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/09/08 T i d r t is he:e'; rcg.adei to 2 04 ROD040Q6 Director of Central lntell;gence Archivist of the United States. Next-Review Date: 2088 .n wtN I HEAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP INTELLIGENCE REPORT COUNTRY Austria/Tyrol SUBJECT Reactions in Innsbruck to the South Tyrolean Autonomy Question. ORIGIN 25X1X 25X1A ADSO'" DADSO EXEC. CONTROL PLANS 25X1A DATE: 25X1 A INFO. DIST. 27 March 191x7 PAGES 2 SUPPLEMENT 1. "Tyrolean territorial unity is our first political consideration. It will not be possible to reach an understanding, with anyone who does not accept this idea or who does not regard the temporary solutions as a mere step towards the achievement of our ultimate goal,. We consider as a temporary solution the special position established for the South Tyrol in Paris (provisions affecting the German--speaking population of the Province of Bolzano and the bi-lingual population of the Province of Trentino). We shall devote all our energies to seeing this special position upheld; now is the time to redouble our efforts in this direction. By this we mean an increasingly energetic stand by the South Tyrol for the establishment of a true autonomy and an energetic bid for the recognition of its claims by public opinion abroad. At a certain moment, about six months after the conclusion of the Paris Agreement, South Tyrol should make a direct official appeal, not only to Austria, but also to the 22 states which will sign the Italian peace treaty. At this time, it should be pointed out that the Italian promises have not been fulfilled in any way;; that no efforts are being made in the South Tyrol to satisfy the various South Tyrolean claims, even on the basis of a temporary solution. 2.~ In meetings and announcements, protests should be voiced against this disregard of solemn obligations. No consideration must be given to legal sophistry such as, for instance, the claim that the Paris Agreement is not yet valid; in our opinion, Italyts obligations toward the South Tyroleans must be viewed in the light of natural and democratic considerations, quite independently of formal agreement. The South Tyrolean Agreement is a gentlemen's agreement, whereby Italy made certain promises to Austria and the Allies. This agreement should have been carried out, not only honestly and without reservations, but also without delay. The negotiations with the Trentiner, concerning which we are not very well in- formed, could possibly have doubtful results.. It is certain that they are disturbing the development which we desire in order to achieve our highest goal, namely that-first consideration be given the simple claim for the autonomy of South Tyrol between Bolaano and Salorno. Vhat we have learned so far of the negotiations would indicate that the South Tyrolean themselves do not know whether they will be allowed to set up a political program for themselves, and whether there is any serious basis or hope for an ultimate Tyrolean unity. Furthermore, any future indefinite and obscure negotiations by the Italian Government will give Italy the possibility to postpone the final establishment of autonomy indefinittely. Should the claims of the Trentiner not be specifically opposed, there is th?> danger that the Government in Rome might succeed in obscur- ing the fact that t1ut problem of the South Tyrol is peculiar unto itself and CLASSIFICATION S;?Cf 25X,1A A DEP. 1 FST FBV F8Z LISTING _MUST BE FsP ____ SPDA TRI3 ____ X Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP -DA" d~ ~ F Y 1 1 r 25X1A ZZ7fi~L Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000400610Q A C~ T ter,, IF,~~. ~.Ir.s:~CN r;fG r' tttyt a T rT? U -2- incorporate it in the g:ieral provisions for reryiofial autonomi s. In this re^ard,, we repeat that we fail to unlerstuad fully rrhp the Chamber of Col:;rieree of Tiolzano end that of Trento a pronche:d J,: laspori ;jointly, and why this was stressed as stop in the corm 'on interest of t h., two i' ?oviaces. Despite our request, we have so far received no explanation or tiais c_ction. Hcrwaver, oven if this step was relatively harmless, such action can hel:: to confuse: the issue abroad and Five the cornea "overrL-gent and tlh . Tr entiaer a-, valuabl a weapon for sabot: Tiny the south Q7roloan autono:ayy. :+a would therefore li':e to stress the following noire{:: she south T ?rolean policy must follow a clotr-cut line. Li view of the Italian constitutional and administrational mot iods, the Tyrolo :n pro f rar i as outline: by us .fill probably be unavoidably modified in certain points. - The ;south Tyrdloans -must oppose such modifications of their program and make a serious issue of each question. In the experience of old Austria with. the policies of the Trdatino and Trieste we have an excellent example of tactics whichi proved too be very effective. All we n~i::d to do is to follow U .Is exwalple arid always demand more from the opposite side than we really expect to obtain, ;;ie w sh to add that t e 'Iyroleaa question, oven in the loan of the autonomous progra , is an international issue that is also the concern of the Austrian l'overnnent. South Tyrol ! s position would be much weakened if this were to be forgotten and if Austrian opinion and, tactics fail. d to be constantly observed. 6. In, Vienna it is felt that what we don4t strive for, does not happe 1, and that we need to proceed with Ino-.,e aer n,'. yt; are pla ialitir the foundation of a Society of the irienth of Tyrol in order to iave c n1 unofficir i:.nstrurtent available." Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000400610003-1