? A. G. far Chemische Industrie "PlEstAk" A. G. AT Ummiindustrie "Teue`?lilkm A,G. ftzr A.ttonindustrie uYartcho "LG. This docuMent is hereby regraded to CONFiDtiN71AL in accordance with the letter at 1:3 October 1979 from the Director of Central intelligence to the Archivist el the United States. Next Review Date: 2008 fur ONgemittel Ddobreniya A.G. far Buntmetallindustrie neW' A.G. far lksohinenbau "Podemrik" A.G. fir Yarbstoff Erzeugung qcracka" A.G. far Electro Chemischa Industrie iTaustik" A.G. far Foto-Kino-Film Industrie 'Thotoplenka" 2. On 6 March Alexander Lehodev (sic, possib2.y Lebedev), Fedor Denisov, and S. S. Leontyev appeared at the iri office of the Economic Division in Halle to request similar permission for the ." 'on of Saxony- Anhalt. Permission was granted the VEM3 day. c mmen : On 25X1A 7 March it as generally believed LI ?rovincial administration offices that establishment of these branches was connected with the return to state administration of e1ghteen Soviet A.G. plants. It is believed that the Sovlets have decided. it to take over plants as Soviet A.G. 's directly but rather to buy (ziton production facilities out- right or at least to buy the production from these facilities.) 3. Province Saxony SA Order #231 dated 29 October 1946, required Vice- Preoident Dieker to legalize the transfer of the expropriated CLASSIc'ICATiCidia DE7----71.11Kr___ FBK I FEW SPDS 3 1-731 Ygd-. FSX 00105/161.:... 4RD SPOT I SPriA I Th Approved For Release 2000/05/16 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000500590002-4 TH:P:CII07:F0E 25X1A T'reussisr!.!-e Pergrarks-unc.1.. T-btter. A.G. in f7.6-.1.3nobeellbe to the Soviet A. G. ftir GeriVaihau, forrly Ffr LEid Pude,e)erg. Me transfer 1MS eff ected 1 Octo...:er 1946,, On 3 January at the 7th extra ord inary s es s on of e a xo t i3ab i not it was unaninously doc...def.1 to ref use 'Lc tv3goti.!Lte tl.:e contract f or sai or te grounds that C:rde:f. sl!,ned Col..7'cds1-:i.dov was '"1-0 cabinet said tla contnJet 1...;as not "oral because 7.7 ::..CInV -11:' a 1. tc tlJ. t warit the rej 1-..aci not !::ive,r i=.-.07;oro-u7:1? corrert' Whe" 25X1A GenerL1 1ya1 trc1-eard s',)ont cidc:7s1 n, e 'orced cablnet to iii.thrirE.7 it,o) .? i contract. L011677:'T t7o purease 172. rico to l'Ye cC!rari